[Misc] [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) Charcater and Outfit (Share DL)

Misa Amane from Death Note.

Misa Amane_Death Note_upload_2.jpg

This version of her is when she first makes an appearance in the anime series. I gave her the color of the Shinigami eyes instead of her regular color. There were flat (non heeled) boots but it just didn't suit this adaption of her for HS. The book is not an actual Death Note, yet at least, just using a simple mock magic book from within the Party DLC. She has quite a few different outfits throughout the series but decided to go with this one since it was her first appearance.

The usual core stuff of course (IPA, Wideslider, SBX, ColorChangeClothes, etc) anything that I have used in my previous character uploads plus Party DLC. Many clothing mods that I use so if you are here on AS and HF you should be able to retrieve everything. Only thing I can think of that were not on either site were the shape morphs from the honey.jp.blog I think.

It's been a while for me since I have uploaded due to complications but I am going to try to create and put stuff together like I use to when I can. Hard to remember with all of the mods and my memory is sludge sometimes because of heavy medications but you can always ask if you are missing some and I will try to tell you which and/or locate them. Here she is I hope you enjoy!

Link to images:



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I have got a question. I'm working on a set of nice characters (many, maaaaaaany of them) in one pack and I do not know if any of you would be interested and where to post it (it's more like a big archive deserving separated topic - not the real mod but quite close). Now I will explain what I do and then you may suggest what's on your mind.

I downloaded cards from forums, from cardsharing site, from many authors and I've realized they often require specific mods or they look somehow "decent" but for sure not enough. I've also got some preferences in characters and I wanted to make a set of them in which:

1. Boobs are not too big - even if they are big, they still have to be realistic - not like in hentai and many games. I prefer realism in that matter. Also - there are women with moderate and small breasts. Many creators go mindlessly choosing those horrible, enormous boobs. In my pack - the breasts are normal and realistic even when they are big.

2. Many freaks like lollis. I am not a pedophile and even if I like some anime characters etc. - I make them look older - at least 18 years old. In my pack, such characters like Misty from Pokemon, Korra from Avatar etc. etc. get older - like normal, adult women. Once again - I hate and do not support pedophiles so such tendency of creating lollis as characters for that game always makes me angry. For example - I create a few versions of Korra from Avatar so: there're versions of her having around 30 years and versions called younger, which still means at least 18-20 yrs old.

3. I've tried to limit myself to vanilla clothes, hair, accessories etc. using only basic mods. They include moddified shoes, widesliders, basic accessories and clothes from all existing DLCs. I've got only 2 specific mods - shoes and a few clothes used rarely (like for characters where it's totally necessary). Considering that fact, I had to make sacrifices - outfits keep the style of characters but are not 1:1 with originals. If I decide to upload the pack, the list of required mods and DLCs will be announced.

4. In reality - I consider the mentioned sacrifices to make characters even better - more realistic, more universal no matter, which version of game you've got. I also add many, many versions of clothes and sometimes a few versions of the same character. For example - in case of Ciri from Witcher, I've created a few clothes resembling the game but I think that my other ideas are better, she looks much better in them, so in my pack - she goes with my sets as defaults, with different versions, different hair styles and additionally, I also make an original-alike clothes as a bonus to modify characters yourself and I include the Ciri with game-like set of hair.

5. THE MOST IMPORTANT: I always make the characters look similar to originals but more beautiful and NATURAL. Many, many existing cards are "somehow" decent but as I said - not enough. I always modify every basic character I start working on - sometimes the minor changes in face to make her beautiful and natural, sometimes I generally make characters from the basics. When I work on existing things, as example, I take Oboro, Sakura or Asagi from Taimanin Asagi hentai series and keep balance between anime and foto-realistm - in general - I make anime characters look more like real women but I try to keep the main features captured by the original creators of cards I work on.

6. All the voices, states, h-characteristics etc. of characters are also reworked. VERY INSIGHTFULLY. All sets of clothes are realisticall adjusted with hours and hours of work as a hobby. My goal is to connect the voice and character with faces or originals. It's well adjusted, trust me.

