Inyouchuu 淫妖蟲 / Aojiru fan thread!

I like the story they went for, but at the same time the old suoer angry kratos was way more fun. Speaking of gameplay, having only watched it, it looks way less fun than the old spectacle fighter games.
Ok, i know we as humans tend to get of rails but how did we end up discussing the merits of the latest GoW story?
Back on topic, I am very tempted to say "dammit" and order the Inyouchuu collection off of Getchu. Can someone tell me whether Getchu still do reservation for the collection with the tapestry since I can't read Japanese?
Edit: I think Softmap has a reversible B5 underlay instead of the poster. Is that their exclusive thing?

On a side note, how or what would you recommend to use to learn Japanese words? Japanese Anime is good for a little bit of listening but learning to read is important too.
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The first step for reading would be learning hiragana and katakana, once you know those you have the tool to use dictionaries and look up kanji.
Mainstream manga magazines like shonen jump have furigana (how to read kanji) printed in their bubbles so they are easy to read even if you don't know kanji and don't want to look for them. Hentai don't have them since they are aimed at an adult audience, if you want to read hentai doujins or manga you'll need to o the work yourself.

Other than just learning words, make sure you understand the basic rules of the language.
The closest thing to "feminism" that Inyouchuu has done was make Sui more independent and strong. There's also Rei making her the descendant of some rich princess who lived in the past, but I'm not sure that makes her in modern times or something special. Even then, her newfound courage isn't enough to stop her from being turned into a demon breeder, or eaten by stronger demons in certain endings on Kyou and Goku.
Back on topic, I am very tempted to say "dammit" and order the Inyouchuu collection off of Getchu. Can someone tell me whether Getchu still do reservation for the collection with the tapestry since I can't read Japanese?
Edit: I think Softmap has a reversible B5 underlay instead of the poster. Is that their exclusive thing?

On a side note, how or what would you recommend to use to learn Japanese words? Japanese Anime is good for a little bit of listening but learning to read is important too.
The tapestry was for pre-ordering it and the deadline was 4/30. It's possible they still might have some in stock or make more, but it's hard to say. I ordered mine on 4/30 and White Rabbit Express said I made it on time. Not sure if it's too late or not now though.

Yeah that's softmap's special instead. Sometimes these special bonus items appear on auctions. I don't really like how they spread it out so much and different shops have different bonus items, I guess maybe it entices hardcore collectors to buy multiple copies of the game. I managed to score some auctions on the extra items when Goku/Remake came out though.
Dammit the button is still on the page, so I am going to assume they will have it and regret when I look at my bank account.
My thoughts and tentacles are with you in hopes you get it.

I really want that B5 tapestry too! Even though I have a big B2 scroll of the second part, but not the fist pregnant image. Need more pregnant scrolls and hopefully some daki's someday. :D
My thoughts and tentacles are with you in hopes you get it.

I really want that B5 tapestry too! Even though I have a big B2 scroll of the second part, but not the fist pregnant image. Need more pregnant scrolls and hopefully some daki's someday. :D

White Rabbit confirmed the one they ordered for me is the one with the B2 scroll! Guess they didn't run out and still have more, woohoo! Now I just need to figure out where to hide it in my room.
White Rabbit confirmed the one they ordered for me is the one with the B2 scroll! Guess they didn't run out and still have more, woohoo! Now I just need to figure out where to hide it in my room.

Behind the door, they'll never find it =P
Sorry about derailing with bringing up the SJWs, I just want Japanese pop culture to remain Japanese. It's so refreshing when you see stuff like Yoko Taro trolled SJWs who complained about 2B's giant android ass hanging out by demanding fans to collect 2B porn and send it to him.

And I know that Inyouchuu is like the very niche of the niche and if you showed a picture of girls giving birth to a monster baby into each others' wombs until one of them ruptures and dies to an SJW they'd probably have a fit on the spot and also rupture and die (there's a thought). But I just don't want any possible Western influence that might seep into it and make it less... Inyouchuu-y.

I just want Aojiru-sensei to go on making crazy perverted stuff with his crazy perverted mind :(
So sounds like some voice actors will be around some event for signings? Hope they post some pics on their twitter or something.

Also very cool to see the Etsu web digital special will be in this. I have those web pages saved and the CG is easy to find now, but now we'll have the story too. Maybe this will be even easier to translate if the text is easily copy/pasted, if it's just web page files or something.

Looks like I get 6 little postcards for the Getchu pre-order now too.

AND, oh my goodness they gave us a big clean version of the bonus tapestry I wanted awhile back... waifu2x could easily blow this up for another posted if I wanted!

I think you are getting some of it mixed up. They are gonna offer a download code for the remake's soundtrack and the "drama cd" which means a little side story with voices only.

They are also gonna announce the collection on the "chara" podcast, which basically means they just read the announcement and show the trailer, I remember for goku I waited to see it and was super disappointed lol (there is also a very simple cosplayer, if you can even call it that)

btw I-m pretty sure I already have those short stories, they were in the totuken of some other tinkerbell game (was it moryou?)
Ah, in that case I already got the Remake OST and the audio drama with Mikoto (and loli Mikoto). Same thing?

Yeah I think you're right and that Etsu expansion came with Mouryou or something else.

Overall doesn't sound like anything really new is included.

They need to hire that Ai cosplayer, lol.
I just realized there is a kurahibito anime and I had even seen it before I knew where it's from lol
I wonder why they only made one episode...
Yeah, very disappointed in that one. They got all the lame vanilla stuff out of the way then we never got more episodes. :(

Could have been good since PoRo did good with Kowaku somehow!
I do like how Kuraibito had a lot of the "bumpy" bellies action, though they did it with the breasts in some scenes too which is ehhhhhhhh to me.

But stuff like this I love:

Looking back on it now it's still a great CG and more memorable than the Kagome ninja girl game that came after. But I'm glad Aojiru brought back the COLOR with Inyouchuu! Kuraibito looks a bit dry and lacks color in comparison. Also funny to see some nice stomach bulging but a lack of big cum inflation, despite a lot of pregnant scenes still hehe. Just can't beat Inyouchuu... :D

Some of my favorites: - more Ouka and Kikuka knockoffs -P - they should have done more with Sasquatch! - Momoko... - more hot bumpy belly in the background

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