Inyouchuu 淫妖蟲 / Aojiru fan thread!

The Kanji for added at the end of Inyouchuu means ugly. As with many Japanese words it carries many connotations. It can be used for disgraceful and scandalous behavior. I already know that Sui has a hidden perverted side that gets brought up most adaptations with most focus being on her breasts and Takeru can't keep her lust in check, many scandal refers to Mikoto's sexual lust for Yamato.

Maybe Inyouchuu will finally give Sui what she wants, and she ends up having to bang demon Yamato. I only wonder if she has the stamina for it. I'm not sure how long Sui even lasted against Meioki, Nightmare, and Syuki in comparison to the others.
Mikoto as well, just give her an excuse and a bit of miasma and she'll show her slutty side =P
I liked Inyouchuu at the beginning, but it became to intense afterword. In addition, Sui and Mikoto relationship with Yamato felt weak afterward.
Mikoto as well, just give her an excuse and a bit of miasma and she'll show her slutty side =P

I meant that Sui actually enjoys sex but the activity itself physically drains her out because she has very low stamina and a weak body. Her high spirit awareness heightens her lust and sensitivity. Meioki and Nightmare would rather keep her alive and draw out the pleasure till she embraces it while Syuki is too brutish in their methods to draw out Sui's perverted side. The antagonist in Goku pretty much broke Sui physically to the point that she can't breed properly.

Mikoto has a perfect balance of spirit energy and physical activeness that makes her more of a target since she lasts longer. It's sorta like how Meruru in Magic Woman M loves sex but is left physically and mentally exhausted after the Ogre bangs her twice.

I'd like to add that a lot of recent adaptations tend to portray Sui as not as pure minded as originally thought. She's motivated by a mix of sexual and mutual love to claim Yamato as her man. Sui is just self centered by Japanese standards, but not by Western Standards.
They've updated the main page with story/character/spec and a little preview video. I'm just downloading the preview video so I can get some snaps to share of the H-scenes. Loving the redesign on all the girls. Twins are also confirmed back.
They story sounds similar to Shoku IIRC that they are investigating a resort where mothers and daughters are getting attacked.
Getchu also have the game listed now: It's ¥5,345(With tax¥5,880) for the no benefits version. For the guy that asked about it earlier.
Also has a cleaner cover image but smaller:

Here are the few snaps we got:



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Here is a quick translation for the story summary, don't blame me if I got something wrong =P (but please let me know)

It's summer! It's a swimming pool! It's a resort!

The exorcist agency, black cat brigade, has received a job request from a certain pool resort.
Lately several rape cases occurred inside the facilities, targeting mother-daughter couples.
Having a job on such an exclusive high class pool resort means tensions are high.
Meanwhile, the Tsukishiro twins arrive on the now deserted island to investigate on a separate case.
Will they be able to discover the culprit behind these heinous crimes?
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@Murderous Int in shoku it was just girls in general being spirited away and there wasn't a pool resort, just a tourist island. I'd say this is 100% not a remake.
I'm also curious how the fact that mothers and daughters are being targeted will play into the story.

Hey, thanks for the screenshots!
@Murderous Int in shoku it was just girls in general being spirited away and there wasn't a pool resort, just a tourist island. I'd say this is 100% not a remake.
I'm also curious how the fact that mothers and daughters are being targeted will play into the story.

Yeah I know it isn't a remake, :P just mentioning how the setting is similar is all. The summer vibes and the resort/holiday type setting of the game. Should have worded it better.
Kikuka's character page mentions the demon king they beat to break the immortal curse.

The character art page makes for some nice wallpapers.
I did a quick and dirty translation for the girls. Sorry in advance for any mistakes.:whistle:


Exorcist of the Honpo Black Cat Branch Group
It is a cheerful and lively personality that everyone likes, but due to the existence of a powerful rival with Sui, she has started being fairly negative recently ...

The legitimate successor to the "Thunder" demon sword.
Takeru is her twin older sister.

