1. I would love to see the old circular gyrating grinding motion from past titles like Harem Mate implemented in Honey Select please.

2. A grope feature where you can grope ass and tits and squeeze them and they move accordingly to how hard you squeeze. That'd be aweseome. Then working off that and the current spank pose, having a universal spank where you can spank with paddles, hands, or whips and see her ass or tits move when you do it.

3. Tutus, Dance Clothes, Yoga Outfits.

4. Yoga Poses: Puppy Pose, Cat Cow, Pigeon Pose, Splits, Reclined Eagle, Happy Baby, Legs behind Head, etc. Maybe a yoga sequence animation. That would be amazing.

5. Legs crossed doggystyle, legs crossed sitting. ass up all the way doggystyle with legs together and chest down all the way (puppy pose). I've tried doing it with the 1k animator and its a nightmare for me. I keep warping the models into unrealistic positions. I'd like to get better but I don't know where to start. It feels very unintuitive to me. I just keep thinking there must be a better way, an easier way. I'd like to take poses from existing animations and tweak them slightly to achieve this. That's what I'm trying to figure out. Pause the animation and then export the pose maybe?

6. League of Legends characters like Miss Fortune, Ahri, Eve, Sona, Riven, Ashe, Morgana, Kayle, Katarine, Zyra. The models can be seen here in an online model viewer:


I'm currently working on a Miss Fortune model. My next one would be Ahri, Eve, Zyra, Jinx, Morgana, Kayle, in that order probably if I can do it. I just started with this game a few days ago so who knows. If I do make them i'll post them. Eve's dance sequence is really hot, you view it in the model viewer I linked. Safecracker Evelynn. Dance sequences like that would be a great. Stripper pole sequences.
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Is there a clothing mod somewhere for the infamous keyhole cat lingerie? Anyone wanna make one? Example in case you live under a rock XD : 910_1_1024x1024_original.png

Would be awesome to have a mod like this, I don't think it would be that hard to make either? I don't mod, so I'm not sure.

edited: so apparently there's already a mod for this, I just stumbled on this picture. Does anyone know where to download this? 1487110410025.png
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Jeez, the males really lack variation when it comes to clothing and hairstyles.

I need longer male hairstyles, And more robes/kimonos.
Since Hongfire is down does anyone know where I could find the following mod:


Dear people that want mod links from Hongfire,

1. Use google to search: hongfire "insert name of mod here"
I have had good success with the first search result being the page you are looking for.

2. Click the little green arrow at the end of the green link directly underneath the big blue clickable link, and then select Cached.
This should bring you to the latest cached copy of that page, and it will likely have the download link you are looking for.

As an example, I did this for Redleg's request above for "honey-select-random-face-asist-0-3-0-randomizer-mixer" and was able to find the following download link. http://ux.getuploader.com/honeyselect/download/166/HSRandomFaceAssist_0.3.0.zip

As another example, I was looking for links from YashiroAmamiya's massive post that are missing from the pastebin doc, specifically post 44 and 47. I googled "hongfire YashiroAmamiya page 3" and "hongfire YashiroAmamiya page 4" and was able to retrieve the mediafire links from the cached versions of those pages.

Xia: https://mega.nz/#!V4ZnASzA!2OZ9t4v2FQ2nOyv_qyt4LuhQ4d7kBh6F57XFyDiJjBs for HS pose editor

Best of luck you in these tough times!
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Futaboy have already created this. Check the forum!

Thanks. I did look through all the pages but didn't see it. I tried it out and like it. No gap at all would be my preference but this is the best one so far. The only problem is I just installed the 4k skin pack and they aren't compatible. I'm seeing some color discrepancies when using the two mods together. The lower buttocks looks blocky when trying in play mode doggystyle.

I also wanted to try the pussy lip color changer ((SkinMod) Puppy colors v 0.5 by MRL) but not seeing it anywhere with 4k installed. I'm not sure if its supposed to show up as a new option in the skin menu during character creation or not.

I think I'm just going to revert back to normal resolution for now.
Is it possible have vagina uncensor set to invisible clothing top? Then for each top clothing state in Studio it can have different state of the vagina? ON dressed is normal vagina (innie/closed), HALF dressed is vagina spread a bit, UNDRESSED will show spread vagina lips wide or gaped? This would help for HS Studio photography.

