KanColle Headquarter!

I got a screw thing from a present box and I don't what's called (The kanji for that was over my head) and what it does.
How is her torpedoes? The only redeeming quality of Tirpitz, a BB that can launch torpedoes.

Her torps armament consist of 4 tube port and starboard side...with 6km range....which isn't exactly something to boast about especially when most IJN Cruiser/DD have 10 km Long Lance, it does give you some extra advantage when you're in a close range brawl with another BB though, but it is definitely not a highlight feature of Tirpitz if you ask me

I got a screw thing from a present box and I don't what's called (The kanji for that was over my head) and what it does.

Screws are used for when you have Akashi as flag and she can upgrade your equipments :3
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Her torps armament consist of 4 tube port and starboard side...with 6km range....which isn't exactly something to boast about especially when most IJN Cruiser/DD have 10 km Long Lance, it does give you some extra advantage when you're in a close range brawl with another BB though, but it is definitely not a highlight feature of Tirpitz if you ask me.

Yeah, she is nothing special in game but the real thing is.
I mean she a BB that can launch torpedoes from above. How many of them even exist? (I think there is a few on the UN side)
Oh and not counting the almost useless underwater torpedoes tubes found on Kongous/Nagatos. :P

Also to me, Bismarck KC =/= Bismarck ship. ;)
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Crap, game maintenance. Hopefully they don't remove the kotatsu from the furniture shop

Edit: NOOOOOOOOOOO I didn't manage to get the wall decoration from the mini-event
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Yeah, she is nothing special in game but the real thing is.
I mean she a BB that can launch torpedoes from above. How many of them even exist? (I think there is a few on the UN side)
Oh and not counting the almost useless underwater torpedoes tubes found on Kongous/Nagatos. :P

Also to me, Bismarck KC =/= Bismarck ship. ;)

Her real life torpedo armament is probably just as useless as in game, I mean in real life, the chances of hitting a ship launched torpedo is quite low, especially when enemy knows you've torpedo they'll most likely be taking necessary action to avoid them, most of the time torpedo tends to be more effective during night time when they are much harder to spot. I mean just think about it, artillery firing are most likely to hit in game due to the more simplistic model compared to real life, and I think iirc statistically it ~20% that a salvo is fired and it lands on enemy ship, pretty sure that is much lower in real life.

Now the torpedo hit statistic in game the last time I saw I think was ~8%, yep, you saw it right, 8%! Can you imagine the chances of torpedo hitting? I mean just think about, if they were that amazing, it would have been a thing for the IJN, considering they had the famous long lance torpedo, one of the best (if not the best) torpedo during WWII and they didn't really bother putting it on battleships (especially when IJN were famous for strapping as many armament as possible compared to their counterpart the USN) most likely because they're just way too ineffective to warrant a need, especially when battleships tends to be behind friendly cruiser/destroyer, what is the point when you might most likely end up sinking your own?

I mean if you consider it special by simply having them then yes, that might be special. But if you consider special as in something that one have and other doesn't that gave major advantage (e.g. The better air radar on board of USS Iowa that gave her the ability to repel massive air attacks), then I don't think Tirpitz's torpedo really live up to being special in that sense, especially when I don't there was even a record of her firing torpedo, heck she barely even fired her main batteries before she was sunk. Poor Tirpitz suffered the fate of Yamato where she was sunk by massive air attacks. Heck they are actually a liability if you're under fire and air attacks, there have been accounts where deck loaded torpedo tubes are prone to explosion when under heavy fire as most of them aren't even that well protected.

But that is not to say they're completely useless, as yesterday I won a game because I had torpedo on board of my Tirpitz. What happened was me and my carrier left in the battle, I was half health from repeated beating from when I was engaged with enemy North Carolina, I finished her off and realise our task force which took the other flank was completely annihilated by enemy force, with 2 near full hp Tirpitz, 1 very low enemy destroyer and ~15 points behind, we had no chance of winning within about 2 and a half minutes because they're on the other side of the map (in this particular mode, both team gain points at the same rate unless one of the point is under capture/blockade so we will always be behind unless we sink one of them) However enemy team got very greedy, but not illogical decision as 2 near full hp Tirpitz + 1 DD is definitely more than enough to finish of a half wounded Tirpitz and a planeless (in terms of striking aircraft) CV, so they decided to take this short cut to our base that is very narrow and have no real space to maneuver to come finish us off.

CV Fighter Aircraft reconnaissance in form me of such decision so I decided to take my last stand at our base, waiting for them to arrive. If I landed all 4 of my torpedo, that will be enough for us to gain the points led and give us the victory, but even if it is deck torpedo, they do have a limit on how much they can arc and thus I pretty much have to go full broadside and fire my torpedo (especially into where they're coming from as well), this means that technically I'm T-crossing enemy Tirpitz coming in, even though I can fire my full broadside, they'll be bow facing me and therefore surface area of the ship is reduced by a great amount compared to broadside, so getting 4 hit with my torpedo is say...probably >1% chance. Odds were against us when I spoke in chat to CV that we're likely to lose as I fired off my torpedo to the approaching Tirpitz, he obviously expect this and start taking the necessary action to attempt to avoid those torpedo, though like I mentioned before because of how narrow this gap is, avoiding them all on a battleships under 6 km is still a very hard task, but because he knows that even if he takes 1-2 torpedo hits, he would still win.

