Inyouchuu 淫妖蟲 / Aojiru fan thread!

Not really, I just wanted to lend you guys a hand. Or tentacle. I recently got hooked up on this series and I would love to help to expand it.
Not really, I just wanted to lend you guys a hand. Or tentacle. I recently got hooked up on this series and I would love to help to expand it.

Hehe, another one for the clan...

Who's your favorite girl?
Favorite villain?
Favorite game/OVA?
Favorite scene(s)?

Tell us what you think about Lewd Demon Bugs Heaven.
Is that the official name of the series in the West? It has a nice ring to it.
As for the girls, I can't say much in that regard, for I have only seen the Etsu OVAs. From that alone I must say that Mama Hatsune is the best for me, but who knows? It will probably change in the future, as I finish the games.
Do you happen to have links for the games? Or for any other useful stuff related to the franchise? For... you know... research purposes? ;)
Is that the official name of the series in the West? It has a nice ring to it.
As for the girls, I can't say much in that regard, for I have only seen the Etsu OVAs. From that alone I must say that Mama Hatsune is the best for me, but who knows? It will probably change in the future, as I finish the games.
Do you happen to have links for the games? Or for any other useful stuff related to the franchise? For... you know... research purposes? ;)

The ovas of the orinigal Inyouchuu and Shoku are way better then Etsu, you should try them, for the game i would start with the remake of the first one.

You can try this link.
I've stopped using tumblr some time ago, they have been trying to get rid of anything interesting still left on there so I figured I had no reason to keep being there.

Regarding what to play first: in a way I don't think the remanke is a good introduction, the first one I played was kyou which is the first of the modern ones and I feel that it does a good job as an introduction to the series, even if it's not the start of the story.

To download the games you can find them here:淫妖蟲
this should be a working torrent for kyou

You'll need to set your locale to Japanese and use ntleas to run the games properly, feel free to ask if you need help.
Thank you so much for all the information.
I will give the games a try as soon as possible, as well as the Shoku OVAs. I'll let you guys know should I have any further questions.
BTW, you do have a discord channel, right? Any chance of inviting me?
Wow. Just wow, guys. I just watched the Shoku OVAs and it was... something else. Truly something else. In a positive way, of course. I have seen the uncensored version and it was magnificent! The futa scene, the BIG breast scene, the twins (although lolis are not that much my cup of tea) and the overall plot... that's the quality content I was looking for in hentai! I'm even more hooked now!
Glad you liked it =)
If you ever play the game which it is based on you'll be surprised how much more is there, both in terms of story and H content.
Now you've got me curious. ;)
I downloaded all three first games and I intend on playing through them. Maybe even record some of the scenes, catch some text for the purpose of translation. Got to know all of that juicy and slimy story. :)
You can edit posts OniHime, so you don't have to triple post like above. :P

I almost feel like starting with Etsu is a good intro... because it only gets 10x better from there. That game was almost the death of Inyouchuu in a way too, many fans were disappointed Sui wasn't in it since she seems to be a favorite (Japan loves their submissive babes), then it lacked Ouka and Kikuka (loli twins), etc. There's even the weird endings where Mikoto dies... WTF! It's a very strange one for sure. The OVA is alright, but yeah I like Inyouchuu the Animation ep1 (Mikoto gets fucked for like 30 minutes straight!) and Shoku ep2 along with the bonus episode are my top favorites.

I am glad to see your reaction to Shoku, so you're in good hands since the real meat of the series is at its best when it's like Shoku.

Shoka's first OVA does Aojiru justice and has the better character designs that portray his style decently enough... but there is nothing even close to the real deal. The cutest animefied faces in all of a hentai topped off with some of the darkest and most twisted ideas. Aojiru draws the tastiest milkiest areolas I've ever seen, I can't get enough of them. Inyouchuu Shoku the game came out in the mid 2000's and you can easily trace back some popular fetishes to it, like stomach bulging, etc, along with a few other exceptions like the Sexy Magical Girl Ai OVA's. Aojiru no doubt pushed the tentacle genre even further and popularized a lot of ideas back then.


