[ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

Thankz for your suggestion if you don't mind should i request her complete mod in request section as it is the most demanding mod for this game !!

Well, idk. There are plenty of other 2B cards on that site.
One of them may have a complete list of mods to have her exact appearance.

Hey, I just did a fresh install and update with below order, just wondering if there's anything else I'm missing?

Unless you purposely skipped other updates, then it's most likely all set.
Thankz for your suggestion if you don't mind should i request her complete mod in request section as it is the most demanding mod for this game !!

The outfit is in fact a mod, but due to many reasons the creator of the mod took it down, and it's unavailable now.

how i can install skin mods

You probably need to download the SkinTexMod. It's available here and on Hongfire.
Hello everyone.

Is there any (convenient) way to make StudioNEO apply H-Animations to multiple (2) characters simultaneously and sync them up,
Just as the old Studio did? Selecting both while holding down ctrl and press movecopy only alignes them but as soon
as I select a H animation from the selection only one character starts playing it while the other one stays the same.
WTF is copy animation and paste animations actually do? As far as I can tell absolutely nothing.
I already searched half of the web looking for a solution but I couldn't find one that actually works.
Maybe there is some mod that (re)adds this feature?
How do I apply English translation?
And which translation is more recommended for full UI & dialogue translation?
this one: Full_UITranslation_Repack_15.6.2017?
How do I apply English translation?
And which translation is more recommended for full UI & dialogue translation?
this one: Full_UITranslation_Repack_15.6.2017?

Might I suggest this gem; http://www.hongfire.com/forum/forum/hentai-lair/hf-modding-translation/honey-select-mods/5716891-wip-all-in-one-honey-select-english-translation?p=5797015#post5797015

It's probably what who ever made that Repack used, but it's constantly being updated and that's where the work for translations are being done. Keep in mind that the translations of Dialogues and Subtitles takes an enormous amount of time, but what is done is there on that post. Get the main AIO, and the placeholders. Keep an eye on the thread for updates to the UITranslation patch which will add the new stuff we finish to the AIO.
Hello everyone.

Is there any (convenient) way to make StudioNEO apply H-Animations to multiple (2) characters simultaneously and sync them up,
Just as the old Studio did? Selecting both while holding down ctrl and press movecopy only alignes them but as soon
as I select a H animation from the selection only one character starts playing it while the other one stays the same.
WTF is copy animation and paste animations actually do? As far as I can tell absolutely nothing.
I already searched half of the web looking for a solution but I couldn't find one that actually works.
Maybe there is some mod that (re)adds this feature?

In the latest version (not sure which one), I can change H-Anim for multiple characters simultaneously by using Ctrl.
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IPA patcher breaks studio NEO's copy object button for me with 06/16 update. It does nothing when pressed. Did this happened to anyone else?
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Anyone else have an issue with the characters, in StudioNeo, not lining up properly when setting them to h-poses together? Not the animation sync, but the male character being slightly out of position despite being exactly where there female character is? Also their hands seem to be out of position as well. Hell, I tried the standing kiss pose tonight and it was waaaaay off.

I tested things out with a fresh install and it does it still so I don't think it's caused by any of the mods I have installed.

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Anyone else have an issue with the characters, in StudioNeo, not lining up properly when setting them to h-poses together? Not the animation sync, but the male character being slightly out of position despite being exactly where there female character is? Also their hands seem to be out of position as well. Hell, I tried the standing kiss pose tonight and it was waaaaay off.

I tested things out with a fresh install and it does it still so I don't think it's caused by any of the mods I have installed.

View attachment 16259
Have you tried adjusting the 3rd and 4th sliders (the ones under the animation speed slider) for the hands?
I don't see anything else on their update schedule, so I don't think we'll get an updated next week.

We may eventually have a last update this Friday.

Illusion has been late on their schedule : the "Battle Mode" was supposed to ship at the end of May and didn't make it till early June, and while the last NEO update was supposed to be delivered on June 2nd, it didn't ship before last week. And we still don't know if it's complete already : did they implement all the "motions" and "effects" they claimed to integrate in the new Studio ? There may be left-over features and fixes that didn't make it on time for the 0616 update.

All in all, Honey Select is now "feature-complete" (or really close to it). This game had a pretty impressive life cycle : two expansion packs, a mini-game spin-off and almost 10 months of support, which is quite unusual from Illusion. I hope they'll continue with this trend in the future.

