[ILLUSION] Artificial Academy 2 (ジンコウガクエン2) - Discussion and FAQ

Has followed the steps, still got same problem.
Like the picture in post #39 .
First the menu was like the picture on the left hand side, then went to the right hand side, nothing happened and went back to the left hand side one.....

What Operating System are you using? How did you download the game? Have you tried switching all anti-virus softwares off?

From my experience with software installations in general your issue most likely is either caused by some other software (antivirus/antitrojan in most cases) interfering with the process or by damaged installation files, which can be caused by a corrupt download.
What Operating System are you using? How did you download the game? Have you tried switching all anti-virus softwares off?

From my experience with software installations in general your issue most likely is either caused by some other software (antivirus/antitrojan in most cases) interfering with the process or by damaged installation files, which can be caused by a corrupt download.

I use daemon tools lite to run it. I downloaded the game by uTorrent. And I turned my anti-virus softwares off, too.

I think I couldn't run it, just because my computer is WinXP.
Does anyone Know how to get a Teacher into the class?

I placed a Character on the top middle seat but this doesnt work.
I use daemon tools lite to run it. I downloaded the game by uTorrent. And I turned my anti-virus softwares off, too.

I think I couldn't run it, just because my computer is WinXP.

original copy of winxp or a repack copy of winxp if it's a repack maybe it's that the problem. if it's the original copy then idk what happend. maybe you don't have the japanese pack.
because you need applocale + japanese lenguage pack.
check a guide in this forum or hongfire forum for how install japanese pack in winxp.
but you should use windows 7 , winxp it's old. and more dificult to install japanese things.
Mod related question. I know this didn't appear to be possible in the first game, but in the future would someone be able to create a mod so outfits would be gender neutral? I'm just curious since you can create very feminine male characters...:gotidea:
What is the easy way to make the red card in this game??

I found out that you can actually have sex with them any time.
Ummm, Anyone got Idea what is this means? :3 Negative or Positive? but I can't stop lol-ing

Anyone know the editor program for this game like jgeditor from artificial academy.
It is the cheat program for edit the reletionship for each character.
Anyone know the editor program for this game like jgeditor from artificial academy.
It is the cheat program for edit the reletionship for each character.

There is likely none for AA2 yet.
Though I want it for a different matter altogether. See, I prefer using it for when I want characters to have a makeover. In terms of hairdo to be precise. :)
I mean, come on..! They're human beings! Simulated regardless, but yeah they've got to be wanting for a hairdo makeover from time to time. Especially for the girls! D:
Ummm, Anyone got Idea what is this means? :3 Negative or Positive? but I can't stop lol-ing

View attachment 5074

It seems to appear on characters who tries/tried to play (lewd) pranks. Happened with me to a lewd "lazy" personality who seemed to have tried to get it on with a more serious teacher.

As far as I remeber what we have in vanilla AA2 is a huge improvement over vanilla AA1. As far as accessories go the Artificial Series never had much to offer in vanilla versions (Except for AG 3). Most stuff came from modders.

AA1 still had the hair accessories in its charmaker and more uniform variations. Though I have to agree that AA2 is better than AA1, at least without the mods. The H system is a little too simplistic though. The new positions and animations are nice, but you can't "auto" it like in previous games.
Hey Guys

Thanks to you the Game is running very well and I played my first 3 hours yesterday.

It's really hard if you want to get in their pants and you don't really know what each Option does. I have some pattern now that I hope will work out.

What I think right now:
- The teacher is a lot harder to get in a Relationship then ALL the others (maybe because of her personality, or maybe they made it especially harder)
- I don't know if there is a Heart next to a character in the Book-Section, if that means "Relationship" or "Love". I think "Love", since right 2 Girls have Hearts in my Book atm.
- Some Personality's tend to have Sex much earlier then the others. I had my first Sex within 20 mins, then it took me like 2 hours to get with another one.
- The heart doesn't mean you can have Sex with her. With the Character I had my first Heart with never agreed to have Sex, but on saying "I love you" I got a Reaction of 999%. I never figured out why she would not want to have sex.
- The second one I got a Heart with immediately agreed to have sex.

Is there any way to have sex without getting interrupted?

Somehow (don't ask me how) a girl asked me out to go with her to the Bathroom and we made it out there and were not interrupted.
I tried to ask a girl to go with me into the toilet and ask for Sex there, but since it was the character that never agreed to have Sex even though I had she had a heart, it didn't work out.

I have following Question now:
- I have a lot of Sex-Options I can't choose. Maybe I need to be in a special place or I need to get it on with her multiple times?

Thank you
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I'm in my yuri class but the other character's interest percentage drops whenever I have a conversation. TT^TT
Hey Guys

Thanks to you the Game is running very well and I played my first 3 hours yesterday.

It's really hard if you want to get in their pants and you don't really know what each Option does. I have some pattern now that I hope will work out.

