[ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

Hey gus, do you have any suggestions about which 4K mod should I install, I tried to use EMF patch but it's hard to know the difference between 3 options (4K body texture maps for SBX2 + Custom Juice Texture BETA 3b by Stampar + 4K Diffuse Initital Pack). Furthermore, how do I know whether these mods are up-to-date or not ?
good thing I had back up, wow. but when I did apply the latest DLC patch, not only did the FK/IK became crazy, but the main game also reverted back to pre-party version and missing all of the character cards in-game. anybody know what happened?

I have the same problem, none of the characters appear in Honey Select, but I can use them in Honey Studio Neo with no problems.
I have the same problem, none of the characters appear in Honey Select, but I can use them in Honey Studio Neo with no problems.

The first time the game is run after installing Party, it modifies all of your character cards to make them compatible with NEO and the new version of the game. So if the main game reverted back to pre-party, that would explain why your cards are only visible in NEO. Until Illusion releases a fix, you're going to have to re-install the 05/26 patch. I only needed to reapply the "_sub" patch and my NEO returned to normal but some of you may need the "_all" patch if the "_sub" doesn't resolve this issue with the main game.
Maybe 4k Diffuse Initial pack? have you tried it... here's the link on AS Here...

I already have it installed. This 4k diffuse pack only effects the skin when I chose it in the skin option correct? Either way when choosing it or using a default skin I get the same issue. I never used 4k texutures in OG HS and managed to still fix the issue, so i'm not certain it has to do with that? Maybe some graphical mod I downloaded? Currently with the HSParty Graphic Patch ver.170527 I see I can edit presets for it in the config file for Shadow, SSR, SSAO and Style but I haven't being able to tweak and fix the issue.

Either way thanks for trying to help.
On home page of Illusion site:

I confirmed the problem that the size of the character will change if FK is enabled at "Studio NEO".
  Since we released the modified additional data, we are very sorry to trouble you but please introduce additional release commemoration additional data.
  We sincerely apologize for inconveniencing it

I don't know if they fixed the update or not, need someone who can access downloads to try it.
On home page of Illusion site:

I confirmed the problem that the size of the character will change if FK is enabled at "Studio NEO".
  Since we released the modified additional data, we are very sorry to trouble you but please introduce additional release commemoration additional data.
  We sincerely apologize for inconveniencing it

I don't know if they fixed the update or not, need someone who can access downloads to try it.

From what I gather they indeed have released the fixed stuff...of course, no mirror yet.
2 new files showed up today in the Honey Select pastebin:


Looks like the fixed version, but I didn't test it yet.
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2 new files showed up today in the Honey Select pastebin:


Looks like the fixed version, but I didn't test it yet.

I tested it and it worked well.
So here the link to the 06/02 update fixed, from pastebin:

honeyparty_01_plus_0602riy_sub https://mega.nz/#!P5BB1DSI!Njtll1chWA6m60y6NtSKK7IT6pUZFR3DQmwJwPRq0jk
honeyparty_01_plus_0602rae_all: https://mega.nz/#!bxYmESwa!-GbwEZFtI-jtcszHvQFu1AXDFJFRgNp_1AATN56v1VQ
My last update was the version 1.20 file that was put up in the pastebin along with 519_all update... what's the best install order to use to update to current 602?

Should i,

1. just apply the 602rae_all file
2. then, delete my UI translation folder and reinstall UITranslation.v0.16.0-HoneySelect thru DillDoe_UITranslation_Battle_Arena (in order of appearnace at pastebin)

That's it?

**i have a couple backups so trying to update shouldn't cause a major problem for me this time around but if i can get it right the 1st attempt, well, i wouldnt be too angry at that ;)

My last update was the version 1.20 file that was put up in the pastebin along with 519_all update... what's the best install order to use to update to current 602?

Should i,

1. just apply the 602rae_all file
2. then, delete my UI translation folder and reinstall UITranslation.v0.16.0-HoneySelect thru DillDoe_UITranslation_Battle_Arena (in order of appearnace at pastebin)

That's it?

