[ILLUSION] Play Home (プレイホーム) - Discussion & FAQ

Dr Yoshi

Mad Scientist
Nov 7, 2013

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[Mod Release] [Illusion] PlayHome
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i dont think Illusions next game will have the same impact HS did for me however i am willing to try it out... just waiting for a proper d/l link...

u've been absent from HS ever since i picked it up but i guess ur active on the PH front Dr. Y?
From the trailer it looks like a rape theme like play club sequal. And we can use Hs cards here. We may find more when more info is released. I really hope illusion would not fuck up like always.
i dont think Illusions next game will have the same impact HS did for me however i am willing to try it out... just waiting for a proper d/l link...

The game is not released yet : it only will become available in October, in exactly 8 weeks.

For now, a demo is available with the custom character maker and a few positions. You can grab it on Illusion website or on those mirrors :

u've been absent from HS ever since i picked it up but i guess ur active on the PH front Dr. Y?

Sadly, I can't consider myself "active" yet. I just took a little time to create this thread in order to have a place to discuss the upcoming game from Illusion.

If things clear out a bit for me, I should be a little bit more active in the upcoming future. I just had a streak of bad luck and now have a really big backlog of things to do (ranging from thread maintenance to patch updates).

From the trailer it looks like a rape theme like play club sequal. And we can use Hs cards here. We may find more when more info is released. I really hope illusion would not fuck up like always.

It's a game from the Play Series, so of course, it's going to be rape-themed. You may not know it, but in Japanese, the word "play" is basically a pun on the word "rape" : play is written プレイ (purei) while rape is written レイプ (reipu).

By the way, we already have some interesting information about the game from what they disclosed so far. I'm currently translating some and will update the OP when I'm done.

As usual, the marketing pitch from Illusion is pretty hype-worthy. But we should still expect them to shit the bed and botch most of the features they plan on implementing.
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'Dr Yoshi' it's nice seeing u again, can you translate the updates from Illusion Website every week?
We don't know japanese.... well i'm.
as a guy who was introduced into yuri and can only get into Yuri I am disappointed... rip this game for me... why can't I just like normal MxF stuff... I just hope the title after this has some maybe AA3 or maybe in my dreams.
PPD2 never... :akazukin_rage:

Looking forward to it even if it looks like it will be 70% reused positions from Honey Select and start off with a bad poser so they can 'improve' it in later patches.
I hope (although I know it will not happe) that the animations are ported to HS Studio. I don't like the Play series because rape but it's true that they tend to have the best animations in terms of variety.
PPD2 never... :akazukin_rage:

Looking forward to it even if it looks like it will be 70% reused positions from Honey Select and start off with a bad poser so they can 'improve' it in later patches.

With Studio NEO around...I guess they'll need to at least up the standard to that level or have two separate studios...
Since i'm an hardcore fan this game looks promising but one thing i noticed that didn't got better with this game was the butt physics, it's still non-exisiting. Honey Select didn't had any movement to the butt and for Play Home not having it it's a big deal since is a hardcore themed game.
I just hope some modders are willing to add those features too just like they did to Honey Select.
Man, I was waiting for the next Artificial Academy.

at least the boobs physics are improved a lot:swearveng:

Well... here we go again:samuraihero:
Man, I was waiting for the next Artificial Academy.

at least the boobs physics are improved a lot:swearveng:

Well... here we go again:samuraihero:

Actually a lot of us are waiting for Artificial Academy and Girl. Maybe those are up next.
Actually a lot of us are waiting for Artificial Academy and Girl. Maybe those are up next.

How often does Illusion put out new games?

I would really like a new "Artificial Academy" game as well. If that was the next game after "Play Home", when is the earliest we might see it?
How often does Illusion put out new games?

I would really like a new "Artificial Academy" game as well. If that was the next game after "Play Home", when is the earliest we might see it?

2-3 per year. And they are not 'games', just tech demos.
can anyone teach me how to buy Illusion game on their website? I don't understand the Japanese language.

Thank you.
Being a game from the Play Series, we already know what to expect from this upcoming title : a 3D visual novel in which the protagonist rapes girls into decadence and submission.
This title seems to be a spiritual successor of good ol' Rapelay (and, to a lesser extent, Play Club) : you'll play as a molester exacting revenge on the snitch who told him to the cops by raping a family of two young sisters and their mother.