7. It is also why I don't know how to give credits to the authors. If I upload the modified cards, the authors of originals present here may contact me to list special thanks for the originals because my versions are totally, totally different. I can't list even one creator because cards come from such many sources and places. Some are here, from this site - still - it's just not possible for me to search the originals once again.

8. There're also characters made 100% by me - like set of Opala, Osira and Farah from game Legend of Queen Opala. In many cases, where a few characters from anime/games didn't mean anything to me, I just worked on them up to my taste so they look beautiful as women - I didn't care about the originals or tried to modify them to add realism and keep some key characteristics I googled. You'll see such characters yourself and if so - keep it in mind.

If you're interested in such a pack and if Admin could suggest the good solution for posting it, then I will upload or send the screenshots with samples. Now I've got them in bmp and don't have time to convert everything.

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I have got a question. I'm working on a set of nice characters (many, maaaaaaany of them) in one pack and I do not know if any of you would be interested and where to post it (it's more like a big archive deserving separated topic - not the real mod but quite close). Now I will explain what I do and then you may suggest what's on your mind.

I downloaded cards from forums, from cardsharing site, from many authors and I've realized they often require specific mods or they look somehow "decent" but for sure not enough. I've also got some preferences in characters and I wanted to make a set of them in which

It is also why I don't know how to give credits to the authors. If I upload the modified cards, the authors of originals present here may contact me to list special thanks for the originals because my versions are totally, totally different. I can't list even one creator because cards come from such many sources and places. Some are here, from this site - still - it's just not possible for me to search the originals once again.

There're also characters made 100% by me - like set of Opala, Osira and Farah from game Legend of Queen Opala. In many cases, where a few characters from anime/games didn't mean anything to me, I just worked on them up to my taste so they look beautiful as women - I didn't care about the originals or tried to modify them to add realism and keep some key characteristics I googled. You'll see such characters yourself and if so - keep it in mind.

If you're interested in such a pack and if Admin could suggest the good solution for posting it, then I will upload or send the screenshots with samples. Now I've got them in bmp and don't have time to convert everything.


Well that was very thoughtful with insight and very long to read lol.

To answer your basic question. Always try to give credit to where credit is due. If it is a mod that is being used, mention the author(s) or the source(s) where you obtained it from. Respect is given and showing off the created piece by that author(s)/modder(s).

When re-working previously created characters, always mention the creator(s) of that/those character(s). Characters are not like mods so there really isn't any ownership to them like mods, so usually the creators do not require permissions to re-work/distribute. In the past very rarely some have said this but again give credit where credit is due, common sense and respect. I have had a few of my characters re-worked by other members slightly to suit there own tastes which is totally fine. They would do it and show it to me and then post with mentions.

So as long as you give credit where credit is due and maybe even post info of the original source, there should not be a single issue. Normally I would also say that this question should have been in discussion thread of this forum but since it is mostly related to character/outfit creations to share it is ok for now.
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Lightning from FFXIII Returns. I made her a while back when either Roy12 or Aastaroth put out her hair mod. After got back from being away and downloaded the Party DLC, I touched her up slightly and with better clothing options than before imo. I have different versions of her but overall this is the base of it with minor variations. She is still a WIP and I will try to update her when I can. I think I might have made her boobs too big, I know her ass was too big from the first time so I made it more fitting to her but w/e, enjoy!

MODS USED: IPA (EnusthEnoptEron), Hair (Roy12 or Aastaroth), Wideslider (vrl0ver), Adapted shoes 5th version (Belgar17)

link to images

Lightning FFXIII Returns 2.0 upload 1.jpg

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First of all, hello everyone!

I'm a long time lurker, but indeed my first time posting. However, after a few weeks of tinkering with (and playing) HoneySelect, and after learning the basics through a lot of trials and errors I decided to start contributing. I also just made myself an account over at Illusion Game Cards (Booru.org), and already had a recent one over at ATF (although I my nickname there is simply 'Molljok' without my 'De' prefix in front). So whenever I upload a character it's going to happen here, there, and over there too, hehe.

So, without further ado, I present my own variant of Widowmaker to the HoneySelect / Anime-Sharing community! It wasn't without difficulties, and two complete restarts; and about 6 or 7 days on this 'little project' of mine. But now, I can finally say that she is 'complete'. But... meh, creators never really complete their work; at least I know I don't, lol. If it was just for me I'd keep polishing her for months and still never fully be satisfied... then again who wouldn't want to erm... to polish Widowmaker for a month? Exactly.

