[Intro] Auldrant - Which side are you?

Let me join too~ and sorry for the late intro

Pyrce: Female
Job: Half-Demon
Weap: None
Equip: Black garments.
Items: White Gem Necklace
City: Nephilim
Traits: ???
Skills: ???

Looks: Black Haired Pony Tail, Wears Thick Glasses (before being demonized) now she wears it to lessen her demonic ability. Wears Black fitting garments, wears a white gem as her necklace (belonged to her late mother) which has a history of magic.


The Holy City of Nephilim, the city's mayor announced what was discussed by the king, that the demon king shall have his resurrection and warriors must rise to defeat him once again. Residents and officials discussed the warriors who were willing to fight alongside the city's Knight General "Blaire" to journey into the darkness. Men of ready ages raised their voices for protection. As evil reaches the outskirts of the city, Blaire announces that all his finest knights will march forth into the darkness, leaving only a few troops for protection. "Now is the time we must go! The world, our world, is in our hands! We will fight as we fight our lives with it!" Blaire firmly announces.

Days have passed when news returned to the city that Blaire and his men exterminated the evil on the outskirts of their city. Residents rejoiced as they believed that the General is brave and powerful. With the restored peace in the people's hearts, they returned to their normal lives.

Pyrce, a normal girl living with her brother Kuuya, left the city to retrieve the books that her brother ordered. Having a casual chat with each other while walking back to their city, the two managed to see a black smoke above.

"That's from the city!" Pyrce shouted.

They ran as quickly as they can, reaching the city walls in open fire. Citizens were mangled down with black knights, others were captured and the others died fighting back. Kuuya saw a little girl crying in the midst of the battle. He made haste to grab the girl, only to be seen by a black knight. Pyrce tried to stop him but it was too late. The knight caught him and the girl, choking him.

"Ru...Ru..RUN" he tried to say to Pyrce.

Pyrce, unable to grasp the situation, was unable to move at that time.

"RUN!" Kuuya said before fainting, flames spur down at the floor visibly vanishing within it. Pyrce ran towards the flames, another black knight took her by the blade. Stabbed her at the back, she faints with her hand reaching towards her brother. The fall of Nephilim marked the first reign of the demon king.

The Black Knights took all the living and the dead citizens; a magician performed his dark art and held an occult demon conversion. All citizens, whether dead or alive, were forcefully taken to the magic circle and began the demon conversion process.

Within the faint mind of Pyrce, a white glow appeared before her, a person then appears within her vision, "....." his words seems different, a tone of language not understood. As the remaining shine disappears so as the person within it.

Pyrce miraculously woke up, only to see the demon conversion process. a piercing sound came out of her mouth, and everything went bright and then dark within a second.

The voice of Pyrce's brother called out to her. telling her to escape. She then tried to take him off the circle with her, but Kuuya told her to stop and escape while she still has a chance. Pyrce still tried to touch him, but only ended up touching the shadows. She reached for his face, "Onii-chan" and then her brother was totally enveloped by the darkness, and she fell to her knees and cried. The darkness crawled to her, she realized what was happening, and ran as fast as she could away from the fallen city of Nephilim.
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"Another traveller like me huh?" I thought, while sheathing my Caliburn back to its sheath.

"Nice to meet you" I greet her with a warm smile, holding my hand out "I'm Arturia Seiba Pendragon, leader of Avalon, a small city quite far away."
1st Scene:
in the middle of daytime, the sun's heat stoke much over the grassy fields with the annoying sounds of the horse steps and steel wheels. i firmly held to my sword for a quest that seems impossible for me to take. Everyone in the village went in groups to increase their chances of survivability. yet I, a person without an actual combat embarked on this journey alone.

"I miss my sister... but this is a choice that i took for myself." i murmured to myself.

With a few items i brought with me, i had to have something to live for. "hahaha...." i sarcastically laughed. knowing that facing evil would be harder than this, yet i was worried more about what to live for. leisurely moving across outskirts of my village. being transported over this carriage.

the horse instantaneously stopped in the middle of the road. causing an uproar between the rider and the horse, shaking up the carriage along me with it. a loud howl was heard beyond the road.

"What's going on?" i asked the rider.
"Beasts!" the rider shouted while unmounting the horse. he then ran away.

as soon as the rider left, beasts came out, rushing towards the carriage, the horse moved away to a direction against the pack. with the load it's carrying, the beasts caught up, tearing the carriage down. i managed to draw my sword against one of the beasts, making a lethal strike over it's head. one of the beasts tries to catch up to the running rider, i quickly jumped from my position towards him, slashing the beast with one strike.

the beasts realized my appearance and made haste over me. one of the beasts came at me, slashing me with their sharp claws at my back. luckily my armor protected me, which i countered a strike at him. one maybe out, but more than a dozen was left. they didn't stop, they wildly kept charging at me...

time to fight some beasts, hopefully fights back without being harmed too much

Refer to Zidalia's intro to kinda get this. Here goes some battleeee.
Zidalia tried to rush and catch up with Sora's sister still in search for answers with her weapon. It was her first time out from her village. She only followed her instincts and the evil song the darkness is singing.

She kept on running and running until she saw the broken carriage with the wrecked symbol "SH". "That must be him. I hope i'm not yet late" Zidalia said. She pulled out her wand which transformed into a bow and started showering arrows accross the beasts. She saw Shito fighting too but they had only destroyed the beasts surrounding them but it seems like their number is not decreasing.


