KanColle Headquarter!

Re: KanColle Headquarter! 開設!基地航空隊


Finally got past E-5 Hard.

Last Dance mode is pretty much the same as regular mode so kept using the same setup as before and tried about 6 times before getting lucky with the RNG. Good thing too because my boss support team just run out of sparkle...

Again, all I can say is that being able to take down the boss boils almost entirely on whether or not support fire manages to take down the battleships or not. I managed to luck out on my last run and had Tone and Chikuma both survive to night *and* has 3 of 4 non-red members snipe the boss with the Transport and battleships making it to night, though I managed to S rank the boss 3 times beforehand (1st time has support take out everything except the boss and 1 battleship, 2nd time took out both battleships, 3rd time took out one battleship + 1 Destroyer + orange-zoned the Transport).

Time for E-6 and E-7...which are really stupid crazy from the SS I've seen, though Airborne Support Fire decked out with dive bombers (according to rumors, model 62 Bomber/Fighters especially) seems to work wonders on the Land-based boss enemies.

But man, this event's drain on Bauxite is insane. Even the so-called carrier-centric event of last Summer wasn't nearly as bad as this. While I've only dropped about 10k of ~90k, E-6 and E-7 will apparently suck things dry in an instant.
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Re: KanColle Headquarter! 開設!基地航空隊

Why!!!! Why is the last dance for E-2 so hard!

What happened! When the gauge was still filled, I could breeze through the enemy nodes and at least get to the boss node. Now, I can't even finish the first node. What!
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 開設!基地航空隊

Why!!!! Why is the last dance for E-2 so hard!

What happened! When the gauge was still filled, I could breeze through the enemy nodes and at least get to the boss node. Now, I can't even finish the first node. What!

Enemies often get stronger on the last dance.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 開設!基地航空隊

Apparently, E-6 has a gimmick like E-3 from 2016 Winter or E-7 from 2015 Summer. After unlocking, the amount of damage from dive bombers during the opening phase and Airborne support will shoot up dramatically...is what a lot of people are currently claiming.
Gimmick details are still pending.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 開設!基地航空隊

can someone slap me and tell me what I am doing wrong?

I have 2CA/3DD/1CL for composition. I use support expeditions to make sure that my ships get to the boss node safely but I still can't do it. 113 buckets spent doing the last dance for E-2. I'm definitely doing something wrong here. What is it?

I am at the limit that makes me want to play Dark Souls 3 as a refreshment for playing E-2
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 開設!基地航空隊

can someone slap me and tell me what I am doing wrong?

I have 2CA/3DD/1CL for composition. I use support expeditions to make sure that my ships get to the boss node safely but I still can't do it. 113 buckets spent doing the last dance for E-2. I'm definitely doing something wrong here. What is it?

I am at the limit that makes me want to play Dark Souls 3 as a refreshment for playing E-2

Where are you getting stuck at? Being red-zoned while en-route or not being able to snipe the boss?
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 開設!基地航空隊

Where are you getting stuck at? Being red-zoned while en-route or not being able to snipe the boss?

I can't kill the Depot Princess. During the night battle, my ships either hit the artillery imp or miss the princess
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 開設!基地航空隊

I can't kill the Depot Princess. During the night battle, my ships either hit the artillery imp or miss the princess
Oh, that step.

Assuming you have your CA's equipped with Type 3 shells, there's pretty much only 2 things you can do at that phase:

1) Sparkle all your ships, particularly your CA's. This will increase their accuracy and evasion by a pretty noticeable degree and *hopefully* things will improve. "Hopefully" because everything ultimately boils down to RNG.
You can sparkle your ships by having the ship you want to sparkle go through 1-1 repeatedly either solo or (personally more recommended) with some ships you don't intend to use and intend to either dismantle or use as parts for Modernization.

2) Send out really heavy boss support. Something like 4 battleships or, if you have a lot of upper-tier dive bombers and carriers with high "gun" stats, 2 carriers + 2 battleships. Sparkle every single unit in the support and pray that the their shots don't miss, and take down as many enemies as possible.

In the end, though, everything boils down to RNG. The Artillery Imp (which I previously referred to as "gun emplacement") is immune to Type 3 shells and only "weak" to the Special Type 2 Craft and WG42's, so if you can't take it down directly then the only thing you can do is pray that you're CA's make it to night and aim for the boss instead.