(does Meioki have the best dicks ever or what? I want to be him)

Inyouchuu does loosely translate to "Lewd Demon Bugs" from what I've always heard and seen in search results over the years. The heavy focus on impreg, girls turning into incubators, etc, definitely sets it above vanilla tentacle series' and makes it hard to go back to the plain stuff, haha. One of my favorite things of the series for sure, it gives the tentacles and demons some kind of purpose to the rape...




Still if you've played Etsu at least, you can probably tell the games are even more hardcore than the OVA's. Lots of bad endings too. Scary stuff... but I'm in it for the extreme H-scenes and love these girls.

There are plenty of other Aojiru titles worth looking into as well. Mouryou no Nie is almost like what Inyouchuu Etsu should have been, it's much heavier on the tentacle/monster sex from start to finish. This game has a very "busy" art style compared to Aojiru's other titles which is why it maybe took me and some others awhile to warm up to it, but it definitely has some incredible scenes and ideas. One of the main monsters is a mummy... made up of bugs underneath of course, I wouldn't mind seeing that guy again. The OVA is pretty decent and worth checking out.





The Hanamaru series has two games, while purely comical... the second game came out in the mid 2000's when Aojiru's style got really good and he was getting more hardcore. 2's CG has everything you'll love in Inyouchuu, huge insertions, impreg, etc, and Ouka and Kikuka make a cameo here with their Master Meioki as well...





Before that, there was Kowaku no Toki as well, which is one of the darkest. It has some bestiality and guro, but I have to sidestep some fetishes I dislike because there's still always some gold in the Aojiru stuff. The pink girl Momoko is still one of of my favorite Aojiru female designs I'd love to see get a cameo again. Ouka and Kikuka appeared in this one as well. Surprisingly, this is the most hardcore OVA adaptation PoRo has ever done as well, has some of the full on bestiality with a BULL and some scenes that are incredible if you're into that. But be weary of the guro in episode 3 and 4... the beginning of episode 4 is amazing before the guro bits in the second half though. But that's my take.




In ways Shoku still blows me away and seems like the best, but I think some of us and myself settled on Goku (5th game) being the best currently. It's just utterly chalk full of insane scenes from start to finish and much heavier on the tentacles/monsters than Kyou was, which weirdly had some NTR elements and stuff I don't want in Inyouchuu. Kyou still has some of my top favorite scenes ever though. The new style is incredible and Rinko (pink hair with the eye patch) is a welcome addition to the main crew at this point. The latest release was the 10th anniversary Remake of the first game... it took the blueprints of the first and made it 10x more hardcore for the best, it's amazing. Although Aojiru is working on a different title coming out early next year, we should still see a remake of Shoku down the road at some point since a survey asked for that along with the first remake awhile back. Aojiru usually gets two games out a year.

Think that's good for a history lesson... maybe I'll come back tomorrow for part 2 on the new era. :P

Until then, these two are decent for some newer ones before Inyouchuu made a wonderful comeback. These two have some solid monster/tentacle content:

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With this much info I know that Inyouchuu is going to be a bumpy ride. And I am going to love every second of it!
Please teach me more, Tentacle-sensei! And thank you for explaining all of this in such great detail.
@EchelonV how could you say you disliked the ntr?!!!!!! Is some of the best with how it add another layer to the hardcore, i mean the tentacle sare great on the visual side but inyouchu also has a heavy plot, and the ntr serves to twist the knife even harder!!! muahahaha (c'mon i dare you to say you disliked the second Animation ova, that betrayal at the end was great!!!)
I, on the other hand, have no problem with NTR. Unless it is comboed with Fat Ugly Bastard. Then it is a no-no.
I hate NTR. I prefer pure non-con/rape hentai. Don't have time for "mind games" or male characters. I am here to see women get taken in by demons and monsters, all females get dominated and know their place including the anti-heros like Ai. ;)

Kyou's hospital stuff just didn't interest me much. As for Inyouchuu ep2 I don't like it at all, visually it's just really boring. Nightmare should have stayed in his horsedemon form...