Zidalia took a very careful moment to cast a spell... She was almost finished but, she was slashed by one of the beasts. She still strongly gathered her strength and eventually was able to finish casting the "Acoustic Rhythm" spell. Stones formed into a cave which served as their shield. "Quick, quiiiicck... come inside Shito!!... This.. this will not protect us for long... It was my first time to test that spell.. But i'm sure it.... it... will buy me more time to a--- activate the po--- portal maps". She didn't care to heal herself but continued on casting the portal map, she didn't realize that the beasts actually had some sort of venom in her already.

Dizzily, she opened a random portal... Zidalia and Shito warped themselves just in time before the Stone Barrier got crushed by the beasts. They got magically teleported to a town. "I... I don't know where... where we are." Zidalia softly said. And then she fainted in front of Shito.

Will Shito be able to recognize the "town" they were warped into? Will he be able to get an antidote before the venom in Zidalia gets worst? Will Shito be able to notice the "SH" symbol in Zidalia's weapon?

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"Another traveler like me huh?" I thought, while sheathing my Cliburn back to its sheath.

"Nice to meet you" I greet her with a warm smile, holding my hand out "I'm Arturia Seiba Pendragon, leader of Avalon, a small city quite far away."

Xaltis was relieved that Arturia wasn't an enemy that she would either have to fight or run from. "Oh why hello there Arturia, what brings you all the way out here near the city of Luin? Oh wait, your probably a traveler that's on their own journey from what the king said aren't you?" Xaltis said to Arturia with a smile on her face.
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"Indeed I am. As a Knight, I cannot abandon the people who is threaten by this darkness. As a leader, I cannot let my people to be at risk. As a warrior, I cannot leave my talent to be wasted and hide myself during the darkest hours of our time. This is my companion, who fought with me for many battles, Aruvel." I pointed at my horse over there drinking by the lake, "So I presume you're on the journey too, so why not we stick together? Better to go as a company than alone, we don't know what is ahead of us! What do you think?"

Hm, I wonder whether this companionship will get going? Travelling alone will make the story rather boring...
Also I think what happened to Shito and Pinky is awesome, I want to find out more when they update it!
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Zidalia took a very careful moment to cast a spell... She was almost finished but, she was slashed by one of the beasts. She still strongly gathered her strength and eventually was able to finish casting the "Acoustic Rhythm" spell. Stones formed into a cave which served as their shield. "Quick, quiiiicck... come inside Shito!!... This.. this will not protect us for long... It was my first time to test that spell.. But i'm sure it.... it... will buy me more time to a--- activate the po--- portal maps". She didn't care to heal herself but continued on casting the portal map, she didn't realize that the beasts actually had some sort of venom in her already.

Dizzily, she opened a random portal... Zidalia and Shito warped themselves just in time before the Stone Barrier got crushed by the beasts. They got magically teleported to a town. "I... I don't know where... where we are." Zidalia softly said. And then she fainted in front of Shito.

I continue to defend myself when some of the beasts were shot down with arrows. "where did those arrows come from?" i asked myself while defending. when i saw the beast moving away from it's pack, i quickly thought "he's going for the archer". i tried to go after him but they were too many for me to handle, they continue to randomly charge against me. being exhausted over the time of battle. i heard the sound of rocks, and a voice shouting my name. "Quick, quiiiicck... come inside Shito!!". i turned my head towards to that voice, and saw priestess casting her magic.

Questions came to my mind, doubting questions. but still...

"I must help her..." i finally thought over throwing those doubts. i took over my blade and ran towards her. then after entering her magic, we were warped to an unknown place.

"I can't believe magic as powerful as this existed..." i told myself

"I... I don't know where... where we are." she softly said.

she then fell down and took me by surprise, "Hey?! are you ok?" i held her in my arms, with my hand holding her back. when i felt a moist sensation. i looked at my hand and saw her blood. she's bleeding, she must have been attacked by the beast. I quickly tried to seal the wound, by applying some of my items i brought with me. in the middle of my treatment i saw a claw stucked at her back.

"Damn!, why does this have to happen!" i cursed myself for being weak...

but that won't change the situation, i finished my first aid and carried her at my back. "Don't worry this place must have a doctor, I will save you. It was an oath i took on myself. "So don't die on me!"

I can hear her heavily breathing, she's having a fever I have to hurry!

There are a few people in this place, I asked one of the town's people to direct me to the nearest doctor. I saw a few restrainment in their words, but they directed me where i should be. the doctor examined her and i presented the claw of the beast and told our story so to clearly identify what happened to us.

"She's poisoned, we have a few medical items but it's a temporary solution."

"Where! Where can you find the antidote?"

"Over there at that shop. the poison reacts more on people who use magic / magical influence. it's the only shop in Guramo where you can get it."

i rushed over to that shop to get the antidote i need. I rushed inside the store opening the door forcefully. "Hello, is anyone there?". it was quite rude but i need to haste things.

As soon i opened the door a trap has been activated. a magical trap. there i raised my arms to defend myself. but the trap soon was dispersed. I was surprised to what happen, more over i was surprised that the magic trap was absorbed by Zidalia's Bow.

"Who is it?" a voice came, then inside from the shop came out with dagger in his hands...

Here the next chapter comes. go Xyzapy! :D
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"Indeed I am. As a Knight, I cannot abandon the people who is threaten by this darkness. As a leader, I cannot let my people to be at risk. As a warrior, I cannot leave my talent to be wasted and hide myself during the darkest hours of our time. This is my companion, who fought with me for many battles, Aruvel." I pointed at my horse over there drinking by the lake, "So I presume you're on the journey too, so why not we stick together? Better to go as a company than alone, we don't know what is ahead of us! What do you think?"

