[ILLUSION] VR Kanojo (VRカノジョ)

I think it's actually great that the game doesn't revolve around room-scale shenanigans : having to rely too much on it would prevent a lot of people to play the game (all Oculus DK owners and people that don't own Touch controllers yet).

That cross-section of owners is about to become much smaller with the release of Oculus room-scale support. Additionally, you should understand that a locked viewpoint is not a prerequisite to seated support; with room scale, you simply sit down, and you have seated support. This is how EusthEnoptEron's mods work; if you stand and walk around, you have all the great features of standing room-scale support; if you sit, you have seated support. You are in the space, and Oculus isn't penalized at all.

And, well, since it's that kind of game... I don't believe it's a bad idea to design it so you can play it as a seated experience while only holding a single controller. With controls simple enough that you can use your left hand. It would be sad if the gameplay was so demanding that you simply couldn't sit down and "relax".

There's nothing special about seated support, it's simply room-scale from a particular spot. The model already has eye- and head-tracking in place, so it's not like she cares too much about where you lurk.

The compelling part of room-scale is to simply "be" in a given space. You can breathe down the model's neck, or you can lie down and hang out, or you could be an ass and go lay on her bed (EEE's mods allows you to shift the world space by grabbing and dragging in mid-air, so you can create your own floor level to, say, lay down on a bed if you like). This game neuters all that, making it a kind of glorified 3D movie. You can't reach her, you can't touch her or be creepy (except for certain scripted moments), you can't explore her room or her space, you just get to come along for the ride. Sadface VR support, there. If that's what Oculus has been like, I'm glad to have gone room-scale-- but I don't mean that as a dig in any way. The best games just make Oculus support room-scale from a particular seated spot.

Also, the limited interactivity and "on rails" scripted scenes were predictable. This game is a successor of Real Kanojo, so we had to expect it would play the same : nod your head to answer her questions, take a peek at her panties, nod some more, play some stupid mini-game, have sex. Done. It will probably a game that you can "finish" in less than 30 minutes.
If what you want is some kind of sexual tamagotchi that can perform multiple activities without having to follow a predefined sequence, and offers plenty of replayability, you'll sadly have to wait for Illusion to announce something like Hako VR or Jinkou Kanojo (I would definitely buy those games).

Well, we almost have that today with Play Club / Sexy Beach / Honey Select and EusthEnoptEron's goodies. His VR mods are sophisticated to an unbelievable degree. Just look at his README; it's insane! And you yourself know the sophistication in HS's relationship metrics-- can you imagine an Artificial (Girl,Academy) VR sandbox that smashes these two genres together? Holy Hell that will be amazing.

And inevitable. They've got all the code already to make that happen. They probably need the hardware to catch up a little to engage multiple actors in VR.

Now, there are issues that I keep hearing about : not-so-great performances, terrible aliasing, and quite a few "uncanny moments" because of her big hands, her big eyes, and animation stiffness. But those are diluted in a sea of massively positive impressions.

Can you detail a bit more ? I'd like to hear about things like scale, for example, as well as lightning and texture quality. How does the girl look, except for her big black eyes ?

Her scale is a little wonky, when she's crouched down to the floor or if she's more than a few feet away she looks tiny, but then she stands up near you and she's taller than you are. Over time I'm sure they'll sort out the weird IPS and scaling issues they've got.

There are a lot of good things about this demo (and the game I'm sure) that bode really well for Illusion's direction. First, the motion-capture is excellent, way beyond anything they've done so far, although her movements are pretty exaggerated in a Japanese-schoolgirl-cartoon way, which doesn't really fit the realistic environment. Illusion's H animation has always been procedural, animated (to varying degrees of 'good') by artists, but there's always been that animation-uncanny-valley with them. If they go full motion-capture for H in this game, um, I'm pretty sure that will be incredible.

Secondly, her skin texture is very good and they're starting to understand subsurface scattering. I just wish we could get close enough to enjoy the detail. The room details are nice but not mind-blowing; there is still that fake Illusion style that tells you you're not at all in a real space. Godrays coming in the window is nice, and the room is better lighted than Illusion games have been in the past, although that really isn't saying a lot.

Finally, the overall experience seems pretty polished to me, and I think they're really coming to know the Unity engine. The jaggies are bad, but they always are an issue for 1st Gen VR unless you supersample, which I don't yet have the horsepower to do.

This must be the first Illusion game with native English subtitles, these hover in mid-air near her desk. It is very weird to see these first careful steps back into the West, but Illusion correctly guesses that there's money to be made from sexy VR.
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So, I played the demo multiple times to really get a good feel for what it represents of the full game.

First off, there will definitely be adult related activities in the full game, they make many allusions to it. From the website and the surprisingly comical disclosure at the beginning about making sure that you are alone and there is no one nearby that will be able to hear the game, it seems pretty clear that they will go that direction. As stated in some earlier posts, Illusion is all about adult content.

On to the actual demo, my very first impression is that it's short.

I like that it uses the visual cursor, meaning you select things by looking at them and clicking a controller button.

It's obvious that the main control will be your visual focus.

The game seems to be totally focused on the seated experience, but that doesn't mean that you can't go standing room with it. There is just no support for moving around and your height doesn't change. So, if you play it room scale then it seems like you are standing below the floor level.

I only tried it in room scale as I'm actually not setup for sitting. Although I could move a chair into the room scale space, I prefer to stand.

I like how ballsy Illusion is with the adult stuff too. You are basically forced to decide if you want to look up her skirt.

There's no question in my mind now that the full game will have at least some voyeurism aspects, which I love.

The demo has three modes, an basic introductory interaction with Sakura, a benchmark where you van watch her sleep and a funny little mode where you can become a fan and blow her skirt up as she sleeps.