NTR doesn't belong in Inyouchuu, thankfully it's barely featured in any of it.

Anyone know what all the bonus stuff here is?

If I get this one too, I'm thinking of going with the first or bottom middle tapestry, I like those:

Too many clothes in this game though! I guess Aojiru is experimenting more with clothes and the medieval vibe too hehe.
I hate NTR. I prefer pure non-con/rape hentai. Don't have time for "mind games" or male characters. I am here to see women get taken in by demons and monsters, all females get dominated and know their place including the anti-heros like Ai. ;)

Kyou's hospital stuff just didn't interest me much. As for Inyouchuu ep2 I don't like it at all, visually it's just really boring. Nightmare should have stayed in his horsedemon form...

NTR doesn't belong in Inyouchuu, thankfully it's barely featured in any of it.

Anyone know what all the bonus stuff here is?

If I get this one too, I'm thinking of going with the first or bottom middle tapestry, I like those:

Too many clothes in this game though! I guess Aojiru is experimenting more with clothes and the medieval vibe too hehe.

BLASPHEMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!...........oh well i will admit Nightmare should have stayed in demon form, but tell me the idea of a warrior couple defeated by demons, the male killed and the woman dominated doesn't interest you in the slightless. Or like in the original Inyouchuu the warrior woman dominated to the point she kills her previous lover/companion?
I guess I prefer rape to betrayal. XD

It's fine other people like it, I'm only half joking usually... (though futanari is my main enemy! I like how Inyouchuu has those tentacle dicks though in Shoku).

I would rather see a scenario with like, a berserk Yamato whom can only be tamed by him being able to rape all the girls. Which I guess is kind of what they were going for up to and through Etsu, but too bad the CG and story doesn't seem to show that very well. Yamato going full on Nightmare/Meioki mode on the girls would have been great. I think he's still got demon tendencies and was even used once in Goku to save them in one situation, but I don't think they had to have sex with him to calm him down, though he's always got to keep that demon blood in check.

Still some decent scenes in Etsu, I love these two:

The angle on the spider birth one is amazing!

I just like the classic patriarchy for the most part when it comes to sexual themes I guess. Even Ai who's an anti-hero and wants revenge on the Shiratori's, is a sex slave to Nightmare... I love that. :redface:
I guess I prefer rape to betrayal. XD

It's fine other people like it, I'm only half joking usually... (though futanari is my main enemy! I like how Inyouchuu has those tentacle dicks though in Shoku).

I would rather see a scenario with like, a berserk Yamato whom can only be tamed by him being able to rape all the girls. Which I guess is kind of what they were going for up to and through Etsu, but too bad the CG and story doesn't seem to show that very well. Yamato going full on Nightmare/Meioki mode on the girls would have been great. I think he's still got demon tendencies and was even used once in Goku to save them in one situation, but I don't think they had to have sex with him to calm him down, though he's always got to keep that demon blood in check.

Still some decent scenes in Etsu, I love these two:

The angle on the spider birth one is amazing!

I just like the classic patriarchy for the most part when it comes to sexual themes I guess. Even Ai who's an anti-hero and wants revenge on the Shiratori's, is a sex slave to Nightmare... I love that. :redface:

Hopefully they make an Etsu remake and do it well this time, it would be grat if its like a "enemy within" kind of game, or where everytime he passes a certain limit he risk losing control or something, may make a good/happy ending more rewarding too.
In a way I feel Etsu is really detached from the rest of the series. Not only for the change of tone and intensity, but also because it doesn't seem to leave any mark on the story after that:
-None of the new characters are shown in the other games.
-Yamato's powers seem to work the same as they did in Shoku, meaning he can partially transform but a full transformation makes him lose control.

