How do you PLAY your eroge visual novels?

Lemon Solace

New member
Nov 14, 2011
So following up on the whole eroge backlog topic, it got me thinking of a new topic - how do you play eroge visual novels?

I ask this on many levels...

So for 1.

Do you play it like your reading say a harry potter novel - ie just another book with some steamy pages that might get you "excited" but NOT too hot and bothered? Taking only day(s) to finish?


Is it more like a hot erotic page turner where you find your hand under your clothes more often then not - ie playing one handed? Does playing VN's become hour long off and on again masturbation sessions for you forcing the game to last longer then a few nights? (unless its a real short game)

2. Do you have a lot of privacy when you play? Some of us live alone and not all of us have privacy...some of us have kids and spouses. Some of us live at home. So how does this effect you? For extra bonus: Have you ever played a eroge vn in a public place?

3. What time of day do you usually find yourself playing visual novels? For me whenever I'm in the mood and have the free time. I find I end up playing some of the best games before I go to sleep...damn it...then I don't want to go to sleep lol.


4. For long time VN players do you find they have the same effect on you? For me when I first started playing eroge games, I was like horny all the time and super excited to see what happens next even if the story was so-so.

Now nearly 10 years later I find myself sitting down to play eroge like I'm sitting down to read a book and I'm picky! More often then not I'll read a little of the beginning and skip through for about 10 minutes to see if I'm enjoying what I'm experiencing both in story and image.

So how about you?
sooo personal~~

I play them for 2 reasons,
For the romance. I like to see characters form deep bonds with one another in all sorts of fascinating ways, not just sexual. in fact, it doesn't even have to be romantic, it can be platonic. When two characters have a strong indestructible link with one another through some terrific hardships or by some other mysterious way, and when it culminates into an inseparable tie, that is when it's most satisfying. that is why I particularly like games that break from the mold and the cliche, those that attempt to explore more interesting ways in how people bond with one another.

second reason is for the bishoujos I'll play it if it's got cute girls~~♥

noizi ito plz be quick!!!
as for your interrogative question:

1. i play eroge for the stories, be it fantasies, sci-fi, romance, everything! and i play it preciously, coz i dunno when will i be able to play it again after i finished it!

2. i have my privacy even though im married, and my wife sometimes also playing VN too

3. i usually have all time in weekend, but on workday, i can only touch VN for maybe an hour or two

4. well... it's my 16th years as an Eroge Sommelier! depends on the stories, if the stories sucks, i barely complete the game! i used to dropped the game at some point!
1) I play it for the pure and innocent love story, and as Aaeru said, it's about a strong, bonded relationship between a girl and a boy that I wanted to see, a value of love that hardly exist in real-life.


Do you have a lot of privacy when you play?
I live by myself but frankly, I don't exactly care about my surrounding. I do come back to my parents home occasionally. My friends and family, they all know my strong hobby. As long as there's no under 16 years old kids around, this doesn't effect my eroge playing at all. Most likely, there ain't.

There are some of my friend who strongly opposed my hobby, which, all I can say is GTFO and never want to see their face again, one of them happen to be someone I know for a long long time

Have you ever played a eroge vn in a public place

I play eroge whenever I feel like it. But especially, in boring class room, or while waiting for a meet up with a friend. On family trip or business travel, I carry 1TB of eroge/anime for each week that I had to leave my experience system.

3. What time of day do you usually find yourself playing visual novels?

Usually evening, when the sun is completely set, but that's only because how my brain works - I work much more effectively in very dark environment than bright one (I feel like dying)

Sometimes, boring eroge can get me to sleep naturally, but other time, eroge can cause me ... sleepless night and countless hours, completely screw up my schedule.

4. For long time VN players do you find they have the same effect on you?
I don't quite understand the question, eroge is a pure and innocent love story to me, I feel no horny, and I truly appreciate the ero-scene which is very beautiful since it's Pure love.

In the Western world, eroge to them is a category itself, and that everyone assume it just contains sex. Either way, eroge serve as a romance story to me.