It's funny how some elements of the demo have been translated to engrish, which are obvious bot translations, and some other things have not been translated at all.

For instance, there is a screen that pops up after you finish the benchmark that obviously gives some sort of rating to your system with golden stars, but the description is in Japanese and I have no idea why I get one star.

The jaggies are very strong is this one and I have yet to tweak nVidia control panel to try and get better results. I know that our fabulous modders can work their usual magic on it. The game appears to follow the exact same build structure as all of their recent games.

As far as content goes, there's really not much to judge here. I like the voyeurism aspects and I appreciate the sporadic humor. I would just say that I wish they would explore room scale a little more before it is released.

The release date has been set for late January of next year, so we won't have that long to wait. The price has been set at $50. Which I think is a decent price, given that the main game has a good few hours of content, at least.

The installation was super easy, they used their standard process. Download the file, extract the contents and then install. They didn't translate the installer, though, which I could see leading to some issues with people who have no experience with Illusion titles.

The launcher does offer a mirror mode so I think that this 'could' be ported over to regular, nonVR pc's. Although with the controls being mostly visually oriented, this could be tricky.

I will say that the animations are super clean, although they need to work on the pov angle, the model is cute, too.

Personally, I'm excited for this title and I'm hoping for some inspiration from it to create my own game. I believe that I will purchase this game the day that it comes out.
Some new observations--

* The 'R' key resets your viewpoint, it's basically equivalent to a room-scale warp. So you can fuss around with that to get the model into your space, although the game still thinks you're sitting in the chair when you're off on your own, at that point. Per AK420 the floor level really doesn't correspond with your own floor level, so that's a bummer. The 'R' reset trick seems to be locked to the Z-plane, so no relaxing on the bed (although I expect at least one scripted moment there).

It's interesting to consider that this is a seated experience and not room-scale at all, so does that mean that the positions will all be seated positions? I think it's very likely yes; RealKanojo was similar in that regard if I recall with a lot of making out on the sofa. But I'm pretty sure Oculus supports standing so this should as well. But lying down? Not so much.

* The equivalent Hongfire thread has a nude mod posted there. You can selectively strip different parts of the model's outfit. Skin textures do look very nice, subsurface scattering is outstanding with the light through the window; the eye structure is actually three-dimensional between the cornea and iris, nice touch there, even if they're a bit big. The eye size is something you can get used to, I think.

* Looks like a fully modeled tongue in there. Oh dear...
It is not as bad as you picture it, but there's truth to that.

That was interesting!
I thought that they were in a worse situation than that, especially without any domestic growth (because, well, no babies means no future adults).

Don't you know ? Titties are magic.

Create any imaginary creature, any digital character, and you'll be able to do whatever you want to them : slaughter them like pigs, send them flying, kill them by the thousands, capture and confine them in small spaces to raise them like pets... Anything is possible ! And everything is fun !

But as soon as you put some titties on them, you materialise them. You make them real people with real rights. That is the magic of the titties.

Or at least, that's how I understand it. Any other explanation would make much less sense than that.
It's not even about titties nowadays, frankly speaking, even if it was pretty funny :D.
No, today it's all about the size of the titties: the smaller the size, the bigger the headache, because you know, all pixels are not equals in their rights...
See how prudent is an adult company when releasing a game, even doing "plastic surgery" :

Original image:

Modified image for western audience:

This is utterly ridiculous.

It is changing though, mainly because of the relative relaxing about sex in the Western world.
Still, if you have any liking for "darker" fetishes, you have to go the Japanese way. Because even if it's fantasy, you only can have cruelty the GTA way, nothing sexual.

That's the issue : haters are gonna hate. And when haters hate, they use anything they can to dirty the target of their loathing. And here, with the teeny look and the schoolgirl uniform, Illusion simply gave them some munitions. A stick that haters will sure use to try to beat them.
Indeed, but if no one is never ever do it, we'll keep having this weird statu quo where everything is hidden under the table because pixel Talibans are roaming around, ready to cry for the censorship of anything that don't fit their view.

There are reasons why even big studios like Koei Tecmo or Namco Bandai don't sell all their games in the West. And they're pretty open about it : they don't like the "climate" that is currently trending in Occident, with SJW shitting on everything that may feature sexualisation of female characters and politicians ready to jump on the bandwagon to get a bit of publicity.
Indeed, I remember someone saying that some Asian game companies person told them that they actually have to tone done sexy characters/clothes when they ship them to the US (and to Europe). And here it's not about porn games, just mainstream games that are "censored" to please the pixel Talibans.
And yes, sometime these games are Japan/S.Korea only.
(Actually, they always did that, but in the digital age, it is really visible, and again ridiculous).
About SJW, for me, it's just the horrible child between radical feminists (which for me are the ultimate treason and hence the death of real feminists) and extreme puritans.
But yeah, I have a dream, that people will learn to differentiate between disapproving and letting live (which is their right), and going full nazi on all of these works of f****** pixel fiction.

We'll see how everything plays out. They may fail in the end, but I'm sure that there will be attempts to get this game banned and censored. There may even be some successes. Let observe the political reaction to this game in countries like France, UK, Australia...
Seeing the Australian superb record about any sex work (even bland sex), I'm surprised every morning that they still haven't outright banned any porn from their country. So I'm not expecting anything good from them actually :P

Indeed. But I can't help but feeling uneasy. We saw so much shitstorm over nothing during the last few years that having such a controversial company as Illusion as the front-runner for VR adult-gaming may end up being a prejudice.
We had a shitstorm about an ass (Tracer), friend, imagine that... Meanwhile, Kim Kardashian is still doing well, yes, why the question?

