[ILLUSION] Koikatu! / Koikatsu! (コイカツ!) - Discussion and FAQ

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what's in (18禁ゲーム) [180831] [ILLUSION] コイカツ!-性格追加パック-
what's in (18禁ゲーム) [180831] [ILLUSION] コイカツ!-性格追加パック-

3 personalities and 3 "sexy" swimwears...and full patch up to 07/27.

In other words, if you already have the 08/31 (latest) update installed, be prepared to install it again after installing that addon.
3 personalities and 3 "sexy" swimwears...and full patch up to 07/27.

In other words, if you already have the 08/31 (latest) update installed, be prepared to install it again after installing that addon.

I don't even have the 08/31 update can link it?
I don't even have the 08/31 update can link it?


Since there was a hotfix for the 07/27 update (nothing major though, just certain colorable studio items) you may want to use the full one if you missed it.
I don't like this game, the character customization sliders suck, especially the boob sliders.
When are they finally going to release AA3, I have had years of fun playing that game with mods than Koikatu.
Is there a mod for the sliders other than the slider extension?
3 personalities and 3 "sexy" swimwears...and full patch up to 07/27.

In other words, if you already have the 08/31 (latest) update installed, be prepared to install it again after installing that addon.

Thus far, I haven't actually been able to find this DLC anywhere. I can find full game installs and repacks that claim to have it, but I really don't want to download and reinstall the entire game at this point.
hey i hit a snag on my game whenever i try to go to my female characters it freeses up/crashes or takes a long time to load. it might be because i have a lot of characters but i want to see if its something else. any ideas?
I downloaded and installed the latest expansion and downloaded the Hf patch and files. I try to install it and it tells methe file Koikatsu HF Patch v2.2(2)-1.bin could not be located in location please insert the correct disk or select another folder . Am I doing something wrong a little help would be appreciated
I just discovered this new game from Illusion and I have some questions I would apreciate someone could answer:

1. Is there a futanari mod?
I found one in hongfire but it seems it doesn't work with the last version of the game. Also I found one here that is not longer available. So I would like to know if there is another futa mod available.

2. Is straight-shota posible?
I know there is a mod that scalates the body but in HOney Select it didn't work because the genitals didn't match, so I was wondering if this has the same problem.

3. How much editable is the main character?
Can I make a shota? or a fat boy? or a feminine boy? I would like to know how much the male character could be edited.

Thanks for your answers.
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I've seen in system requirements Intel specs but in AMD processors (eg Ryzen 3 2200g) this game works fine?
I just discovered this new game from Illusion and I have some questions I would apreciate someone could answer:

1. Is there a futanari mod?
I found one in hongfire but it seems it doesn't work with the last version of the game. Also I found one here that is not longer available. So I would like to know if there is another futa mod available.

2. Is straight-shota posible?
I know there is a mod that scalates the body but in HOney Select it didn't work because the genitals didn't match, so I was wondering if this has the same problem.

3. How much editable is the main character?
Can I make a shota? or a fat boy? or a feminine boy? I would like to know how much the male character could be edited.

Thanks for your answers.

1. there not yet a new one for it.
2. yes, but you can't change the size of the p*nis*
3. try downloading character make application to try it.


I've seen in system requirements Intel specs but in AMD processors (eg Ryzen 3 2200g) this game works fine?

yes i can run in AMD too... if it's feels laggy or heavy, just try reduce the quality
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Reactions: straight.shota
Hello, how can I fix the animation problem during the H scenes? Both loli or straigh shota? some specifics or some detailed information about this?
Hi, everyone!
Can someone help? I have Koikatu Vanilla game and some old patches. Where i can take DLC's? And, if it possible, can someone give me install order for patches?
Plx help, guys. (:
Hello people,

do someone have an link for the two DLCs EX - Additional Personality Pack (07/27/2018 DLC) AS - After School Extension (12/21/2018 DLC)?
I can unfortunately not find them.
I found both dlcs there at f95zone, both a mega link.
its easy to find it there during the dlc launch cause its always on the last page.
sadly you have to read back on the pages there now.
I already took a look into F95Zone, but still find any clue where I can find some links.