This also apply to nukige.
Reading a VN has perks to it that reading normal books doesn't have. Sure with books it's fun to use your imagination and picture the scenes in your head, but its nice to actually see the characters, their expressions, hear there voices (even if I can't understand it) etc etc.

I enjoy the more romantic ones, YMK, Snow Sakura, Katawa Shoujo, etc., though I play all kinds. Even when the game is less like a book and more like an actual.... GAME, for example Lightning Warrior Raidy and Brave Soul, its still a story thats fun to play and see what happens.

The H is a big bonus sure, but not what I (and I assume 99% of VN players) play them for, otherwise I would just skip to the H scenes xP.

Answering questions 2 and 3... I lock my door with headphones on when I play, and I usually play at night or when I know I won't be bothered. And yes, I have had multiple 10 hour sessions with VN's before, but regularly between 2 and 5 hours a session.
1. i play it for stories, romance, comedy, etc, almost everything, (but give some slack on gore its too traumatic), i play it slow paced, since i almost can't play it again after i finish it, no time and too many visual novel out there that i must play :XD:

2. i have my privacy or i must have my privacy, since visual novel is like when you step on "another world", where you become the protagonist and feel the emotion... its not a game you play on public (for me)

3. when i have free time usually on weekend or holiday

4. its my 5 years on VN world , well i'm still young, but i almost clear all english VN thats been translated officially or fan translated... already tackle some japanese vn with agth + atlas combo for 4 years... some VN stalled on finishing because the story too dark (but i cleared Kara no Shojo :scared:) or the story not good
1. Story is a must for me. I would actually not mind if they took out the "juicy" parts completely out of VNs and focus solely on storyline. This is the reason why so many Key, Nitro+ and Akabeesoft games are on my top list despite having ero not worth crap or having none at all. They can suck me into the game purely based on the texts.

2. I live alone so I can pretty much play them whenever I want. I've never played VNs in the public mainly because if I'm out in public I'm being social with somebody :P

3. Whenever I'm not hammered with work or anime or social interactions, or while I'm making steam dumplings, which is obviously not often considering I can usually finish a standard VN in a few hours if I have the time but still got a lot stacked on my HD. :(

4. My first eroge was a hacked GBA ROM version of Suika, which I didn't know was actually hentai until I arrived at sex scene, and I didn't really know about the whole hentai business back then (almost a decade ago). So I pretty much gained my special hentai fetishes by accident and was hornier and more abnormal than your usual standard high school boys thanks to this, although I'm pretty calm now.

Nowadays I usually just skim through H parts in VNs. I don't particularly have preferences as to what type of story but if it's got engaging plot and writing, it's good in my book.
1.I play VN for I like it may be story,harem,pure love,SLG.... , I think I not good communication skills with woman , and I play VN because I think I improve my skills talk with woman..I don't remember I finish it.
2.I live with my parents , I play VN when they go to work :whistle: .
3.I play eroge game on weekend, and I don't play on holidy because my parents in home
4.My first eroge game I play is DaCapo II , I'm 21 year old I play almost every egore-game I like and I think I play ero-game about 6 year and I will study Japanese somedays when I Graduation university

I used to play VN for the one-handed factor and simply CTRL them all the way across...but after I started to study Japanese formally, I've began to start reading them as a novel. I read them for the romance and comedy (i.e. darker stuff isn't my thing)...I couldn't care less about story depth or plot - when a VN girl caught my attention I want to know more about her, and that's what drive me to read on, no matter how cliched they are. I also keep a lookout for any good BGMs in them as well.

Doing the narrating and voicing the protagonist by yourself is fun even if you can only do it in parts...

...and I usually set VN on auto, on one window, and another window I play another game, leaving the text fully visible. I listen to the VA, as I play the other game, occasionally looking at the text. I do read VNs by themselves though. I skip H scene to cut some time, as I can always come back to watch (well, in newer titles with memoir, anyway)... I drain CGs out of games and look at them on PSP, for that matter...


I live with my parents, but I just lock the door and use headphone, and keep them windowed so I can stow them away. I don't play them in public...