If SJWs decide to start a war on VR, it can be disastrous. Even if the VR community is really welcoming toward Illusion, we don't know how the big companies behind VR will react. I'm sure they don't want their multi-billion dollars market to be stained. I'm sure that big players like Facebook or Google don't want their platform to host games from a company that is known for rape simulations featuring underage girls.

But alienating the silent majority in order not to hurt the feelings of a vocal minority could also backslash. This could lead to interesting outcomes.
It all depends if some politician wants to "regulate" the sector, some kind of "I'll protect the bullied pixels!", thus setting a precedent of censorship. Because, outside of that, it's just people voting with their money, even with SJW fulminating about that, and I think that these games will be popular in the Western World. As always, SJW are only strong if they bend the legislation to their liking.
The worst outcome would be that we'll have yet again a dual market, one for Japan, and one for the Western World. De facto like today.

Honestly, I don't think that they will chicken out and sell a "no sex allowed" title. It is branded as an adult game, and in the "product" info at the end of its website, they clearly states that it is "Adults only, or 18 and older". And when a Japanese publisher says "adult", there's no ambiguity : it's porn (like in adult games, adult anime or adult videos).
AFAIK, Steam doesn't allow explicit content in their platform, am I wrong on that?

You wouldn't regret it one bit. EusthEnoptEron's Vive support is unbelievably good, and all these latest three games PlayClub, SexyBeach & Honey*Select are all completely different from 2D and pretty much *shocking* experiences in room-scale VR (Dryne11 did SB, but the core VRGIN library is Eusth's).

I don't think it's possible to feel buyer's remorse with the Vive, especially considering that you'd be on track for version 3 of the hardware (if you resist V2 that is), which should prove to be something completely different than just a rez bump.
I didn't even know there was a V2. :D
This becomes more and more attracting. :P
Because a future v3 + new generation of graphic card would probably make me buy them indeed!

On the first page someone said the words illusion and polished , I was about to point out that those two words don't go together, Since the very beginning when I tried my first Illusion game AG2 i've been terribly disappointed(yes not just disappointed but terribly) I mean even then games like oblivion already existed and so i was expecting something maybe with not as much graphics or sophistication but at some level past the late 90's with a central focus on hentai.
Well, Oblivion development is about more than a hundred of people working years for a game!
Porn companies can't have that, they don't have the capability, nor the financial cushion.
I didn't even know there was a V2. :D

Well, no, not yet-- I was saying that if anyone got a Vive Version 1 now, they'd probably be in line for a V3 in the product cycle. At this price point it's reasonable to skip generations. V1 to V2 is likely to just be a resolution bump, but I am just wild-ass-guessing based on other types of products. The real benefits usually come in V3 of any new hardware platform, but if you're wealthy enough to simply go from one gen to the next, then more power to you.

But maybe I'll be just that crazy to do V1-V2-V3 when it comes down to it. We'll have to see what HTC/Valve and Oculus come up with.
Well, no, not yet-- I was saying that if anyone got a Vive Version 1 now, they'd probably be in line for a V3 in the product cycle. At this price point it's reasonable to skip generations. V1 to V2 is likely to just be a resolution bump, but I am just wild-ass-guessing based on other types of products. The real benefits usually come in V3 of any new hardware platform, but if you're wealthy enough to simply go from one gen to the next, then more power to you.

But maybe I'll be just that crazy to do V1-V2-V3 when it comes down to it. We'll have to see what HTC/Valve and Oculus come up with.

I'm hoping that they institute some sort of trade-in program for the Vive, at least.

Otherwise I will be skipping the next gen.
Well, no, not yet-- I was saying that if anyone got a Vive Version 1 now, they'd probably be in line for a V3 in the product cycle. At this price point it's reasonable to skip generations. V1 to V2 is likely to just be a resolution bump, but I am just wild-ass-guessing based on other types of products. The real benefits usually come in V3 of any new hardware platform, but if you're wealthy enough to simply go from one gen to the next, then more power to you.

But maybe I'll be just that crazy to do V1-V2-V3 when it comes down to it. We'll have to see what HTC/Valve and Oculus come up with.
A bump means more necessary horsepower, so maybe every time a new version is out, to enjoy it fully, you'll need a new graphic card.
That's a lot of money. So yeah skipping a generation is a good idea if you don't have unlimited money :D.
Well, Oblivion development is about more than a hundred of people working years for a game!
Porn companies can't have that, they don't have the capability, nor the financial cushion.

well I know that...now,but at the time,i knew nothing of japanese game development or how they did things,my thinking without knowing was basically that without the fear in western culture to show a female's nipple, ,there would be some great hentai games....like a western style game industry but without the fear of...a nipple

so yeah would have been great but that's not how it actually is and i know that now,
If the game is on steam does this also mean game will have a english release also?

For f sake vrs for the game alone are $ 1000 - $2000 not including grafic card .
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There's a new video to view on the site which shows the real time interaction features.

Looks like we will have real time groping! Finally my favorite feature is back.

If the game is on steam does this also mean game will have a english release also?

For f sake vrs for the game alone are $ 1000 - $2000 not including grafic card .

There is an English website for this game, which will be Illusion's first release that will sell outside of Japan in decades.


Also, you should be able to play this game in vr with Google cardboard, once a modder gets it figured out.
That young Sakura kept on insisting that she couldn't wait to see me, so I caved in and finally met her... That's how I ended up buying myself a Vive, getting a couple brand new onaholes, and impatiently waiting for our next date.

Less than two weeks before release. My body is ready. And I'm frankly eager to see how this game is going to turn out. In the meantime, let's wrap up the latest information and ongoing discussions.

