[ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

anyone having issues with the VR version? I boot it up and the oculus goes black. The game boots up on desktop. Oculus gets an hour glass icon in the right corner. Stays black. I can play the game as usual on the desktop, but nothing happens on the Oculus.

Same here!
did u figured it out?
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re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

I also can't reach Hongfire. It became slower and slower and now it's totally „unbrowseable“. At least we have this alternative.

I like the game so far, but it's too complex to play without translation. The Trial one doesn't work there (even after renaming the files and some contents to fit new folders).
Well, it's playable, but in „trial and error“ style. There are so many possibilities and undiscovered things yet! I'll try to follow that great guide on 4th page for now.
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re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

It's an alright game for me, it's not AA2 but it's ten times better than the stuff Illusion released after AA2.
I honestly didn't enjoy Play Club much and Scerosphere is probably one of the worst games I've played.
I view this game as a Love Hotel Simulator.
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re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

Anyone knows what does this means? "状態を口ック" I got a tick box under the status bar.
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re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

I like the game so far, but it's too complex to play without translation. The Trial one doesn't work there (even after renaming the files and some contents to fit new folders).
Well, it's playable, but in „trial and error“ style. There are so many possibilities and undiscovered things yet! I'll try to follow that great guide on 4th page for now.

I started with the text translation for the character maker and studio. (still misses item translations and nothing else than the maker and studio is translated.)

translation attached, since HF is not reachable atm..


  • Text-Translation-CharMaker+Studio-0.2.zip
    31.4 KB · Views: 544
re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

Anyone knows what does this means? "状態を口ック" I got a tick box under the status bar.

It locks the stats and prevents it from going up, so if you have a girl
who loves you and you want to try some kinky torture shit that would normally upset her, you can use this button
re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

It locks the stats and prevents it from going up, so if you have a girl
who loves you and you want to try some kinky torture shit that would normally upset her, you can use this button
oh, that's cool. Thanks!
re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

Indeed Hongfire is super slow... is the forum attacked again?
re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

This topic has been promoted to a full-fledged "Discussion & FAQ" thread and I will try to keep it up-to-date.

I'm monitoring the whole Eroge Corner of this board, as well as the Modding Club sub-forums, so do not hesitate to create new threads in those sections : I will see them and update accordingly. And if I missed any links that you believe belong to the OP, do not hesitate to send me a PM.

Now, I just wish I could change the title of this topic since it's not a "pre-release discussion" anymore.
re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

Hongfire's slow as ass for me, so I'm posting this here.

Okay so here's what I got from the game so far:

The main objective of the game is (apart from busting a nut) to unlock the game’s achievements.

Your Room
You get to your room after opening the game, from there you can either

1. See the girls
2. Character maker
3. Room setting (Let's you setup your girls like in SBPR, each room has 20 slots, so the max is 100 girls)
4. Call Sitri (Call her out to [Search for girls (Character Randomizer)], [view achievements (IMPORTANT)] and [Help]; you can H or change her appearance later, by unlocking an achievement)
5. Male Maker
6. Change the MC

In order to progress in the game you must unlock achievements, unlocking these unlocks more things to the game (Clothes, Tools etc.). After you get an achievement notice when you enter your room (A lock picture in the middle of the screen), you must call Setri and click on the achievement itself to unlock it, it has to turn from “NEW” to “Clear”)

