[ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Mod Support Thread

Thanks but I thought the slider was already integrated in the EMF patch which I have installed?
Yes the EMF patch include the WideSlider. You can see if its working in you system by checking the body slide in the maker. Normally the values for the slider go from 0 to 100. If WideSlider is installed and running correctly you should see the values for the sliders go from -100 to 200.
Yes the EMF patch include the WideSlider. You can see if its working in you system by checking the body slide in the maker. Normally the values for the slider go from 0 to 100. If WideSlider is installed and running correctly you should see the values for the sliders go from -100 to 200.

Ah I had to start it with the WideSlider.exe then it worked (the cards also). Thanks!
Yes the EMF patch include the WideSlider. You can see if its working in you system by checking the body slide in the maker. Normally the values for the slider go from 0 to 100. If WideSlider is installed and running correctly you should see the values for the sliders go from -100 to 200.

I didn't even consider that for my issue. I tried re-installing the mod and it corrected the problem! Awesome :-)

I've tried that, I've tried even deleting the translation mod and translations. I reinstalled the game by itself worked just fine. I put in the User Data folder, works fine. Put in the rest it acts up.

I have seen something like that happen when one of the mods for clothing have a problem.
Try this: Go to directory Illusion/HoneySelect/abdata/list/characustom. Move all the lists for custom mods to a temporary directory, leaving only the original game lists (00.unity3d to 07.unity3d). Launch the game and see if the menus are back in the maker.
If everything looks normal you can try moving the mods lists back into the directory one by one to find the bad ones. If any give you problems it would be better to download a fresh copy and reinstall from that.

theonewolf , that pic looks exactly what i experienced awhile back when i patched the game,before trying the above suggestion(or if you have not) ,did you remember to run HoneySelect_64_Patched.exe (or HoneySelect_32_Patched.exe for 32 bit os) you are supposed to after adding a new plugin mod or updating one
theonewolf , that pic looks exactly what i experienced awhile back when i patched the game,before trying the above suggestion(or if you have not) ,did you remember to run HoneySelect_64_Patched.exe (or HoneySelect_32_Patched.exe for 32 bit os) you are supposed to after adding a new plugin mod or updating one

Ah Ok, yea I don't do it every time. I honestly don't remember reading that I needed to. Thanks for the info, I'll do both today and let you guys know. Just out of curiosity, I get what HiR does, but can it also resolve any single mod issue with its slot number? I have an abandoned mod I'd like to get functional properly.
Ok, so if it is the Zeaska GGMod then I definitely know your problem. I had the same problem happen to me with his set of mods. I completely forgot about it because this was like the first mods I installed. Again, it is just a matter of installing the set of mods correctly and you will not have an issues.

Zeaska wrote his mods a particular way. Doesn't matter but just a different way to install. His core mod files go into his own folder in your honey select directory :

( illusion\honeyselect\abdata\zeaska ) not placed in the chara folder like other mods, be sure to place it in his own folder like it is within the zip file.

In this case for his ggmod core files into his zeaska folder within the HS directory
( illusion\honeyselect\abdata\zeaska\ggmod ) example file installed in this folder zeaska_ggmod_01_215501.unity3d

The characustom files and the GGmod_cfg files go like usual.
Example file installed in ( illusion\honeyselect\plugins\GGmod_cfg ) p_cf_shoes_ggmod_z_01.cfg

I kept running into this issue at first and kept wondering what the hell I was doing wrong because I kept installing mods in HS like I was installing mods in SBPR. In SBPR there was no mod named folders in the chara folder to the specific created mods/creator. It was just raw files in the chara folder.

So I kept placing the files incorrectly and it was giving me the no feet. So I found it best to just simply place the mod/files as is just like in the zip file with copy/pasting into the directory unless noted otherwise. I still double check the placement within the zip before doing so but every time it is placed exactly how it is within the zip.

I also have this problem of missing feet. At first it was only the Zeaska's heels have this problem, but after some times even the other heels have missing feet problem. Do you mean to open it up and place all the files in chara? I did that and in the game when i select on the heels it didnt appear.
had the same problem with the Zeaska heels awhile back,reason was because i was missing some cfg files(i think it was cgf files) that had to be placed in the heels-mod folder...there were other cfg files for other heels there
Hey guys, I made an account here because I for the life of me cannot figure out what exactly went wrong with my game lol.

Last night I installed that EMF patch thing and the game worked flawlessly. Today, I installed the Wide Slider mod (stupid of me) and now all my girls are orange as hell. I remember reading about that glitch last night but I can't find that thread anywhere.

I've tried removing the installed Wide Slider, and reinstalled the EMF patch to no avail. Any fixes?
Where is IPA?

Im having problems with clothing mods loading.
I read trough the thread and a posible solution is installing (illusion plugin architecture) which comes with (EMF PATCH).

maybe installing it manually might solve the problem, but I cant find the file on its own.

bellow an image with the issue

thanks for your helps


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Re: Where is IPA?

