[ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

Couple questions (apologies if there is a more appropriate thread):

Is there any way to access the character editor from within Studio?

Is there a fix for the wrong monitor playing from honeyselectlauncher.exe? My monitors are mis-numbered in Launcher, when I choose Studio, it will launch in the correct monitor, but Honey Select will launch according to the [wrong] number. I can get the monitor to launch properly by choosing the wrong one, but it only has lower resolution options because it's pointing to the wrong monitor. (I would be satisfied if I could use a custom launcher, or if there was a way to launch the character editor in Studio, as then I would have no need for Select).

Thanks! This is an awesome community!
So with the amount of time since it's released, a picture has given me doubts.

Did the H gameplay change in any way from demo to release?
Thanks but I already made one perfect old man (which is in the database if anyone is interested). The problem is how to change his expresion in the H-scenes. He seems to have always the default expresion, however in the maker you can put other expresions on him, I don't know how to put those expresions in the h-scenes, it seems they are only used for the photo card you make when you save.

I think that male expressions are associated with the type of pose, for example, in red text poses the male has an evil expression.
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Re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Translation Discussion

Hi i m new in the forum and i need help in something about gameplay ... my game doest show archivements and also never cum automaticaly the man just the girl ... i want to know if is normal or i have a old client of the game or i need a mod or something sorry my bad english i m from germany

Hi gabriel
I do not know the solution to your problem, you can try asking in this thread, maybe someone can help you.
Welcome to the forum!
Hi, having some trouble with the game. Installed the latest version of the game, installed 2-3 mods (translations, SBX decensor, and a single accessory mod). Game works fine in studio and in menus, made a couple of girls, etc. But when I go into an H-scene, nothing happens. I'll select a position, hear the confirmation sound, and nothing happens. Afterwards, a lot of the hotkeys don't work, such as hitting U to hide the lighting panel. Using mouse to try to move the camera around (rmb/lmb drag, etc) doesn't work, it just doesn't register the action. Moving the camera manually with keyboard still works. The camera issue also occurs if I alt-tab out of the game in a H-scene. Really confused as to what could be broken here.

Also, are all the positions supposed to be available for you from the get go? As in, are you supposed to be able to view all of them? Because they're all listed for me (even the red ones), so just wondering if that's normal.

Windows 10 AE, running the 64bit version of the game. Any help would be gladly appreciated, thanks!
'ey guys :) , Im having 2 question:

1. Can anyone here tell me which is the best slider setting for the studio to make the effect/light just the exact same setting like in the Character creation menu?.I've try many set but its still look bland and lacking, or maybe its because the CM has its own lightning setting that couldn't be mimick in the studio?

2. Is there a way to make the game showing the PNG backround images to look like the original without involving photoshop editing?, the game made the images overcontrast so its make the bright and darker spot looks really unpleasing.
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'ey guys :) , Im having 2 question:

1. Can anyone here tell me which is the best slider setting for the studio to make the effect/light just the exact same setting like in the Character creation menu?.I've try many set but its still look bland and lacking, or maybe its because the CM has its own lightning setting that couldn't be mimick in the studio?

2. Is there a way to make the game showing the PNG backround images to look like the original without involving photoshop editing?, the game made the images overcontrast so its make the bright and darker spot looks really unpleasing.
1. Unfortunately, the way the lighting/rendering works in the Maker is completely different from that of the Studio; it was like that in SBPR, as well. Just gotta do the best with what you have.

2. Once again, unfortunately, the only way to make those .png backgrounds look accurate is through means outside of the game, be it photoshop or whatever else. Someone came up with a decent setting to correct this via photoshop, but it's been so long I can't remember what it was. It should be on HF in the Mods thread... But, you know, -_- HF is down, yet again.
1. Unfortunately, the way the lighting/rendering works in the Maker is completely different from that of the Studio; it was like that in SBPR, as well. Just gotta do the best with what you have.

2. Once again, unfortunately, the only way to make those .png backgrounds look accurate is through means outside of the game, be it photoshop or whatever else. Someone came up with a decent setting to correct this via photoshop, but it's been so long I can't remember what it was. It should be on HF in the Mods thread... But, you know, -_- HF is down, yet again.

Bummer, so i guess theres no way an in-game fixes can solve this -_-. The only reason why i never ask this qoestion back in SBPR HF forum is becasue somebody making addon light item which it took from several SBPR maps and made it as an effect item (i forgot who's author but i think its Aastaroth)

And yeah,HF is the reason why im make an accout here lol.
Speaking of Studio, does anyone know how to run it in VR (Vive). Is there a mod/patch? I've got the one for the main game, but I don't know if there's a way to use it with Studio. Any help is appreciated. Thank you.
Is there a way to lock the cumming scene or at least make it last longer? It lasts like 2 seconds. Also, is there a way to increase the amount of cum during ejaculation?
The feeling info on the Wiki...this makes me think...