The Goal

I know, there's plenty of other Widowmaker Cards out there. I've tried them all, pretty much.

My 'goal' with this variant of mine, however, was very precise. I aimed at creating the best possible (of course, from my own perception of how she "should" then look like) Default Widowmaker that I myself could possibly make given HoneySelect's regular character creator, along with the AdjustMod (which also was a learning process at the same time for me). I specifically say 'Default', because to me that's what I wanted for a Widowmaker Card. A Widow that would look like as close as possible to her appearance (and have almost identical body proportions wherever possible) in the game, without any (or as little as possible) 'leeway' on her body proportions; and only making sacrifices, compromises and and 'balancing equivalents' whenever only necessary. It was quite a challenge, more than I expected.

But that's enough typing. I explained a lot more of how I created her in my Readme and Info files.

So here it goes:

Character Card


Bonemod File

View attachment charaF_20170916223755469.png.bonemod.txt

Previews (Normal, Room and Bath Sets, respectively)


All the Required Mods and everything that needs to be known is included in my little archive. There's a number of necessary mods to make her look exactly like she does in the previews, I explain all of it (and more) in the text files that I included in the archive.

(Updated) Archive Download


(Or Alternative Link)


I hope you guys enjoy her as much as I enjoyed creating her! (actually, it was a pain; but now it definitely pays off).
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Hello, maybe u miss me?
Some girls on this topic make me fill sick :D
Here my loli girls and some Miyu on virgin dress pose :)



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Cheers love! The cavalry's here!

I'm happy to share my latest Card, namely Overwatch's Tracer!

The Goal

I won't bore anyone too much with this but it's basically the same as I had with my Widowmaker variant. I wanted to try to approach as much as I could to the default Tracer appearance (minus the Tracer's outfit since it hasn't been ((yet)) made or ported to HoneySelect as far as I'm aware). Just like I've done for my Widowmaker I've also included a lot of information in the text files that I included in my archive.

So here it goes:

Character Card


Bonemod File

View attachment charaF_20170924164927506.png.bonemod.txt

Previews (Normal, Room and Bath Sets, respectively)


All the Required Mods and everything that needs to be known is included in my little archive. There's a number of necessary mods to make her look exactly like she does in the previews, I explain all of it (and more) in the text files that I included in the archive.

Archive Download


(Or Alternative Link)


I hope you guys enjoy her!
I'm glad to release my third character! Namely, my 'interpretation' of:

Marvel Vs. Capcom Infinite's Captain Marvel

Character Card


Previews (Normal, Room and Bath Sets, respectively)


Archive Download (Including the Bonemod File)

As usual, I made a RAR archive that includes everything necessary to get her to look exactly as she does in the card and previews, as I intended her to. There's a lot of information in the various text files included in the download. I hope you guys enjoy her!

Side Note!

Regarding her Normal Set's Boots and Gloves. They're called 'Sexy Shooter (Blue)' (both the Gloves and Boots) in the game. However, I checked in my characustom list of mods via HS_SlotID to find a mod that would happen to contain those items. I found absolutely none and checked two times over on every single files I have installed there. So I don't know if the name of the item differs in the game versus how it's named in the mod data itself. Or, possibly, if those items are included in a default HoneySelect installation already. In any case, if you load up the Card and the Normal set don't have them, then it means that they were indeed from a mod that I'm not aware of for now.

If anyone reading this part knows already if they're part of a mod (or not) please, do let me know and I might update my archive with the mod in question included in it.


Link: http://www35.zippyshare.com/v/bQQLEpoN/file.html

Link (Alternative): https://www.sendspace.com/file/mgqb01


I came back on this one to make some changes. They're completely optional (changes to the Pupils, character Height, Hands, Feet, Breast and added the Waist Ribbon).

The ORIGINAL archive I linked above are NECESSARY. This new archive only contains the Updated files! (Updated AdjustMod Save file, Updated character Card and Bonemod File).

I hope you guys enjoy her (and perhaps this little update too!)