With a slight twist : while in Rapelay, you were reported by the eldest daughter, in Play Home your resentment is directed at the brand-new stepfather of the family, a poor guy who never touched a girl (it's mentioned he's a virgin in his biography) and seems to have some trouble being around the teenage daughters of his second-hand wife...

This new character can potentially add a lot of dirty fetishes to the mix : some glorious NTR, of course, but also some nice inseki action, since at this point it's already confirmed that our new friend Kouichi will assist the player in the rape of his step-daughters (see Amazon page and H-scene previews).


Now, there's a big issue with the Play Series : it went downhill pretty fast since the infamous 2007 game. Back in the day, you had to train the girls by performing specific actions and actually play the game to unlock all the content. Meanwhile, in 2015's Play Club, you could exit the H-scenes without even touching the girls and still unlock everything in less than 10 minutes.
Sure, Rapelay was grindy and ugly, and it didn't include any customisation options nor many sex animations, but at least it was a little bit more involving for the player than the most recent games. The modern Illusion titles are way too simple : you click to choose a position, then click to cum, rinse and repeat a couple times and you beat the game.

In this regard, I can't consider a title like Play Club being a game any more : its lack of interactivity makes it more of a "3D sex scene player" than a true game. Honey Select, with its complex "feelings system" was much better in this aspect : at least, what you did to the girls actually mattered and could totally change their state of mind (and their relationship with you).

But I'm hopeful for Play Home : there are a lot of signs showing that this game will feature some nice interactive elements. After reading everything that was posted on Illusion website and decompiling the game binaries, I found references to various interesting mechanics :

  • Making the girl cums repeatedly will make her switch to a "tired" status her and change her animations. If I'm not mistaken, this is a feature that first appeared in games like SchoolMate 2 and Wakeari! and was resurrected in Honey Select. They didn't take a step back here since this will also be present in Play Home.
  • There's an "AHE" state in there : our favourite "Ahegao Mode" may be back in full force in Play Home. This is big news since it's been years they used that feature in one of their game (HaremMate, IIRC). [NOTE : Confirmed with the update from this week.]
  • There are also flags with weird names like "flasher", "likeSperm", "likeFeratio", "feelAnus", "indecentLanguage", or "weakness". Illusion announced some kind of "habituation" system where you can trigger changes in the girl behaviour by repeatedly using the same position and its probably tied to those flags (eg. facefuck her till she loves it).
  • There are plenty of "checks" at the end of the H sessions, with counters for the numbers of time you made her cum (vaginally and anally), as well as the number of times you came in her various orifices. There's even a counter for the total amount of semen the girl "absorbed" during the encounters. I'm eager to know what they'll use those numbers for.
  • There is an "onlooker" system : you can force another character to witness the scene, and thus screw Yukiko in front of her husband or have Ritsuko watch her beloved little sister being butt-raped. Having a spectator will change the dialogue, but for now I can confirm if it will have an impact on the gameplay.
  • There are references to "girl initiative" and some variables whose names hints at the possibility of the girls asking for sex and/or the player asking the girls to take the lead.
  • While not as intricate as the underlying mechanics from Honey Select, training girls seems much more complex than in Play Club. It feels to me that the "breaking" won't be linear (ie. automatically gaining hearts after each session) but rely on training various aspects like in Rapelay (ie. breaking their resistances one by one and training various parts of her bodies).

The demo unfortunately doesn't include the full source code of every system and mechanics in place in the game, so there are still a lot of shadowy areas, but judging from what we currently have, this game will feature a much richer gameplay than the usual "click and watch" games from Illusion.

Basically, it's going to be a modern version of Rapelay with a graphical quality on par with Play Club and the character customisation system from Honey Select. It isn't going to be anything spectacular but will still be a title that you absolutely want to have in your library if you like dark-themed games.


Lastly, I can't help myself but have a look at the game from a developer point-of-view. And to think that they're taking a few steps forward with this game.