On content, interactivity and "immersivity" :

Initially, there was a bit of uncertainty about the nature of the content that Illusion would include in this game, especially if they wanted to distribute it on Steam. But when they announced that they'll support motion controllers back in December, they lifted any possible interrogation : at the end of their preview video, you could see one of the Illusion devs thrusting his hips in the air, an Oculus Touch controller attached to the pelvis, while the caption text could read "Otherwise, we're also investigating on how to use them the Illusion way" (その他、イリュージョン流使用方法も研究中。).

That's exactly what we wanted to see : a real-life application of the good old Air Hip-Thrust move from the venerable Illusion School of Grind-Fu. And if there remained any doubt to clear, they recently added a little Q&A on their website to answer our questions : yes, this game will feature H-scenes, with plenty of service, coital sex ("insertion" as they say) and interactive fondling.

To illustrate those features and showcase their motion controllers support, they even released a preview video where the player would literally grab her by the pussy. It probably triggered a couple people, since the video went down a few hours later and the Youtube account for VR Kanojo was terminated... Nevertheless, they quickly re-uploaded this video on their website, along all the other ones, where you can witness the player tickling the girl, massaging her, lifting her skirt, pulling the elastic band of her panties to take a peek... There seems to be a pretty nice range of possible activities in this game.

I'm really happy that they took the decision to delay the game after receiving their Touch devkit and to work on proper motion controller support. Interactivity is a feature that is truly lacking in the latest games from Illusion, which relies too much on "click to select position / click to insert / click to cum" mechanics. A VR game where you cannot actually interact with the girl would have been really sad and I'm glad they didn't drop the ball. What they showcased so far is really hype-worthy : it seems like they're actually making pretty good use of the VR medium, using your head and hands as input, and showing concern for principles like presence and immersion.

If you're familiar with those weird "doki-doki" instants a VR game can induce, you should have a good idea where this could be going. A game like Honey Select was not made for VR and is far from being highly interactive, but can already be quite troubling at time : the first time you meet a girl in the lobby, and she slowly raise her head to look at you smiling like you're some familiar face... it just fucks your brain and makes you halt for a second, asking yourself just what happened.
So, if a simple gaze is already enough to blow some minds, just try to picture how those times you'll share with Sakura can turn out. Contrary to the dolls from HS, she was programmed to acknowledge and act upon our presence and actions. If they are properly scripted, events like her confession or her first kiss can have an unsettling impact (personally, I can't wait to witness the scene when we will decide to clumsily service my VR self for the first time).

What a fucking time to be alive, when you think about it : we're going to witness the release of the first professionally-made, immersive, first-person VR sex game. A game where a life-sized virtual girl looks at you in the eyes, reacts to your touch, shies away from your lascivious gaze, shares intimate moments with you... The novelty and uniqueness of this concept is pretty much assured to make it genre-defining : even if they don't produce adult content, everyone in the VR industry will have to scrutinise this game and learn a few things from it, be it do or don't.

As such, it has the potential to be a huge success and, even if it fails commercially, it will draw attention and make a lot of noise. A lot of noise coming from a fully-immersive motion-controlled sex game where the goal is to fuck a young and shy schoolgirl while we're in a position of authority as her tutor. This is going to be interesting, to say the least.

On room-scale :

That cross-section of owners is about to become much smaller with the release of Oculus room-scale support. Additionally, you should understand that a locked viewpoint is not a prerequisite to seated support; with room scale, you simply sit down, and you have seated support.

First, lets make sure that we're not arguing over semantics : to me, "room-scale tracking" only applies to technologies that are able to perform proper 6-DoF (rotational and positional) positioning without occlusion in a room-sized volume (hence, "room-scale"). A system that allows you to stand up while facing the tracking device (like the PSVR) is not enough to qualify for "room-scale" in my book, even if it comes with tracked motion controllers. And a "room-scale game" is a game that actually requires you to use those tracking possibilities, moving and turning around and flailing your arms (games like Gorn or Racket:NX are good examples).
It means that I never totally bought the "Oculus can do room-scale" pitch. And so far, from what I heard from Rifters, the Constellation system doesn't really offer stellar tracking capabilities... to say the least.

With that in mind, I still think that Illusion made the good choice not to rely too much on room-scale : with VR still being a fragmented and burgeoning market, you don't want to exclude too many players. As such, your best bet is to design your experience to be played while standing still (or sitting) in front of your computer, with motion controllers support as well as keyboard / mouse / joypad inputs as a fall-back for those who can't Touch.
It also prevents excluding all of those people who don't have room enough to move around. Available space is still a big issue, especially in Asia, and I doubt players from Tokyo, Taipei or HK can easily afford to have a big nice many-square-metres play space (my entire Tokyo apartment could fit in my French bedroom).

Now, note that I said that they "should not rely too much on it", and not that "they should absolutely prevent it" : the game should be designed so that you don't have to be wandering around, but definitely should let you do so if your setup is meant for it. And it seems to me that it is the direction they've taken with the game lately (which is great).

The game seems to be totally focused on the seated experience, but that doesn't mean that you can't go standing room with it. There is just no support for moving around and your height doesn't change. So, if you play it room scale then it seems like you are standing below the floor level.

Since they promised that the game will feature "plenty of fully-immersive service", we can indeed expect the game to be featuring a lot of seated positions, even when it comes to H-scenes. During those sequences, it's highly probable that the girl will be doing all the work while you sit down and "relax", using your spare hand to fondle her.
Still, while most of the preview videos show the player sitting, they're also showcasing a scene where he is grabbing her chest while standing behind her, a scene where he's kneeling on the floor lifting her skirt, crouching while massaging her... on top of this infamous "air hip-thrust move" I talked before. It seems like the game will allow you (or even require you) to alternate between sitting and standing positions.

