Inyouchuu 淫妖蟲 / Aojiru fan thread!

I think the anime changed the context of the story though. In the manga, the girls were tricked by Meioki into becoming lustful. In the anime, without reading the manga before hand, it feels like they chose to become breeders. The only elephant in the room is Sui's breasts, but Meioki sounds as if she has warped desires but in denial over being as overt as Takeru plowing Mikoto.
If you see it's the same in the manga, Sui refuses to give up her virginity but ends up feeling so good from her modified breasts that she ends up begging to be fucked in the end but even then Meioki denies it as a form of revenge against her choice.
To be clear even the manga skips on the story to get to the sex as soon as possible, but the anime does it on a whole other level so they have to use more exposition. From what I've seen there does not seem to be another episode planned which is a shame. I hope we could get an adaptation of kyou but even then I doubt they could do it properly (still, even something quick like this would be great).
Yeah I wish we'd get another episode for some Meioki action. Hopefully there's a chance we'll still get a Kyou and Goku adaptation eventually.
Getting real excited for the inevitable Shoku Remake reveal now the more I think about it. Having some Kikuka and Ouka withdrawals after remake, I can't wait to get an overdose of them in some of their best scenes. I hope they steer clear of the weird fusing ideas though, which I did not like from the Remake DLC. The guro seemed toned down a bit in Remake after Goku, but then we got more weird fetus stuff, scat, or the belly button eggs... haha yikes. Either way I'm confident this will probably be the best Inyouchuu of them all with how much it's all leveled up and Shoku being the real originator for everything the series does best. Inyouchuu 1 was like Mega Man 1 with some good ideas, but Shoku was the Mega Man 2 of Inyouchuu ... ;):P

My only concern is wondering how they will handle Meioki. No shame in talking about a demons junk when he was so awesome and the best. In the original Shoku, his dicks were always uncensored and highly detailed, with us only seeing his arms or hands in some scenes. Making it easily ambiguous tricking censors into thinking that maybe they were just tentacles. It was probably easier to hide more details with the lower resolution too.



Then Ouka and Kikuka had cameos in Kowaku no Toki but better yet, Hanamaru 2 with their man Meioki. Here he somehow got bigger, both physically and cock wise:



But now, after Nightmare's comeback... Meioki's rerun for office will be a tougher one and he has come competition. Even some of the random lesser demons have sported the double dicks along with Nightmare himself in some new scenes. And the spider boss of Kyou might take the cake for largest dick, next to the orange guy from Goku. Nightmare came back to fuck ALL the girls, even a bunch of the White Cat Brigade in the Goku DLC. So... I want to see Meioki fuck everyone now too with maybe a few more extra scenes for the twins since they're the ultimate love triangle. Nightmare even tapped into his inner lolicon and transformed those girls, but I've always liked to assume that's Meioki's territory... so of course I'd like to see that explored more in this remake as well.

We have seen a glimpse of Meioki 2.0 in one of the Goku DLC's and he all the potential in the world to reclaim his throne as best Inyocuhuu Demon Boss. I will miss his weird tree trunk dicks if they can't hide it anymore, but we can already assume that his dicks are going to be WAY bigger like everything else in the new games, to the point that censorship will be totally pointless.

Quite possibly Kikuka's best scene ever...



Now we all know it ends with some guro, but hopefully they side step that throughout the remake. Either way that doesn't take away the GOOD CG's from the new games that I love.

This scene is just fucking legendary and I would love for it to be the "norm" for Meioki in Inyouchuu Shoku 2.0.

My hero. The one Inyouchuu character I want to be.



Amazing work prog!!!

Some interesting discoveries so far:
- Rinko's mother is holding a gun, lol
- Like literally 90% of these Ai-sister sprites I don't think we ever see
- I don't recall seeing the pink petite nurse wearing the yellow dress in any scene
- Some stuff like bra and panties on some girls I literally don't remember ever seeing at all
- Saw this in some other series rips, but Sora has like 3 million sprites... way too much.

Finally got this handsome devil! I could never find him in the CG bonus debug menu.


Love this guy:


The Nightmare body count:

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Its seem like they plan a ton of concept for Sora "character" which never get used such as

Some of her cat transform

Sora wearing glasses

And so on...

She also got a load of sex scene in her debut Goku game though. Even more then Rinko so this might explain a lot to her large number of CG.
Can anyone give me a clear answer to spell "Inyouchuu" ? Really messed up with this.

Is it Inyouchuu or In`youchuu or Inyouchu or InnYouChu ???
Inyouchuu is the most widely accepted, being a made up word no one will probably correct you if you use the others.

The closest to the pronounciation is probably In'yochu.
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Yeah you can at least hear the girls say it out loud starting up some of the games.

Even on the merchandise and images the title is often spelled differently so I don't think Tinker Bell know themselves haha, it's maybe best seen as a label of sorts rather than an actual word? Everyone thought it was "Inyochu" back when the first OVA came out 10 years ago, but since then "Inyouchuu" has always been the most popular and easiest spelling.