Until now, Illusion used to maintain two different sets of models and animations for their semi-realistic games :
  • On one side, they have their "Real Body / Ero Real Shader" combo that was first featured in Real Play (and introduced on their "Illusion Lab" page in 2014) then later refined during Play Club development. This is a set that was designed with graphics quality as a main focus, and since it was tied to the Play Series, it comes with a truckload of fetish/rapey sex animations.
  • On the other side, they have the "chara-custom" models they created for SBPR and that they later reused in Honey Select. Those models were slightly less impressive visually but featured way much more customisation options. And thanks to the "Party" expansion pack, this set now includes hundreds of clothing pieces and accessories (and even battle-oriented animations).
With Play Home, they are merging those two different sets and streamlining their production. This is going to ease maintenance and portability : the Illusion guys now have a large asset library that can be reused in all upcoming game. They could make a full-fledged heroic-fantasy RPG with scenes ranging from consensual sex to rape without having to create a single new model nor any new animation.
Thanks to this standardisation, their 3D artists and animators will be able to spend their time creating new content instead of having to rework and maintain their asset catalogue. If they don't deliberately limit the number of animations / customisation options, players will be able to enjoy much more content. On top of that, modders will be able to port their content from one game to another much more quickly.

This change will benefit everyone and I'm surprised it took them this long to rationalise their pipeline. The next big step here is to rebuild their anime-styled / cel-shaded characters to implement the same level of graphical details and customisation.

On top of the streamlining of their modelling+animation workflow, there is another good news with this release : they now have a much better understanding of physically-based rendering and are considerably improving their materials.

After having a look at the assets with SB3UGS, it appears to me that they're using 4K textures in linear colourspace for all the body/skin materials. In Honey Select, they completely butchered that part, using low-resolution sRGB texture with a realistic linear renderer, and this is the reason why you had to use plasticmind's mods to fix their mistakes and get proper results.
To further enhance the visuals, they also have been using the Alloy Shader Framework and its excellent subsurface scattering implementation. Those shaders were already used in VR Kanojo and really help increasing the overall quality.

There are still a lot of discrepancies, since the materials used for clothing and backgrounds still appears to be flawed, but at least they're making significant improvements. Let's hope they'll be able to convert and clean up all of their other textures before the game release.
And let's hope that one day, they fully understand how modern rendering works and design physically-correct materials : even if they're getting better, it seems to me that they're still making pretty big mistakes, like using metallic reflectivity to simulate wet skin when they should toy with surface specularity and roughness/smoothness.

Unfortunately, there are also aspects where Play Home will only get really little amelioration, if any. The good thing is that they, at least, are not taking steps back.

Lighting, for example, still looks as bad as usual. But I can't really blame them since getting proper illumination is insanely difficult and Unity 5.x has been notoriously bad in this aspect. Starting with version 5.6 of the engine, substantial refinements have been in the pipeline (they're now basically copying features and implementations straight out of Unreal Engine), so let's wait and see if it helps Illusion making a better job at lighting their scenes.

The same goes for physics. We still have immovable buttcheeks (no love for assmen makes me sad), gravity-defying boobs, clipping hairs and clothes... Proper physics is hard and resource-hungry (even if you rely on NVidia-only shenanigans), but they could at least try to make things a bit better.
The technology isn't there yet for correct physical simulation but with a little work, you can find tricks to "emulate" proper behaviours. For example, using a vertex shader to calculate the distance to the nearest surface can be used to correct the simulation and prevents clothes and hair for clipping through. You can also use it to emulate soft bodies, like a mattress deforming under a character or breasts "flattening" against a flat surface. It's too bad that Illusion doesn't have a well-trained graphics programmer in their team, since you can do some pretty crazy stuff with good shader knowledge nowadays.

But, hey, at least they're trying and getting some nifty enhancements. The themes in Play Home may not suit everyone's taste but it feels like the game is going to be real nice from a technical point of view.
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The Investment 'Dr Yoshi' giving to this Thread is HUGEEEE.
One of the most important guys we have here in this community since only god knows when...

Keep doing ur good stuff for us and if you have the time give us update every week about this game since most of us don't know japanese.
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Re: [ILLUSION] Play Home (プレイホーム) - Discussion & FAQ

The Investment 'Dr Yoshi' giving to this Thread is HUGEEEE.
One of the most impotent guys we have here in this community since only god knows when...

Keep doing ur good stuff for us and if you have the time give us update every week about this game since most of us don't know japanese.


long story short. this game is another fuck and watch game and improved graphic quality thats it.
Re: [ILLUSION] Play Home (プレイホーム) - Discussion & FAQ


long story short. this game is another fuck and watch game and improved graphic quality thats it.