It's good news : it means all the issues the demo had relative to Z-Axis positioning are going to be ironed out. The world scale and floor level were completely wrong in the trial and it was a big immersion-breaker. Especially when you faced Sakura, who was fucking gigantic for a girl who is supposed to be 162cm tall (162cm is the average size of a Japanese girl, by the way).

I only tried it in room scale as I'm actually not setup for sitting. Although I could move a chair into the room scale space, I prefer to stand.

While there will be fall-back control schemes allowing the game to be played sitting in front of your keyboard, it seems to me that the optimal setup will effectively require you to drag a chair in your play space, with just a little bit of room in front of it so that you can stand up and sit back down easily. A forward-facing experience where you will be able to alternate between sitting and standing play-styles.

If they can make it so that the in-game chair always stay mapped to the same real-life position, you'll be able to move around freely and go sit back on your real-life chair without having to activate the camera of lift your headset. That would be nice for immersion.

More on content, interactivity, immersion, and room-scale :

The compelling part of room-scale is to simply "be" in a given space. You can breathe down the model's neck, or you can lie down and hang out, or you could be an ass and go lay on her bed (EEE's mods allows you to shift the world space by grabbing and dragging in mid-air, so you can create your own floor level to, say, lay down on a bed if you like). This game neuters all that, making it a kind of glorified 3D movie. You can't reach her, you can't touch her or be creepy (except for certain scripted moments), you can't explore her room or her space, you just get to come along for the ride. Sadface VR support, there.

Oh, I know that too well.

At first, I believed that this kind of game would be best played while sitting, so that you can fap easily. And then I got my Vive and saw the light.
After receiving the VR Blessing, I remapped my playspace so that my sofa is inside the Chaperone boundaries, while still excluding it from the (rectangular) play area. It allowed me to sit down with Elena while watching Saya getting gang-banged by faceless dudes and to lay down while she facesits me with her acolytes (Rinkan). To get cosy on the sofa in the girl's room in Honey Select while watching a couple of them masturbating on the coffee table or lay with them on the futon in the washitsu.
I fapped while sitting. I fapped while laying on my bed. I fapped while standing. While crouching. Kneeling. Back against the wall. Hands on the floor. Onahole stuck on my desk. I enlightened myself to roomscale masturbation. And it was fucking glorious.

But, as cool as it, it's not that great from an immersion standpoint. Being able to grab the space to position myself may sound fun, but it doesn't give me the least bit impression to actually be there. The girls still don't react to my touch, they still don't give a shit that I'm around. It gets boring very quickly.
When you think about it, all the magic happens at the moment you position yourself exactly as the male character and have the girl look at you in the eyes while blushing. This is what makes the experience : when the girl actually interacts with you, as simple as those interactions may be. This is the moment when your brain goes "Holy shit!" and the immersion really kicks in.

It is not about roomscale, but all about consistency and feedback. This is what allows you to truly "be" in a given space. You simply do not exist if you can't interact.

That's why I believe VR Kanojo will be a great VR experience. Even if it only offers limited room-scale support and doesn't allow me to teleport all over the place. Even if the events are going to be heavily scripted. Simply because it's a game that is designed around my presence, and not around an avatar which I need to slip into : I don't need to be shifting the world space and mimicking its position to have a taste of what it is to be in the character's shoes, I simply AM the character. This is what VR is about.

And the best part of it is that you can have your cake and eat it too : there's nothing preventing you to mod the game to fully support room-scale.

Do you know ? The VR Kanojo demo was leveraging the exact same source code than Honey Select. With a bit of luck, they're build on the same systems, and porting mods from one game to another is going to be child's play. If they keep the same skeleton for the girls, you will be able to port clothes without having to remodel nor reskin anything : the only though part will be on how to make the new clothes fit into Sakura's closet. I can see modders like vrl0ver creating plugins to inject animations from SBPR or HS into VR Kanojo (he already made it happen for HS Studio).

And, with a lot of luck, they kept the same kind of "feelings system" underneath. And the same stat-based ADV system that triggers events depending on the girl state. We don't really have any clue on the way the game is going to be played, and even if it's a good rule of thumb not to expect too much from Illusion, there may be some sweets surprises to come.

Well, we almost have that today with Play Club / Sexy Beach / Honey Select and EusthEnoptEron's goodies. His VR mods are sophisticated to an unbelievable degree. Just look at his README; it's insane! And you yourself know the sophistication in HS's relationship metrics-- can you imagine an Artificial (Girl,Academy) VR sandbox that smashes these two genres together? Holy Hell that will be amazing.

And inevitable. They've got all the code already to make that happen. They probably need the hardware to catch up a little to engage multiple actors in VR.

It will be coming. But don't get too hyped : we're at least 3 years away from a decent VR sex game coming from Illusion.

What we can expect with this game is a nice but heavily scripted VR visual novel with some interactive breast fondling. A collection of cute little scenes where we eat some "Chocolate Bocky" with the girl, look under her skirt and chase after cockroaches. If we are super-lucky, we'll have a couple "favour" stats to raise, or "hearts" to unlock through our actions. Or a couple different routes leading to different sex scenes like in Real Kanojo.

And this is probably going to be enough to blow our minds : a simple game carried by the novelty of virtual interactions with a cute anime girl. For anything fancier than that, we'll have to wait.
Yoshi, you hit the nail on the head once again.

This is definitely a title for all VR developers to keep a close eye on. Myself being one of them.

I am steadily getting closer to releasing a demo of my game and I delayed some of my work in order to see how Illusion handles things.