What I think right now:
- The teacher is a lot harder to get in a Relationship then ALL the others (maybe because of her personality, or maybe they made it especially harder)
- I don't know if there is a Heart next to a character in the Book-Section, if that means "Relationship" or "Love". I think "Love", since right 2 Girls have Hearts in my Book atm.
- Some Personality's tend to have Sex much earlier then the others. I had my first Sex within 20 mins, then it took me like 2 hours to get with another one.
- The heart doesn't mean you can have Sex with her. With the Character I had my first Heart with never agreed to have Sex, but on saying "I love you" I got a Reaction of 999%. I never figured out why she would not want to have sex.
- The second one I got a Heart with immediately agreed to have sex.

Is there any way to have sex without getting interrupted?

Somehow (don't ask me how) a girl asked me out to go with her to the Bathroom and we made it out there and were not interrupted.
I tried to ask a girl to go with me into the toilet and ask for Sex there, but since it was the character that never agreed to have Sex even though I had she had a heart, it didn't work out.

I have following Question now:
- I have a lot of Sex-Options I can't choose. Maybe I need to be in a special place or I need to get it on with her multiple times?

Thank you

You can have uninterrupted H if you ask your partner to come with you, with the bottommost button, to one of the private H places. These places do not show up during normal play, but when someone is following you you can access them. There is a image of where they are in the OP. Basically there are storage rooms in the Gym and Track field, a love hotel in the town, a consultation room on a third floor, as well as booths in the toilets and showers in the changing rooms, but even if your partner is ok with H they might not follow you to the opposite sex rooms or like you in there.

The heart means that you're in a relationship and its possible to have multiple relationships at a time. Some character are even willing to share their partner and have the hole bothers/pole sisters disposition to each other(yay harems). Though that requires them to friendly to each other before you start relationships with them. Usually it leads to a lot of jealousy, unless they have very low virtue and appropriate traits and personalities.

Sex options open up as you have sex with them. It seems to depend on the "compatibility of your bodies". You can look it up for characters who have had sex via the "Buddhist shrine" behind kendo club. Just click on the button with two figures on it in the lower right, then click on the two characters you want to check up on and its the first thing on the list that shows up. It'll be empty if they haven't had sex and its still untranslated so you need know Japanese to make sense of it or figure it out by your self.

P.S. A high virtue teacher of the loner type with serious traits asked my character right at the begging when I started a new class if I liked them and in end of the day they asked me to date them. Strange. It still took a little while to get laid, but it was kinda random and fast.
I'm in my yuri class but the other character's interest percentage drops whenever I have a conversation. TT^TT

Yeah I had this with the smart personality. Just take it slow, they're not all straight forward. Try doing different things like asking them to lunch and praising them. Eventually they'll open up, but don't spam them with interactions. Some are also moody, so try encouraging and calming them.
I wonder if this game can be run in WinXP.

Can someone tell me??

If you can't upgrade your computer to Windows 7 (or better, Windows 8)... It's probably too old to play this game smoothly.

And if you're still running XP, it's time to upgrade. Period.
I have released an AA2_PLAY wizzard profile:
I have adapted the Illusion Wizzard (IW) to work with AA2. I made a profile called AA2_PLAY, edited PPVerDecrypt.ini and created a bat file to run PPVerDecrypt.

How to use
  1. Extract the archive to e.g. C:\illusion\wizzard
  2. Run C:\illusion\wizzard\Illusion_Wizzard.exe
  3. Select AA2_PLAY and press Enter.
  4. Copy mod to C:\illusion\wizzard\AA2_PLAY\mods folder
  5. Click Refresh
  6. Select the mod and click Apply mod
Read more about using Illusion Wizzard.

All your rep are belong to darkhound for Illusion Wizzard, chie65536 for PPVerDecrypt and SaotomeRanma for sharing what to add to PPVerDecrypt.ini

Mods made for the AA2_MAKE profile will work with the new profile. If you only install the profile it is recommended that you delete <Your IW folder>\_general\game_profiles\AA2_MAKE.pro to avoid accidentally selecting the wrong profile.
If you can't upgrade your computer to Windows 7 (or better, Windows 8)... It's probably too old to play this game smoothly.

And if you're still running XP, it's time to upgrade. Period.

Windows 8 is hardly an upgrade over anything, much less Windows 7.

I wonder if this game can be run in WinXP.

Can someone tell me??

But that aside Illusions' own site says that you need either Vista, 7 or 8 to run the game.