Woo damn. Currently in the middle of E-6 and can vouch for a few things:

1) Dive bombers really do seem to have some kind of special exploit effect against the boss, though this seems to be only after the gimmick is unlocked (at least, the damage is more noticeable; I personally haven't experimented). Out of maybe 8 runs and reaching the boss 6 times, I've had a total of 2 instances where the boss got outright killed by either the opening air strike or airborne support fire (that's 900 bloody HP blown away in an instant) and all the remaining instances resulted in anywhere from 300 to 700 damage to the boss. Sadly, I haven't had too much luck chizzling the last bit of HP with gunfire.

2) Bauxite drain is cra~zy. 600-900 Bauxite gone after a single sortie, and this is after getting air supremacy.
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Re: KanColle Headquarter! 開設!基地航空隊

They should rename this "Ships Always Miss Collection".


"We'll Make You Hate Everything Collection"

Everything would have been easy if I could pick who to shoot.
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Re: KanColle Headquarter! 開設!基地航空隊

And there goes E-6 Hard.

In the end, in the ~16 times I made it to the boss, not once did I manage to take down the boss with gunfire. The Last Dance revolved entirely around whether or not opening strike and/or airborne support fire manage to hit the boss or not. It's so bad that it's probably safest to have the Destroyers in fleet 2 equipped with anti-sub equipment so you can get past spot A or K more safely; even with WG42 and whatnot Destroyers simply don't do enough damage. Not sure about the remaining ships since there's always the possibility of everyone sniping the boss...
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 開設!基地航空隊

And there goes E-6 Hard.

In the end, in the ~16 times I made it to the boss, not once did I manage to take down the boss with gunfire. The Last Dance revolved entirely around whether or not opening strike and/or airborne support fire manage to hit the boss or not. It's so bad that it's probably safest to have the Destroyers in fleet 2 equipped with anti-sub equipment so you can get past spot A or K more safely; even with WG42 and whatnot Destroyers simply don't do enough damage. Not sure about the remaining ships since there's always the possibility of everyone sniping the boss...

Any nodes that you must clear before your support is able to wreck the boss? or is it just dive bombers along with fighters to improve accuracy ?
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 開設!基地航空隊

Any nodes that you must clear before your support is able to wreck the boss? or is it just dive bombers along with fighters to improve accuracy ?

From the rumors that have been floating around and what I tried, the gimmick goes like this:

1) S victory on node L. How many times you need to do this is currently unknown, but I cleared things 3 times just to be safe.
2) Defeat some number of submarines in node A. Again, unknown on what conditions are exactly, but I cleared it 6 times with S victories every time for a total of 20 submarines defeated.
3) Defeat some number of transport ships in node G. Once again conditions unknown. I cleared it 6 times for a total of 12 transports
4*) There was a maintenance done on 5/5 that fixed a bug where the dive bomber damage boost against E-6 boss didn't work correctly. According to current information anyone that cleared E-5 before 5/5 has to go back and beat the E-5 boss one time before the gimmick triggers (an A victory is good enough). I personally beat E-5 after 5/5 so I can't say much about this.

There's also some suspicions that the route you take also has an influence on whether or not the gimmick triggers or not but I also can't say much about this.

If you fulfill all these conditions, the boss will have an additional line during it's pre-battle "dialogue"/one-liner. The thing is about this gimmick is that her appearance nor what's written in the dialogue box won't change and you have to listen carefully to the pre-battle dialogue (if you understand Japanese, the boss will say a "masaka" at the end which isn't written in the dialogue box).

For what's it's worth, I did (1), (2), (3) in that order then took the top, 3-carrier route on every attempt against the boss using the EIKMN route; I'd F5 quit if I went to L.

While I'm at it, I guess I'll also post my formation:

Fleet 1:
2 Armored Carrier (Shoukaku class Kou)
2 Battleships (Bismarck Drei and Nagato)
1 Light Carrier (Jyunyou)

Fleet 2:
1 Light Cruiser (Ooyodo)
2 Destroyers (cycled between Kasumi, Ooshio, and Ayanami)
1 Torpedo Cruiser (Kitakami)
1 Heavy Cruiser (Prinz Eugen)
1 Aviation Cruiser (Suzuya)

Boss Support:
4 Fleet Carriers (Hiryuu, Souryuu, Akagi, Kaga)
2 Destroyers (Yuudachi, Shimakaze)

With the exception of Hiryuu and Souryuu's last slot all the support carriers will loaded down with dive bombers including 6 Fighter-bombers. The last slot of the mentioned two instead had Fw190T's.
Not 100% certain, but I think that because I put enough Fighters in Fleet 1 to claim air superiority and the Fw190T's and Fighter-bombers in the support, the support's dive bombers didn't take too many losses which also kept Bauxite costs relatively low.