Hm, I wonder whether this companionship will get going? Travelling alone will make the story rather boring...
Also I think what happened to Shito and Pinky is awesome, I want to find out more when they update it!

She happily agreed with, Arturia. "Sure we can travel together, I would have probably gotten lost on my own anyways heh heh. But which way should we start going first? I actually just started my journey so I haven't even traveled that far yet." Xaltis thought that this Arturia person is someone she could trust, of course she'd pretty much trust anyone that was nice to her.

Sorry if you think I'm stealing your color pink ^^;
Travelling alone will make the story rather boring...Also I think what happened to Shito and Pinky is awesome, I want to find out more when they update it!
I agree.. That's why I had to think of a way to somehow connect one to the other. Thank you. :] I'll wait for xyzapy's reply and I could twist-twist the plot again if you want. ;]

Sorry if you think I'm stealing your color pink ^^;

No problem, Xaltis. ^^ It could actually be better if you can update the character roster with their corresponding color. This assigned color could be quoted and be used by the story teller for easy distinction, just like what Shitotaku did. ;] It's not required but optional and highly recommended.^^

The story continues..

I woke up in another unfamiliar place. "Where am I" I told myself. I feel numb and I am still dizzy. "Whe--where is shito?! I exclaimed. I tried to move but I just can't. I am breathing heavily and once in a while I can feel the pain of the venom. And I can sense that something... Deep inside me is changing. I was helpless. I didn't know what to do. A loud shout came from me just shouting the name of: "SHITOOOOOOOOOOO!!" and then I blacked out again.

I was suddenly in a green land... I walked and walked and I finally saw an older man and woman. I stepped on a crunchy leaf. They were alarmed and started walking away from me... But they started singing my name too: "Zidaliaaa... Zidaaaalia... Zidalia...... ♪♫" "Could they be my... my parents?" I said to myself. I ran towards them as fast as I could. I pulled their shoulders to see their faces bu-but.. To my shock, they were blurred. The green land suddenly turned into a dark isolated place..



Evil laughs could be heard and my "parents" ran away from me. "come baaaaaack!" i tried to reach for them... I was running but I wasn't moving. As my stay in that place goes longer, the more things get creepier than what I could handle. I know i'm in a dream but it seems that I am trapped. I'm getting scared.


But the nightmare... still continues....

The story is created by yours truly, but I don't own any of the images/music but was added for the additional immersion of the readers to the plot. :]

Questions: Will Shito be able to come back in time? Will Zidalia be trapped in the nightmare forever? What does her dream really mean?
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A colour for each character sounds as a good idea for me

i rushed over to that shop to get the antidote i need. I rushed inside the store opening the door forcefully. "Hello, is anyone there?". it was quite rude but i need to haste things.

As soon i opened the door a trap has been activated. a magical trap. there i raised my arms to defend myself. but the trap soon was dispersed. I was surprised to what happen, more over i was surprised that the magic trap was absorbed by Zidalia's Bow.

"Who is it?" a voice came, then inside from the shop came out with dagger in his hands...

Not a second after I heard the door being opened forcefully, I activated my magical trap. For some reason the trap wasn't effective and I couldn't see well enough to see what caused my trap to be ineffective. But that isn't really important now, right now someone broke in my store. I armed myself with my dagger but I began to doubt whether he was after my life. So instead of attacking or set off another trap, I tried to have a conversation with the intruder.

"Who is it?", I asked, "Make it quick and state your business".

The intruder explained that he came here for an antidote for someone but I don't know exactly what kind of poison he was talking about until he showed the claw. I asked him to wait outside the store while I get the antidote in the storage room. During the search for the antidote I realised we haven't introduced each other, he only stated his business. But we can do that after the patient is cured. As soon as I had found the antidote, I sensed another presence.

I heard a whisper: "Traitors like you should die...". The sound of a sword unsheating echoes in the room.

Damn it, they finally found me. I must make haste and give the antidote to that unknown man. To prevent needless bloodshed, I activated a trap just outside the storage room. This one explodes and will certainly catch attention from others. One of their rules is that they may only kill in secret and they may not be discovered by other people. I'm sure that I can hold out till someone comes, it will probably be that man who wants the antidote because he is just outside the store.
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Nice! How the story unfolds at the moment! Very interesting to read!
On a side note, I do happy to like colouring, quick reference will be nice, I'll take the colour blue due to Saber is usually represented by Blue (Her clothes)

"Very nice, it is good to know that I can have someone to rely on, everyone have their own role to play in dark hours like what we're facing now, the more the better I think." I replied "I don't know about you, but I have a feeling there is more ahead of us, more to see, more people to meet, in a way I'm excited, leading a country can be repetitive, not that I wish there is dark hours like this, but I can't deny the fact I enjoy fighting sometimes. To be honest, I'm a bit rusty, I'm not as good as I'm used to be before I started my peaceful life. So why did you decided to travel on this journey? I asked.
Damn it, they finally found me. I must make haste and give the antidote to that unknown man. To prevent needless bloodshed, I activated a trap just outside the storage room. This one explodes and will certainly catch attention from others. One of their rules is that they may only kill in secret and they may not be discovered by other people. I'm sure that I can hold out till someone comes, it will probably be that man who wants the antidote because he is just outside the store.

After Telling him everything i know, He told me to wait outside. I wanted to argue with him because of the short time i have to save her. but it's best not to do that. so i did what he asked me to. so there i waited and sat down in an empty bench mark. "there's only a few people left" i thought. upon seeing Guramo's residents, there's no difference between Guramo and Okukozome's situation. "Everyone left their families to stop this demon king..."