Achievement List: (Red text means stuff it unlocks)
1. Play the tutorial (Auto-unlocked)
2. Do a girl after he tutorial (Auto-unlocked) [Useless scene mover]
3. H 3 times [Quick cum button]
4. H 5 tmes [All stat reset button]
5. H 5 girls with different personalities (Make 5 girls with different voices and H them) [Allows you to H Setri]
6. See Setri’s event (Unlock the option to H Setri by completing No.5) [Clothes]
7. Go through Setri’s events (H her more, there's 3 events) [A new personality]
8. Max Love [好意] ( Yellow Face Status, H her with mostly Yellow positions) [Clothes]
9. Max Love [淫乱] (Red Face Status, H her with mostly Red positions) [Unlocks the [Horny] Feeling in the maker]
10. Max Love [嫌惡] (Blue Face Status, H her with mostly Blue positions) [Unlocks the [Hate] Feeling in the maker]
11. Max Love [隷屬] (Purple Face Status, H her with mostly Purple positions) [Unlocks the [Slave] Feeling in the maker]
12. Destroy a girl (The bottom bar on a girl’s status screen, A girl can be destroyed with positions that have the black colour, the easist way to get this is to make a character with the [グラスハ—ト] trait, then H her first night, then leave her alone and H the other girls, anyone but her. The bar will raise little by little so do other stuff while you're at it) [Unlocks the [Mind-raped] Feeling in the maker]
13. Max any of the four feelings above (Complete any of No.8-11) [Stat lock button]
14. Change the guy (Do it in your room) [Clothes]
15. Get an angry girl to leave the hotel [Clothes]

Something about No.15:
This is by far the hardest achievement, I needed an hour to clear this because it all comes down to luck.
In order to piss off a girl, u must first make two characters with the following traits: [不屈の精神],[Hに抵抗がある ]; if you unlocked No.10 add [嫌い], it makes things much more easier, if not choose [なし]
After you're done with that, H her using mostly BLUE positions on her first night, then H her in the cave with RED TEXT positions. DO NOT CUM!!! IT MAKES HER LIKE YOU MORE THAN HATE , contiune until you see a Warning sign above her status screen (Max hate). Then, prepare your luck and go ahead and find her. If there's three options to choose, you're out of luck. If Sitri appears, you've unlocked the achievement. For those who failed, do the same steps above to get back the warning sign
(I'm not sure if you can save scum by closing the game right after seeing the three options, then reloading it)

16. When Toilet event, Choose [終...] [Adds an item (Not sure what it does)]
17. When Shower event, Choose [終...] [Adds an item (Not sure what it does)]
18. When Sleeping event, Choose [起...] [Adds an item (Not sure what it does)]
19. When Lure event, Choose [...] [Adds an item (Not sure what it does)]
20. Max H (The three yellow bars under 特性. To max it H her with white texted positions) [Fill up/Deplete H Stats Button]
21. Max Pain (To max it H her with Red texted positions) [Fill up/Deplete Pain Stats Button]
22. Max Anal (To max it H her with Blue texted positions) [Fill up/Deplete Anal Stats Button]
23. Run out of stamina (By pingtoryan: just make her come three times and that should do the trick (if you keep going after three times she will lay exhausted as you continue to bang her) [Energy refill button]
24. Wake her up during the sleeping event (Choose the option to H her when she has the sleeping event, cum on her face mutiple times and she'll wake up to H you) [Dunno, something to do with the events]
25. Get an orgasm with the [G-Spot] position (You’ll unlock the position later in the game, only Setri can cum from that) [Girls can cum showers]
26. During Toilet event, Choose [無理矢理...] (It means you're not letting her piss) [Girls can cum piss]

About positions:
View attachment 12106

Each position affects the girl’s feelings towards you, each position is diffent depending on the girl’s personaility and traits. If you do a certain position too amny times the game will count it as points in the end.

For example if I do a girl who loves me (Yellow Status) with a position that she hates (70% Blue, 30% Black) too many times, her status will change from Yellow to Blue.

By the way, cumming in any form will make her like you a little, even if she hates you!