Doctor, do you have anything on the effect of special events (Shower, toilet, sleeping, lure, and assaulted) on feelings? Because I got at least two girls to max love by waiting for them to wake up rather than assault them in their sleep.
Is it just my game or does anyone have any sounds in Studio? My Studio is total quit. No sounds, no music, no H-sounds. Nothing. Is it supposed to be that way? Never tried Studio before i had played the main game and installed a bunch of mods.
'ey guys :) , Im having 2 question:

1. Can anyone here tell me which is the best slider setting for the studio to make the effect/light just the exact same setting like in the Character creation menu?.I've try many set but its still look bland and lacking, or maybe its because the CM has its own lightning setting that couldn't be mimick in the studio?

CM has 2 light source, which is why you can't mimic it in game or studio. You can test it out with the CMModforHS.

Is it just my game or does anyone have any sounds in Studio? My Studio is total quit. No sounds, no music, no H-sounds. Nothing. Is it supposed to be that way? Never tried Studio before i had played the main game and installed a bunch of mods.

have you tried clicking on the sound option button and raising the volume?
Re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Translation Discussion

Hi i m new in the forum and i need help in something about gameplay ... my game doest show archivements and also never cum automaticaly the man just the girl ... i want to know if is normal or i have a old client of the game or i need a mod or something sorry my bad english i m from germany

To find achievements you need to talk to.. Sitri was her name? That blonde girl with the blue costume or whatever.. Also for the cuming part once you get the bar full on the male buttons will appear at the middle bottom, just choose from there what to do next.
CM has 2 light source, which is why you can't mimic it in game or studio. You can test it out with the CMModforHS.

have you tried clicking on the sound option button and raising the volume?

What sound options? There are no sound options in Studio. I can hear "button click" effects. In Studio (when i quit) but no sounds other then that. No music, no speeches or h-sounds.
What sound options? There are no sound options in Studio. I can hear "button click" effects. In Studio (when i quit) but no sounds other then that. No music, no speeches or h-sounds.

There are, in fact, sound options in the studio.

You can play all the music from the game and you can add all the sound effects and voice lines, as well.
There are, in fact, sound options in the studio.

You can play all the music from the game and you can add all the sound effects and voice lines, as well.

Woaw. There must be something wrong with my version of the game. I don´t have that option.

All i have in the menu is Characters, Charater state, Animation, H Animation, IK, Map, Item, Move, Configuration, Effects.
I'm just curious, is there any way we can access the game's official site extras? Like the uploader where characters are posted and etc.
Woaw. There must be something wrong with my version of the game. I don´t have that option.

All i have in the menu is Characters, Charater state, Animation, H Animation, IK, Map, Item, Move, Configuration, Effects.

you didn't install the latest patch, which includes Sound, Voices & Dancing Animations

I'm just curious, is there any way we can access the game's official site extras? Like the uploader where characters are posted and etc.

you need a japanese proxy/vpn. the site is only for people in japan
So, if you want to mod the game?? how do you start? Like which to download first and next? Like will it even overlap if you put this and that? or just simply download every mod you see and drag and drop them all at the folder?
Re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

So, if you want to mod the game?? how do you start? Like which to download first and next? Like will it even overlap if you put this and that? or just simply download every mod you see and drag and drop them all at the folder?

You can pretty much drag and drop everything.

I do recommend installing the GGmod for high heels first as it is the easiest way to get the Illusion Plugin Architecture right now.

You definitely need the IPA installed first.

Btw, most of the mods here provide instruction on how to install them properly.

you didn't install the latest patch, which includes Sound, Voices & Dancing Animations

you need a japanese proxy/vpn. the site is only for people in japan

I guess I forgot that the sounds were part of that patch. Thank you for clarifying that.
I wish Illusion would would treat Honey Select like Custom Maid 3D 2 & focus on expansion packs. I think this game has a lot of potential. I don't understand the need to pop out a new game every 4 months.
I wish Illusion would would treat Honey Select like Custom Maid 3D 2 & focus on expansion packs. I think this game has a lot of potential. I don't understand the need to pop out a new game every 4 months.
Indeed... but Honey Select seems to be popular, so at least we should have a DLC.
Hi ,please tell me the Url Where i can download official Honey select content like PNG character,scene ...
for example playclub is
http://dl.illusion.jp/plc_upload/scene/ (for scene)
http://dl.illusion.jp/plc_upload/chara/ (for chara)
But i have no idea the approriate url for Honey select
Thanks in advance

I second this request.

Also, I want to know if the experience the girls gain after every H-Scene do something. Does it add poses or more stamina? The girls get exhausted after cumming 3 times (except if they have the never tired trait) , but on the first Sitri scene, she was unsatiable, make her cum like ten times and she wasn't tired yet, also there were more poses available. So I was wondering if the girls become like that once their bars are full.
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