To be honest I suggest skipping itg for the most part and just watch the few good scenes it has.
I don't count on it getting a remake, maybe they could fix it's problems but I don't see it happening, they will probably do shoku remake while expanding the backstory with extras like in the first remake and then we go straight to inyouchuu 6 which will deal with Ai and the rogue Shiratori clan members (which in a way could be a link with etsu).
In a way I feel Etsu is really detached from the rest of the series. Not only for the change of tone and intensity, but also because it doesn't seem to leave any mark on the story after that:
-None of the new characters are shown in the other games.
-Yamato's powers seem to work the same as they did in Shoku, meaning he can partially transform but a full transformation makes him lose control.

To be honest I suggest skipping itg for the most part and just watch the few good scenes it has.
I don't count on it getting a remake, maybe they could fix it's problems but I don't see it happening, they will probably do shoku remake while expanding the backstory with extras like in the first remake and then we go straight to inyouchuu 6 which will deal with Ai and the rogue Shiratori clan members (which in a way could be a link with etsu).

That is why i like and dislike it, it had posibilities and the whole plot matche smy tastes, but they fucked it up big time wich just infuriates me more =S

You know what would be interesting if his powers came about devouring demons, that way part of the plot could be Nightmare or Meioki taking him over instead of a new demon, or both like the real ending was his inner demon tkaing over, only to reveal that is the REAL Yamato or soemthign like that.
In a way I feel Etsu is really detached from the rest of the series. Not only for the change of tone and intensity, but also because it doesn't seem to leave any mark on the story after that:
-None of the new characters are shown in the other games.
-Yamato's powers seem to work the same as they did in Shoku, meaning he can partially transform but a full transformation makes him lose control.

To be honest I suggest skipping itg for the most part and just watch the few good scenes it has.
I don't count on it getting a remake, maybe they could fix it's problems but I don't see it happening, they will probably do shoku remake while expanding the backstory with extras like in the first remake and then we go straight to inyouchuu 6 which will deal with Ai and the rogue Shiratori clan members (which in a way could be a link with etsu).
Yeah it really does feel like Etsu never happened, lol. All we know going forward is that Mikoto and Takeru have one hot mom. And yeah, the stories in the rest seem to make more callbacks to the first and Shoku. Etsu's like a weird alternate timeline spinoff. By this point Ouka and Kikuka are absolutely part of the main crew as well, so you really can't have a main Inyouchuu without them and Sui.

They should give us a new demon boss that's like Nightmare and Meioki fused...

Anyways, I'm still most excited for Shoku 2.0 hehe.

What tapestry from the new game do you like the most Prog?
Yeah it really does feel like Etsu never happened, lol. All we know going forward is that Mikoto and Takeru have one hot mom. And yeah, the stories in the rest seem to make more callbacks to the first and Shoku. Etsu's like a weird alternate timeline spinoff. By this point Ouka and Kikuka are absolutely part of the main crew as well, so you really can't have a main Inyouchuu without them and Sui.

They should give us a new demon boss that's like Nightmare and Meioki fused...

Anyways, I'm still most excited for Shoku 2.0 hehe.

What tapestry from the new game do you like the most Prog?

Wait, wasn't it an alternative spinoff officially?
Yeah it really does feel like Etsu never happened, lol. All we know going forward is that Mikoto and Takeru have one hot mom. And yeah, the stories in the rest seem to make more callbacks to the first and Shoku. Etsu's like a weird alternate timeline spinoff. By this point Ouka and Kikuka are absolutely part of the main crew as well, so you really can't have a main Inyouchuu without them and Sui.

They should give us a new demon boss that's like Nightmare and Meioki fused...

Anyways, I'm still most excited for Shoku 2.0 hehe.

What tapestry from the new game do you like the most Prog?

I think I like this one

Wait, wasn't it an alternative spinoff officially?
When it came out it was supposed to be the third game, I don't know if they have retroactively changed that.

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Is it possible to re-upload this game?
Sble wrote on UFO's profile.
Hi, Can you reupload the link of this? Please.夏の最後の日~-無修正.1636685/