Then an inside the store explosion occurred, "What?!?!" i stood up to see what happened, then cautiously entered his store. Are you ok?

He didn't respond, so i entered deeper in his store. upon opening the door which lead me to his storage room, I saw him holding a bottle which might contain the antidote. "What's the explosion about?" is said, but he said nothing much about the explosion and gave me the antidote. He was quite different, like he was ready for a fight just a minute ago. but now he's calmer.

"Hi, I'm Shito, sorry for making a late introduction and for disturbing your shop. thanks for everything" I told him that i will pay him with anything i brought with me, he just then said to pay me anything i could offer.

He introduced himself as Xyzapy, with a new found friend i waved him goodbye while rushing back to the doctor to deliver the antidote. I gave the antidote to the doctor hoping it was the correct one. he analyzed it contents. and finally said "Yes, It's the correct one. and will definitely work", so i rejoiced having all these that I have been through.

The doctor applied the antidote. it soon began it's effects. her once pale skin has now regained color, her heavy breathing now became soothing and calm. the doctor said to wait a few hours or worse days til she regains consciousness.

I wanted to thank her for helping me, so I went to a nearby Inn, There i held once again the claw that almost took her life. "It might be some of use..." i left the inn and told the keeper that i will be back before night, so i walked outside Guramo to search for a blacksmith workshop so that i can work. there i found a shop with suitable equipment. I introduced myself, told the blacksmith keeper about forging a weapon. and he respectfully answered back. "there won't be much work now that the citizens are away."

He even lend me some of his materials, I thanked him and began working. It took me hours to make that weapon, a dagger created from the sharp claw of the beast. I called it "Venomous Dagger of the Hound" for once it's nature to poison it's target, with the swiftness of the beast.

It was night fall I went back to the Inn to rest of the day's work.

"A dream began, more likely a nightmare... it was pitch black with darkness covering everywhere. I saw a girl in the middle of the dark, i thought it was my sister Sora for they had the same long hair. but totally opposite to her, she had a long black hair with black clothes. she was crying. i slowly went near her and told her "why are you crying?" she faced me with her eyes and shouted "'I'm evil, and nothing can save me!", i was pushed back with the strong evil force... thus waking me from my deep slumber..."
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"A dream began, more likely a nightmare... it was pitch black with darkness covering everywhere. I saw a girl in the middle of the dark, i thought it was my sister Sora for they had the same long hair. but totally opposite to her, she had a long black hair with black clothes. she was crying. i slowly went near her and told her "why are you crying?" she faced me with her eyes and shouted "'I'm evil, and nothing can save me!", i was pushed back with the strong evil force... thus waking me from my deep slumber..."

I was in the dark, alone without anyone with me. I reached out but only the darkness reached for me. The darkness licked at my foot and crawled to my legs. I saw it as the darkness covered my whole body. I tried pulling it away from me but it only ate at my arms. I panicked and I wish to close my eyes, tears began to fall down. Then after I heard a voice, telling me ”Why are you crying?”. Fear was the only emotion I could feel. I shouted: ”I'm evil, and nothing can save me!" I grabbed at my necklace. There was a sudden burst of light, and then total darkness enveloped me once more.

I woke up from the nightmare screaming. My dress was almost destroyed from my escape. With no idea where I am I shifted my head to the right. The sun is already rising. I must have slept a lot. I tried to sit up, but my arms are failing me. What’s wrong with me? Then I realize my whole body is trembling.

Something wet is on my face. I opened my eyes to see a black cat licking my face. “nyaaa~”, the cat stops licking me. I sat up and looked at my surroundings. I’m in a forest and it is almost night time, little light was left. I looked at the cat that licked me. It seems to be cute with those long white whiskers of it. I slowly touched it in the head and it seemed to like me. I started petting it and it purred lovingly.

”Are you lost?” I asked.

I started picking it up but then suddenly I heard a hissing sound coming from behind me. I instantly turned around to see two snakes crawling at the grass. I backed away and looked for anything to hit it with. I saw a branch lying around and took it as a weapon to fight the snakes. As I looked back I almost dropped the branch. The snakes are connected to a body, holding a whip on one hand, the head of a monster spoke.

“That’s not enough to kill me”

“You’re an Abraxas, but that’s impossible!” I said with my voice almost trembling.


“Nothing is impossible with the demon king! The horrendous beast said. It slashed me with its whip but I managed to dodge. My only choice was to run. I immediately looked for the cat, carried it, and made a dash between the trees. I have no time to look , I just run as fast as I can.

“Running is futile” while Abraxas laughs menacingly as he chases me.

I ran as fast as I can. The cat was squirming in my arms trying to be free. THUD! I tripped on a root. The cat jumped before I even fall, I fell on a pile of leaves but I was exhausted. I still must fight for the cat. Nothing cute should ever be killed! With those thoughts, I sat up and felt the soreness caused by my fall. I looked for the cat, and saw that it was standing before me. It stood in a position that was about to attack. The Abraxas reached us posed for a strike. What I saw horrified me. This cat is just too small and too cute to fight the demon. On instinct, I jumped to cover the cat.

”NOOOOO!!!” I screamed.

The forest became pitch black.

“What the-“, the Abraxas lost his words. “Aaahhhhh-!”

I looked up and everything around me turned into ash. The Abraxas, the trees, everything within 10 yards turned to ashes except for the circle of grass that I lay upon. I was shocked of the state of my surrounding that I almost dropped to my chest. I looked if the cat was ok. Being perfectly safe, I moved to a sitting position. I looked around me once more to see if what I saw was real. I touched the grass where I sat, and touched the ash that was beyond the circle. I looked at my hands and saw that the ash was real. Onii-chan. I started crying because I know what caused this destruction. It was me. My escape from the conversion into a demon caused this power.