The direct interactivity with the model is what has interested me the most and I am so stoked to see that Illusion is implementing that with full force.

I've already noticed a function that could be improved upon from watching the videos and that is the hand 'snapping' into position when certain actions are undertaken.

I want my game to feel super smooth and immersive and I know that I will be able to gain tons of insight from this title.

I've already assured that I will have many hours of free alone time on release day to fully explore what could be the adult VR title of the year.

Also, interesting to note is that HTC is working on mini sensors that can be attached to anything and then used as guides for the game engine.

This could potentially mean that you could place a sensor on a chair, for instance, and have the game recognize where that chair is and create a representation of it in game.

The golden age of VR is still a couple of years off and we who are pioneering it will be the masters of a virtual universe in the not too distant future.

Just imagine a fully immersive virtual internet...
I think VR Kanojo will be okay, but I still have reservations based on Illusion's track record, demo capabilities and a strange lack of electricity that I have when close to the model. She's... ...just not right, to me. Alien; weird. I get the thrill still with Roy12's DOA models in HS, but I just don't have the same electricity with Sakura. I guess the bottom line is... I'm not attracted to her. She's cuter than the girl from Real Kanojo (thankfully), but just not there for me.

I have western sensibilities, for sure-- my favorite DOA girls are Helena and Lisa. But a more western path to interactive partnership is on a parallel track with pr0nczar's iCandy prototype, which already shows an incredible level of subtle interactivity up-close. (https://www.patreon.com/pron for those interested in how that looks).

His model is unusually beautiful, to my eyes, has the subtle facial expressions that trip my shit, and that weird electricity is definitely there.

I'll be glad to be proven wrong with VR Kanojo; I'm hoping beyond hope that the girl is infinitely moddable, and that the community is there to do that in spite of it being a niche product.
At first, I believed that this kind of game would be best played while sitting, so that you can fap easily. And then I got my Vive and saw the light.

I know that feel, room scale make you actually feel like you are in the game. Seated is far less immersive.

I think VR Kanojo will be okay, but I still have reservations based on Illusion's track record, demo capabilities and a strange lack of electricity that I have when close to the model. She's... ...just not right, to me. Alien; weird. I get the thrill still with Roy12's DOA models in HS, but I just don't have the same electricity with Sakura. I guess the bottom line is... I'm not attracted to her. She's cuter than the girl from Real Kanojo (thankfully), but just not there for me.

Maybe a lot of that comes from the bad animations of the demo, some movements felt weird. Hopefully people will add new models to suit everyone's taste.
So, I just received an email from Illusion. It looks as though we will have an h demo on the 27th.

From the pixelated pictures on vrkanojo.com, it looks like we will have a good doggy position, at least.

Only four more days until we get to try this!

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So, I just received an email from Illusion. It looks as though we will have an h demo on the 27th.

From the pixelated pictures on vrkanojo.com, it looks like we will have a good doggy position, at least.

Only four more days until we get to try this!

I think I can make out doggy, reverse cowgirl, missionary, and possibly a side oral / on the bed (which would be nice, I'm pretty tired of Illusion's complete lack of imagination with oral sex positions).

This should be interesting. I'm looking forward to how they solve variable IPD (she's a giantess on Vive) and other VR issues.
Only four more days until we get to try this!

I can't wait to see how it turns out, really.

In my previous post, I wrote that I was happy to see Illusion "showing concern for principles like presence and immersion". And now, in all of their latest announcements (from their tweets to the caption of this pixelated preview), they're trumpeting that their game will include "H-scenes with never-experienced-before feelings of presence and immersion". It may only be PR-speak to hype up their title, but it's a good omen to me.

Now, I still wonder if the game will be readily available at launch for non-Japanese players. The Steam version is flagged as "free-to-play" and they announced that the title will be exclusively sold on their online store, so our only way to buy it will be through their website... And their website doesn't show a glimpse of multilingual support, while they're supposed to ship in two days.
I hope they'll handle this properly. If buying the game is too tedious, while pirating it only requires to grab a torrent, they may lose a lot of customers. I don't believe a non-Japanese speaker will be willing to make an online purchase on an untranslated website.

This is definitely a title for all VR developers to keep a close eye on. Myself being one of them.

I'm sure we're all going to learn a lot from this game. Illusion being Illusion, I'm confident that they'll show us a few good feats, but will also give us some good insight on what should be avoided. And I'm cool with it : lessons learnt from mistakes are the best lessons.

Because mistakes there will be. And a lot of them.

From what I could see so far, they once again totally botched their lighting : there are massive issues and discrepancies all over the place in every single of the trailers they showcased. It's now typical and almost expected from Illusion to shit the bed when it comes to lights, but those issues are going to be even more glaring in VR. We can also expect them to opt for the deferred rendering path, even if they don't have any real reason to use it and would have better result using a forward renderer, and to overlook optimisations.

The other point that bothers me is the animations : they looks rather forced. In a standard videogame, you want to emphasise the character movements to make them more comprehensible when seen from afar on a small screen, but in VR, they should be more natural and subtle. Combined with Illusion anti-gravity boob physics, those animations feel a little uncanny at time, even if I know that your average Japanese schoolgirl wouldn't feel authentic without all the weird theatrical antics.

Those are the most obvious to me, but I'm sure there's more to come and that we'll see some spectacular design fails in this game. Now, even if there are issues, I still think that the "wow factor" will compensate for them. We'll have a much clearer picture of the good and bad points of this new title in a couple days, anyway.

Maybe a lot of that comes from the bad animations of the demo, some movements felt weird. Hopefully people will add new models to suit everyone's taste.

