KanColle Headquarter!

Re: KanColle Headquarter! 出撃!礼号作戦

That makes me sad. =/

Try with boss support and full rockets first, the free damage on DDs against boss is invaluable.

I already gave up on that setup. Finished E-2 with 2BB2DD1CA1CVL and had to use one damecon.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 出撃!礼号作戦

I already gave up on that setup. Finished E-2 with 2BB2DD1CA1CVL and had to use one damecon.

Pretty sure you could've packed heavier stuff than that if you went the brute force method, literally no benefit to using DDs for that route. Could've just used CAs.

Kancolle Kai is a piece of junk now. :rolleyes: How long till we get to see Iowa~
Honestly the system itself looks pretty decent, they just managed to fuck up graphics, have bugs and overall look like having a terribly low production value.

Amusing that they get the part that most shitty games can't get right done correctly, but can't get graphics designer to do some bare minimum work.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 出撃!礼号作戦

For E-2, I depleted the whole gauge but did not manage to kill off the princess completely. It doesn't qualify as a clear, isn't it?
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 出撃!礼号作戦

[MENTION=65000]ancer_nyaa[/MENTION]; You need to finish her off to clear E-2.

The only purpose of KC Kai, giving us a sneak peak at Iowa. Shizuma never disappoint.
I got a feeling she is secretly Tirpitz.

Iowa is a FBB and with 40 Luck. Haruna, it's nice knowing you.
Consume 200 fuel and 275 ammo.



Please don't be a drop in browser game.
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Re: KanColle Headquarter! 出撃!礼号作戦

[MENTION=65000]ancer_nyaa[/MENTION]; You need to finish her off to clear E-2.

Oh my god, I have to do it again. I need to earn fifty buckets more to try since it took me 60 buckets. I only have 10 now. Off to invest my time to KanColle. Thank you fireshark for the clarification, I appreciate it
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 出撃!礼号作戦

E1 flew by quickly, E2 seems decent at the moment.

Though that Iowa is looking fine there ._. Maybe after her release on KanColle I'll have some motivation to grind up to Iowa on USS BB Line on WoWS...
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 出撃!礼号作戦

Finally time to do new dailies and weeklies...

As for E2, i did it on Easy... since the rewards doesnt look impressive for me to obtain. Finished E1 (Hard), E2 (Easy), E3 (Normal)
Teitoku Lvl: 102

E2 fleet: 3DD 1CL 1CA 1CLT
Libeccio K (2x 12.7 (Late Model), Searchlight)
Amatsukaze K (10cmHA (high-angle), 10cmAA (Akizuki's gun), T13RDRK (Type13 Radar Kai))
Akizuki K (AACI equip: 2x10cmAA , T13RDRK)
Abukuma K2 (ms (midget sub), SKC34 (Prinz gun), 20.3(02))
Maya K2 (20.3(02), 20.3(03), obs. plane, T3AA (Type3 Shell))
Ooi K2 (ms, 15.5f (yellow 15.5), OTO (Littorio's yellow gun))

route: AIJMO
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 出撃!礼号作戦

Nice to see you drop by tsukemaru~

E2 Hard half way done...but this is taking a bit longer than I hope due to those Imp pack is being annoying >_> And damn stop giving me Red T-crossing already >_>
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 出撃!礼号作戦

Glad to drop by ^_^

oh damn E2Hard... yea I don't have the resources to do that lol... well for this event, my purpose is more farming and I got all the ships I wanted to get including the new ships =D

2nd Akashi, Kazagumo, Hatsutsuki, Yahagi, Sakawa, Umikaze (I didn't get her from prev. event), Asashimo, Okinami, Amagi (also didn't get her from prev. event, but now I have all three sisters), and Zara

what's your fleet comp and equips?
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 出撃!礼号作戦

Glad to drop by ^_^

oh damn E2Hard... yea I don't have the resources to do that lol... well for this event, my purpose is more farming and I got all the ships I wanted to get including the new ships =D

what's your fleet comp and equips?

Ah, since the first event that I could adjust level, I have never attempted any event other than in Hard difficulties, I either complete it or I don't, the last two event I was so busy I was only able to manage to complete half of it in Hard, but RNG somehow didn't like me the last two event which troll me quite hard as well xD.

My fleet Comp for E2 Hard at the moment is the following:

Yahagi Kai (112) 20.3 cm, 15.2cm and Night Scout
Ashigara Kai Ni (74) 20.3 [No.2] cm, 20.3 [No.2] cm, Night Scout, Type 3 Shell
Yuudachi Kai Ni (79) 12.7 Type B, 12.7 Type B, WG42
Ayanami Kai Ni (76) 10 cm, 10 cm, WG42
Akizuki Kai (82) 10 HA w/ FD, WG42, Type 13 Air Radar Kai
Kiso Kai Ni (83) Kouhyouteki, 15.5 Triple (Secondary), 15.5 Triple (Secondary)
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 出撃!礼号作戦

My fleet Comp for E2 Hard at the moment is the following:

Yahagi Kai (112) 20.3 cm, 15.2cm and Night Scout
Ashigara Kai Ni (74) 20.3 [No.2] cm, 20.3 [No.2] cm, Night Scout, Type 3 Shell
Yuudachi Kai Ni (79) 12.7 Type B, 12.7 Type B, WG42
Ayanami Kai Ni (76) 10 cm, 10 cm, WG42
Akizuki Kai (82) 10 HA w/ FD, WG42, Type 13 Air Radar Kai
Kiso Kai Ni (83) Kouhyouteki, 15.5 Triple (Secondary), 15.5 Triple (Secondary)

I'm assuming you can get to the boss node:
hmm seems like you're going the same route as me... I would suggest try putting Ashigara at second-last position so that she can survive better. Also against the BBHime in the beginning, I use Double-Line instead of Line-Ahead (works a lot better for me, not sure for you though). Doing that will let everyone survive better in the beginning.