I still figure that "lewd demon bugs" is the best definition.
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Hey guys, last post of shilling my stuff, but I finished my first tentacle animation and put it up on my patreon and dlsite:

I also plan on doing some more Inyouchuu type animations, but since Goku was the first game I played, i'm more than likely to recreate some of those scenarios(I like big insertions so I have an affinity for Takeru's bad end, despite the ending of the act. :o)
What's some of you're guys favorite scenes from the games?
I also like the teacher's scene from the remake, so if I ever get good enough to animate a birthing scene, i'm definitely doing that one.
Hey guys, last post of shilling my stuff, but I finished my first tentacle animation and put it up on my patreon and dlsite:

I also plan on doing some more Inyouchuu type animations, but since Goku was the first game I played, i'm more than likely to recreate some of those scenarios(I like big insertions so I have an affinity for Takeru's bad end, despite the ending of the act. :o)
What's some of you're guys favorite scenes from the games?
I also like the teacher's scene from the remake, so if I ever get good enough to animate a birthing scene, i'm definitely doing that one.
Congratulation on finishing and releasing your work! :cheerleader: Will you release it on eng DLsite too?

Judging from stills on exhentai - Looks pretty good. With more practice you probably could make some amazing stuff.
Model's skin looks very good and tentacles look nice. Biomass floor is nice too. Having closeup of facial expressions of fear, shock, pain and pleasure is good too. I always like them, I wish more artist payed more attention to them.

Heres what could be better i think:
Black Background - its looks like its just some dark void or something. I think it would be better to add background textures with lighting and stuff, like shes in a cave, living organism, or just some weird space dimension stuff with stars.
Her face, eyes and hairs - looks unreal, more of a sex doll than a person, but im sure its very difficult to make a good face with eyes and stuff and just need more practice or some tools.

About stuff that i like\want to see.
Personally i like huge anal insertion much more than vaginal. Also Deepthroating some big things and swallowing gallons of cum.
Momiji scene from FoW's Kunoichi 2: Fall of the Shrinemaiden (here is stream link) starting on 25:58 mins mark is fucking amazing, one of the best thing i ever saw. Start of this scene with music and erotic showing of her face and sexy expressions, then huge demon introduction with close up of his huge penis getting an erection, then how it shoves it all the way up her ass with camera focusing on her face an all those very cool expressions.
I can recommend all non vanilla works of this studio, its always amazingly animated. You can also support them on patreon, all of their videos are free i think, just released few days earlier for patrons.

Also all horse stuff on and it is amazingly animated too.
Lara with horse 2 episode 3 (some anal, lots of amazing oral) is phenomenal, episode 4 (lots of good anal) is very good too.
Cant say I'm a huge fan of drawn\animated bestiality, but scenes with horses are always cool in my book, especially anal/oral ones.
Again, you can support this artist on patreon too if you liked his works. All of his videos are also free with some delay for non patrons.

About scene from games.
I finished only first 3 Inyouchuu games so far and it was pretty long time ago and i don't remember them well :(
Beside amazing Kai's works that we touched earlier.
I was surprised by a huge insertion scene when i played Seikishi Celsia ~Akuratsutaru Himegimi~ its very well drawn by Gentle Sasaki. I think its his first and only one huge insertion :eek:
Monster Park 2 ~Kamigami o Yadoshita Otome~ there were a lot of good huge insertion scenes in this one and some good ones in Monster Hazard
But otherwise i cant remember any specific scenes that i particularly liked right now :(
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oh wow, nice work! Ive never looked into how you can even put stuff on dlsite xD
Tfw im so freaking annoyed cause pretty much, no Tinkerbell game works on my PC, every single Tinkerbell game i download the engine crashes when i open the game.
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And the most annoying thing is that the games used to work perfectly fine before my PC broke and i had to send it to repairs. Which after it came back from repairs is when all Tinkerbell games stopped working.
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try reinstalling directx with the version included in the game's installer, i also imagine your pc is set to japanese locale but use ntleas on top of it so the characters are displayed correctly

btw it happened to me in the past and i was able to fix it though i'm not 100% sure how, make sure you also install every windows update
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Congratulation on finishing and releasing your work! :cheerleader: Will you release it on eng DLsite too?

Judging from stills on exhentai - Looks pretty good. With more practice you probably could make some amazing stuff.
Model's skin looks very good and tentacles look nice. Biomass floor is nice too. Having closeup of facial expressions of fear, shock, pain and pleasure is good too. I always like them, I wish more artist payed more attention to them.

Heres what could be better i think:
Black Background - its looks like its just some dark void or something. I think it would be better to add background textures with lighting and stuff, like shes in a cave, living organism, or just some weird space dimension stuff with stars.
Her face, eyes and hairs - looks unreal, more of a sex doll than a person, but im sure its very difficult to make a good face with eyes and stuff and just need more practice or some tools.