Yes. The animations are way "over-the-top", as I mentioned. In a typical "anime" fashion, Illusion over-exaggerated a lot of things : big eyes, big hands, broad movements... This seems straight out of Osamu Tezuka's handbook.

Now, what works in manga and classic videogames doesn't work that well in VR, especially if you are aiming at a semi-realistic result. There are big inconsistencies between the style of the character and the environment models and textures and the overemphasised proportions and movements of the girl. Hence, the uncanny aspect. If they made a anime-styled game with simplified, cell-shaded renders, you wouldn't notice it.

Rescaling her hands or remodeling her face slightly should be easy, and modders will probably deliver. But redoing all the animations to tone them down is too big of a task.

I think VR Kanojo will be okay, but I still have reservations based on Illusion's track record, demo capabilities and a strange lack of electricity that I have when close to the model. She's... ...just not right, to me. Alien; weird. I get the thrill still with Roy12's DOA models in HS, but I just don't have the same electricity with Sakura. I guess the bottom line is... I'm not attracted to her. She's cuter than the girl from Real Kanojo (thankfully), but just not there for me.

If you're into more mature Western girls and subtlety in the animations and interactions, you probably won't like this game. It may be sold internationally, but this title still mainly cater to Japanese players. And you probably know that they have a really special definition of what is considered "cute" when it comes to girls.

So, be prepared to witness and endure a game where the heroine is a Japanese schoolgirl who acts like she's the 8-year-old main female character of a shounen manga. To understand what it entails, just look at her reaction during the "cockroach attack" scene in the trailers : this is what you should expect. And even if we mod the models, this kind of stuff won't go away.

I know that feel, room scale make you actually feel like you are in the game. Seated is far less immersive.

As I said in my earlier post, the immersion factor isn't dependant on room-scale tracking : it's all about consistency and interactivity. You want your in-game actions to perfectly correspond to your real-life movements and inputs. You want the virtual world and its characters to be altered and give feedback on your actions. This is simply what we refer as "presence" in the VR jargon.

In Honey Select, there's nothing like that. The male character is fully autonomous : he can be sitting while you stand up, his hand will always stay in the same positions while you use yours, his torso won't follow when you move your head. There's absolutely no consistency between the "real you" and the "virtual you", and not having a proper avatar totally breaks immersion.
There's absolutely no interactivity either : the girls in this game don't interact with you, they interact with that male character upon whom you have no control. You can be waving, you can be nodding, you can do whatever you want, it won't change anything. You're exterior to the scene and can't interact with the in-game world, which also breaks immersion.

You have to understand that here, room-scale is just a band-aid : it's only useful because it's the only way for you to impersonate the male character. Since you can't have him to follow your movements, you have to mimic the character to feel immersed, and thus have to teleport and get yourself into weird positions. In a proper VR game, where you actually have control over the avatar, this kind of band-aid isn't necessary any more.

As such, a seated game where the girl actually looks at you, follow your hands movements and try to pull her skirt down when you take a peek will be hundred times more immersive that a room-scale game with poor interactivity. Always.

Now, a fully-immersive and interactive room-scale game will sure feel better than a seated one. But, due to the VR fragmentation on the PC market (thanks Oculus), and due to the sheer amount of work that room-scale support requires, Illusion has made the good choice here.
The more freedom you give to your users, the higher the number of scenarios you have to cover, and the harder it gets to develop your game : when you know that the player will be sitting at the same spot most of the time, creating interactions becomes much easier. I prefer Illusion to deliver a nice and interactive sitting game than a botched room-scale one (ie. with the girl not properly reacting to positional changes, breaking presence and immersion).
If I remember correctly, Yoshi, Illusion is going to launch the Engrish version of the site on release day for us dirty westerners.

Yes, the animations are totally over the top, but I didn't even take note of that honestly, such is the norm from Japanese culture, as you stated.

What I am most interested in refining in my title is the immersion factor of subtlety. Something that I don't think Illusion will ever understand. They've always employed overly emphasized facial movements and as you stated, Yoshi, in a VR title that doesn't really work.

The lighting is another issue. My game is going to involve a lot of night time activity out of doors and I know that by studying what Illusion does along with other non-adult titles like The Lab and refining between all of them that I can build the perfect lighting setup.

Perhaps, Yoshi, you would like to be one of my beta testers?

Either way, I know that VRKanojo is going to occupy at least a few hours of my time and I am excited for Tuesday. The only problem being that Overwatch's fourth competitive season starts that day too. How do I divvy my time appropriately?
It seems like the H-scenes preview is unavailable from the "Engrish" website, but it has been posted on the Japanese one. You can try to access it here or download it on this MEGA mirror.

And Holy Mother of God... It looks impressive. They fully embraced room-scale and motion controllers capabilities when it comes to the sex stuff.

There are positions where you can grab her head to force her to deepthroat your avatar, where you can grab and lick (!) her boobs, grab her limbs to reposition her during sex, kiss her, finger her, lay on top of her... It's going to be A LOT of fun.

If I remember correctly, Yoshi, Illusion is going to launch the Engrish version of the site on release day for us dirty westerners.

Today, there were banners on Illusion website to announce that their online store was undergoing maintenance. It was probably to prepare for VRK release, but I couldn't notice any change to the site so far. Added to the fact that they didn't even bother to update their "international" website to showcase the new H-scenes, this doesn't convey a good signal.

It all feels a bit amateurish to me : they've been waiting for the last day before release to implement the tools which their revenues will depend on. If anything goes wrong during the process, the product launch can suffer quite a lot.

Yes, the animations are totally over the top, but I didn't even take note of that honestly, such is the norm from Japanese culture, as you stated.

I don't mind either. In fact, I shamelessly dig this kind of stuff.