“Nyaaa~” the cat was beside me. Upon this realization, I stood up and left the cute cat that I petted a few moments ago. I walked a few steps to realize that the cute, black cat was following me.

“Go away! I’m a monster! Now go!”

The cat only sat to look expectantly at me.

“It is only proper to thank a lady who saved my life” the cat said and started licking at its paw.

“B-but a minute ago you were just purring...”

“Yes, I know. I was only trying to wake you up earlier since it’s dangerous for a lady to sleep in the forest, but it seems that you are much more dangerous.”

“How can you talk? You’re a cat”

“I was once a human but an accident happened to turn me into this form. I can’t tell you much more since it’s a highly confidential information” the cat stood and walked to me.
“Thank you for saving me.”

“You must leave me now, I’m a monster. You will only end up dead if you follow me.” I touched the cat in the head once more and stood up.

“No. I can’t leave you now. Not in this state. And technically speaking, you are a half-demon. Not the kind of monster like the Abraxas” the cat replied.

“More the reason for you to leave me. I’m a half-demon. I’m bad. You’re asking for death by following me.” I insisted.

“First of all, you are not bad because you have just saved me. Second, I would be dead if it wasn’t for you. And third, you need me more than anything else because I can help you.”

“No offense, but a cat helping me?” I asked.

“None taken. The power you used is released came from the power that you’ve taken from a demon. What happened right now is what you call the Eternal Abyss. It is a demonic power but it is rare for a half-demon using it” The cat looked at the white gem on my neck. “I guess I know the reason why have that ability. Anyway, you need my help. You need someone knowledgeable to help you.”

“What is it for you if you helped,” I said, knowing that the cat is right. “In return, you would help me return to my true form.”

“Fine. You’ll teach me everything you know. What’s your name?”

“Call me Nyan-Nyan for now”
the cat purred.

“I’m Pyrce from the land of Nephilim”

“Pyrce of Nephilim, it is time to get you some proper clothes.”
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Nice! How the story unfolds at the moment! Very interesting to read!
On a side note, I do happy to like colouring, quick reference will be nice, I'll take the colour blue due to Saber is usually represented by Blue (Her clothes)

"Very nice, it is good to know that I can have someone to rely on, everyone have their own role to play in dark hours like what we're facing now, the more the better I think." I replied "I don't know about you, but I have a feeling there is more ahead of us, more to see, more people to meet, in a way I'm excited, leading a country can be repetitive, not that I wish there is dark hours like this, but I can't deny the fact I enjoy fighting sometimes. To be honest, I'm a bit rusty, I'm not as good as I'm used to be before I started my peaceful life. So why did you decided to travel on this journey? I asked.

"That's good, I don't really like fighting but its for the world I love then I'm happy to do it, and I'm sure your skills will come back to you soon."
She said calmly. "You'll be a great fighter like you once used to be. And as for me being on this journey. Well like I said, it's for the world that I love so I'm willing to do what I can to save it, but that aside. It'll be great to travel with you, and hopefully we'll meet new friends along the way hee hee."
"Ah I see, it is good for us to fight for what we love, as I think love is where our power lies. I think we'll meet more on the way, I'm sure of it, we'll discover wonders as we travel, friend and foes we never forget. I replied "Well, I think we should get going, you don't happen to want to walk all the way would you? But if that is the way you like it, it will be fine by me, but travelling long journey, it is better to be on a mount or some form of transport, as we may never know when we will be facing the foul creatures and servants sent by the Demon King, having good stamina would be a good idea, walking will slowly wear off your stamina over time, but it does increase your stamina over time as well, but I prefer to be in best condition when I fight.

With a clear whistle, I summon Aruvel by my side and patted on her neck, stroking her.

"Good girl..." I said softly "She have been with me since little, we grow up together and we share a very strong bond between us. Countless of battles she have saved my life by riding faster than the wind, I'm truly grateful of her. Now shall we travel to different places now? I heard there is a deserted town not far from here, it have a famous assassin, I think we should pay him a visit."
I woke up in the middle of the night, with sweat covering up my whole body. "who is that girl?" i said to my self... I looked outside the window, almost everything is covered by the darkness but with a faint light of the moon. I began to change my clothes and fix my belongings, I looked closely to the priestess's belongings as well as her bow. it looks different from the rest, as a blacksmith i should know the crafting materials used to create it. but strange... i firmly checked it and notice a symbol, "SH".

"Where have i seen this?" i asked myself. then i noticed my pack had the same symbol as the priestess's bow. "Impossible?" "Have i created this? but i never recall making this weapon... it must be created by my family years ago..." the symbol may be the same, but with slight differences. The symbol i use in my craft is slightly different.

My father was also a blacksmith, but he and my mother died in an accident, leaving me and my only sister Sora in Okukozome. "So she must've met my father... he is the one that created this pack too..."

I check upon the priestess who rescued me. so i left the inn and went to the doctor's place. I knocked the door to tell that I'm coming, but no one answered. I knocked again and called out my name. "It's me... doctor are you there?." but no one answered. "I might be disturbing her i might as well wait til she fully recovers..." but before leaving, I heard a scream. with no second thought, i opened the door forcefully.

I saw a nurse trying to help her, but she continues to scream. I asked what happened, but the nurse explained that she was resting a while ago, during her examination she suddenly screamed. so she tried to wake her up but until now it didn't work.