Im having problems with clothing mods loading.
I read trough the thread and a posible solution is installing (illusion plugin architecture) which comes with (EMF PATCH).

maybe installing it manually might solve the problem, but I cant find the file on its own.

bellow an image with the issue

thanks for your helps
The Illusion Plugin Architecture has nothing to do with this mod. You most probably cause is that you have the mods files in the wrong location.

In SBPR all the mods were instaled in the abdata/chara directory but Honey Select is different. It allow you to have mods in other directories as long as they are inside the abdata directory and are referenced correctly in the customlist. A lot of modders use this to keep their mods organized in their directory so you have to be careful when coping the files manually to keep the right structure or the mods wouldn't work.

You do have the customlist correctly installed otherwise you wouldn't have the items in the menu, so its the actual AssetBundle files with the meshes which are missing. For my mods all the Assetbundle files start with bmhs and all of them go in directory Illusion/HoneySelect/abdata/chara/Belgar17_Mods. For the particular top in your picture you need file bmhs_cf_tops_CT.unity3d and it most be installed in the directory I indicated.
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Re: Where is IPA?

The Illusion Plugin Architecture has nothing to do with this mod. You most probably cause is that you have the mods files in the wrong location.

In SBPR all the mods were instaled in the abdata/chara directory but Honey Select is different. It allow you to have mods in other directories as long as they are inside the abdata directory and are referenced correctly in the customlist. A lot of modders use this to keep their mods organized in their directory so you have to be careful when coping the files manually to keep the right structure or the mods wouldn't work.

You do have the customlist correctly installed otherwise you wouldn't have the items in the menu, so its the actual AssetBundle files with the meshes which are missing. For my mods all the Assetbundle files start with bmhs and all of them go in directory Illusion/HoneySelect/abdata/chara/Belgar17_Mods. For the particular top in your picture you need file bmhs_cf_tops_CT.unity3d and it most be installed in the directory I indicated.

Yep, figure it out after I took a closer look xD (got to switch off the SPBR chip)
thanks for the quick reply :3 and GOOD JOB on the clothing mods, they are flawless.
I have seen something like that happen when one of the mods for clothing have a problem.
Try this: Go to directory Illusion/HoneySelect/abdata/list/characustom. Move all the lists for custom mods to a temporary directory, leaving only the original game lists (00.unity3d to 07.unity3d). Launch the game and see if the menus are back in the maker.
If everything looks normal you can try moving the mods lists back into the directory one by one to find the bad ones. If any give you problems it would be better to download a fresh copy and reinstall from that.

theonewolf , that pic looks exactly what i experienced awhile back when i patched the game,before trying the above suggestion(or if you have not) ,did you remember to run HoneySelect_64_Patched.exe (or HoneySelect_32_Patched.exe for 32 bit os) you are supposed to after adding a new plugin mod or updating one

So, after a good week of really digging into this, btw both of your suggestions did not work nor was the root of what was causing it, with that said. What was causing it was very strange to me. It was a few Front Frame cards. I spent hours and days when I had time removing folders and files one by one to see rather it was working afterwords. I did a clean install, got the translations up and running, then slowly added one thing at a time. Got to the Frames and removed both folders and BAM, translations came back up. I sorted through them and removed the bad ones. So after that, I started putting my character Cards back in, come to find out alot of those were also bad when before they were not, but thats not related to the issue I was having.

So, if your character creator is messing up, such as my issue. Check all your cards for bad ones.
well i never added any frame cards so there is no way i could have known...though what you described sounded exactly like a problem i "had" experienced,so i told you what i know
well i never added any frame cards so there is no way i could have known...though what you described sounded exactly like a problem i "had" experienced,so i told you what i know

I'm so sorry, I think what I posted sounded...uh well rude in a manner. It was not my intention. I'm not ungrateful for the help by any means, it led me to the end result. I was trying to be quick and to the point, got finals >_< , and now that I re-read it. It comes off as being an ass :(

My bad :akazukin_down:

with that, one last (new) issue. Cutscene's are black. Like the dialog box shows and what not, but the scene where its suppose to show siri or your girl is black.
how to extract asset files like resources.resource or resources.assets.resS ? i want to get audio file and bgm
I downloaded both of patches and placed them in the same folder with all the other game files and i guess installed them too. Now when i click on intl setting which is how i opened the game normally it gives me a stopped working message. If i click on 32, 64, or launcher a black box opens up with nothing in it. Did I do something wrong please help cause now i can play at all sucks a fat one thanks in advance looks to be the same problem as BORKLIN. I posted this in other thread but no one seemed to be reading or helping so figured i try here thanks.
Can someone please please help me? No matter where I look, I can not find a definitive solution to my problem. I have the Zeaska heels installed and they're causing missing feet. Precisely what happens is that any character saved with a Zeaska heel, always loads with missing feet. In addition, if I am customizing a character and have flat footed shoes on, than switch directly to a zeaska heel, it causes the feet to go missing. The ONLY way to make it so the feet appear, is by using in other GGMOD heel. As such, it is impossible for me to save any characters using Zeaska beautiful highheels.