To me, eroge are a mean to enact fetishes and fantasies that I cannot and should not realise in real life. In a game, you can go full Pedobear and participate in gang rapes without hurting anyone. You can create your perfect waifu and witness the most idealised form of love, free of all human flaws. From the purest to the darkest ones, every fantasy has its place.
I don't really pursue realism. And I don't even think that trying to mimic real life is what VR should thrive for. I want anime-styled catgirls, bitchy and assertive lolis, heroines with personality archetypes that feels like they're straight out of a light-novel. I want to be an alien monster with tentacles, a sex super-hero, a professional train molester or a stalking rapist. I want over-the-top fantasies, things that I can't get in real-life.

As such, VR Kanojo is already too realistic for me, even if the main female character acts like an anime cutie. Tutoring a young student and using your position to screw her is far from being what dreams are made of. Actually, any gaijin that spend time enough in Japan doing "language tutoring" or working as a "chat host" can pull that kind of stuff reliably.

Either way, I know that VRKanojo is going to occupy at least a few hours of my time and I am excited for Tuesday. The only problem being that Overwatch's fourth competitive season starts that day too. How do I divvy my time appropriately?

Lucky you. Real life just called me, and she said the shit just hit the fan. She wants me back to clean up all that mess. I don't even know if I'll be able to take a break and try this game before the weekend.

By the way : I'm keeping tabs on your messages about VR game development. As soon as I have a bit of time, I'll answer all of them in a batch, so prepare for a massive info-dump.
Well, not out of normal bounds for Illusion to wait until the last minute.

That is exactly what I was hoping for with the h-scenes. Full interactivity.

I'm sorry, Yoshi, that you will not be able to experience this until the weekend. I will try to keep the spoilers to a minimum when I post my review.

I'm hoping that the Engrish site will actually launch late tonight. I'm not sure if Illusion will try to schedule it to launch according to western time zones.

As far as my game, it will focus on realism but it will cover taboo subjects and activities. I can't wait to see what your data dump can do to help the development.

UPDATE: Oh man, I just watched that video and it looks so good. I love that you can change the girls leg position by using your hands. The pov looks great, too. This is definitely going to be a fun game.

One thing that I am going to strive for in my title, however, are boobs that deform properly. Enough of the floating pontoon boobs that don't react to gravity. My model's boobs will have full physics enabled.
Well it's a very short game, 500 megs or so, not much larger than the demo, and 7 standard positions. I'm happy to support Illusion on this first effort, but this is just more like a demo, there isn't much 'game' there at all.

Events are highly scripted, H is not free-form (your hand only changes the H 'phase' and not the direct action). Room-scale is very poorly implemented, there is no way to move the scene to correspond with your body. If the action is on the bed, you have to set up a cot or some other elevated platform in just the right place, otherwise you just have to be a voyeur.

The Vive controls don't always work, and the menu item for resetting the HMD orientation does nothing at all. There is no head or eye tracking, you have to be in just the right spot to maintain the illusion that she's looking at you.

All that said, I still have to applaud the effort. Hopefully the success of this will convince Illusion to put a larger team on VR.
Well it's a very short game, 500 megs or so, not much larger than the demo, and 7 standard positions. I'm happy to support Illusion on this first effort, but this is just more like a demo, there isn't much 'game' there at all.

Events are highly scripted, H is not free-form (your hand only changes the H 'phase' and not the direct action). Room-scale is very poorly implemented, there is no way to move the scene to correspond with your body. If the action is on the bed, you have to set up a cot or some other elevated platform in just the right place, otherwise you just have to be a voyeur.

The Vive controls don't always work, and the menu item for resetting the HMD orientation does nothing at all. There is no head or eye tracking, you have to be in just the right spot to maintain the illusion that she's looking at you.

All that said, I still have to applaud the effort. Hopefully the success of this will convince Illusion to put a larger team on VR.

Well, not exactly what I wanted to hear as a player, but as a developer it gets my hopes up.

My review is pending my first play through.

EDIT: OK, I've played through it. It only took me about 40 minutes to see all the content, or lack thereof. I'm not surprised that it is so short considering how much time they must have spent on creating all the non-essential art.

My first reaction...meh.

This is barely beyond a tech demo. Which is the norm for Illusion. I'm just sorry that they are charging so much for this title as that will probably kill their hopes of breaking back into the western market. People are not going to spend premium price for a game with this little content. Or if they do, they won't a second time.

The fondling is barely there and very stale. Just kind of wiggle things around.

I was hoping that there would be some cool dress up and fondle free mode, but there is not.

I like that they implemented butt fondling, but again it is so uninspired that it loses its sheen after one or two sessions.

All in all, I would pay $10 or $15 for something like this but not what they are asking.

The sex scenes are slightly immersive, but being restricted to one pose at a time with no way of switching quickly is annoying.

I will say it again, breasts in vr need to be better than what we've seen so far. When you are that intimate with the model the tiniest details become glaring. To me, the way that the breast over-bounce and don't flatten out when she is laying down are deal breakers, I immediately focus in on them and all hopes of immersion are gone.

Anyways, this is a half-assed review. I will go more in-depth at a later time.
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I just tried seated mode, and it is better than the room scale setup. I wonder why they bothered with room-scale at all, actually.

I found that if you hold down the menu button on the Vive controller (top button), that resets your view. You have to contort yourself to get in a position where the reset will actually match your body, but it can be done. Cowgirl is especially nice this way.

But yeah, this is overall just a pale shadow of HoneySelect + HSVR, at an absurd price for the content. Which I paid in the hopes that it'll subsidize a proper game. Those saying it would have about as much content as Real Kanojo were spot-on; it's even less here. I wonder if DLC will include another girl.

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