[ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

I wanted to do that for the very same reasons (voices, traits, etc.), but sadly no, it's not possible, that I'm aware of. :/

oh well, we have to wait till a save editor. My warrior girl is stuck in a friggin high pitched annoying voice lol

We know that at least two new costumes will be released in the upcoming weeks : the ones that won in the summer poll. The goth-loli outfit shall be released this Friday and the nun / sister habit will come next week.

NOOOO! I wanted the nun this week :(
re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

NOOOO! I wanted the nun this week :(
There is a way to get nun if you like.... I will show it how...
Visit nearby church :XD:
re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

Is there a character *.png upload thread on anime sharing?
re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

There is a way to get nun if you like.... I will show it how...
Visit nearby church :XD:

Trust me there's no sexy nuns there lol
re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

New version of the uncensor:

SEMIPRO and Mr.X HoneySelect Uncensor FU and MU Ver1.02


Password : SMPR

Changelog: sry HF crapped out again before i could copy it and i can't get the site to load again

most bugs seem to be fixed looks a bit better still only the gaping version ofc

Btw if you replace the cf_t_body_00.unity3d with the original file (\illusion\HoneySelect\abdata\chara on the second iso if you didn't make a backup) you get a flesh colored pussy instead of the red one looks a bit more natural to me i actually experimented with the color but it only made it worse looking somehow so i settled for that.
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re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

Speaking of Church...there is a perfectly good church [chapel] in @HomeMate...not sure why they won't reuse it...
re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

New version of the uncensor:

SEMIPRO and Mr.X HoneySelect Uncensor FU and MU Ver1.02


Password : SMPR

Changelog: sry HF crapped out again before i could copy it and i can't get the site to load again

most bugs seem to be fixed looks a bit better still only the gaping version ofc

Btw if you replace the cf_t_body_00.unity3d with the original file (\illusion\HoneySelect\abdata\chara on the second iso if you didn't make a backup) you get a flesh colored pussy instead of the red one looks a bit more natural to me i actually experimented with the color but it only made it worse looking somehow so i settled for that.

Thank you for keeping us up to date on this mod. I wish that they would start posting updates here as well.

I've been a member of Hongfire for over a decade and I have never seen the site hit this hard. This may be the end for Hong. :(
re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

Was able to get into Hongfire a few minutes ago. Still slow as paint drying, but was able to look around. Hong himself apparently has not logged in for over a week now, so no telling when this will be fixed.

Next time I get in with a reasonable connection, I'll try to leave a message for modders to post their work here also.
re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

Was able to get into Hongfire a few minutes ago. Still slow as paint drying, but was able to look around. Hong himself apparently has not logged in for over a week now, so no telling when this will be fixed.

Yeah, it's weird. Sometimes I can get on with no problems at all and it runs at nearly full speed. I can't make any posts though, it just times out.

Btw, there is a new SBX uncensor available from Belgar17 and Sampar on HF. I am not going to mirror it here without checking with them first, but it works really well with the VR workaround that I posted a couple of days ago.

Initially there was a problem with the advanced shaders where things were super blurry. Somehow the SBX uncensor fixed that...
re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

SBX2 Uncensor - Test release by Belgar17 and Stampar
Mega link for those who cannot load Hongfire (I hope it's ok to link this here i would ask the author but that 's impossible with current state of Hongfire):


Test release currently features:

- Dynamic Maliwei-based mesh which expands when legs are spread.
- Custom body textures and maps for vanilla skin patterns.
- Full suntan support.
- Improved UV for pubic hair mesh.

Test release limitations:

- Only for full nude status (uncensor won't show if the character is wearing any top clothing part!).
- Patch for pubic hair mesh is still on the oven. Current one is just vanilla with edited UV's.
- No custom content (sweat, hairy, muscle addons and such will come later).