The black cat branches accounting officer, is also a demon hunter.
Although she is calm and brainy, with a dignified character, she has been caught many times by the enemy,
intense [misasagikatajikena] was lost, and her reproductive function was also lost.
she still suffers from strong sequelae and she can't stay sane without the aid of magic paper bills.
She loves her younger twin sister and her relationship with her, but originally she had a strong complex with her all-rounder sister.
Now, her power has an exorcist has been weakened because of previos aftereffects.
I used to hide my feelings for Mikoto, but recently I have reopened them.
She is scary and gets angry when it comes to romance, but becomes vulnerable when pushed by the opposite sex.

Yamato is her childhood friend. After an interval of 10 years, she met Yamato again after a certain event.
Because Yamato helped her when she was younger, she keeps hold of a fond love for him.
Sui became a demon hunter with the under lining motive, "To get closer to Yamato", but because she originally had a natrually strong spirit, she's now become completely independent.
She now often pairs up with Rinko Suzuko for work.
Though in her origin she was a weak natured character, she has began to behave daringly blod in her desires for Yamato, this recently has made her act more recklessly.
She is the black cat branches natrually big busted girl, who is also very intrested in sex.

They have the wrong name on the left, unless Rinko is now Mikoto ;)
She was originally a member of the shirizo shop, the white cat branch.
She's Kyoko's daughter, and gets a quarter of her monstrous power from her nine-tailed fox lineage.
Under Kyoko's instruction, she pairs up with [Sui] under the black cat branch while also training with irregularity.
Though she's childish she's a buoyant character, she has considerable ability from her sect.
She has good reading and spirit related skills, along with the western arts, which she can use.
She has come to think of [Sui] and herself to have a special existence when they unite and team up.
A mysterious girl who cannot be honest with her self, she has a rude tongue under her polite tone.
She has a complex about her small size.
She also has a habit of saying [desu] when ending a sentense.

Ouka's twin older sister.
A shrine maiden who has lived hundreds of years under the curse of immortality who's an excellent exorcist.
Despite the unfortunate circumstances, she has a cheerful and cheerful personality, but shows an abnormal attachment to money.
She has lived for hundreds of years and has deep insights about defeat and the arts.
She had been on a journey to defeat the “Demon King”, abd the immortal curse from her parents, after meeting the Black Cat Branch they cooperated in defeat him.
She loves her youner sister.

Kikuka's younger twin sister.
An immortal shrine maiden who has lived for hundreds of years with her sister.
Her sister is her identical twin, but her personality is the opposite. She usually doesn't speak, and even if she does speak, it's only to berate.
Although it has a decent bland personality, it's actually very stubborn even against Kikuka.
Maneuvering with defensive skills using a defense system, an excellent exorcist no lesser than her older sister.
She became quickly aware of Sui's ability.
The appearance is as beautiful as the Japanese form, but it is actually a pretty strange girl without a sense of shame. I don't care much if I can see you naked.
Is a quite hot spring enthusiast and gets angry when her bathing is disturbed.
Likes animals. [
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It's definitely a sequel since the cast is no longer wearing school uniforms and are young adults. I read the bios and it seems like The Black Cat Group are running their own exorcising business with Takeru as the accountant but no manager. I think Sui, Rinko, Ouka and Kikua are independent agents but Sui is becoming sexually aggressive due to the pressure of youth and getting married before 25. I'm guessing they are in their 20-25 now. Sui is also most likely capitalizing on the feminist movement in Japan where adult women are implied to be very carnivore like.

Alternatively, there's a new trend in Japanese anime to make their iconic characters much older to represent the country during the 2020 Olympics. It's happening with Mazinger Infinity, Digimon, Dragonball, Naruto, and other Showa-Heisei Era properties.

Japan has no problem aging their cast with their audience to become fully realized adults. In laymans term, Mikoto, Sui, Takeru, Ouka, and Kikua are now legal!

Oh god, getting sexually ravaged by Nightmare, Meioki, Syuki, and the antagonist of Kyou made Sui sexually aggressive didn't it?
Love those bios, adds up with everything we know and where things have gone. Rinko being an official Black Cat teaming up with Sui a lot now is cool. I wish Mikoto's bio was more elaborate though.

Of the designs, I like Mikoto and Kikuka's a lot. The coloring looks different and now that Kikuka, Ouka, and Rinko finally got makeovers, I've been dubbing this Phase 3 of Inyouchuu's evolving style.

