[ILLUSION] ARTIFICIAL ACADEMY 2 (ジンコウガクエン2) - Pre-Release Discussion

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Im having problems to make the game work and im sure that is because im not installing it in the right way. So please ¿can someone post a guide of how to install the entire game and the AA2 maker? right now im having a message about the original game ( i have no crack maybe is because of that) and i also cant open the maker after installing the last HF patch and some japanese message appear.
Thank you all and sorry for my english >.<
Im having problems to make the game work and im sure that is because im not installing it in the right way. So please ¿can someone post a guide of how to install the entire game and the AA2 maker? right now im having a message about the original game ( i have no crack maybe is because of that) and i also cant open the maker after installing the last HF patch and some japanese message appear.
Thank you all and sorry for my english >.<

just i'm unzip atm the megaupload in 10-20 minutes i will install and i will make a guide for "silly people". give me time for unzip jeje they are in a lot of rar before i get the iso archives.
My first gameplay experience so far.

Well, sucessfully downloaded (even if some parts needed to be downloaded again), installed and launched. I got to new class creation, started to make my class (repeated 3 times cause I missclicked). I really like clothing editor, there are 4 outfits disposable, a lot of color choices (and combinations). It ended up that everyone is wearing gym clothes, cause there's something weird with setting it individually. To not forget, there isn't any special seat for teacher. I wonder if there's possibility to make more than one teacher, because editor doesn't look limited in this aspect.

What I really like is that you can just click to go to various locations connected to one you're at. Of course, there is everything similiar to AA2, so basic control is not any problem. Well, but there came problem with language barrier. I just chose random girl to chase. And what happened - I ended up in a girls locker, of course full of half-naked girls. Funny, that nobody chased me out or something. Even the girl I approached smiled silly, like nothing happened. Whatever. While trying to conversate, there're a lot of choices. But only one effective is that big bubble one, where the first choice is talking about TV or something, rest is somehow weird, cause I often ended touching the girl (or what it was). First choices, looking like easy chit chat, weren't effective at all (always 0%, so what is that?). So I just kepet repeating the same thing, travelled through the game world (really nice, a lot of places to visit, not only school grounds) and went through first day. There are even some choices between daytimes. And all characters change their outfits to basic gym clothes while doing club activity. But I had to stop because of my night shift, so I'll continue investigating in the morning.

Overall... without translation there is for us not understanding japanese big language barrier, which we can not enjoy the game with. There are a lot of choices and variations, it'll be surely amazing game, but as I said. Of course, I'll keep playing, this will not stop me, but I'm looking forward to at least machine translation.
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For me, the game seemed to install fine, so I created a class for testing purposes (by hitting the first button, entering the class name and random numbers). All it let me to do after that was to save the game, which I did, then I loaded it from the main menu. Now I can do stuff, but everyone is bald and they're doing a T pose when they're standing still. The game crashes when I try to talk to someone. It looks silly to say the least :D
this guide it's for install artificial academy 2 (basic game and dlcs) for dumb people!!!!!

what you will need????

1-Hongfire applocale
2-daemon tools program
3-the game

now i will start whit this guide but before start i'm going to use my actual install folder.

0-unnistall the artificial academy maker (if you installed before the full game released) don't forget to make a backup of the Save/textures before unnistall. (in data folder make backup of "save" and "texture" folders)
1-first of all donwload and install hongfire applocale (http://www.hongfire.com/forum/downloads.php?do=file&id=329)(restart computer)
2-now make a folder called artificial academy 2.

3-now make 2 new folders called ---->AA2 game and AA2 maker.

4-now mount the disc 1 on daemon tools.
-don't use the automatic autorun. go to the Disc 1 folder.
-now right click on the icon where arrows aim and choice open.
-now right click on Startup.exe (the green icon)and choice run whit japanese locale as administrator.

this image tell you what it's each choice of the installer.

6-install AA2 maker in the folder you previously created called AA2 maker. (mine in D:\Juegos\Artificial Academy 2\AA2 maker)
-press one time the button whit the (N) simbol.
-press the button whit the (c) simbol and search your folder called AA2 maker. (mine in D:\Juegos\Artificial Academy 2\AA2 maker)
-now press again the (N) simbol button.
-now press the button whit the (I) simbol and wait untill finish installation.

7-now that we have the maker installed we are going to install the game.
-choice the option (now active of AA2 game) the number 4 option if we count from up.(remember to use right click on startup.exe icon and choice run whit japanese locale as administrator)
-press one time the button whit the (N) simbol.
-press the button whit the (c) simbol and search your folder called AA2 game. (mine in D:\Juegos\Artificial Academy 2\AA2 juego)
-now press again the (N) simbol button.
-now press the button whit the (I) simbol and wait untill finish installation.(when the installation ask you for disc 2 and 3 only mount that images and continue the instalation).
-when installing you will see 2 pop up windows one whit the number 2 and a lot of japanese words and one whit the number 3 and a lot of japanese words, that windows tell you to change the disc of instalation. the number 2 windows means you need to use disc 2, and the number 3 window mean use disc 3.

now we have the game + maker installed it's time to install DLC.