Fantastic work looks a lot better then the other uncensor.
Last edited:
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re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

oh well, we have to wait till a save editor. My warrior girl is stuck in a friggin high pitched annoying voice lol
I LOVE the voices on this game (h-scenes are incredible...), but yeah, that default first personality, Bright... Ugh, not so sexy at all. -_-
re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

What? This week's update is just an outfit? No additional events? That's a downer... I was hoping for more reverse rape events...
re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

Hello people...
After reading the whole thread, I believe only another guy and me are reporting crashes on this game ;w; now, read me a bit, please, I need advice.
You see, since the Trial Maker, I have been experiencing these random "crashes" where, the sound keeps going, but the game freezes. No error message, nothing. I have to click around until the "not responding" window appears, and thats it.
More recently, I started seeing another crash, this time, it generates an error log. Unfortunately for me, I dont know anything about Unity...so I dont know what to do.

I tried reinstalling, using different locations, and of course, changing the compatibility of the program. And...the crashes keep appearing. It also affects the studio ;_;

Any ideas? anyone else having the same problems??
re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

I LOVE the voices on this game (h-scenes are incredible...), but yeah, that default first personality, Bright... Ugh, not so sexy at all. -_-

It's your genetic H game character, always cheerful even with torture positions.
Even if she's broken, she still sounds like her normal voice :yawn:
re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

how do u add more character? right now my female model is only 2 of them, the lobby girl and red shirt ones..
re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

how do u add more character? right now my female model is only 2 of them, the lobby girl and red shirt ones..

You gotta use the character creator; that's half the fun, really! :) You'll find it in the main menu and inside the actual story mode.

Btw, is it possible to both edit/save Sitri in the game? I noticed that once you have access to her (after the first H scene), you can load her, but not save her. Would we just have to create a new saved version?
re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

Lotta questions Google doesn't have an answer to:

1. How do you peep on toilet, sleep and shower scenes?
Condition: End a Toilet event Tip: Choose "Wait for her..." (終わるのを待つ) during a Toilet event. Reward: Pissing Pills [利尿剤]
That's from the wiki. The only thing I've ever been able to do is simply start an H-scene. It says you'd unlock pissing pills for the toilet scene, sleeping pills for the sleep scene, and sweating pills (?) for the shower scene. How would I even use them? It almost looks like the wiki is talking about a different game, considering the lack of options I'm seeing compared to the number of options that are available.

2. As asked earlier, do we get to choose a room to use, or is it always random? I've not seen any options to choose a room or peeping or anything but H.

3. Do rooms or anything else need to be unlocked if we're using a 100% save file? If not, I don't know how to make use of any of the things unlocked.

4. How does a Lure even start? Random? Do any factors influence it's chances of happening?

5. How do you know how much a girl loves/hates you etc? I'd kinda like to know if a girl is thinking of leaving before I start some rough stuff and watch her walk out the door. However, I have seen a Warning show up that I assume was telling me to be careful with my next scene.

I see meters at the bottom that change with each scene, so I assume those must be indicators of this, but one girl wanted to leave after only the second scene, so no meters were filled or even close.

I also need to know if a girl is about to fall in love with me so I can avoid it if necessary to keep certain scenes looking proper, as opposed to a girl being really happy when I force my wang into her mouth and other rough stuff.

Also not sure when I'm inflicting pain or aside from obvious things like spanking.

6. When you choose a girl, you have a menu that lets you toggle some things that turn options on the right orange (the page that has Start H on it). What do those things mean/do? I have toggled a couple but noticed no difference in the scene.

7. If you use an animation, it has a couple colors on it: Pink, purple etc. I know what sort of effects they have (though I don't know how much effect they have), but if you were to use a lot of them, would every action count? Like, if I used Forceful Blowjob 10 times in a row, would the effect be multiplied 10 times? Or is there a cut-off point? If it stacks, I may have broken the crap outta the girl that finds me "funny" in our last session (I hit dat till she couldn't move anymore, and kept going...she came 7 times).

8. Does cumming inside have any different effect than cumming on, or having her Drink it etc? Or does that decision have no effect?

9. Do you have to complete an animation to get the purple/yellow/etc effects? Or do you get them immediately (do they have to cum etc)? If I let an animation play for like 2 hours strait (run the animation and go take a shower or something), does the effect increase? When are the effects added?

10. It says Choose "No peeing" (無理矢理...) during a Toilet event. It also says you can get caught peeping on the event. These 2 seem to contradict each other. How do I get to choose whether or not she'll pee if I'm supposed to be hiding and not getting involved? Get caught on purpose?? Of course, I'd need to know to peep first...