LoL a fix has been made.
Well, hope not, i'm hoping this game will be as good as Honey_Select at least.
Re: [ILLUSION] Play Home (プレイホーム) - Discussion & FAQ

LoL a fix has been made.
Well, hope not, i'm hoping this game will be as good as Honey_Select at least.

you gotta correct again. it is "important" not importent :XD:

it will be just like honey select only with rape version
Re: [ILLUSION] Play Home (プレイホーム) - Discussion & FAQ

One of the most impotent guys we have here in this community since only god knows when...

This little slip of tongue made me burst out of laughter. Thanks for the compliment !

But remember that I'm nothing more than the chief janitor of the Modding Club. And that I'm not even doing my job properly, since I left a lot of content without any update nor cleanup for months due to my low availability.
To me, the ones who truly deserve praise are the modders untiringly creating high-quality content for us to enjoy and their "shogun", Enimaroah, without whom none of this would have taken off.

long story short. this game is another fuck and watch game and improved graphic quality thats it.

Like I wrote in my previous message : "Basically, it's going to be a modern version of Rapelay with a graphical quality on par with Play Club and the character customisation system from Honey Select. It isn't going to be anything spectacular but will still be a title that you absolutely want to have in your library if you like dark-themed games."

It may look like Illusion isn't pushing forward fast enough, but it only feels like it because we're too impatient. When you take a step back and look at the big picture, the improvements they made over time are quite substantial.

Illusion began experimenting with Unity back in 2012, with a title named "もぐもぐゆなちゃん" (Nom nom Yuna-chan) a browser game based on Ore ga Shujinkou that was later ported to Android.
It means that everything considered, they only have about 5 years of experience with the engine, which is not much : software development, and especially gamedev, is a lengthy process. For a small studio, such a timeline is barely enough to develop a full-featured game : as an example, the development of Factorio started 5 years ago.

The first Unity-based PC title they made (Harem Mate) was released less than 3 years ago. And a few months later, when Play Club was released, the enhancements over the previous generation of games based on their in-house Yayoi Engine were massive. When you compare it to Real Play, that was released the year before, the evolution is impressive.
They raised the bar even further a few months later, with Sexy Beach Premium Resort, an open-world game mixing dating simulation and adventure-action elements. They raised the bar so high that they failed reaching it, releasing the game in a really poor state : it felt unfinished and ran like crap due to a total lack of optimisation (and a lack of understanding of the engine). But it still gave birth to the most advanced character customisation system ever made for an erotic game, that they still use to this day.

This failure is probably what discouraged them from trying to rush the development of full-featured games. Since then, they only released realtime-3D visual novels and slowed their release schedule down. This is the most clever thing they could do : you can't expect to make a complex game like this in less than a couple years, especially when you're a small team of inexperienced developers.

So, if what you're wishing for is a full-fledged free-roaming adventure/simulation game like the titles from the Artificial Series, you really need to understand that this kind of game takes time and learn to be patient. There were a 3-years gap between AG2 and AG3. Then another 4 years before they released the first Artificial Academy, with a sequel that came 3 years later.
Since it takes them 3 to 4 years to release this kind of title, and since they burned themselves trying to rush SBPR, don't expect anything else than 3DVN "click-and-watch" games for the time being. If they have something big in the pipeline, it probably won't be out before mid-2018.

Until then, graphical enhancements and experiments on new features are welcome. They're slowly beginning to master their new toolset, and it can only proves useful for their bigger projects.
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Uh, question here since I've long neglected Illusion games since being a little disappointed by Premium Resort. How big of an improvement in the H department have Illusion's games had ever since Premium Play Darkness, especially with this new title? Have the varieties actually increased? Or is it still the same set of things with only very little variations and alterations due to speed, etc.? The lack of varieties each evolution of their games actually got me feeling down with picking up their games again. I'm not the dark genre type of fan, but I do appreciate the 1 guy - more girls variations that I've seen popping up with the most recent games (but knowing Illusion it's probably just 1 or two poses with speed variations and that's that, similar to their 1guy-1girl poses).

PS. The girl's "heart capturing system" intrigues me a little since it's like some of the VNs I've played where you make the girl fall for you in the physical and emotional side of things. I just hope it's not just another Honey Select with just a different gameplay system and lighting shaders. I want more actual H-content, not just a studio editor thing as I'm more of a player than a director/animator.
Make Her Climax

This modified dll will make her climax within 20 seconds with full speed.
Don't forget to make a backup...

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Hello, it looks like RJ01178625 got rendered speeded up at x2.
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Hello Ryzen, can you please re-upload the update for this game? Thank you.
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