Incest Taboo ~ What do you think?

I've read a manga titled "Rika". the Incest philosophy inside the manga is just superb! There's no way a Mid-schooler can be so wise like that.

yeah incest is a taboo.. but love is unstoppable.. while I still having double standard for this and other kind of "taboo love" but I think it's fine as long as the concerned party are responsible with their choices.
Well, technically the purpose of life is to reproduce. So I don't see why incest should be a taboo. But then, comes the society driven rules, or many would call it "morals," that are enforced on others by others.
Well, I certainly enjoy a lot of materials about incest, from the purest romance to the shameless hentai, to me is a huge fetish.
About doing it with brother/father... I don't think I could, specially with my father. Even though it would be a nice scene since I have younger twin brothers., heh.

I particularly don't see any problems about incest, as long as the people involved are comfortable with it. However, now being realistic, about genetic aspects, incest is really bad to the future children, many can be born ill and not even survive, so I guess having kids is the big issue to incestuous couples.
yeah genetically speaking siblings marriage will bring out the "bad" dormant gene hidden inside..
but then again.. it's a risk.. for the path you choose
incest huh? (-_-) Personally I don't really care whether its incest or not. You can stop yourself from loving somebody like that. It's natural. I even a friend who's in a sexual relationship with his sister and I supported them when their own family threw them away. :thumbup:
I don't really have a problem with incest because our family is quite open with it I mean you could say that our family is weird or immoral but that's us it's a family tradition especially when the children reach puberty proper sexual talk or in our terms demonstration is given and as far as having children the is a rule is the family that only second cousins are allowed to marry and have them { the rule not strictly enforced though } so that technically solves the problem about genetics and it's not like everyone in the family has the same DNA when you look at our family tree there are several marriages between brother and sister but mostly cousins and not everyone in our family marries inside there is always those who marries someone not in the family tree
for me incest is a good fap material (lol)
but i dont think it would work on RL, my sister is cute, yeah....
nice body and all (accidentally see her naked last year) but i never have such a vibe on her :)
conclusion? i love her as far as sibling goes
First, i'll answer your questions.
+ Boy: Do you want to do Incest things with your mother/sister? No, i do not.
+ Boy: Do you want to do yaoi things with your father/brother? No, i do not.

Now, i have to say that i like incest hentai, specially little boys having sex with their mothers but is just fantasy.
I'd never do such thing with my parents or sister. Maybe with a cousin but that's all.

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