1-at this moment you should have this 2 DLC, "jg2_sou.exe" and "jg2_03_plus.exe"
2-right click on "jg2_03_plus.exe" and choice run whit japanese locale as administrator
-press the left down button (this archive it's going to unzip) wait until finish.
-now we are going to install manual mode because seems there's a problem whit the automatic mode.
-open the folder setup.
-open the folder edit
-now copy the archive "AA2Edit.exe" where you installed AA2 maker (mine it's on D:\Juegos\Artificial Academy 2\AA2 Maker)
-open the folder data
-now copy the 3 archives in the data folder where you installed AA2 maker (mine it's on D:\Juegos\Artificial Academy 2\AA2 Maker\data)
-go back to Setup folder
-now choice the folder called "main"
-copy the archive "AA2Play.exe" where you installed AA2 game (mine it's on D:\Juegos\Artificial Academy 2\AA2 juego)
-open folder data
-now copy the 6 archives where you installed AA2 game (mine it's on D:\Juegos\Artificial Academy 2\AA2 juego\data)
-now we have the first DLC installed.

3-starting to install the DLC named "jg2_sou.exe"
-unzip like the other DLC
-open the folder "ジンコウガクエン2予約特典"
-now we have 2 folder "ジンコウガクエン2 曹" and "ジンコウガクエン2予約特典髪型"
-choice ジンコウガクエン2 曹
-now setup folder
-now edit folder
-now data folder
-now copy the archive in the data folder where you installed AA2 maker (mine it's on D:\Juegos\Artificial Academy 2\AA2 Maker\data)
-go back to setup folder
-now main folder
-now data folder
-now copy the 2 archives ".pp" where you installed AA2 game (mine it's on D:\Juegos\Artificial Academy 2\AA2 juego\data)
-now choice the folder sound
-now copy the FOLDER to (D:\Juegos\Artificial Academy 2\AA2 juego\data\sound) or where you installed your game.
-now we have the 50% of DLC installed, time for the rest
4-go again to "ジンコウガクエン2予約特典" folder
-this time choice "ジンコウガクエン2予約特典髪型" folder
-choice setup folder
-now edit folder
-now data folder
-copy the 2 archives where you installed AA2 maker (mine it's on D:\Juegos\Artificial Academy 2\AA2 maker\data)
-now go back to setup folder
-choice main folder
-now data
--now copy the 2 archives where you installed AA2 game (mine it's on D:\Juegos\Artificial Academy 2\AA2 juego\data)

whit that guide you have the game + the maker + the 2 first DLC 100% working whitout problems.i hope you understand this guide.
now you only need to wait for hongfire patchs (remember don't use the actual hongfire maker patch, i'm sure inquisitor will make a hongfire patch for full game soon)
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How can they be? I downloaded them and no problem at all. Try re-downloading. I downloaded some parts from Rapidgator (before Mega) and it ended with corrupted 1st DVD. So there's problem with downloaded files, not the ones stored at Mega.
Warning on the mega link. Do not download the lostboy.exe
I repeat DO NOT DOWNLOAD the lostboy.exe that someone uploaded recently. It is a rat virus.

I keep getting this error not sure what to do.
I was wondering what was this "Lostboy.exe" file although I was quite sure it wasn't related to AA2. I hope there's no virus in the AA2 files.
i donwloaded the game from here (but not the lostboy archive) and isn't a virus. maybe you got false positive from that archive in particular. but well how i said i don't donwloaded the lostboy archive.
I said the lostboy.exe, not the actual AA2 archive...

I keep getting this error not sure what to do.

Not sure, but it could be because you haven't mounted first DVD, I also had similiar-looking error at first. Else it's problem with locale, if you're not using AppLocale for launch, but some people launched game without it.
Not sure, but it could be because you haven't mounted first DVD, I also had similiar-looking error at first. Else it's problem with locale, if you're not using AppLocale for launch, but some people launched game without it.

I reinstalling everything so I think I bunked up when I installed.
this guide it's for install artificial academy 2 (basic game and dlcs) for dumb people!!!!!

what you will need????

1-Hongfire applocale
2-daemon tools program
3-the game

now i will start whit this guide but before start i'm going to use my actual install folder.

0-unnistall the artificial academy maker (if you installed before the full game released) don't forget to make a backup of the Save/textures before unnistall. (in data folder make backup of "save" and "texture" folders)
1-first of all donwload and install hongfire applocale (http://www.hongfire.com/forum/downloads.php?do=file&id=329)(restart computer)
2-now make a folder called artificial academy 2.

3-now make 2 new folders called ---->AA2 game and AA2 maker.

