These things xD I think mosquitoes and the such dislike the smell or something
Haha... it's mostly used around Asia.

Haven't used it myself, but it's inexpensive. So people would use it.

There are mosquito nets as well.
Mosquito nets... Im hoping the holes are small enough to keep out smaller mosquitoes too xD

So they release some chemicals or something that would negatively effect people?
Don't ever use it sam.. in my country.. it cause many inhalation problems.. you'll hard to breath.
It's deadly enough.. so i warn you don't ever use it!!
Mosquito coils are pretty common around asia. Our family still uses them. Smells nice.
We still use the mosquito coil in our house, but not me.
I can't fully rely on it that much. 'em bug nowadays seem to be immune to it, or they started wearing gas mask.
That's why in my room, I only use fan. Table fan to be precise, and aim it at my bed.
With the setting on full blast, it would hinder any mosquito that try to suck my hot sweet juicy blood.

i see

thanks alot = D
Glad to be a service to ya, mate.
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*Egozi sit and feel like he going to fall from lack of sleep any time soon :donefor:

*Yet he still test his ability to survive :dispirited:

*Even though he suffering and feel lonely :foreveralone:

*He still will try his best :alonescared:

P.S if you won't hear from him in the next day..... it probably will mean that he either in the dreams land or ... in other place... :dead:
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All right, take care Egozi and have a good rest!

The only thing that comes into mind when I read that alex, is just the electric bills going up.
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All right then...

Something cool and refreshing to drink may help sometimes to fall asleep.
I'd recommend water. But water seems to be the best thing to drink to keep you awake. Milk would deem to be a good solution I think.
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Breathe in and out a few times... deeply and slowly...

Relax and calm your mind.

Usually works.
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Looks like this has become a therapy session now =]

If you've ever watched 'Friends', you should listen to cassettes or a music player while the phrase "You are a beautiful woman" is going through your head. You'll fall asleep in no time!
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Therapy session...

I'll let AG do most of the work...

I would like a slight break from that.

/me sips on iced water

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