About the Status Screen:
View attachment 12107

1. Her feelings towards you (There’s six faces: Normal (Green), Love (Yellow), Horny (Red), Hate (Blue), Slave (Purple), Destoryed (Black)) Note that some of these can be edited while making the character

2. Name, Personality (The girl’s voice), Trait (Affects her H-events), H trait (Likes those positions better)

3. H, Pain and Anal Stats (Unlocks positions, girls with no experience would feel painful during sex, doing more of these positions can help them relieve it, more info on the [Max H] achievement)

4. Destroyed Meter (Tells you when a girl is mind raped, if it gets full the girl’s feelings will change to black, meaning her mind is destroyed, you can still save her, unless that’s your fetish)

5. Status Lock, Destroy Lock (Locks the stats from leveling up)

About Events:

Eventully you’ll get events after a while, there are four events that I know of:
Lure, Toilet, Shower, Sleeping

Lure: Lure happens automatically, if you say [うん] to a girl she will take you to a room to H

The next three events don’t happen automatically, but they need to have a special box above her feelings face to trigger.

Toilet and Shower gives you an option to peek (The first choice);

You can H her in the toilet, shower and bed (The second choice), but it’ll make her hate you since most of the positions are blue)

There’s also two options depending on the event, but they’re just “No” options. These can unlock an achievement though

Character Maker:

There are five sections that affect the H system:
[名前], [性格], [特性], [心情], [H屬性]

[名前] Name

[性格] Personality
1.明るい (Bright)
2.ツンデレ (Tsundere)
3.おっとり (Sister-like)
4.無口 (Quiet)
5.ヤンデレ (Yandere)
6.大雑把 (By 77souls: Doesnt care about minor details)
7.生真面目 (Serious)
8.ボーイッシュ (Boyish)
9.元氣 (Energetic)
10. 凡帳面 (By 77souls: Methodical, Punctual, Unlocked after completing No.7)

[特性] Traits (Affects daily activites and events)
1.なし (None)
2.綺麗好 (By 77souls: Likes cleanliness (Clean freak?))
3.モノグサ (Lazy)
4.疲れやすい (Tired, more sleeping events)
5.疲れ知らず (By 77souls: Never gets tired)
6.頻尿 (Always want to piss, more toilet events)
7.グラスハ-ト (Glassheart, gets mid-ad a little if you don’t H her fora long time)
8.不屈の精神 (Brave, increases chances of leaving the hotel if she’s pissed at you)
9.欲求不滿 (Perverted, increases chances of assulting you on bed)

[心情] Feelings towards you at first meeting
1.なし (None)
2.楽しい (Fun)
3.好きかも (Like)
4.一目惚れ (Love at first glance)
5.興味がある (Interested)
6.魅力的 (Erotic)
7.抱かれたい (By 77souls: Want to get on it with you)
8.話づらい (By 77souls: Hard to talk to)
9.苦手 (Hard to get along)
10.嫌い (Hate)
11.指示されたい (I give commands)
12.命令されたい (I want commands)
14. …. (Mind-raped)

[H屬性] H Traits
1.なし (None)
2. 性欲旺盛 (Horny)
5.胸が敏感 (Sensitive breasts)
6.お尻が敏感 (Sensitive butt)
7.股間が敏感(Sensitive pussy)
8.キスに弱い(Weak at kissing)
9.されるのに弱い (By gyrobot: Sensitive to touching/ fondling)
10.反應好き (By 77souls: Loves to observe your reactions)
11.潔癖症 (Obsessive disorder on cleaning things, probably dislikes cumming outside)
12.Hに抵抗がある (Hates H)
13. 寂しがり屋 (Loner)

I’ll keep updating if I find anything new.

can someone help me with the achievement number 8, i already got one girl to yellow face feeling, from green face, but the achievement didnt unlocked
re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

I started with the text translation for the character maker and studio. (still misses item translations and nothing else than the maker and studio is translated.)

translation attached, since HF is not reachable atm..

Oh, nice! Tested and it works great using trial's patched DLL files. At least the maker is translated, as I needed to compare texts with trial before. Without it I barely guessed which option does exactly what.
re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

can someone help me with the achievement number 8, i already got one girl to yellow face feeling, from green face, but the achievement didnt unlocked

You have to get the feeling to max, if you've just changed to yellow it's just small like.
Keep Hing her with yellow positions until you reached max like
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re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

So the studio is pretty much a 100% copy from SBPR. No item attachment, fewer maps, the same items.