4-now mount the disc 1 on daemon tools.
-don't use the automatic autorun. go to the Disc 1 folder.
-now right click on the icon where arrows aim and choice open.
-now right click on Startup.exe (the green icon)and choice run whit japanese locale as administrator.

this image tell you what it's each choice of the installer.

6-install AA2 maker in the folder you previously created called AA2 maker. (mine in D:\Juegos\Artificial Academy 2\AA2 maker)
-press one time the button whit the (N) simbol.
-press the button whit the (c) simbol and search your folder called AA2 maker. (mine in D:\Juegos\Artificial Academy 2\AA2 maker)
-now press again the (N) simbol button.
-now press the button whit the (I) simbol and wait untill finish installation.

7-now that we have the maker installed we are going to install the game.
-choice the option (now active of AA2 game) the number 4 option if we count from up.(remember to use right click on startup.exe icon and choice run whit japanese locale as administrator)
-press one time the button whit the (N) simbol.
-press the button whit the (c) simbol and search your folder called AA2 game. (mine in D:\Juegos\Artificial Academy 2\AA2 juego)
-now press again the (N) simbol button.
-now press the button whit the (I) simbol and wait untill finish installation.(when the installation ask you for disc 2 and 3 only mount that images and continue the instalation).
-when installing you will see 2 pop up windows one whit the number 2 and a lot of japanese words and one whit the number 3 and a lot of japanese words, that windows tell you to change the disc of instalation. the number 2 windows means you need to use disc 2, and the number 3 window mean use disc 3.

now we have the game + maker installed it's time to install DLC.


1-at this moment you should have this 2 DLC, "jg2_sou.exe" and "jg2_03_plus.exe"
2-right click on "jg2_03_plus.exe" and choice run whit japanese locale as administrator
-press the left down button (this archive it's going to unzip) wait until finish.
-now we are going to install manual mode because seems there's a problem whit the automatic mode.
-open the folder setup.
-open the folder edit
-now copy the archive "AA2Edit.exe" where you installed AA2 maker (mine it's on D:\Juegos\Artificial Academy 2\AA2 Maker)
-open the folder data
-now copy the 3 archives in the data folder where you installed AA2 maker (mine it's on D:\Juegos\Artificial Academy 2\AA2 Maker\data)
-go back to Setup folder
-now choice the folder called "main"
-copy the archive "AA2Play.exe" where you installed AA2 game (mine it's on D:\Juegos\Artificial Academy 2\AA2 juego)
-open folder data
-now copy the 6 archives where you installed AA2 game (mine it's on D:\Juegos\Artificial Academy 2\AA2 juego\data)
-now we have the first DLC installed.

3-starting to install the DLC named "jg2_sou.exe"
-unzip like the other DLC
-open the folder "ジンコウガクエン2予約特典"
-now we have 2 folder "ジンコウガクエン2 曹" and "ジンコウガクエン2予約特典髪型"
-choice ジンコウガクエン2 曹
-now setup folder
-now edit folder
-now data folder
-now copy the archive in the data folder where you installed AA2 maker (mine it's on D:\Juegos\Artificial Academy 2\AA2 Maker\data)
-go back to setup folder
-now main folder
-now data folder
-now copy the 2 archives ".pp" where you installed AA2 game (mine it's on D:\Juegos\Artificial Academy 2\AA2 juego\data)
-now choice the folder sound
-now copy the FOLDER to (D:\Juegos\Artificial Academy 2\AA2 juego\data\sound) or where you installed your game.
-now we have the 50% of DLC installed, time for the rest
4-go again to "ジンコウガクエン2予約特典" folder
-this time choice "ジンコウガクエン2予約特典髪型" folder
-choice setup folder
-now edit folder
-now data folder
-copy the 2 archives where you installed AA2 maker (mine it's on D:\Juegos\Artificial Academy 2\AA2 maker\data)
-now go back to setup folder
-choice main folder
-now data
--now copy the 2 archives where you installed AA2 game (mine it's on D:\Juegos\Artificial Academy 2\AA2 juego\data)

whit that guide you have the game + the maker + the 2 first DLC 100% working whitout problems.i hope you understand this guide.
now you only need to wait for hongfire patchs (remember don't use the actual hongfire maker patch, i'm sure inquisitor will make a hongfire patch for full game soon)

i quote my guide i just finished now. put in main page if you want :) maybe this guide make people don't ask how to install game and dlcs
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Has anyone else had a character limit when typing names with more than 7 characters? Like it will generate long names..but I can't type anything longer than a 7 character first name. :baby:
Did anyone else experience a glitch that no matter what you say to the girls, it's always the same response and it's always a value of 0%. For a split second. I can see a number value, for example 67%, but then it flashes to 0% followed by a negative response. Anyone at all?
I'm not sure what's wrong, but every time I try to load something it crashes.

Loading a character to put into the class, loading a save file, it just stops.
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