"Move!" i said to the nurse. I grabbed her shoulders and tried to wake her, but she continues to scream, "Damn!" it was worthless... There must be something that I could do to help her!

and so the next is end of my first chapter of my arc >.<... will this nightmare ever change?
"it has been days since I saw a town"said I,as I saw a town which looked like it was completely isolated
"great after all this time I find a town and its deserted haha"; "guess I might rest here for a while" said I
and was about to lay down on a near by stone bench
when suddenly a man in a assassin's get up sprang out of no where and charged at me with sword

O.o "eh?!" said I as I dodged his attack
"who are you and what do you want from me"said I in a surprised tone

"hmph you were missed eh
I am the No.1 assassin of this town and that is all that you should know"

*guess this fool don't know who he is dealing with...* thought I as I stood back up

*he came charging towards me again*

"hehe" *BLOODDD I WANT BLOOODDD*were the thoughts of my sword Gesshoku

"not yet..."said I getting pumped my self for the action
"his too easy pfft"

"Scarlet Seal"
*an immense amount of energy got concentrated to the hands making a ring which burns brightly around my hands in scarlet red*

*I projected my palm in his direction*

*he did not stop but even made his sprint faster and made his sword more larger and crooked*

"Scarlet Seal enveloping thorns"

*a large seal projected from my palm and from this seal many thorns came out towards him*

*he slashed many of them but at once a hand came out of my seal slowly using the thorns as a camouflage*


"your answer is there in your question now good bye"

*the wicked hand from my seal finally got to him and grabbed hold of him he tried slashing the wierd black hand but then all the thorns came rushing towards him and tightened him and squeezed on to him he started to bleed*

"GAAHHHHHHH"he shouted helplessly

*LET ME HAVE HIS BLOODDDDD*were thoughts of my sword which echoed inside my head

*the stretched out hand began to reel in back to my seal now that the man had been completely immobilized and was slowly dieing being crushed by the thorns as well as the hand it self*

he tried to scream but it was ineffective for the thorns had covered his whole body like bandages

*the arm along with him and the thorns came back to my seal and I was feeling the pain of that man and all his memories were coming into my head*

"ah"said I as I felt his enormous pain like it was me who is being pulled in to the seal

*the hand and the man was fully inside my seal now and the seal began to shrink*

*I felt as if all my power has been sucked out dry*


"just give me a break will you" said I as I felt extremly tired

"I can't use my other seals because of this shit on my back you know that"said I as I sat down on the bench which I was about to sit initially

"same old excuse you weakling"

I ignored gesshoku for a moment "things are gona get tougher and I got to break out of my seal" were the last thoughts before I fell asleep

yeah well I hope this was good and King mind coming to this village:3 (coz I have no idea what I would do since there isn't other villains >.>)
There... I finally edited the color referencing. I left the open tag for it so that everyone can easily copy the color codes. ;]

The nightmare continues...

"BLOODDD I WANT BLOOODDD!" the phrase kept on echoing around the place. "I should hide" I whispered to myself. The place became darker and darker. And then I heard a man shouting helplessly. I can feel his heartbeating faster and faster until I can hear any heartbeats no more.

I started screaming and screaming. I started to panic. "Wha---what was that?" I said worriedly. I should wake up soon because I really don't know what's gonna happen next.

The place began to shake. "Somebody must be trying to wake me up. But why-- why isn't it working??" I then heard a banging of a door as if it was forcefully opened. "SHITO! That must be.. I do hope it is HIM!"

The place started to shake again. "It's still not working!" Then not very far I saw a light so bright. It seems like it is a symbol of some sort... Until I finally was able to see the "SH" symbol. "SH!.. My magical bow! Where is it!" I then realized it must be the key for me to be awake. "But where is it?? AH! Shito must've brought it along with him!"

I then started screaming: "SHITO! GIVE ME MY BOW! GIVE ME MY BOW!!... But wth, I'm in a dream remember? He can't hear me!"


I could hear that voice again and this time it felt like it was coming near me more and more. I panicked.

"SHITO HAND ME MY BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!" Though I don't know where to go, I started running... Following my instincts... Trying to run away from the evil voice that's haunting me.
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After I handed over the antidote and introduced myself to Shito, I closed the shop. I have to leave Guramo as soon as possible because I don't want anyone to become involved in my personal matters. If anyone become too involved then that person will be in danger because they will go after him or her too. I won't let anyone die because of me, so I cannot stay here.

They are after me and they know my location so they will probably send reinforcements to kill me. Even if I'm prepared with traps, they can just outnumber me. And if they outnumber me then this small trapped shop will be an disadvantage instead of an advantage for me because I'll be cornered easily. That gave me another reason to leave Guramo.

I prepared myself with my weapons and with paper infused with my magic, mostly with offensive magic. I'm almost ready to leave, I only have to conceal myself. I closed my eyes and mumbled something incomprehensible, as if I'm meditating. Slowly I blended with the environment but not completely. This way it will be hard to see me and thus will it be difficult to tail me. Now everything is set and after I have found the resolution to say farewell to Guramo I wanted to leave but I didn't know where I had to go. The bow I took reminded me of an old friend of mine and decided to visit him. I can find him in our secret cottage we built in the forest, not far from here. I strayed away from the road to make sure nobody bumps against me and to make it possible to pick some flowers for him. And so I left Guramo without saying goodbye to anyone, disappearing like an assassin.
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"Ah I see, it is good for us to fight for what we love, as I think love is where our power lies. I think we'll meet more on the way, I'm sure of it, we'll discover wonders as we travel, friend and foes we never forget. I replied "Well, I think we should get going, you don't happen to want to walk all the way would you? But if that is the way you like it, it will be fine by me, but travelling long journey, it is better to be on a mount or some form of transport, as we may never know when we will be facing the foul creatures and servants sent by the Demon King, having good stamina would be a good idea, walking will slowly wear off your stamina over time, but it does increase your stamina over time as well, but I prefer to be in best condition when I fight.

