[ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Translation Discussion

Perhaps your game was running twice. I've had that happen before. Did you check your task manager to see what and where your CPU and GPU were doing things? Sometime I get a little too excited and quadruple click instead of double, lol. Anyways the translation tips from Stampar worked as well as can be expected this soon after the release, no FPS drop or anything overly funky, and I'm just using a bogus laptop ATM. Glad it's running better for you now, though. But you do catch a lot more flies with Honey (no pun intended, well, maybe just a little one) than vinegar. Might be something to consider in the future.
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That or any other causes. I had my share of problems too but found a solution so I posted it in case it helped others, and even then further problems came and other people helped me. This is how the mod scene works, especially in the day after release of a big update like this.

So yeah, chill the fuck out, not because i'm anyone in particular, but because this is not the freaking kindergarden.
That or any other causes. I had my share of problems too but found a solution so I posted it in case it helped others, and even then further problems came and other people helped me. This is how the mod scene works, especially in the day after release of a big update like this.

So yeah, chill the fuck out, not because i'm anyone in particular, but because this is not the freaking kindergarden.

Mind helping me or adding more details to what you did to make the translation work? thank you :)
I could be way wrong, but I think the reason why some of the stuff from the translations, i.e. the clickable buttons don't keep the old translations is because they are actually pictures, not simple text. Other thoughts I've had about things, such as dialogue and clothes is that they have probably either had their IDs or extensions changed in some way and the UITranslation plugin doesn't know where to look. Screenshot (31).png
Mind helping me or adding more details to what you did to make the translation work? thank you :)

Sorry all I did was what I've already posted. I'm sure Dilldoe will be able to help you soon. in the meantime, try reinstalling the patches in this order: IPA 3.3, Ui translation .16, Hongfire translations. Then make sure you have dragged the HoneySelect_64.exe executable over the IPA's to create the patched exe (this should create a new .exe called "HoneySelect_64 (Patch & Launch)", which will need to be used at least once to set up the thing.

After doing that, the main game works well on my end. Your problem is very weird tho, dunno what could be causing it, but it wouldn't hurt to try again.
Mind helping me or adding more details to what you did to make the translation work? thank you :)[/Q]

Uhm, not sure if this would work, but it worked on my game. Use foxxyswords' Translations.ini(not sure if relevant) and StudioNeo_64_Data.
To everyone having trouble making the translation for NEO update, please follow this post, exactly in order. Delete your UITranslation folder first if you are not sure (That is what I did) and overwrite all files whenever it asks you, but only if you do it in the order in the quote below. Make sure you have IPA (Illusion Plugin Architecture) installed. NEO translations weren't working for me at all, then I followed this post and it worked. :D

Afterwards, don't forget to drag and drop StudioNEO32/64 onto the IPA.exe and use the patched shortcut it creates.

I'm trying to think of what it might be, since I pretty much installed it the same order, and it's working fine. Did you delete all other translations before applying Dilldoe's? Try deleting them from UITranslation, adding the HF compilation, the machine translation, then Dilldoe's.
I don't think repatching would make a difference, but it couldn't hurt. Are you using IPA 3.3?
I did exactly what you guys told but when I drag/drop the .exe files into IPA.exe (3.3) it doesn't do anything, there's no new patched shortcuts :confused:
I did exactly what you guys told but when I drag/drop the .exe files into IPA.exe (3.3) it doesn't do anything, there's no new patched shortcuts :confused:

I also have 3.3. When you download IPA, make sure you take everything else that is in the .zip with the IPA.exe. Other than that, I can't think of anything else right now. :confused:
If it helps anyone, I found by chance that if you rename the following files in the Plugins/UITranslation/HoneySelect/Text you can get some of the old translations back for clothing, accessories and other stuff.

Items_Clothes.20 -> Items_Clothes.21
Items_Body.20 -> Items_Body.21
Items_Accessories.20 -> Items_Accessories.21
Game_Achievements.6 -> Game_Achievements.7
HScene_Positions.14 -> HScene_Positions.15
If it helps anyone, I found by chance that if you rename the following files in the Plugins/UITranslation/HoneySelect/Text you can get some of the old translations back for clothing, accessories and other stuff.

Items_Clothes.20 -> Items_Clothes.21
Items_Body.20 -> Items_Body.21
Items_Accessories.20 -> Items_Accessories.21
Game_Achievements.6 -> Game_Achievements.7
HScene_Positions.14 -> HScene_Positions.15

You beauty! Incrementing the numbers for the dialogue translation files restores a lot of that too!
If it helps anyone, I found by chance that if you rename the following files in the Plugins/UITranslation/HoneySelect/Text you can get some of the old translations back for clothing, accessories and other stuff.