That all aside, is it me or is the trait translations quite off. "Genuine"(what ever thats supposed to mean) was originally "majime", which means "serious (toward studying, morals, etc.). "Calm" was originally "cool" which is better translated to "cool/aloof attitude", kinda like a coodere. "Meddlesome" was originally "sewayaki" which is better translated as "helpful", although this one is not so far off either. The "lewd" trait was originally "sukebe" which is better translated to "dirty minded" since lewd can also mean slutty, but the original Japanese does not necessarily imply that. "Passionate" was originally "ren'ai'nou" which directly translates to "love/romance brain" , this refers to someone who likes romance novels/works, dreams of romantic stuff and wants to romantically involved with someone e.g. a girl who dreams of a shining knight on a white horse all day long. The "singleminded" trait is more deserving of the "passionate" label. I'm sure "hypersensitive" is translated wrong, but I'm not 100% on the original meaning.
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That all aside, is it me or is the trait translations quite off. "Genuine"(what ever thats supposed to mean) was originally "majime", which means "serious (toward studying, morals, etc.). "Calm" was originally "cool" which is better translated to "cool/aloof attitude", kinda like a coodere. "Meddlesome" was originally "sewayaki" which is better translated as "helpful", although this one is not so far off either. The "lewd" trait was originally "sukebe" which is better translated to "dirty minded" since lewd can also mean slutty, but the original Japanese does not necessarily imply that. "Passionate" was originally "ren'ai'nou" which directly translates to "love/romance brain" , this refers to someone who likes romance novels/works, dreams of romantic stuff and wants to romantically involved with someone e.g. a girl who dreams of a shining knight on a white horse all day long. The "singleminded" trait is more deserving of the "passionate" label. I'm sure "hypersensitive" is translated wrong, but I'm not 100% on the original meaning.

A lot of the translations are a bit confusing. theyve been a bit rushed and things like the trait translations (unless theyve been updated) will have been done without playing the main game to see what they even do. hopefully these things will get a bit clearer as people understand the game more and the main translation progresses.
A lot of the translations are a bit confusing. theyve been a bit rushed and things like the trait translations (unless theyve been updated) will have been done without playing the main game to see what they even do. hopefully these things will get a bit clearer as people understand the game more and the main translation progresses.

I hope so. Its still better than nothing, though the matter relating to gameplay opens up a interesting dilemma. For example the trait "easygoing"(which actually was "chyoroi" and has a bit more negative meaning in JP) seems to just make the character easier to befriend, e.g. it raises the amount of friend points gained by each interaction. That in mind a better translation in terms of gameplay might be "friendly" or "amiable" although it doesn't make sense in a purely translational sense.

Actually if someone just gave me some strings from the game I'd be ready to translate them. Don't want to mess with images though, because its a mess typing things into a dictionary via a JP keyboard (>.<).
I hope so. Its still better than nothing, though the matter relating to gameplay opens up a interesting dilemma. For example the trait "easygoing"(which actually was "chyoroi" and has a bit more negative meaning in JP) seems to just make the character easier to befriend, e.g. it raises the amount of friend points gained by each interaction. That in mind a better translation in terms of gameplay might be "friendly" or "amiable" although it doesn't make sense in a purely translational sense.

Actually if someone just gave me some strings from the game I'd be ready to translate them. Don't want to mess with images though, because its a mess typing things into a dictionary via a JP keyboard (>.<).
Please join the team. :) They're at irc, rizon #AA2TL . They edit the strings in a Google spreadsheet.
Back from my latest Session last evening :D

What did I learn new?

- The Statue that's telling you who likes who how much is really helpful, use it. (If someone hates you, don't give up on it, it doesnt take too much to turn a hating into a loving person)
- If you have sex with a character for the 3rd or 4th time, there are finally all options for sex available
- I tested all the Sex Locations out, the sex is everywhere pretty much the same (That's a bit sad :( )
- I have 6 girls right now that I can ask for Sex anywhere, it only takes a little time

What I still need to know:
- How do I change the characters? I'd like to use one of my females now.
- Are the Relationships of the characters still the same? So if I change from my male character to any of the females, is it possible that there are already females that hate/love me, since the AI are communicating with each other while playing?
- Is there a moment, where the game is finished? Or does it run endlessly day per day?

Edit: WHAAAAAAT? I just read in the Wiki that if you get any girl pregnant, the game is over... LOL, that's dumb but kinda funny XD

- Is there a game like AAI2 but with better/improved gameplay?
Hi everyone.
I have been playing a little and I enjoy this game, AA2 is much better than the first.

@LMaxxC : to change character you have to click on the class roster (on the bedroom screen) in the morning.

Anyway I have a few questions :
How does the (AAedit translated) Masochistic and weak/blackmailable traits work ?

Is there a way to bring the girl(or the dude) you are dating to your home to have sex like in the first game ?

and of course thanks for all the persons who work on the mods/TL of this game, you guys are great !

PS : sorry for any bad english, it's not my main language ^^
Just to answer 1 of the question.
Yes you can change the character u play by checking the rooster during day time of coz the relationship depend on that character u changed to and it continues on and on (kick some ppl out or get some new ppl in for a new relationship *from zero*)

Getting the girl pregnant O-o, haven't tested that seem interesting =P
Atm im looking for more kind of event that could happen in game, like murdered from academy 1 or well anything

Edit: Ya for some reason the last choice of hanging out together( study together in english UI) seem something to do about bringing ur partner home to *well u know what*
But its not always happen somehow even though the % success already, i think it something have to do with making promise 1st since when it happen on minne it was on *promise for lewd*

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