That was expected much...
re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

For those who want the chara maker translation :
View attachment UITranslation.v0.14.0-HoneySelect.part2.rar
View attachment UITranslation.v0.14.0-HoneySelect.part1.rar
View attachment Text-Translation-CharMaker+Studio-0.2.zip

How do you make a slave though? I'm Hing a girl with a mostly purple position but it seems it doesn't work. Same for hate, she went to pruple sad face to normal green face after I've done a lot of hating positions on her (camera etc)! I feel like some things don't work properly.
re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

For those who want the chara maker translation :
View attachment 12120
View attachment 12121
View attachment 12122

How do you make a slave though? I'm Hing a girl with a mostly purple position but it seems it doesn't work. Same for hate, she went to pruple sad face to normal green face after I've done a lot of hating positions on her (camera etc)! I feel like some things don't work properly.

I'm not sure what's wrong with the slave but for Max Hate I first make a character with [苦手],[不屈の精神] and [Hに抵抗がある ], then get her to the cave and slap her butt for a long time and after two sessions she hates me.
(I kinda feel bad for her)
re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

I cannot see your attachment, but if you are still having the same issue as your earlier post, I had the same issue.
create a folder for the game I will use HS for example.
Mount disk 1 and copy the contents of winroot to HS
Mount disk 2 and do the same.
If you followed along, your HS folder should contain an Illusion folder.
Open Illusion folder.
Open Honeyselect folder.
Now extract all dlc/update and drag the contents of their data folders into your Honeyselect folder.

Run the launcher and go.

Also, as I believe Enimaroah said, this will not create registry entries, so all future updates will need to also be installed manually.

I hope this helps, but I suspect I may have had corrupted files, so maybe try redownloading first.

Done that and still same problem, I doubt the problem will be my pc settings or something tho..
re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

For those who want the chara maker translation :

I know you don't want any harm, but take care when mirroring the works from other modders without their consent. It's usually frowned upon and some of them can get really mad at you.

Here, for example, I know that akyryz is probably going to be unhappy because he usually likes to keep track of his attachments in order to monitor the number of downloads they get.

The link you clicked was in a quote, and thus was truncated. Here's the good one : honey_03_plus0909g.exe
re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

Argh! I can't remember when was the last time HF suffered from high internet traffic.... Feels like HF has finally lost.... Any update on "Modding Discussion" thread?
re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

So I downloaded it and installed it on my desktop, what do I do with it?

You're supposed to install the Studio to the same directory as the full game, by running FileCopy.
If (and I'm afraid that it will be the case) FileCopy were to fail, simply copy the files manually.
re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

How do u level up i have unlocked most achievements but 3 are left have not leveled up once a guy few posts back was offering level 2 save
re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

Argh! I can't remember when was the last time HF suffered from high internet traffic.... Feels like HF has finally lost.... Any update on "Modding Discussion" thread?

Happens pretty much every time a high profile hentai game comes out and this one is the most anticipated for a while, it's very likely DDoS or something like that, can't be a coincidence and normal traffic wouldn't be able to cause this.
re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

Happens pretty much every time a high profile hentai game comes out and this one is the most anticipated for a while, it's very likely DDoS or something like that; can't be a coincidence and normal traffic wouldn't be ale to cause this.

But that didn't happen in SBPR (I will confirm once HF is fixed). Pretty much I agree with you that this was the most anticipated game but that thirst will be over in a week...

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nettomondo wrote on Lebedev's profile.
Hello, could you please reupload this game with new links?
Unfortunately the link is glitching on my end, but the game is Sakura Mau Otome no Rondo, all the links aside from the Rapidgator site are broken, and you cannot download them from Rapidgator without paying