Items_Clothes.20 -> Items_Clothes.21
Items_Body.20 -> Items_Body.21
Items_Accessories.20 -> Items_Accessories.21
Game_Achievements.6 -> Game_Achievements.7
HScene_Positions.14 -> HScene_Positions.15

Following with the makeshift translations, you can get some of the Studio NEO items back to english by doing the following:

-Copy HoneySelect/Plugins/UItranslation/HoneyStudio/Text/Studio_Items.1.regex.txt
-Paste it in Honeyselect/Plugins/UItranslation/StudioNeo/Text
-Rename to Studio_Items.3.regex.txt

Repeat the process with Studio_items_mods.1.regex.txt, the noregex variants and probably with the animation files (didn't try those).
I'm still trying to figure out why I haven't successfully applied the UI translation for StudioNEO.

Would somebody explain the process to me in simple English, please and thank you?
Thanks Stampar for this and for all your substantial contribution in past!
You are experienced and clever with this stuff.

So let me ask you - is it possible for those many nice dances in NEO Studio to make them to work in new HS Studio, too?
I'm still trying to figure out why I haven't successfully applied the UI translation for StudioNEO.

Would somebody explain the process to me in simple English, please and thank you?
This is how it worked for me:
Install Disc 1
Install Disk 2
Install HoneyParty_01_plus (this is very important because it has update patches for StudioNEO)
Install HoneyParty_Battle
Install HoneyParty_Souki
Install HoneyParty_Yoyaku
Install IPA 3.3 in HoneySelect Directory
Patch HoneySelect_32.exe, HoneyStudio_32.exe, StudioNeo_32.exe by dragging each into IPA.exe. Redo with 64 versions of the same files.
Install WideSlider
Patch files by running each WideSliderPatch.exes' for HoneySelect, HoneyStudio, StudioNeo (32 and 64) exes
Reinstall UItranslation loader.16 (Some people suggest to delete the complete UITranslation directory before reinstalling but I didn't)
Reinstall all the Translation files HoneySelect-Hongfire-Translation-rc
Rename the files in \Plugins\UITranslation\HoneySelect\Text
CharaMaker.20 -> CharaMaker.21
Items_Clothes.20 -> Items_Clothes.21
Items_Body.20 -> Items_Body.21
Items_Accessories.20 -> Items_Accessories.21
Game_Achievements.6 -> Game_Achievements.7
HScene_Positions.14 -> HScene_Positions.15
Install Foxxyswords' Machine Translation_04_29_2017_12_55 for StudioNEO
Install Dilldoe's UITranslation for StudioNEO
Repatch all the files by running all the (Patch & Launch) shortcuts in HoneySelect Directory for HoneySelect, HoneyStudio, StudioNEO.

Hope it works
@Stampar I followed your instructions to the lettter, which worked for HoneySelect and HoneyStudio. But it didn't apply the StudioNEO UI translation that @DillDoe provided. By-the-way, thanks for that tip on renaming text files to restore old translations, worked like a charm!
Following with the makeshift translations, you can get some of the Studio NEO items back to english by doing the following:

-Copy HoneySelect/Plugins/UItranslation/HoneyStudio/Text/Studio_Items.1.regex.txt
-Paste it in Honeyselect/Plugins/UItranslation/StudioNeo/Text
-Rename to Studio_Items.3.regex.txt

Repeat the process with Studio_items_mods.1.regex.txt, the noregex variants and probably with the animation files (didn't try those).
I don't understand, pretty much everything that was translated in the original studio are already translated in NEO, for me?

*Correction* - Ahh, now I see what you mean. Ha ha, my bad, nvm! Thanks!

For those who'd like to avoid the hassle (albeit an easy one) of doing all that, just delete your old StudioNeo folder translation folder and drag this into your main game directory.

View attachment Studio Neo Translations_5_2_2017.rar
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@Stampar I followed your instructions to the lettter, which worked for HoneySelect and HoneyStudio. But it didn't apply the StudioNEO UI translation that @DillDoe provided. By-the-way, thanks for that tip on renaming text files to restore old translations, worked like a charm!

I struggled as well but then I installed both the machine translation for NEO and Dilldoe's and that did the trick. Not sure if that how its supposed to be (I thought they were independent of one another) but when I do both it works.
I struggled as well but then I installed both the machine translation for NEO and Dilldoe's and that did the trick. Not sure if that how its supposed to be (I thought they were independent of one another) but when I do both it works.

I don't know how, but that worked for as well! Thanks a bunch.
I don't know why, I already tried everything but it's still giving me some kind of gibberish text like this
imgur . com/a/QdEva

anyone can help?
I don't know why, I already tried everything but it's still giving me some kind of gibberish text like this
imgur . com/a/QdEva

anyone can help?

I had the same problem, until I installed the add on packs, namely the studioneo plus.

"DLC#_02 honeyparty_01_plus"

off topic question, anyone know how to use background images in studioneo?

. . . .

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