Please help! Also, yes I have verified that the cfg files are in the ggmod_cfg folder in the plugins folder. I don't know what I'm missing. Thank you.
Can someone please please help me? No matter where I look, I can not find a definitive solution to my problem. I have the Zeaska heels installed and they're causing missing feet. Precisely what happens is that any character saved with a Zeaska heel, always loads with missing feet. In addition, if I am customizing a character and have flat footed shoes on, than switch directly to a zeaska heel, it causes the feet to go missing. The ONLY way to make it so the feet appear, is by using in other GGMOD heel. As such, it is impossible for me to save any characters using Zeaska beautiful highheels.

Please help! Also, yes I have verified that the cfg files are in the ggmod_cfg folder in the plugins folder. I don't know what I'm missing. Thank you.

it has be covered already, his heels don't go in the abdata\chara folder, but the abdata folder (i think, can't remember)
it has be covered already, his heels don't go in the abdata\chara folder, but the abdata folder (i think, can't remember)

It has not been covered already. His heels aren't in the abdata/chara folder. They're in the abdata/zeaska folder. Noone has actually given me a response that works yet.
It has not been covered already. His heels aren't in the abdata/chara folder. They're in the abdata/zeaska folder. Noone has actually given me a response that works yet.
Ok, so if it is the Zeaska GGMod then I definitely know your problem. I had the same problem happen to me with his set of mods. I completely forgot about it because this was like the first mods I installed. Again, it is just a matter of installing the set of mods correctly and you will not have an issues.

Zeaska wrote his mods a particular way. Doesn't matter but just a different way to install. His core mod files go into his own folder in your honey select directory :

( illusion\honeyselect\abdata\zeaska ) not placed in the chara folder like other mods, be sure to place it in his own folder like it is within the zip file.

In this case for his ggmod core files into his zeaska folder within the HS directory
( illusion\honeyselect\abdata\zeaska\ggmod ) example file installed in this folder zeaska_ggmod_01_215501.unity3d

The characustom files and the GGmod_cfg files go like usual.
Example file installed in ( illusion\honeyselect\plugins\GGmod_cfg ) p_cf_shoes_ggmod_z_01.cfg

I kept running into this issue at first and kept wondering what the hell I was doing wrong because I kept installing mods in HS like I was installing mods in SBPR. In SBPR there was no mod named folders in the chara folder to the specific created mods/creator. It was just raw files in the chara folder.

So I kept placing the files incorrectly and it was giving me the no feet. So I found it best to just simply place the mod/files as is just like in the zip file with copy/pasting into the directory unless noted otherwise. I still double check the placement within the zip before doing so but every time it is placed exactly how it is within the zip.

its been covered
its been covered

You think I didn't read that? I am missing something though. Because all of my cfg files are in the GGmod_cfg folder. And all my unity3d files are in the zeaska/ggmod folder. It was never any different. I just drag and dropped from the download into the honey select directory. What am I missing? I would love if someone could help.
if you are talking about Zeaska heels mod and not the heels that come with the gg mod then you have to download the cfg file/s,they don't come with the mod, i experienced this same problem.

what i found out is that logically i guessed i could not download the cfg archive file the first time i downloaded the mod and just left without it

when trying to fix the missing feet problem the reason the feet were missing was that i did not have the cfg files for those heels,

went back to the thread the Zeaska heels mod was as at...think it was that one ,clicked to download the cfg file and it would not work then i tried right clicked and save as method,it worked i installed cfg files to HoneySelect\Plugins\Ggmod_cfg\

all heels work correctly since
You think I didn't read that? I am missing something though. Because all of my cfg files are in the GGmod_cfg folder. And all my unity3d files are in the zeaska/ggmod folder. It was never any different. I just drag and dropped from the download into the honey select directory. What am I missing? I would love if someone could help.

Exactly what DillDoe quoted from one of my earlier posts. That is your answer. Go back and make sure everything of that type of file is in order.

Once the dedicated files are in there correct place there should not be an issue. Just to be on the safe side, run the patched_exe file so it syncs with the game files.

Note: You must have the Illusion Plugin Architecture from EusthEnoptEron to make these mods work same goes for the core GGmod from Aastaroth.

If you do have the IPA & GGmod have followed the steps provided from my earlier post as well as a sync with the patched_exe. You will be good to go.
Re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Translation Discussion

The translation is does'nt work in my PC, please help

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nettomondo wrote on Lebedev's profile.
Hello, could you please reupload this game with new links?
Unfortunately the link is glitching on my end, but the game is Sakura Mau Otome no Rondo, all the links aside from the Rapidgator site are broken, and you cannot download them from Rapidgator without paying