With a clear whistle, I summon Aruvel by my side and patted on her neck, stroking her.

"Good girl..." I said softly "She have been with me since little, we grow up together and we share a very strong bond between us. Countless of battles she have saved my life by riding faster than the wind, I'm truly grateful of her. Now shall we travel to different places now? I heard there is a deserted town not far from here, it have a famous assassin, I think we should pay him a visit."

Yea, I think walking would take too much time and it would drain a lot of our stamina. I'm fine with riding a mount, but is it okay for yours to be carrying two people? I wouldn't want to over work her or anything like that.
"Aruvel is more than capable of carrying two person, but it would be wise to find a mount of your own, it will be a lot faster in terms of chasing or running away." I said "But it will do until the next town we go to before we find you a mount. Hop on and we'll see what we'll do in the future." I climbed onto Aruvel, offering my hand to Xaltis and off we go travelling to the next town, on our way there, I saw a lonely traveller, with a magical field around which makes his presents a lot weaker than usual, but my sense is heighten a lot when I'm sensing my surrounding for enemy all the time nowadays. I guessed he doesn't want to be notice so I just leave him be, moving on. In distance, I saw some shadows dashing out of a exploding shop, they cursed beneath their breath and vanished.
"Oh my, another deserted town..." I said "Look, there is an inn ahead, maybe we should get some supplies there if we could."
And so we stopped by the inn and in there I bought some more food for the both of us whilst Xaltis quietly waiting outside. After getting our supplies, I thanked the innkeeper and he wished me luck on my travelling, without further ado, I left the inn, signal Aruvel to follow me while Xaltis is on top of her. It is not far off before we reach the end of the town before I heard a scream, coming from the doctor's place, without a second thought, I quickly ran in while drawing Caliburn at the same time, preparing to fight off enemy, but inside I saw a nurse coming out of the room in distress and someone inside. Slowly approaching the room, I opened the door and ready to slice my sword at my enemy, but I will make sure the person inside is an enemy first. In there I saw a beautiful lady with a man next to her.
"State your purpose! Stranger!" I demanded as I point my sword at him, ready to strike"Leave that lady alone before you end up in half!
I continued to try, but it always failed. I can't seem to stop her nightmares. "What can I do?, Damn and I thought she'll be fine!" I threw a loud distressed tone to the nurse. "Call the Doctor! Hurry!" the nurse then responded accordingly as she left me and the priestess alone. "Damn where's the doctor when you need him? how come this happened?! Why can't I do anything!" I clenched my fist, feeling the frailness of a human being. "If... If only I have magic... then... then... I".

"State your purpose! Stranger!" a voice that from my back. It was a Female Knight pointing the edge of her sword at me, "Leave that lady alone before you end up in half!" she said as she raised her weapon.

"Wa-Wai-Wait?! I'm not what you think I am!" as I said. It was my only defensive response to her before being stuck by her weapon. I explained to her about what happen to the both of us in the shortest words i can mutter. she then lowered her weapon but with the signs of doubt. "All I ask is to help me wake her up. Please! she's having a terrible nightmare!"

"Shi...to..." I heard her voice, she called my name again. she raised her hands as she was likely to reach me. "Priestess, what is it?! Before she can say anything else. she screams in terror again. The knight then looked as she believed my story, hearing that the priestess said my name.

I cleared my thoughts about the situation. "I made a promise and I'm keeping it her no matter what, As Blacksmith, No as a man I will save her!" Then, the bow i had at my pack suddenly glows, The knight then notices it's glow and told me about what she saw. "There's something over there, I believe she was pointing over this".

Yes, this is her bow. the one that has an engraved "SH" on it. the one who is close to my craft. I believed that this can save her! I held the bow in front of her, it shines brighter than the sun. darkness soon covered her but was washed away with the light...
"Aruvel is more than capable of carrying two person, but it would be wise to find a mount of your own, it will be a lot faster in terms of chasing or running away." I said "But it will do until the next town we go to before we find you a mount. Hop on and we'll see what we'll do in the future." I climbed onto Aruvel, offering my hand to Xaltis and off we go travelling to the next town, on our way there, I saw a lonely traveller, with a magical field around which makes his presents a lot weaker than usual, but my sense is heighten a lot when I'm sensing my surrounding for enemy all the time nowadays. I guessed he doesn't want to be notice so I just leave him be, moving on. In distance, I saw some shadows dashing out of a exploding shop, they cursed beneath their breath and vanished.
"Oh my, another deserted town..." I said "Look, there is an inn ahead, maybe we should get some supplies there if we could."
And so we stopped by the inn and in there I bought some more food for the both of us whilst Xaltis quietly waiting outside. After getting our supplies, I thanked the innkeeper and he wished me luck on my travelling, without further ado, I left the inn, signal Aruvel to follow me while Xaltis is on top of her. It is not far off before we reach the end of the town before I heard a scream, coming from the doctor's place, without a second thought, I quickly ran in while drawing Caliburn at the same time, preparing to fight off enemy, but inside I saw a nurse coming out of the room in distress and someone inside. Slowly approaching the room, I opened the door and ready to slice my sword at my enemy, but I will make sure the person inside is an enemy first. In there I saw a beautiful lady with a man next to her.
"State your purpose! Stranger!" I demanded as I point my sword at him, ready to strike"Leave that lady alone before you end up in half!

