Re: Honey Select - Coat Mod

Mesh and scene loading is part of the application and part of the Unity engine. I dont reverse engineer nor am I part of the development team.

Having the body underneath clothes or not depends on design. For underwear and bathing clothes like bikinis the full naked body is used and you could cut parts of that clothing without having holes. But when much vertices would be invisible all the time then a good design is to have no hidden geometry. This might not be very important for scenes with one or two characters, but it would be for scenes with many.

So yes, models are switched for different clothing states and they need to be preloaded to allow fast switching.
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Re: Honey Select - Coat Mod

Still getting used to recent Illusion games like SBPR and HS. This game interests me too much not to figure it all out. :) And I kinda really want that shirtless coat mod too now. I'll use what I know to help if I can.
Re: Honey Select - Coat Mod

The fastest way to do this would be to export the full naked body and replace the partial body in the clothing. Delete or hide the mesh for the top. The performance loss through additional geometry - e.g. the arms - should not make a big difference. And you could optimize your mod in a second attempt.

All tutorials are hosted on HF which is only partially online. If you want to try, in every of my posts on HF in the signature is a link to the Glossary. I also have one here, but it is outdated.
Re: Honey Select - Coat Mod

Thanks, buddy. I sometimes can browse right through HF, and sometimes I get problems. Clicking your link is one of those times I got problems. :p

I'll check it out. I'll bet I could get some LL guys to help too. I've been around the block there.

+1 Brownie Point;)
Re: Honey Select - Coat Mod

I have always wondered why LL never really picked any of these games up.

As far as the coat, If you are familiar enough with SB3UGS to import and export assets then it is literally as easy as enimaroah says.

Now this thread make me want to do a tube top under the coat. I really didn't want to get into this yet.:deadsad: 1 hour editing the outfit, :fag: 1 week asking enimaroah where I goofed.... Not trying to discourage anyone, just take your time. :D unlike me.
Re: Honey Select - Coat Mod

There is one difficulty which I haven't spoke of yet. Nml MBs. This is a bit unusual and not known by normal 3d modellers. Illusion invented a special unit for correcting the normals for small chested girls. This technique allows the natural shadow below breasts to be painted instead of the need to compute it. And this saves a lot of computational power of the user's gpu.

Sb3UGS has a helper for this. But one after the other. This additional step has to be done as last step (it needs the final model's normals).
Honey Select - All Spats on Socks

I have a thing for spats and pantyhose and in this game I haven't been able to play with them at once! :eek:
I tried to play around many times with Sb3 and it doesn't make sense to me. And if I actually do something, I'd have to put the clothing in a list or something. I'll try a little more and if by a miracle I get it done, I'll post it here.
Re: Honey Select - All Spats on Socks

I ended up screwing someone elses work (the sock of a mod named Miku Set i got on a pastebin).
I don't know how to make it work alone and not screw that set. I don't know how to make a list for that file AND I probably have to change something else to not still screw up that sock.
Re: Honey Select - All Spats on Socks

Ok, my madness went on and I ended doing it. I didn't though I could do it, still took me around 3 hours messing around to figure just a little. Still, for all those who share my weird fetish... one custom color extra spats for socks slot here!


It should work alone and should not interfere in any other mod. I tested a bit and didn't interfere on the mod I screwed up at first. I think the other modder 'name' is Elysium. So, thanks Elysium for making a sock quite simple that I could corrupt to my own purpose. And if you feel disliked by this, PM me and I'll take it off.
Toggle POV Mod

Is there any chance of getting back the Toggle POV Mod for Honey Select that was on Hongfire? The one with Backspace as the default toggle button? It was honestly the best pov mod in SBPR and the Honey Select Trial. I was going to try and see if it worked in the main game, but it was gone. Even the SBPR one was gone. If I had to get rid of all my other mods just to get this one back, I would.



A Hongfire post has linked the Toggle POV Mod here

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Re: Toggle POV Mod

The creator of the TogglePov mod is from akyryz.
I really enjoyed this mod and I hope to see a return for it in the Full Version.
[HS] Non-denim, non-sports hotpants

While I'm sure someone will make them eventually, I'd like to go ahead and put out a request for some cloth, leather, and/or synthetic hot pants.

The only example I can think of off the top of my head is what Makise Kurisu from Steins;Gate wears (I would post a picture but I am on mobile, posting this before I go to sleep).
Re: Toggle POV Mod

Actually, the plugin still works even on the full game.
All you need is the GGmod, released by aastaroth, the just install the TooglePOV mod.
Tested here and it's working like a charm.

GGmod: here
PS: aastaroth posted his mod here on AS too, on the mod reelase thread.

POV MOD: here

Have fun!

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Reactions: tomoya102599
[HS] Porting H Items From Studio to Accessories

I think it would be nice to be able to have some of the H-Items from studio in the main game as accessories, things such as the ball-gag, handcuffs, anal beads, etc.
Honey Select - need more hairs for the male

i need more hairstiles for the male character specially long side bangs long back hair ponytails and front bangs sorry i no speak english please help with me f** i like handsome mans
Re: [Mod Discussion] (Illusion) Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト)

Adding "slapping" sound would be great for vaginal and anal positions, like this mod for AA2
cause at the moment, it doesn't feel like the guy is putting force into pumping the girl, all I can hear is just the girl screaming/moaning.
Not sure if this is possible in studio as well, it would be great if there's a bit more sound in studio other than the UI sound and the japanese house scene ambient sound
Re: [Mod Discussion] (Illusion) Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト)

Can someone please make a mod that adds gold hoop earrings?
Re: [Mod Discussion] (Illusion) Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト)

Can someone please make a mod that adds gold hoop earrings?

Just a suggestion for now. go to accessories Type>Hands and pick a ring or bracelet that may look ok then then Position>R ear then adjust until it looks ok and repeat for the other ear..

They will be rigid without physics, but it looks good enough for me. Glad you asked your question or I never would have thought to try this.
Real Play/Play Club outfits in Honey Select

I found a mod for SBPR that allowed me to use some of the outfits from Play Club/Real Play in the game. Can someone do a similar mod for Honey Select? especially the leather catsuit.
Re: [Mod Discussion] (Illusion) Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト)

so i found this chinese mod(mega DLlink) with 4 futa "pantyhose" but it looks kinda awful, can someone make it better? cause currently it looks too flat.
actually it would be better if someone can add the FUMU uncenor mod penis into the accessories, that'd be great
Re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Mod Support Thread

I looked over AS and Hongfire forums but didn't find a mod that change the height of the MC (male). Is there not such mod? I want to make a shota character and the main game doesn't let you customize the male height.
Porting Premium Play's studio items "Fool Dicka" to Honey Select


I was wondering if a kind soul could port the "Fool Dicka" studio item pack found on this page:

It was very useful in PPD's studio and would be a good addition to Honey Select's


I have no clue how to do it myself, this is why I'm asking here :)

Thank you very much in advance for any help!
Honey Select/Studio FOV Changer

Hi, putting in a request to those more experienced to make a simple FoV changing plugin. The default FoV in Studio is killing me and I would greatly appreciate a way to make it wider.
What mod is this?

HST002225.png HST002414.png HST002415.png I'm wondering where the nun outfit and head piece come from? They don't load in my game and I'm wondering if I need to unlock them or they are modded in? If modded can someone link me to the source? thanks.

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