As time is ticking down slowly as I was just waiting for that imminent lost, something happened. I managed to one shot that Tirpitz from near full HP because as the torpedo hits, it managed to hit the bow area right next to the turret and magazine their Tirpitz, causing a detonation and instantly sank their Tirpitz (in this game, a magazine detonation resulting in damage that is equal to your ships maximum hp). I won't have been able to pull this off in my Amagi, because detonating a magazine whilst T-crossing is very very hard, I'm not even sure whether is possible because of the firing arc will be too flat for it to go down to the magazine at ~6km range, so yes, I want to see what happened in enemy chat, but I think everyone will blame those 2 Tirpitz who decided to finish us off and ended up losing a game that is virtually impossible to lose. I've attached a map for your reference to imagine how hard it is for a BB to turn in such tight situation, I did my best to describe what happened but if you have the latest WoWS patched then I can send you the replay file xD


What in the actual fuck ._.
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Yeah, indeed. This was also my reaction (even actually now yet)....xD

Just no...NO! Why do people insist on gender swapping when cosplaying, just cosplay something that your gender allow you unless you're female yo. Or unless you're just a bishounen, that's a different question.
Just no...NO! Why do people insist on gender swapping when cosplaying, just cosplay something that your gender allow you unless you're female yo. Or unless you're just a bishounen, that's a different question.

I can you understand, probably these people making an "experiment": Where then they to an result coming... But really, dunno why... But more likely out of pure fun.
As long as they find it fun who are you to complain~

That said the quality doesn't look too bad at all lol
[MENTION=26]KingArturia[/MENTION]; I'm just stating how a BB look awesome with deck torpedo launchers. The more weaponry on deck, the more insanely awesome she gets. example Ten-Go Yamato.
There is no need to write wall of texts regarding whether it is good or bad in-game.

Anyways, it seems KC devs took a 180 turn in their heads and is giving us seasonal arts for a SSV Shioi and BBV Fusou.

If this interest anyone, the story of Yamato in Operation Ten-Go. Sadly, there is no subs.
[MENTION=26]KingArturia[/MENTION]; I'm just stating how a BB look awesome with deck torpedo launchers. The more weaponry on deck, the more insanely awesome she gets. example Ten-Go Yamato.
There is no need to write wall of texts regarding whether it is good or bad in-game.

If this interest anyone, the story of Yamato in Operation Ten-Go. Sadly, there is no subs.

If you did read what I wrote, it is an evaluation of "usefulness" for deck launched torpedo on battleships, than just something whether its good or bad in-game. And part way through I did say, if you think it is special just simply by having them than the fact that its special because its actually useful to the mounted ship...then you know, that's why my initial reply were to reply that Tirpitz's deck torpedo is by no mean her highlight of the ship, if you actually ask me I would rate the armor belt and citadel armor of Bismarck class over the fact that she have Torpedos (hence the evaluation of usefulness of Torpedo in previous post xD)

And funny enough you gave an example of Yamato with the least amount of firepower but more anti-air. Yamato initial launch actually have 4 155mm guns mounted on her which would result in more firepower than the strap on AA that is more designed for air target (because they're more high angled mount which technically can still be used for Anti-ship but I think 155mm actually result in my ship to ship firepower). But if by going for the fact that more = special then does that mean you would agree Montana > Yamato then?

[EDIT:] My God they actually used the right flag, the Rising Sun flag that IJN used instead of just the normal Japanese flag.
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Of course, I'm going with the mounted looks than firepower, why would I even bother how much firepower a ship have anyway? :whistle:

Heck, I even did a 3D ship model for my assignment years ago with zero research on a ship's weight limit and mass weaponry just cause it looks awesome. That turn into an Uchuu Senkan in the end.

Also, isn't the H44 a more beast to compare than Montana?
Of course, I'm going with the mounted looks than firepower, why would I even bother how much firepower a ship have anyway? :whistle:

Heck, I even did a 3D ship model for my assignment years ago with zero research on a ship's weight limit and mass weaponry just cause it looks awesome. That turn into an Uchuu Senkan in the end.

Also, isn't the H44 a more beast to compare than Montana?

xD Just strap as much as we can because it looks cool! xD That sounds about right. I used Montana because Montana have 4x3 410mm gun, which technically have the "most" main artillery compared to both Yamato and H44. If I were to pick a beast I will have picked A-150 Super Yamato instead, this is what the models look like:


H44 sounds over ambitious to me, considering if Yamato weighing ~72k long tonnes eat up so much fuel that Japanese couldn't even use it that often, can you imagine just how much fuel H44 would eat with ~131 long tonnes? I mean it is capable of running at 30.1 kts...I just want to see how much fuel H44 would devour. Even then I think H44 is more of an imaginary plan that seems like they want to strap as much armor as possible, as high calibre gun as possible and seems to create this "invincible" ship, but I doubt it could still withstand the problem of aviation which basically shows even if you can shoot over 40km, it is still nothing compared to a ship that can sink you without you ever setting sight on it.
hmm... a free skilled crew reward... must do this....
and... finally i can see my beloved akebono with new year cg again
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Decoration for the new year


Damn, I really want that 『艦隊安全』 decoration now... D:

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