Inyouchuu 淫妖蟲 / Aojiru fan thread!

I'm almost starting to think they're spoiling and showing too much haha...
Tfw im propably like the only one here that doesnt really care about Taimanin Azagi and instead is waiting with baited breath for the new ZION game, thats coming out this friday. ZION's tentacle stuff is amazing.
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Faleox, try an external host for the image, the forum attachments don't work.
It's not broken if you know the secret ;) (the imgur address gets censored)
Anyway, the problem seems to be that you don't have the japanese locale installed, this is something you have to do for almost every japanese VN, so here if what you have to do:
1) go to country and language settings
2) open the admin tab (the exact place changes depending if you are on windows 10 or 7 but you can look on google how to get there)
3) change the "language for non-unicode programs" to japanese
4) apply and restart, if necessary let it download the language pack, iif you are on windows 7 you may have to download it manually through windows update.

Now your japanese games should work, also make sure that your system is up to date and you have the appropriate version of direct x (mostly 9 and 11)
After the "wingdingdongs" are changed, it gives me an error "ファイルか開けません err 00" says I couldn't open a file
try reinstalling or re-extracting the game now that you have changed locale, if it's in C drive try to launch it as admin, if it's the digital version from dmm or dlsite make sure you installed the play drm program (it should be linked in the product page where it says drm or something of the sort)
Thanks for the tips but I guess its useless for now, I just got a note from Tinkerbell, apparently that's an "expansion". I need to get the kyou main story first then I should drag the expansion to make it work....
Btw do anyone knows the crack version of inyouchuu kyou?
It has been awhile friends...

Another new vanilla game for Tinker Bell for the holidays it seems:

Aojiru must be extra busy on Shoku 2.0 for 2019! ;)

Remember, the breeding never stops... and Ai will die without YOUR CUM! Don't be skipping out on the Church of Tentacles and forget it. Continue your daily rituals. INYOUCHUU FOREVER!

Son't worry, we are all here, lurking in the shadows, like good tentacle monster =P
Hehe, yeah. Inyouchuu never leaves my rotation though. :D

Have you guys discovered anything else good lately? The other day it hit me how depressing the OVA scene has become. Kind of sad there's still only a dozen or so I frequent that are all like a decade old now, the Inyouchuu OVA's, all the Pixy Soft stuff, etc. I really enjoyed Utea for something newer but that's about it.

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