About stuff that i like\want to see.
Personally i like huge anal insertion much more than vaginal. Also Deepthroating some big things and swallowing gallons of cum.
Momiji scene from FoW's Kunoichi 2: Fall of the Shrinemaiden (here is stream link) starting on 25:58 mins mark is fucking amazing, one of the best thing i ever saw. Start of this scene with music and erotic showing of her face and sexy expressions, then huge demon introduction with close up of his huge penis getting an erection, then how it shoves it all the way up her ass with camera focusing on her face an all those very cool expressions.
I can recommend all non vanilla works of this studio, its always amazingly animated. You can also support them on patreon, all of their videos are free i think, just released few days earlier for patrons.

Also all horse stuff on and it is amazingly animated too.
Lara with horse 2 episode 3 (some anal, lots of amazing oral) is phenomenal, episode 4 (lots of good anal) is very good too.
Cant say I'm a huge fan of drawn\animated bestiality, but scenes with horses are always cool in my book, especially anal/oral ones.
Again, you can support this artist on patreon too if you liked his works. All of his videos are also free with some delay for non patrons.

About scene from games.
I finished only first 3 Inyouchuu games so far and it was pretty long time ago and i don't remember them well :(
Beside amazing Kai's works that we touched earlier.
I was surprised by a huge insertion scene when i played Seikishi Celsia ~Akuratsutaru Himegimi~ its very well drawn by Gentle Sasaki. I think its his first and only one huge insertion :eek:
Monster Park 2 ~Kamigami o Yadoshita Otome~ there were a lot of good huge insertion scenes in this one and some good ones in Monster Hazard
But otherwise i cant remember any specific scenes that i particularly liked right now :(
It was just posted on the English site, apparently it takes a week to post after the Japanese site. Thanks for all the feedback, the dollish look of the face is because I changed rendering engines, the hair was real looking as well, which would've made it look realistic as a while, but in changing programs to use another rendering software, I couldn't get the hair to work and move right, so I have to make it solid :(, but, I'm changing the software I'm using in the future so that won't happen again. The blackness is a large cave on the top of a mountain, which was showed in a intro I deleted for time reasons. But I could've used something to shown the cave more. My biggest regret is no Voice acting, which is suprisingly hard to find good voices for. With Studio fow and other big guys, they just post a casting notice and get people. I found like 3 actress, but none of them sound the way I want. I want to go with Japanese Voice actors but I have no idea how all these VN games find their voice actresses, Google shows no results.
There's not much large anal insertions it seems. Besides Inyouchuu, Kai games Walgurpis, blade heart, and Pendulum all have large anal insertion scenes.
I used to be a patreon of Studiofow, but SFM don't do anything for me anymore which sucks, they keep saying they would move to better software but they don't seem to want to advance. I'm also not into anything animal, if a horse was turned into a beast just a little, then i'd be down. A weird distinction lol. I'll take a look at your suggestions, I beat Seikishi Celsia ~Akuratsutaru Himegimi~ I definitely remember that scene!
oh wow, nice work! Ive never looked into how you can even put stuff on dlsite xD

Yeah, there's a service for that, it's under the submit section, but they take like 50% of the sale.
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I expect a side episode similar to the one for inyouchuu remake

Yeah same here, maybe a Rinko cameo somewhere too.

What if they change the canon a bit and set it up so BOTH Nightmare and Meioki are going to team up in Inyouchuu 6? :eek::D

But yeah I almost forgot about that major detail with the White Cat Bridge Goku side chapter... did they ever do anything about Nightmare in the good route for that or anything? I'm assuming not and he's still around, since they seem to be building up to the conflict with Ai and the Shiratori's.
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They definitely fight Nightmare in Goku and beat him, but i don't know for aure if he died or not, maybe I'll check tomorrow :p
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Yeah I guess that sounds right. Did Ai have a good ending? I thought that was still not concluded. I don't want an evil female villain though, never my preference... =P

Nightmare and Meioki should fuse... the ultimate horsedemon necromorph final boss haha.

You know what I'd really love to see though, outside of some of those double dicks Ouka x Kikuka scenes, how about seeing Meioki tag team Mikoto and Takeru? Oh man... those stuffed bellies and bigger tits rubbing up against one another and Takeru getting intimate with her sis as they're all sharing the same pleasure/pain!
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Ai is shown at the end as she breaks free from Nightmare's hypnosis and gets away while swearing revenge against the Shiratori clan, I expect her to be in the sixth game as a pseudo-villain, meaning she ultimately joins the main group in fighting the real villain.
If it can be interesting, in the remake side episode the men who captured Ai and Aki chose them for their experiments because they are sisters. At some point they mention "two twin sisters in the black cat brigade" and that they would be perfect for their future experiments. I wonder if this will be in the next games or if maybe Takeru's fall ruined their plans...
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