**i have a couple backups so trying to update shouldn't cause a major problem for me this time around but if i can get it right the 1st attempt, well, i wouldnt be too angry at that ;)


You can install any, 0602rae_all is a package with all previous updates, sub is only the weekly update.

To re-apply translation you don't have to delete something in the Plugin folder, just merge the folder StudioNEO_64_Data in Machine Translation_04_29_2017_12_55 with the original folder (you have to do this after every official update)
What's new in the 602 update ?
I'm on 526 If nothing is significant, probably will pass

Just new animation for studio, so you can pass if you are not interested in studio.

...and take the fixed one. The old one breaks FK in studio.
What new animations exactly? I've installed the update and I didn't notice anything new.
this thread didnt die did it? used to more activity, unless there is another thread where more active discussion takes place?

...you guys/girls wouldn't have the nerve to be out there living your actual lives right? :P

so, is it possible to use .vmd / MMD files in Studio Neo?

Also, is it possible somehow to get all those imported item object specific-maps and regular loadable Maps in studio vanilla (as addition to the item obj's the mod community made/imported alot for this category too) added and or able to work in Studio Neo?
...you guys/girls wouldn't have the nerve to be out there living your actual lives right? :P

Actual lives?! I have no clue what you are talking about :D

Also, is it possible somehow to get all those imported item object specific-maps and regular loadable Maps in studio vanilla (as addition to the item obj's the mod community made/imported alot for this category too) added and or able to work in Studio Neo?

Normal map files seem to work fine in NEO, at least I'm not missing any of those I used in the old studio before.

For item object maps (and other items), the HiR_Neo (Honey Select Item Resolver for NEO) tool does the trick.
Can be found in the Honey Select Mods forum here at AS.
Thanks Kern! That did it, all items now in Neo. Also, double checking the Maps category it does look like all the Maps I had in vanilla studio are there.

Has something similar been done with Advanced IK yet to allow .vmd/ mmd animations to be played in Neo?
Do you guys know if it is possible to link a girl to a animation item?

It seems that you only can link animations items with other minor items but not with 'actors', is this really a limitation of studio NEO?
Hi guys. Are there any BDSM/bondage mods for this game? There are very few in the base game, and I don't know if I can unlock additional ones. I've been to the basement/cave, it's supposed to unlock some special bed bondage? But I'm not seeing these new positions (even though the girl
s feelings is "hate" and slave. What must to unlock more?
i got studio neo to work, when i press M it goes into VR mode, it work but how do I move around? Do i need oculus touch or something?
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hey, I was just making a backup of my UserData folder and noticed that tumbcache is the folder that occupies more disk space due to tumb.dat being a very big file. So just for clarification, is that file needed or can I just delete it on my backup? Also, is it normal for it to occupy such space? (mine is 490mb right now)
I remember making a backup a few days ago when my UserData was only 142mb so I'm finding it really weird because I didn't do much to justify that increase.
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They indeed released the Battle Arena's main mode.

Next week's update will bring some new customization items (Succubus and Berserker-themed outfits and accessories), and some updates for Studio NEO (FK Items, improved copy/paste of child items, changed the lower limit of item control from 0.01 to 0.001...):

I'm trying to see if I can load the Battle Arena page to check the file size, but the proxy isn't cooperative right now...
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when you say the battle arena main mode has been released, do you mean battles can now be setup and played out?

...because i think before hearing this I stopped messing around in Battle Arena b/c the word was the entire game (or the fighting mode part) wasn't released at time of 5.26 patch.
when you say the battle arena main mode has been released, do you mean battles can now be setup and played out?

...because i think before hearing this I stopped messing around in Battle Arena b/c the word was the entire game (or the fighting mode part) wasn't released at time of 5.26 patch.

It is indeed the fighting/battle mode part that was released.


They previously only released the customization part (for cards, cut-ins/animations and unions).
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