11. There are 2 boxes you can check under the girl when choosing who to "use". Both are unchecked by default. What do they do? In games like this, it seems like it's best to check as many boxes as you can. should I check the boxes?

So as you can see, I am still basically in the dark on how to play this game properly, even after playing for hours. So far the only things I know how to do are make girls and guys, start H Scenes, and...that's about it. I thought I'd have learned these things on my own, but I don't seem to be learning anything new since the majority of things are still Japanese. I don't wanna keep playing and playing if I'm missing out on a lot of stuff. and only seeing a ton of sex. Those scenes will get boring quickly if it's just sex sex sex. That said, I'm used to SchoolMate (with it's misaligned animations) and SBPR, with an actual game to play, as opposed to just watching sex animations play out repeatedly. I'd rather just watch porn. I turn on games to play them.
re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

No, there's not. I quoted some things from it, as it's open in another tab right now, but I've seen no answers to any of my 11 questions. Well, 1 of them, but it's not specific enough. Question 4: How to start a Lure event, but it doesn't say when, it just says to ignore a girl and she'll approach you, but I've never seen any way to interact with a girl aside from "Start H".
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re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

No, there's not. I quoted some things from it, as it's open in another tab right now, but I've seen no answers to any of my 11 questions. Well, 1 of them, but it's not specific enough. Question 4: How to start a Lure event, but it doesn't say when, it just says to ignore a girl and she'll approach you, but I've never seen any way to interact with a girl aside from "Start H".
I don't want to sound rude, but there's quite a bit of info on there that you might have overlooked? For instance, the Events section has all the info you really need for Question 1, and plus, the traits you choose for each girl will influence the odds of these events happening.

2. I was able to use all the rooms after my first H-event with Sitri, I believe.

3. I don't use the 100% save file, so I can't help you there. But, if you have that file, you should have every room available to you. You can find the option in the menu just prior to an h-scene with your girl.

4. Check the Events section of the Wiki. The girl should approach you at random. I guess you just have to play long enough and earn enough specific points in an area?

5. There are colors on those H-Scene position bars, with each one indicating what status points are effected. All you really need to know is her current status, and from there, max it out by using positions specific to it (Yellow positions for love, red for horny, etc.). If you've decided to max out her horny (red) status, just choose positions with red bars. All the info for those positions and the colors are also on the wiki in the Positions section.

6. I'm not quite sure what you're referring to? Do you have the latest Image Translations? Those have been pretty helpful, for me, at least.

7. See my answer for #5.

8. Not that I'm aware of; pretty sure it's just a "taste/fetish" thing.

9. I think length during the h-animation might have an effect, but mostly, just aim on making her cum in those positions. I'm guessing your actions are all added up after you're finished with the h-scene.

10. This is also in the Wiki Events section. You can choose to either peek (1st option) or go right on inside, where you enter an h-scene with her in that room. (Toilet, Shower, Sleeping)

11. I'm not positive, but I think that's how to choose what item to use on a girl prior to an h-scene.
re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

SBX2 Uncensor - Test release by Belgar17 and Stampar
Mega link for those who cannot load Hongfire (I hope it's ok to link this here i would ask the author but that 's impossible with current state of Hongfire):


Fantastic work looks a lot better then the other uncensor.
re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

I think you need to have contact a girl a few times for her to approach you. I've been bugged by one girl since forever and another whom I just added and not ever met never came.
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re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ


Blog was just updated. Any translation fairy here?

2016 09 May 16 days , other

Lolita! Hairstyle! H scene!

Also entered in the middle of September, it has been settled finally temperature
nowadays, How is everything going with you?
Silver Week from weekend is also the influence of the typhoon, maybe I can not go out much?
there! This holiday, free additional data Lots!
Please, play New to "Honey select" by all means!
...... I am sorry in blatant introduction.

Let's also go update of the blog today in such different reasons.

Currently, additional data & studio delivery, various uploader running in
ILLUSION latest "Honey select" is now on sale! Today further "additional data" and had as we broadcast the Gothic costume, new hairstyle and new H scene.
Honey select a new public information!

In addition, Character screen shot studio scene data
various uploader in the also popular running!

Honey select a new public information!

In addition, we are planning the delivery of additional data 3rd next week September 23!
Here is also fun!

Google Translation (-_-)


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