I play eroges after I relocated from downstairs near the router (for internet speed) up to my room, usually a good bit into the night. The last time eroge caused a sleepless night was when I mopped up Walroma...after skipping credit roll and the game returned to main menu, I realized that it was 4AM... I can play any day at nighttime, so long as I'm at home.


My first eroge was a curious disc of ToHeart 2 Xrated back some time before my 15th year of age...back then I just CTRL my way through and fumbled round and round until I cleared all routes...all only for the single H scene at the end for each girl.

It was eroge that steered me into the branch that involved Japanese [language] in high school...that was what keeping this desperate soul going in that time. As I studied Japanese, I began to make sense of what's happening, and eventually, at one time, I started to read one seriously...I could feel the cold glacier in my heart melting...and that was when I started to read VNs as books. I find them easier to read than normal novel books because I don't get bored as easily from the sound and voice, and vivid graphics.

Now I'm 20...that made me around 6-7 years into eroge...only a year or two ago I've started to read them like a book rather than as a full time horny material. Eroges give me a lot of insight into many things...among them how looping music works. I take a lot of what I scribble from eroges... Eroge is an me anyway.
I think its quite obvious that most people here say that they are quite innocent in the fact that they play VN for the romantic and innocent side of it..

For me, it really depends on the eroge itself. Every now and then, I will stumble across a translated VN which simply seems interesting and i will just play through it like i would read a book. Whenever there is any well written story involved, it might even happen that i skip the H part for the fact that sometimes, they just seem so out of place that i cant stand them.

On the other hand, there are also those VN where the story is completely irrelevant and you will most possibly know by looking at the cover. And those I play "onehanded". Most of the time I will use ITH+ATLAS to get a general idea of whats going on, but i dont really need to unterstand everything as that is quite clearly not the point in those VN. Interestingly though, if those types of VN are voiced, even if you only know a few words and only have a general knowledge of the language, you will be able to "get the plot" because 90% of them consist of "aaaahn" and "ikuuuu" anyways..
Most of us do have our privacy when playing eroges, with most shutting and locking their doors in their room and using headphones. Tissues are also stocked up fully :P..... How I play eroges depends on my mood. If I feel stressed out over something, I usually go for a nukige scene to get a quick fap. If I feel quite relaxed, then I'll mostly focus on the story as well as replaying H-scenes with funny and interesting dialogue between the characters.....
Same with most people here I guess. I hole up in my room and use headphones (I rarely use speakers when I'm on my computer in the first place). I play VNs for entertainment, to pass the time. There are also the occasional times when I play for the "excitement," but mostly to read a story. Most stories are "one route," but with VNs, there is the factor of being able to see what it would be like if the story goes into this and that direction, which is one of the fun stuff. I usually skip H-scenes, but I also read some to figure out if they include more-or-less important stuff about the characters and their world. There are those H-scenes that also have lines that help build the image of the character and the setting the game is in. But it's also true that they're mostly just what they are.
I play VN for entertainment just like most of the guys here.
Sometimes reality sucks and playing VN gives me a chance to
Escape the boredom of reality. Sure its fun to hang out with friends and such
But playing VN just gives me that extra spice in my boring life.
My style: I just put a paperweight and go on for the all-clear, then, knowing it's all done, I can enjoy the story and all else (but I'm not much into fantasizing to great lengths). Otherwise I find a walkthrough or someone else's save and do the rest as usual lol...
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Interesting ^^!

1. Nope. Most eroges i played in japanese and i don't know japanese ( i guess that i have to learn japanese but i can't find free time. Atleast 4 months for begin and some years before i can read and understand an eroge :foreveralone: )

2. Yes, i have. Although i live with my little brother but he played with me, even more than me ^^.
In public? Yes, i played sometime in my company ^^.

3. Mostly in the evening but sometime i played full day ( weekend ).

4. Not the same. For the first time, i'm always fap with h-scene ^^. But now i enjoy normal event, art, CG and music...
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1. Mostly I choose what Eroge I want to play based on the sexual content because I do thoroughly enjoy the Ero aspect. That said, unless the story is boring to me, I do read all of it.