This would be great expansion of FemaleUncensorAtTops mod with support by other uncensor vagina modders in community.
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Is it possible have vagina uncensor set to invisible clothing top? Then for each top clothing state in Studio it can have different state of the vagina? ON dressed is normal vagina (innie/closed), HALF dressed is vagina spread a bit, UNDRESSED will show spread vagina lips wide or gaped? This would help for HS Studio photography.

This would be great expansion of FemaleUncensorAtTops mod with support by other uncensor vagina modders in community.

That's a good idea. Have a different state for different circumstances. During sex it can be gaped more. However during posing and photography I'd prefer it non gaped. I like the idea of an unspoiled woman. A big gaping vag kind of spoils that lol.

As far as that blocky issue installing SBX uncensor 2.5 resolved it as well as the miscoloration issue. So yeah just that tight vag mod doesn't work in 4k well. I got my other plugins working again finally. Some broken Roy models but I guess there's a tradeoff. I'm liking the high resolution now.
Can somebody help me
i'm looking for a dress mod made by SMPR or Semipro
but i can't access hongfire
like this video : SMPR PACK in minutes 1:32
thanks in advance
Can somebody help me
i'm looking for a dress mod made by SMPR or Semipro
but i can't access hongfire
like this video : SMPR PACK in minutes 1:32
thanks in advance

pastebin com/Z9kkjDjT

I've read somewhere that the posts of newbies with links are auto-locked so I'll put a space I think you should see my post
pastebin com/Z9kkjDjT

I've read somewhere that the posts of newbies with links are auto-locked so I'll put a space I think you should see my post

OMG you're awesome man, Thanks a lot, Cheers.
thanks for your suggestion, i'm really really new here and not so good in english, anyway you help me out :D
I'd like a way to better organize and rename outfits in game. The name/date organization only works on sets and then even then it doesn't always sort them right. Some for example like Widowmaker aren't in the right spot. A way to expand the list so I can see more at once making finding things faster and easier. Just more streamlining in this regard.
I'd like a way to better organize and rename outfits in game. The name/date organization only works on sets and then even then it doesn't always sort them right. Some for example like Widowmaker aren't in the right spot. A way to expand the list so I can see more at once making finding things faster and easier. Just more streamlining in this regard.

I'd like to bump that, the current item resolver doesn't exactly work for my make-shift set up either, it would be better if there was some in game way to catalog & sort all the items in the way you want them. An example would be you make a swimsuit folder for swimsuits, have a cosplay folder for cosplay & etc.
Hello I'm new here and I have a small request. I'm looking for the ACC summoning ring mod that adds 30 accessories I can't seem to find it for download anywhere.
Why nobody check Honey Select Pastebin before asking for mod links? Pastebin always updated with mod links. You Google it!
I'm going to be that nice random person, here's the Honey Select paste bin link, this link contain nearly every mods ever released and it's also updated frequently. The link: https://pastebin.com/Z9kkjDjT

Just CTRL+F whatever you need. Can be tricky sometimes but once you got the file name of the mod you need just CTRL+F and it should be in it. For example, you can find the latest nier 2B automata mod in there, just CTRL+F "automata" ;)

It's also good site to use with http://illusioncards.booru.org/index.php?page=post&s=list because sometimes you'll click on a card and a bunch of comments will says that you need, for example, a mod like "Sleeved_Blouse_v1.1" without any download links. So, again, just copy the name of mod in question, CTRL+F in the paste bin page and you'll most likely find it there :)
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Hey guys! Just wanted to ask if there's a mod that adds a nude body option to the MALE torso clothes tab. I seem to have a mod that adds full clothes in the shoes clothes tab, but I cant use em because they are clipping through everything from the torso tab. Sorry if its already in the pastebin, but I think I downloaded everything from there so I'm not sure if I've missed anything. Anyway, thank you!
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Hey guys! Just wanted to ask if there's a mod that adds a nude body option to the MALE torso clothes tab. I seem to have a mod that adds full clothes in the shoes clothes tab, but I cant use em because they are clipping through everything from the torso tab. Sorry if its already in the pastebin, but I think I downloaded everything from there so I'm not sure if I've missed anything. Anyway, thank you!

Use "Male thong". I can't remember if there is a MuFu clothing option.

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