After hearing the scream come from the doctors office, Xaltis, quickly followed behind Arturia as quickly as she could. Once she got caught up to her, she looked at the man that was there along with the nurse. "Wa-Wai-Wait?! I'm not what you think I am! All I ask is to help me wake her up. Please! she's having a terrible nightmare!" The man said to Arturia, Xaltis noticed this man was no enemy to any of them. "Wait a minute Arturia, he doesn't look like he's trying to hurt her. He looks like he needs her help and maybe ours. Maybe you should put away your caliburn." Xaltis requested.
Finally after some times creating and more re-creating a character I finally came out with a somewhat short version >_>

On an island somewhere in the ocean, there is a big piece of land that is constantly moving due to an unkown reason. On that island there is a town that goes by the name of Werites Beacon.

Werites Beacon is one peaceful island that never encounter war or even be on any existing map. The people who live all came out from the mainland, but due to a raging storm in the ocean, their boat ended up crashing on that mysterious moving island.

Before long, several more boats came crashing on that island and soon enough, a community of people coming from different place of the world team up and builded the town as we know to be, Werites Beacon.

Many years has passed ever since then, and the town is still peaceful as ever. One day, after a storm, a man wearing some weird clothes and armed with weapons appeared on the island. The townspeople decided to take him it and nurse him until he could recover. But one day, when a nurse wanted to do her daily check-in with the mysterious man, she found out that he was nowhere to be found. Some citizens wanted to find out where he could be or went off, but as they were following his footsteps, they found it that he went in the forest they called, The Forest of no Return. It is said that The Forest of no Return is like one giant labyrinth and once you set a foot in it, you will get lost and eventually die.

The man that was rescued by the townspeople of Werites Beacon wandered into the forest. All he could remember was his name, Elric, and the skills and abilities he have. At the same time, he wondered how he got that scar on his right eye. As he wandered deeper in the forest, all he could see is the same patern all over the place. After an hour wandering around the place, Elric finally found the trick to get in of out of that forest. How did he do it, he didn't have a single idea. As far as he is concern and without his memories, he decided to build a place to stay.

A couple of years had passed and Elric was able to live peacefully in the forest that some townspeople are calling The Forest of no Return. Yet, he didn't put a single foot in town ever since the day he decided to stay in the forest. But something wasn't right. Somehow, Elric could feel an evil presence on the island. "What is that strange sensation" muttered Elric while trying to pinpoint the location of that presence. After a few second of concentration, he was able to determine the location of that weird sensation. That evil presense Elric detected came from the entrance of Werites Beacon. Without hesitation, he took his weapon with him and rushed to town.

At the entrance of Werites Beacon, a strange creature emitting a dark aura around it. The townspeople were afraid of it and started running in all direction. Without any second thought, Elric took his twin dagger and rushed toward the creature defeating in a single blow. The creature disappear just like he came on this island, in an instant.

Seeing the monster being defeated, the mayor rushed toward the man who saved them from disaster. "Thank you sir, for saving our town" said the mayor who was relief that the town didn't get any damage. Elric didn't say a thing because he could sense some evil aura coming out from the mainland and all his conscience were concern about thing going on the mainland.

After some discussion with the mayor, Elric understood most of it. A legend that was going to turn into nightmare. The mayor wanted Elric to stay on the island to help them out defending the townspeople, but as sensing that his obligation might have something to do on the mainland since for some time now, his mind were set on returning back on the mainland. Even he haven't recover any of his memories yet, Elric felt that he might be able to make them come back if he will wander back on the mainland.

With that thought in mind, Elric returned to his cabin in the forest t pack up some provision and all the equipment he had when working up on this moving island. After packing up everything, he went on the beach at the opposite of the town and forest where he was building a boat for the last year. Without any doubt in his mind, Elric set the boat afloat and set sail to the mainland of Auldrant.

Job: Unknown (memories lost)
Weapon: Twin dagger / short sword
Equip: Leather armour / Cape
Item: Dry foods / water container / mini dagger
Trait: Have a scar on his right eye / can sense evil aura from afar / have crimson eyes color / don't feel any emotions
Skill: Lightning Slash (short Sword) / Twin Thunder Slash (Twin Dagger) / Twin Crimson Slash (Short Sword & dagger)
Swift melee attacker

Look: Short brownish hairs , crimson red eyes, scar of right eyes, always wearing a cape with a symbol on it (unknows due to lost of memories) doesn't show/have any emotion
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"Wa-Wai-Wait?! I'm not what you think I am! All I ask is to help me wake her up. Please! she's having a terrible nightmare!" The man said "All I ask is to help me wake her up. Please! she's having a terrible nightmare!"

"Shi..to.."I could hear the lady mutter before she end up screaming in her dream again.

"Wait a minute Arturia, he doesn't look like he's trying to hurt her. He looks like he needs her help and maybe ours. Maybe you should put away your Caliburn."

After surveying the situation, I believe what the man say for now and withdrawn Caliburn. "I'm sorry for my rudeness, please forgive me. That aside, how could we be of your assistance?" I said

Not to long after, there is something glowing in the pack near the entrance of the room, behind the man. "There's something over there, I believe she was pointing over this". I quickly notify the man "Maybe this is the key in rescuing her."

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Sorry if interrupt, but do you upload comics? If yes, can you please upload this comic, author uploaded it on fanbox, but fanbox delete almost all posts, and kemono stop working in the same time, and almost 2 years i try to find it somewhere else, but useless, Thanks in advance, and sorry for bad english.
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