Link 1: http://www64.zippyshare.com/v/c9Umahmg/file.html

Link 2 (Alternative): https://www.sendspace.com/file/jqthul
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New here, I'm the type of person who spends a fair amount of time messing around in character editors, in games like City of Heroes it was what I spent half my time on...

So here's some characters I made on a binge, some are kinda meh... But some I think I did alright on, just wish I had more accessories to work with sometimes.

Hinata Hyuuga (Young) - Naruto
Kagura - Gintama
Tamamo - Monster Girl Quest
Toph Bei Fong - Avatar
Blair - Soul Eater
Mio - Nichijou
Atsushi - Bungo Stray Dogs
Asura - Guild Wars (Will need to use the bonemod file with it for her head to not be wonky)
Himawari - Naruto
Charle/Carla - Fairy Tail
Gwen Tennyson - Ben 10
Gwen's cousin, mud-girl alien - Ben 10
Attea/Alien Frog Princess - Ben 10 (The "tongue" I used looks fine enough I think, if a little derpy... But no matter what I couldn't get it to move with the mouth when she talks)
Shippo - Inuyasha (It is a female PNG, use the bonemod with it to also make him look a smidge less wonky)
Shygirl - Minus8 (There is an alternative of this based on someone's fan character I saw on Tumblr I thought looked cute, basically splicing a bob-omb with a shygirl... The actual character is adorable, the character I made I didn't have enough accessories to make look decent.)
Vivian - Paper Mario (I'm actually surprised I made her look decent despite trying to remove her eyes *no context*)
Frankie Foster - Foster's Home for blah blah blah
Koopa - Minus8 (Be sure to note the cute stubby tail I gave her)
Piranha Plant - Minus8
Tali Vas Normandy - Mass Effect (I actually made an alternative where I tried screwing around with the angle of her legs, looked off. Also made an absolutely awful looking hood... Just accept there being no mystery face until I get access to more accessory use to add more polygons :/)
Goombella - Paper Mario (I'm actually surprised with how this one turned out, I think I did a great job with her mining helmet)
Jade Chan - Jackie Chan Adventures
Venllope Von Schweetz - Wreck it Ralph
Lord Dominator - Wonder over Yonder (I would KILL to find a super long skirt like hers from the show... Also some gloves that are slightly shorter.)
Um Jammer Lammy - (I think it turned out better than it should have.)
Ankah - Animal Crossing (I made her chubby, decided to go with some artist renditions i've seen instead like TeckWorks... And yes, I couldn't find a snake to use to go on her head so I used a squid, the eel could have worked if it didn't squirm everywhere :T)
XJ9/Jenny Wakeman - My Life as a teenage bleh (Also surprised it turned out decent, just wish I could use the skintex mod for a robot skin, but it doesn't come in white.)
Tak - Invader Zim (Seriously use the bonemod for this one, I have no idea what she looks like with a nose... Frankly she might be better with one, but I already bothered removing it)

I just remembered as typing all this I was going to give Rogue the Bat a shot without making her look stupid, so maybe upload that if it doesn't look crap later.

Dropbox - https://www.dropbox.com/sh/h5kl2djdg4xv44y/AADYqArH5PyPVB1OH06f5JBCa?dl=0

Loved making characters in CoH! Sister Psyche would be awesome to have!
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This is a thread for acutally for sharing characters created by yourself and/or outfits configured to a make a created outfit. If you don't plan to share then do not post in this thread.

The very beginning of this thread clearly states that this is a sharing upload thread. If the thread rules cannot be followed your posts will be deleted.

but this guy didn't share his girl

Here's My contribution:


Mods Used:

kidnappers kit
invisible ring (HSStudio invisible) (this is the most important mod)
futalog mod package
GCHAOS Muscle Package
HoneyMod basic shape Accessory
HoneyMod Extension Hair
Yangala Doa Dress

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okinawa wrote on Ryzen111's profile.
Hello, Could you please reupload this? Thanks.

redbeamff wrote on Shine's profile.

can you upload android version of B-Ginga simulation games ? thx in advance
TasogareHentai wrote on Shine's profile.
Sorry if disturb, but can you please reupload this game? Thanks in advance.