When I find with google the two DLCs, than are only some dead links or links they leads me to some suspicious pages, like this one: http://www.jokergameth.com/board/showthread.php?t=322662. If you click there on the link for the two DLC, you will be linked to an page, where are appear some strange pop ups.
Or they are unfortunately combined with the full game and the mods, into a big file.
I need them separated for a clean install of this game. Because I want to test some mods I created.

I found the summer DLC here: https://getcomixxx.com/index.php?newsid=8078 and here: https://svscomics.com/download/413666/illusion-koikatsu-personality-additional-pack-jap . But it will take 10 hours to download it.

4Chan is very badly organized to looking for something. They have no reasonable search function.

Here I can't read thai language: https://2th.me/a/h_game/f1030/3008319
Since I cant send PM, sadly.
page 25 and 63 is your cue.
Sorry Admins if I'm crossing the line by posting this... :ninja:
Thank you. But what a joke is this? I tried to download the stuff via Mega. Two times the download of the EX - Additional Pack stopped suddenly, near to the end from it. Than I tried it a third time with the Mega App and near to the end of the download, a message pop upped "Download Limit Exceed. Please rate up your status $$$ or wait 5 hours to continue".
The other, I googled again with the file name "Koikatu-as.zip" and I found an torrent (wish that it works).
Wished to find the other one too for torrent.

Btw, seems that the admins are all inactiv. I wrote them 2 times, that they have please to remove some of my topics. But still nothing happened.

EDIT: Ok, I got now that After School Extension. But some files are wongly titled. Instead to see the japanes letters, you see some hieroglyphs.

If someone is so kind, please can anyone to tell me the right names?
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Background, in order:
チャペル_昼, チャペル_夕 - Chapel (Day), Chapel (Evening)

宇宙空間01-04 - Space (01-04)

駅前_昼, 駅前_夕, 駅前_夜 - Station (Day, Evening, Night)

公園_昼, 公園_夕, 公園_夜 - Park (Day, Evening, Night)

夜景 - Night Skyline

遊園地_昼, 遊園地_夕, 遊園地_夜 - Amusement Park (Day, Evening, Night)


Female, in order

Sッ気 - Sadistic
帰国子女 - Returnee
気さく - Sincere (this one's from the first set of four personalities that ended up most popular and released for free so not actually part of After School but is part of the all update)
方言娘 - Accented girl
無感情 - Emotionless


Coordinates, in order

タキシード - Tuxedo
ボリュームネックパーカー - "Volume Neck Parka"
ワンピース(花柄) - One Piece (Flower patterned)
ワンピース(無地) - One Piece (No pattern)
ウェディングドレス - Wedding Dress
大人ワンピース - Adult One-piece swimwear
全身タイツ - "Full body tight"
ハロウィン - Halloween
パレオ - Pareo
パフスリーブトップス - Puff-sleeve top
ビキニ水着(フリル付き)- Bikini Swimwear (with frills)
フリルワンピース - Frilly One-piece
サスペンダー - Suspender
メカ - Mecha
ショートパレオ - Short Pareo
ショートパレオ(単色)- Short Pareo (single color)
シースルーパレオ - See-through Pareo
セクシーパレオ - Sexy Pareo
騎士 - Warrior/Knight
鬼神 - Oni God
巫女武者 - Warrior Miko
裸サスペンダー - Naked Suspender
MEGA has a download limit of 5gb for free users, which refreshes every 12hrs? or 1day?, not sure.
Maybe you extracted the file with winrar or 7zip.
Just double click the dlc installer and it will extract to your selected directory.
Or japanese locale maybe, for the names to show in the right characters.
Here are the names:
View attachment 21207
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How to make the in game character download work? I found a mod that used to work before, but now it does't anymore. If there is no way to do that, where is the best place to find new characters?


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ProfProcPlot wrote on Lebedev's profile.
Could you please re-upload;

[2001][e-Erekiteru] Suiso ~1/2 no Kiseki~(水素~1/2の奇蹟~) [Soundtrack OP+ ED + Update]


ShowMeYourMoves wrote on Ryzen111's profile.
Hi, could you reupload this one? Thank you.
Sk0rlupka wrote on Shine's profile.
Hello, I would be very grateful if you could share this: