KanColle Headquarter!

Re: KanColle Headquarter! 反撃!第二次SN作戦

[MENTION=67840]pichu655889[/MENTION]; Yes. Only Easy no lock.

[MENTION=33830]moemoe-kyun[/MENTION]; But E-1 boss is just DD Hime and her DD buddies. It's crap easy to finish them. Just go Yasen and watch her sink with a single critical DA.

E-7 Boss - DD Anti-Air Princess. E-7 reward most probably Teruzuki if that's the real boss's name title.
Have fun with your baux supplies while they are still around.
DD AA Princess E-7

Making me want to mod someone into her.

AV Princess E-3 , also suspect to drop Mizuho.
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Re: KanColle Headquarter! 反撃!第二次SN作戦

Kikuzuki.... damn, I accidently scrap her...
But E1 north route is pretty easy, I used 1FBB, 1CV, 1CLT, 1CL & 2DD so I can use them again in E2.
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Re: KanColle Headquarter! 反撃!第二次SN作戦

My Kikuzuki is 38 due to expedition :D. Anyway, north route seems to be ok.
[MENTION=29172]FireShark[/MENTION]; is it really DD AA princess @@, i thought she's BB class because she look like Mushashi.

@pichu not confirmed yet but Teruzuki is dropped, right?
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Re: KanColle Headquarter! 反撃!第二次SN作戦

[MENTION=33830]moemoe-kyun[/MENTION]; Look at that hair band. She's assume to be Akizuki.

My 2 runs with Kikuzuki FS, not sure if RNG but both time really go 1st>Reso>Boss.
My 2nd run taiha on 1st node but continue on to check, and refresh game after.

Taiha chance up cause Kikuzuki is freaking weak after all..
Mine (lv53) can't even take out a DD. Equipped with 12.7 LM x2 and 22 Kai radar.

I don't know about you guys, but using a light fleet with 2 battles + ammo reso is better than heavy fleet with 4 battles. I don't see the need to pull out big guns on E-1 ;) Besides, put Kikuzuki on FS for extra protection.
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Re: KanColle Headquarter! 反撃!第二次SN作戦

@moe It's DD AA hime :) At first I saw her, I mistook she's Musashi but when I look closer she's look more like Akizuki
@Fire In my opinion, ships in E1 will be used in E2, and with BB & CV it'll be easier for E1 (I really enjoy seeing my fleet crushing enemy fleet).
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Re: KanColle Headquarter! 反撃!第二次SN作戦

1 FBB 1BB 2CA 2CVL + 1CL 1FBB 2CA 2DD will follow A-B-E-G-Z route

^ if that is the case then using a FBB + CV combo in E1 sounds alright since you'll need to combine fleet E2 anyway...
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Re: KanColle Headquarter! 反撃!第二次SN作戦

But the resources you'll be spending per run. Give them to me instead. :P

Confirmed Kikuzuki is E-1 savior. However spotlight taken by Yasen baka.
2 new Ro-class Late Model Elite, the 43 HP DDs are freaking Ninjas.

Slowly becoming pay to w... have an easier time. The Akashi item will unlock a new slot for your girl, which allows them to carry damecon? or the onigiri.
500 points for a single piece. So buy a ring and this item to make your waifu even stronger?

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Re: KanColle Headquarter! 反撃!第二次SN作戦

@Fire I don't remember clearly but it's about 200 fuel & ammo per run, but just 1 bucket per run XD
Anyway did anyone know about the blue stripes in airplanes slot ?
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Re: KanColle Headquarter! 反撃!第二次SN作戦

The bosses look sweet. I like the abyssal fleet girls anyways. And I don't even have kikuzuki. I always scrap her. (lol) Might try getting her and do E-1 with a lvl 1 kikuzuki as FS.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 反撃!第二次SN作戦

FireShark Congrats :D
Kikuzuki seems to be great choice ^^.

@wing really? i just take a quick look though....
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 反撃!第二次SN作戦

I think it's some kind of lvl for your airplanes...

At first my zero-type 21 had 2 blue stripes, tenzan had 2 blue stripes, suisei had 2 blue stripes, saiun had no stripes.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 反撃!第二次SN作戦

- Planes (Torpedo Bomber, Dive Bomber, Fighter, different kind of Recon, etc.) will bear marking that the amount of marking would increase according to increase of their trained skill.
- Plane squadron with high skill system provide higher power and more reconnaissance(i.e. contact rate)
- Plane Skill would increase as they repeatedly sortie, but losing some of those plane during battle would result in decrease in their skill and if the plane squadron is completely wiped then its status would reset back to original. Note that their performance won't drop below their initial value.

Better not bother much with this. E-2 has quite a number of AACI Tsu-class. They will get shot down one way or another.

The 3rd Event map (E-3) does not unlock after clearing E-2
To unlock E-3 you will also have to clear these event specific quests:

Red 1st (250/0/250/0): Clear E-2
Brown (100/100/100/100): Scrap 6 Equipment
Red 2nd (0/250/0/250): Sink 6 Submarines


Treat this info as air for now.
Avoid using them for E-1 ~ E-3 for now.

Kongou, Haruna, Ayanami and Yuudachi for E4 pathing. Going through 2 night battle nodes. It is Yuudachi's revenge after all.

EASY mode drops them.
E-3 boss = Mizuho
E-4 boss = Umikaze


E-2 Hard Clear! The SALT is REAL! You guys complaining about how easy Spring event is. Now look at what we are getting.. Ship locking every map is horrible

Cause there are 5 battles in E-2, our ship resources will be 20/40 when you go against boss. Imagine all the penalties we're getting. Again no thanks to fking Boss supports, they took out nothing. Stop contributing nothing and eat my resources.
Noteworthy happening : Hatsushimo Torp CI boss for 20 dmg, seriously RNG what the heck?

This is crucial.
Using 1 CV will lead to BB node. (Not recommended) / 3+ BBs in surface fleet will direct you BB node too.
Using 2 CVL will lead to CA node. (CA can easily rekt your CVL if unlucky)



E-1 ~ E-3 rewards = 0 medals. Nice work devs.

E-3 Salty sea of blood. I think it's time to put on my noob hat and go Medium?? Boss having 350HP and her tough armor along with 2x CV Oni Yamato killers are insane.

Because of silly Aircraft skill system, the enemies seems to be getting even more powerful aircrafts to counter ours.
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Re: KanColle Headquarter! 反撃!第二次SN作戦

Someone who cleared E6 already have said that it'll reward something to do with Shoukaku/Zuikaku Kai Ni, he cleared it on Hard so it is unconfirmed whether it'll be dropped for Easy yet (though I'll be very surprised it if is not dropped for Easy)
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 反撃!第二次SN作戦

You freaking kidding me, devs? Look at that AA power and Armor. A mere DD with that armor. :rolleyes: God?
She doesn't even need to activate AACI to sweep all your planes.



She needs to fully sink for us to get Teruzuki. E-7 reward.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 反撃!第二次SN作戦

Wtf with that armor??? Isn't she DD class??? Even higher armor than a BB. >.<
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 反撃!第二次SN作戦

I gave up trying for Hard E-3, I think the rewards are not worth the resources and buckets spend. It's insane. There's still Mizuho to farm.

3 fail runs.
2 runs thanks to Wo-chan with holy monster balls one shotting my girls like it's nothing.
1 run reach boss but 2 of my CV/Ls lost all their attack planes. So, sitting duck like :

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Tsu-class must have activated her AACI. Escort fleet got rape bad at start.

Mainly the fact that we are force to use Carrier Task, making escorts attack first is very RNG heavy whether they survive the CV Oni's attacks.
Not to mention AV Princess can launch A-kyo, enough power to chuuha someone if hit.

Good Luck to you guys aiming for all Hard clear. I don't have the sanity and time to deal with this bull.
414 Air Power, one run cost about 400+ baux. Geez..

E-6 gives us the Shoukaku/Zuikaku K2 item. [MENTION=33830]moemoe-kyun[/MENTION]; Even if your sanity breaks halfway, must still obtain for your waifu.
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Re: KanColle Headquarter! 反撃!第二次SN作戦


Looking at those boss.... and seem RNG is trolled too...
I'm thinking about go with medium. I even didn't start event. Just farm 2 more CVL in waiting for E5 information...

Edit: @fire i saw that item, still don't know what we will do with it yet. There is Shou Zui fairy but it's not like it special design for them. :)
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 反撃!第二次SN作戦

Glad she popped up. 3 more runs to complete Medium E-3 and kiss boss A- good bye to this baux draining map forever.


Boss also drops Isokaze on Medium onward if anyone still wants her.

AA Princess stats on E-7 Easy. Not final.

HP 255
FP 130
TP 85
AA 300
Armor 273

Her escorts on final is our loveable BB Hime 2x of them. How great.
Again I thank you to the heroes wanting super hard events.

Her attacking line is Dev's voice : Ufufufu. How is it? Does it hurt? Does it? That's the real thing... Ahahahaha...!

I might chicken out and go Easy just for Teruzuki.
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Re: KanColle Headquarter! 反撃!第二次SN作戦

I haven't even bothered starting anything yet since waiting for information on E7 and potential random pathing methods. Until the mystery of E7 is solved it is hard to commit resources to anything.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 反撃!第二次SN作戦

Oh gosh I don't think I might even make it to E7!
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 反撃!第二次SN作戦

[MENTION=67840]pichu655889[/MENTION]; Just go full EASY, should be fine.

My current run on E-3,
where Hard = Hell, Medium = Earth, Easy = Heaven

Hard = Retreats and Failures.
Medium = All successful runs + Mizuho drop.

Them Wo-chan and CV Oni got beastly ACC for being on Diamond formation or just RNG in bad mood cause summer.



Re: KanColle Headquarter! 反撃!第二次SN作戦

E-4 routes looks to be nightmare as well.

Kongou branching allows us to go :
Ta-class node and 2 Wo-chan air denial node or double night battles node

Hard gives 1 medal but is it worth the pain?


E-5 best use this setup.
Also note the girls participated E-5 won't be joining the finale. Akitsushima is PERFECT for the job.

3 CA(V) 1 CV 1 DD Akitsushima will route through (B-E-D-F-I-K-Z)
which gives you 3 pre-boss battles with the weakest enemies while giving you extra resources.


E-6 will dead end if fleet has any CLT.
Abukuma K2 is perfect here and E-3.


E-4 Boss = Takanami and Umikaze
E-5 Boss = U-511 and Roma
E-6 Boss = Kazagumo
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