Haha... yeah, I like mechs.

Sure~ Buddies~ :3

I've seen some of the remakes... Not all.

Too busy with other anime at that time.

Recently, I'm not watching much anime because most don't catch my fancy. Maybe I'm old. xD

Here are Sam's nicknames from one of our discussions on page 13...

I believe many people don't watch new anime much. For example, I heard that a majority of the Gundam community who were brought up with the UC era (the original Gundam Universe) don't watch the new ones.

I sometimes wonder how people are put off eating when people talk about weird stuff. Guess that's one of my immunities...

That's quite a lot of nicknames Sam has. Maybe I should add one to the list~
here have breakfast
:fulfilled: Thanks [MENTION=26445]Ralium[/MENTION] ^^

/me hugs Ralium ^^
Those arent dumplings lol xD If you mind comparing them to the soda can off to the side theyre quite large ;p Anyhow theyre some bread thingy with lotus paste and an egg yolk inside~

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