Now I'm eager to see what will come next. Illusion has an habit of stretching out the lifetime of their game before larger releases, so they may have a big title in the pipeline. There's a "Playing in the bath" DLC planned for VR Kanojo, and we still didn't see their 2017 update of the "Lab" which will leave them a couple additional months to polish the upcoming games. Depending on what they showcase this year (if anything at all), the hype train we may board.
Have you tried adjusting the 3rd and 4th sliders (the ones under the animation speed slider) for the hands?

I haven't yet, I had asked the same thing on hongfire as well and someone mentioned those sliders. I will definitely give them a go when I start fiddling around with Studio Neo again later. Thanks for the response!
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I have a question:

Is anyone else experiencing a drop in performance in NEO after using it for 30+mins? I'm talking about a significant decrease in FPS. I get 60FPS when I first launch the studio and it drops all the way down to 15 FPS for no reason. I'm using Rivatuner to monitor my FPS and GPU usage.

Take note on the clock at the bottom right. It seems like when the FPS drops the GPU % also drops. But I don't see why it should drop anyways if it's not using 100% of the GPU :/ Is this just poor optimization? I only noticed this recently.

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I haven't yet, I had asked the same thing on hongfire as well and someone mentioned those sliders. I will definitely give them a go when I start fiddling around with Studio Neo again later. Thanks for the response!

The are a few things that usually gives me problem:

* the sliders as mentioned (pattern for both the guy and the girl and auxiliary 1 and two for the guy hand positioning)
* the height t of the characters is another, you have to adjust the position a bit to find the best one
* for some reason neck operation (animation / Kinematics / neck operation ) starts out fixe in front, change it to "anime" should correct the head poses (you still have to manually select mouth and eyes state though...)
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my 1st try at creating a realistic looking woman.. never saw this chick b4 but looked her up once i found the Booru card. (from left to right - from viewer POV) Real girl, my card, booru card.. if mine looks more realistic than the booru one (tho stepping back i see mine is missing quite a few things besides the costume) i have a few more i want to try - and i wont be shy to post the cards... let me know.

Hannah Minx - Elvira Cosplay

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Thank you.
By the way, is honeyparty_battle_arena supposed to be a separate download or is it part of DLC#02?
I don't think I've seen that one on the DLC pack I downloaded.

Also, some of costume mods I installed seems to conflict with each other(?) and can't be selected.
What can caused that and how do I fix it?
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I have a question:

Is anyone else experiencing a drop in performance in NEO after using it for 30+mins? I'm talking about a significant decrease in FPS. I get 60FPS when I first launch the studio and it drops all the way down to 15 FPS for no reason. I'm using Rivatuner to monitor my FPS and GPU usage.

Take note on the clock at the bottom right. It seems like when the FPS drops the GPU % also drops. But I don't see why it should drop anyways if it's not using 100% of the GPU :/ Is this just poor optimization? I only noticed this recently.

Your tuner might have dropped the gpu's speed because of high temperature. And did that with the success, the lower speed also led to a lower temperature but of course at the cost of FPSs.
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Your tuner might have dropped the gpu's speed because of high temperature. And did that with the success, the lower speed also led to a lower temperature but of course at the cost of FPSs.
There's no way it's the gpu temperature doing that, as I've been going through the same issues in not only NEO, but the main game, as well. I'm using a GTX-1060 6GB, and the temperatures almost never exceed 55C, due to the great MSI cooling.
Thank you.
By the way, is honeyparty_battle_arena supposed to be a separate download or is it part of DLC#02?
I don't think I've seen that one on the DLC pack I downloaded.

Also, some of costume mods I installed seems to conflict with each other(?) and can't be selected.
What can caused that and how do I fix it?

Honey Select uses a 6 digit number system, or Slot IDs, to find items in the game, be the shoes, tattoos, makeup, ext. Problems arise when mods use the same IDs, and only one will show. You can do two things to remedy this, use either HSSlot ID http://www.anime-sharing.com/forum/requests-releases-honey-select-mods-143/utility-hs_slotid-honey-select-slot-manager-546779/ or Sb3UGS http://www.anime-sharing.com/forum/requests-releases-tools-other-mods-123/utility-sb3utility-gui-script-releases-support-discussion-166644/#post1162511 to change the IDs to an unused slot.

HS Slot ID is a little easier to use, but Sb3UGS is far more robust and you can do just about anything with it to open or manipulate game files such as textures, clothes, ext. It's how I get the subtitles and dialogues out of the game from translators. I would suggest you get both of them and do a little reading and tinkering.

It takes a little while to change all the IDs and find conflicts and all, but in the end it's worth it. You will run into issues when you download cards or share cards if you change IDs, because they may not match with what the other person that made them is using, but it's better than not having the clothes at all.

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