Personally I haven't tested out 120mm Twin Gun Mount, but if you have them, seems better than 12.7 since it has +1 accuracy.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 出撃!礼号作戦

I'm assuming you can get to the boss node:
hmm seems like you're going the same route as me... I would suggest try putting Ashigara at second-last position so that she can survive better. Also against the BBHime in the beginning, I use Double-Line instead of Line-Ahead (works a lot better for me, not sure for you though). Doing that will let everyone survive better in the beginning.

Personally I haven't tested out 120mm Twin Gun Mount, but if you have them, seems better than 12.7 since it has +1 accuracy.

I have no problem getting to the boss node at all, it just the fact that the boss node takes time to take down because of those Imp pack getting focused by my team, just bad RNG I guess xD And yes I believe we go through the same node. I have considered putting Ashigara in second last/last position, but that will be more for last run than anything, just slowly chipping the boss gauge down first. Thanks for the advice though.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 出撃!礼号作戦

No problem, just helping a fellow TTK =D

Good luck, happy sailing and CRUSH THEM IMPS (they are so annoying...)
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 出撃!礼号作戦

She got OP starter fleet. for promotion purpose of course.

Baux Queen.

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Re: KanColle Headquarter! 出撃!礼号作戦

PTs got nerfed hard this event, honestly E2 was just a faceroll for the entire affair. The farm itself is harder than any other aspects of the event.

Same can be said about E3 really.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 出撃!礼号作戦

E3 final formation is annoying, though. Which route is better? JMPNQT or JKILT? I prefer the latter so far. Maybe it's my setup..
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 出撃!礼号作戦

hmm you think this event is hard for farming? How about the last one with THE SALT aka Graf.... that was insane....

hm... as I only did E3 on Normal... I went JKILT with all supports
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 出撃!礼号作戦

PTs got nerfed hard this event, honestly E2 was just a faceroll for the entire affair. The farm itself is harder than any other aspects of the event.

Same can be said about E3 really.

PTs are nerfed, but if they're still there and the team decide to focus it and miss, its still annoying as fuck >_> And farming itself is hard, I thought you go for ranking rewards every month Ecael xD Surely you're a master at farming xD
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 出撃!礼号作戦

JKILT is easier by far, having little penalty at boss makes this one of the easier events in spite of the composition. You can even pack in 2 CLTs, can't get easier.

You aren't running enough side guns if you are missing PTs, I just sucked it up and upgraded a bunch of Italian yellow guns to like +7 or max, then I facerolled. As for ranking, Maizuru has been on the chill side and I only go for top 500, so I don't really even have to farm all that much tbh. Though I think I should run some 5-4 for insurance this month.
hmm you think this event is hard for farming? How about the last one with THE SALT aka Graf.... that was insane....
I got Graf in one run, Hayamin rewards a loyal fan. E4 reset farm was pretty good xp anyway. This time though E2 farm is piss poor xp, there are no real good Maruyu spots and no U-chan drops, while Graf and Puriketsu both limited.

In terms of the actual difficulty of farm I don't think this is particularly bad compared to last, but at the same time the byproducts of farming is pretty bad for long time players. I just shrugged after I finished up and started dumping resources into LSC for some Akitsu and Maruyus.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 出撃!礼号作戦

We got our Fast pseudo BBV now. Could be useful in no CV maps.

Re: KanColle Headquarter! 出撃!礼号作戦

Damn it FireShark, how many times do I have to tell you Imgur no longer works for ASF? >_> If you still want to use Imgur post the link itself and not the BBCode of IMG.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 出撃!礼号作戦

The numbers are too low to matter, apparently that also applies to Zara though.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 出撃!礼号作戦

Am I doing something wrong or is RNG just hating me on E3? I can't get past the 2nd node on using the Resource Transport Combine Fleet...I'm using 2BBV 4DD + 1CL, 2CAV and 3 DD...
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 出撃!礼号作戦

2BBV 4DD + 1CL, 2CAV and 3 DD...

route: ABDS (last dance)
I used 1AV 1CAV 4DD + 1CL 1CAV 1CA 3DD

Fleet 1:
Chiyoda A (51): 2xZuiun(634), Daihatsu
Chikuma K2 (76): 2x20.3(02), Zuiun (model 12), drum
Akizuki K (75): usual AA-equip = 2x10cmAA, 13K Radar
Shigure K2 (86): 2x12.7 (late), Type3 Sonar
Kasumi K2 (81): 2x12.7 (late), Type3 Sonar
Akatsuki K2 (75): 2x12.7(model B) K2, Type3 Sonar

Fleet 2:
Abukuma K2 (80): midget sub, 15.5(yellow), OTO
Tone K2 (91): SKC34 20.3, 20.3(02), Zuiun (model 12), FuMO Radar
Ashigara K2 (88): SKC34 20.3, 20.3(02), obs.plane, Type33 Radar
Yuudachi K2 (92): 12.7(model B) K2, 120mm, Type22 Surface Radar K4
Ayanami K2 (83): 12.7(model B) K2, 120mm, Type22 Surface Radar K4
Hatsushimo K2 (96): 2x Quint(Oxy) Torp, Skilled Lookout

If not last dance, just replace the sonars ONLY on Fleet 1 with drums (aka only the last 3 DD: Shigure, Kasumi, Akatsuki). Akizuki keeps her AACI equip
And change ONLY Ayanami's Radar to Sonar on Fleet 2

hope this helps, ganbare~

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