Sui looking like a milf almost now... and looks corrupt in the above picture hehe. I'm wondering how the petite blue eyed girl is since that isn't Kikuka. Looks familiar, maybe another random cameo for a quick one scene. Or a new girl.

No translation on Yamato? :P

Mmmm, can't wait for more details!
Love those bios, adds up with everything we know and where things have gone. Rinko being an official Black Cat teaming up with Sui a lot now is cool. I wish Mikoto's bio was more elaborate though.

Of the designs, I like Mikoto and Kikuka's a lot. The coloring looks different and now that Kikuka, Ouka, and Rinko finally got makeovers, I've been dubbing this Phase 3 of Inyouchuu's evolving style.

Sui looking like a milf almost now... and looks corrupt in the above picture hehe. I'm wondering how the petite blue eyed girl is since that isn't Kikuka. Looks familiar, maybe another random cameo for a quick one scene. Or a new girl.

No translation on Yamato? :P

Mmmm, can't wait for more details!

Mikoto is seen as the heroine of Inyouchuu and doesn't really get much to do. She's competing with Sui for the spotlight since their dynamic works better than her and Takeru.

Sui isn't really a milf, the best term I can describe Sui is that she went from ojou, to onee-san, to onna. Sui as a milf would be more sex crazy and vain, presumably using her spirit energy to look young and mould into a miko similar to Hatsune. I think if she doesn't hook up with Yamato, then Sui will settle for a demon that's just as obsessed with sex like her. IIRC, Nightmare would make a potential suitor for her.
@Kisamme17 sorry to disappoint you but their age is just as vague as always and Takeru has been the accountant/manager for the black cat brigade since back in the first games as she's the most responsible person in the group.
Also Sui is not as vain as you make her to be, she's always shown as a kind and caring person, although shy and secretly interested in sex stuff.
But I agree that she could make for an excellent demon wife =P

EDIT: here's all the character pages translated.

Syuu char summaries

The leading exorcist of the black cat brigade.
She's bright and cheerful with a likeable personality, but since she has started seeing Sui as a powerful rival lately a negative side of her has started to emerge...

The exorcist who acts as manager for the black cat brigade.
She's calm, composed and intelligent, with a bit of a cold personality. Due to injuries received when she was captured by enemies she's no longer able to have children.
To this day she is still suffering from the after-effects and needs talismans to preserve her sanity.
Her relationship with her sister goes beyond normal sisterly love, in fact she has a strong case of sister-complex.
At the moment her exorcist powers are weakened due to the aftereffects.
She used to hide her feelings for Mikoto but lately she has become much bolder.
She's scary when she's angry and she's bad at romance, but she's weak to pressures from the opposite sex.

Yamato's childhood friend. After ten years she met him once again during a certain incident.
Ever since Yamato helped her when they were children, she fell in love with him.
Sui became an exorcist for the frivulous motive to "get closer to Yamato", now she is able to use her naturally strong spiritual power.
She often work together with Rinko.
While she has a timid personality, she started becoming bolder in order to get closer to Yamato, so lately she's been acting more recklessly.
She has the biggest boobs in the black cat brigade, she's secretly interested in sex.

She was originally a member of the white cat brigade.
Daughter or Kyoko Kokonoe, She inherited her power as part nine tailed fox demon.
Under Kyoko's orders she's now paired with Sui of the black cat brigade in order to train her.
She has an aloof personality and a childish chest, but she's quite strong.
Western techniques are her specialty, she can also use mind reading and commune with the dead.
After being paired with Sui she's come to see her as someonne special to her.
She's a peculiar and disobedient kid, while her tone is polite she can be quite foul mouthed.
Her small chest is a point of insecurity and it's the only thing that causes her to fight with Sui.
She likes using "desu" at the end of each phrase.

The elder of the Tsukishiro twins.
Cursed with immortality, she has lived for several hundred years and being a shrine maiden she's an excellent exorcist.
Even through misfortune she keeps her cheerful personality, she show an excessive attachment to money.
Having been alive for hundreds of years she has a deep understanding of exorsicm tecniques.
Durinng her travels to find her enemy Meioki, who cursed her with immortality and killed her parents, she met the black cat brigade and together they were able to defeat Meioki.
She's a huge siscon for he little sister.