2. Yes. I live with my older brother who is well aware of and accepts all of my hobbies. I don't bother with privacy in the erotic parts, unless I want to fap.

3. All times of the day and night, whenever I feel like it.

4. Yes and no. My libido hasn't changed, but I enjoy the stories more than before. I play Eroge almost exclusively in Japanese, and as my proficiency increases,
I comprehend more and can therefore enjoy the story more thoroughly.
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I like playing mine in a cool A/C room.
I play most eroges as hot erotic page turners. But I don't just see them as material for self satisfaction of my desires, I tend to research every bit I can find of the particular eroge I am going through. It's a habit of mine to look up an eroge's HCG online before I judge whether I should play the actual game or not. I do follow eroges for their story and comedy at times like the famous Grisaia series; however, I usually choose an eroge by the characters that are in it & what their situations are. Like how my favourite Navel eroge is "Tick Tack!" for I like Rin x Sage instead of abiding by the cliche pairings.

I live with my parents right now, but in a year or so I won't be. I always keep my door locked and room curtains closed so to keep the heat out as much as possible but also for privacy. Also my eyes hurt when there are too many lights on. If I were to get a gender change into a girl somehow then I would have my guts to play a eroge in a public place (don't ask why). But then again, i find eroges to be sexual satisfaction material, even for the most heart-wrenching or touching ones.

I do my best to just stop playing eroges when it's nearly regular time to sleep, but sometimes on Sundays I get a bit too carried away and...let's just say I need to get rid of the black rings under my eyes after multiple failures.
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I ask this on many levels...

So for 1.

Do you play it like your reading say a harry potter novel - ie just another book with some steamy pages that might get you "excited" but NOT too hot and bothered? Taking only day(s) to finish?

i liked everyone else posts and they have lots a good views and some i share but for me it depends on the vn i ussally seperate them basically refering to VN's like fate series as eorges with little to or no sex in which case i read those for the storys because unfortunatly the anime or manga doesnt always tell the whole story or all the details :crushed::shockmenft::reallydespaired::disbelief::bloodthirsty:(-_-)

on the other hand i play eorges for mostly the the sex and entertainment basically so i would say iits complicated but simply put i have have to say 75% play it like your reading say a harry potter novel - ie just another book with some steamy pages that might get you "excited" but NOT too hot and bothered? Taking only day(s) to finish? plus i like to see what happens

and 25% Is it more like a hot erotic page turner where you find your hand under your clothes more often then not - ie playing one handed? Does playing VN's become hour long off and on again masturbation sessions for you forcing the game to last longer then a few nights? (unless its a real short game)

since it is kind of arousing and stuff as well as almost giving this high like feeling its hard to describe but i find the idea of masturbating revolting so i always play with two hands and fully clothed

2. Do you have a lot of privacy when you play? Some of us live alone and not all of us have privacy...some of us have kids and spouses. Some of us live at home. So how does this effect you? For extra bonus:

yes i live in my own apartment and room mate isnt here much so ontop of having my own room like most people do something i have a whole apartment

Have you ever played a eroge vn in a public place?

hell no that would be way to wierd and humiliating

3. What time of day do you usually find yourself playing visual novels? For me whenever I'm in the mood and have the free time. I find I end up playing some of the best games before I go to sleep...damn it...then I don't want to go to sleep lol.

i play it all day that stuff is addicting >.< :cheering::menft::bliss::desire:


4. For long time VN players do you find they have the same effect on you? For me when I first started playing eroge games, I was like horny all the time and super excited to see what happens next even if the story was so-so.

Now nearly 10 years later I find myself sitting down to play eroge like I'm sitting down to read a book and I'm picky! More often then not I'll read a little of the beginning and skip through for about 10 minutes to see if I'm enjoying what I'm experiencing both in story and image.

unfortunatly its same here most of the time unless its pretty/very good eroge >.< also i think im getting unfortunatly desensitized forcing me to find more and more graphic eroges to get that same high


i completlely agree to bad we cant go to another better world like in no game no life >.<
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1. Do you play it like your reading say a harry potter novel - ie just another book with some steamy pages that might get you "excited" but NOT too hot and bothered? Taking only day(s) to finish?

