HS SEXY DRESSES PACK 4 for SBX2.5 - Updated 12/17/17
HS SEXY DRESSES PACK 4 for SBX2.5 - Updated 12/17/17
15 new dresses in various styles, including a recolorable version of the game's Witch dress.

All dresses are standalone so they wouldn't replace anything; all are recolorable, some with 2 colors adjustments.
They will only work correctly with the SBX2.5 uncensor.
There are some clipping for very small or very large breasts.
Even with my best efforts some ID conflicts may exists, so the use of HS_SlotID and HSConflictResolver is recommended.
Extract and copy into your main Honey Select main directory.
IDs used: (Tops [F]) 205516-205530
Note: Updated to Version 4.2 on 12/17/17 to fix some errors.
Download V4.2: https://mega.nz/#!Q0VCQAJB!997KdorQz06CzPs_L2tRmMcWrhhrN1NMvZh8ewKqTNI
Hope you enjoy them!
HS SEXY DRESSES PACK 4 for SBX2.5 - Updated 12/17/17
15 new dresses in various styles, including a recolorable version of the game's Witch dress.

All dresses are standalone so they wouldn't replace anything; all are recolorable, some with 2 colors adjustments.
They will only work correctly with the SBX2.5 uncensor.
There are some clipping for very small or very large breasts.
Even with my best efforts some ID conflicts may exists, so the use of HS_SlotID and HSConflictResolver is recommended.
Extract and copy into your main Honey Select main directory.
IDs used: (Tops [F]) 205516-205530
Delete file bmhs_cf_dress_D4.unity3d from directory HoneySelect\abdata\chara\Belgar17_Mods
Delete file belgar17_hsdr_D4.unity3d from directory HoneySelect\abdata\list\charaCustom
Delete file belgar17_hsdr_D4.unity3d from directory HoneySelect\abdata\list\charaCustom
Download V4.2: https://mega.nz/#!Q0VCQAJB!997KdorQz06CzPs_L2tRmMcWrhhrN1NMvZh8ewKqTNI
Hope you enjoy them!
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