The younger of the Tsukishiro twins.
She's a shrine maiden who was cursed with immortality together with her older sister and they have lived for hundreds of years.
While they are monozygote twins, her character is completely different from her sister's. She usually doesn't talk much and when she does it's in short and dry sentences.
While she has a quiet personality, she still gets along with the stubborn Kikuka.
With her defensive exorcist magic, she's an excellent exorcist just like her sister.
She instantly noticed Sui's latent abilities.
With her classic Japanese beauty, she's actually quite a peculiar girl, she doesn't seem to have any sense of shyness or shame. She doesn't mind being seen nude even by men.
Being an hot springs enthusiast, she'll get mad if doesn't get to bathe.
She loves animals.

Originally the main character of the series, he possesses Oni powers as a half-demon.
He has a tactless and rough personality and has no attention to details, he's also a stupid pervert.
Hoowever he's able to make a difference when it really counts.
He's beeen friend with Mikoto and Takeru since childhood, they were raised together.
He can transform half of his body into an oni, whe he does he's able to destroy any barrier.
While he could potentially transform completely, the strain on his body risks being too much for him to turn back, so his father forbade him to do so.
While he denies having pseudo phimosis, everyone knows he has it.
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I had to look up "phimosis", for Yamato... WTF! lol, well he can pop out a demon dick when he's transformed...

I wrote this rambling in the discord about the clothes:

I realized what I don't love about Rinko's new getup, seems a bit too simplistic for a goth girl like her. Though I guess she's wearing something thinner and simple for the hot outside weather. But her STOCKINGS I will really miss. She could have had mismatched socks or shoes, since that seemed to be the idea in her previous outfit to match with her eyepatch. Mikoto without her classic white stockings is a bit odd too. But hopefully we see the girls have an alternative outfit or two. Either way with Aojiru we know 90% of the CG will be them naked anyways.

I love how spread she is, lol. Any underwear I wonder? Well should be even easier for tentacles to get to these bodies.

I don't love Takeru's tracksuit either, but I like her face/hair in this one, much better than the messy Kyou look, or when she looked too old in Etsu. She always changes a lot, but this new look for her looks good outside the clothes to me.
well, it says it's "pseudo-phimosis" so it should only hurt a bit the first time he fucks =P
well, it says it's "pseudo-phimosis" so it should only hurt a bit the first time he fucks =P

It doesn't really hurt Yamato because he's an Oni just like Meioki and the one from Inyouchuu Goku. He's just drawn in a generic anime protagonist style and has more self control than either two. Yamato can't willingly change between human and Oni like the other two or make use of his powers like the bad guys because he would trivialize most of the plot. Mikoto is afraid that Sui might bait him into becoming a demon and fuck her the way Meioki did. It's just unknown if she's willingly doing this or teasing him. All she's doing is riling up his teenage hormonal body. Yamato is just too incompetent to use his powers to impress Sui. She has him on a leash in ways that makes Mikoto envy her.
The Black Cat Branch is a small, all women dominated office. They tend to fizzle out faster in the West because women compete against each other over the guy. Women in Japan last longer due being able to carry themselves properly and use team work. Sui is just demon bait used to keep Yamato in line.

I think Sui is being more independent because writers are tired of making mind break endings where she gives up and does what she's told.

The infamous ending in Shoku is merely giving up and living sex because Meioki told her she likes sex and she accepts it.

Kyou is just Sui giving up and being demon chow cause the villain told her she's cow.

Goku is just Syuki telling Sui to give up and make babies without a fight.

I think Nightmare is the only nice one and will take care of Sui and treat her nice.

Edit: This might be a remake of Shoku with newer sprites and models, more streamlined gameplay and story.

Shoku isn't bad, it's just that Japan wants to market their product to foreigners and rely on internal polling. So it's just Inyouchuu with Rinko and the White Branch Club and Meioki since he's iconic.

IIRC, Meioki isn't really cruel, he just wants the antagonists to embrace their desires.
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Hey BoD! Yeah I'm keeping an eye on both the main page and Getchu now for some CG samples hehe...

To me that doesn't look like Kikuka, because of the hair and no hair pin. Blue eyes though, maybe she's just a random girl on the beach with a scene or two, or a new side character for this one. Whoever it is, I like what I see. :redface:

Inyouchuu news is the best XMas/New Years gift. :D

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