-I like to take my time playing VNs usually eats up 2-3hrs (even though my backlog is starting to grow) of my free time sometimes more if the story is really good and there are times that I skip the naughty bits (especially if I don't like the event) just to keep the story rolling.

2. Do you have a lot of privacy when you play? Some of us live alone and not all of us have privacy...some of us have kids and spouses. Some of us live at home. So how does this effect you? For extra bonus: Have you ever played a eroge vn in a public place?

-for privacy I'd say 50/50 if there's someone at home with me then earphones all the way and my PC is placed in a specific spot so even if someone enters the room they can't immediately see what's on the screen.

3. What time of day do you usually find yourself playing visual novels?

-usually after dinner either before or after console/PC session

4. For long time VN players do you find they have the same effect on you?

-when I started it was like 80% for the events 20% for the story now it is pretty balanced and just like before I try to avoid NTRs as much as possible but damn there are some good ones with awesome artwork in genres where things doesn't go well with the female heroine(s) and just like when buying a videogame I always check if the VN is up to my tastes before jumping in.
1. It depends on my mood but I generally read for the story. I enjoy a good romance where bonds form between the protagonist and heroine. I also like that I can read about subjects that are normally taboo for society like incest for example. I find brother/sister relations to be very interesting for some reason. They share a special bond that normal couples seem to lack. Sometimes I prefer something a bit more erotic which might put me in a mood to fap but it has to be pretty hot for that to happen.

2. I have plenty of privacy since I live alone. I can read at my own pace and enjoy every bit a VN has to offer. I'm not shy about reading eroge however and have no problems telling people that I read them. I've never read a VN in public but I read Manga and such on my phone in public on a daily basis. Suppose that doesn't count though.

3. I tend to read in the evening or late at night unless the story is really gripping and I can't wait to get back to it.

4. When I first started reading VN's I went on a total VN binge and read every single English translated release I could get my hands on that was of a genre that interested me. I literally cleared out the database at erogedownload and read every single thing that interested me in a matter of months. When that wasn't enough I learned how to read Japanese versions with TA and VNR. Now things are a bit different and I read less frequently and have a huge back log of VN's to get around to but still find them fun.
1. I rarely play them since I mostly play otome games and that's where I read my romantic stories. As for typical eroges (not the otome ones) I almost never play them for the story, except for euphoria and Kimi to Kanojo to Kanojo no Koi (♥ω♥) So when I play an eroge it's mostly for the エロエロ ლ(╹ε╹ლ) I choose my games by looking at the girls and the art >3< But for otome targeted eroges, I actually play them while paying attention to the story and choose which game to play by looking at the seiyuus. Once I played a shitty game just for my favorite seiyuu (Step ~Futari no Kankei wa Ippo Zutsu~ eek)

2. Nonononono I can never be that couragous. I always play them in my own room, placing the monitor in a good angle so if someone enters to my room without knocking I have the time to quit the game.

3. Any time? But as I love playing my VN full screen, mostly in summer nights when I'm the only one awake in my house. (like I'm doing right now www)

4. I've been playing VN's for 3 or 4 years (I don't remember well) but well I still prefer a good written game like Kimi to Kanojo to Kanojo no Koi or an otome game to an eroge ><
visual novel is like reading a book you dont have choices and if you want to see the cg without text just keep pressed a certain for 2 or 3 minutes after that the end all cg unlocked you dont have to be in there usually when i started i buyed visual novels and waited for everything after a time i got bored so i started pressing that key in the end i got use to leave a special doll to keep the button pressed and go for a coffee when i returned visual novel ended.
Now playing eroge that is difficult because now we have the marvelous ADV 3d which require your full atention and the normal ADV,we have as well Rpg Maker games mixed with Visual Novel (this type is know as ADV +) and there is lot more so it depends

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