At the current moment, there is no information on a guaranteed straight path to the boss. With this formation though, I'd have about a 70% chance of heading to the boss from M, though I'm not sure if the equipment I was using had any influence on the chances or not.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 開設!基地航空隊

I really should get going it event soon, any specific ships I should save for later for good branching? :3
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Re: KanColle Headquarter! 開設!基地航空隊

Any tips for E-5 last dance?
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 開設!基地航空隊

i went 2 CAV 4 DD and pray boss support and airstrikes did their job but im on easy :P
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 開設!基地航空隊

Any tips for E-5 last dance?

(For reference, I did things on Hard so not sure how much more lax things are in Easy or Normal)

If you doing the 4 Destroyer and 2 Aviation Cruiser setup, heavy boss support (2 carriers with upper tier bombers + 2 battleships + 2 Destroyers OR 4 battleships + 2 Destroyers) and pray that support fire takes out at least one battleship. Also sparkle all your units to get that little extra edge, especially since this setup is low cost to do so.
OTOH if you use the Base Squadron using the setup I posted earlier, you can reduce a lot of luck in actually getting to the boss safely so you can increase the number of attempts on the boss.

Some reports say having 1 Torpedo Cruiser instead of the 2nd Aviation Cruiser works well, though I haven't tried this one at all, let alone in Land Dance mode.

I've read that the Akitsumaru, 2 Aviation Battleship, 3 Destroyer setup works pretty well against the boss if you do the follow so that you can prevent the enemy from getting air superiority, and potentially claiming air superiority *and* possibly making the boss a sitting duck if you manage to take down all its bombers with an AA Cut-in:
1) Load Base Airborne Squadrons with Fighters (with enough range) and focus 3 allocations or all of them on the boss node; reason for only using only 3 is to allocate 1 on node L to reduce the chances of getting red-zoned.
2) Have the battleships equipped with one Zuiun (preferable the Type 12) each along with Type 3 shells. Most attempts from other players involved the Fusou class since they have their 23 slots for maximizing air superiority, though I've also seen some people use Ise class.
3) Load Akitsumaru with Fighters

However there's some major downsides to the battleship setup:
1) Node E is really, really evil. There's two Flagship Ru class there that will merrily red-zone your ships at every opportunity.
2) I found Akitsumaru to be vital to getting air superiority in E-6 in the upper route; removing her means 2 less dive bombers on the carriers to use in an opening strike. If you have an extra Akitsumaru on hand, then this isn't as much an issue, though.
3) I've read rumors that Seaplane Bombers also have a damage boost against the boss, so saving Fusou class for E-6 is one thing you may want to do to get more opportunities at doing damage. I personally wasn't able to test this due to using the Fusou class in E-5.
I can't vouch for how much of what is needed to prevent the boss from getting air superiority, claiming air superiority, and whatnot since I didn't try things that much due to node E being way too annoying.

I really should get going it event soon, any specific ships I should save for later for good branching? :3
I didn't try out very many routes but:
*) If nothing else save 1 Akizuki class for E-5. This is pretty much a hard-set necessity due to how easy is it to get red-zoned on the air raid nodes there and the sheer lack of leeway in formation.
*) Like-wise, it's important that you save Aviation Cruisers for E-2/3, E-5, and maybe E-6. I recommend saving Tone and Chikuma for either E-5 or E-6 due to their higher stats; no matter how much trouble you may be having in E-2, E-5 and E-6 are worse
*) It depends heavily on the route you use, but you may want to save 1 Akizuki class for E-6 as well for similar reasons as E-5, though Maya Kai 2 may also be usable instead since it's a Combined Fleet and defeating the boss relies more on getting lucky in the opening strike and support fire than gunning down the boss.
*) For reasons I stated above, you may also want to save Akitsumaru for E-6 as well.
*) Like-wise stated above, saving Aviation Battleships for E-5 and E-6
*) If you don't have many WG42s, save Destroyers that can be equipped with Daihatsu/Special Type 2 for E-2, E-5, and E-6. Personally, for various reasons, the Destroyers I brought along didn't get much activity against Land enemies E-5 and E-6 so this may not be necessary, but your experience may differ.
*) Abukuma (Kai 2) is probably best reserved for E-6. The other maps either aren't hard enough to really warrant using her and/or fleet composition prevents you from using her.

In general though, there doesn't seem to any specific ships required for locking onto certain routes other than specific types (e.g. 3 Destroyers + no Battleships and "entire fleet consists of only high-speed ships", and nothing like "if you have 3 ships from Kawakaze, Sendai, Akizuki, Teruzuki, Hatsuzuki then route locked onto ABC") so you don't have to worry about not using anyone in particular and can focus more on their abilities.

And for something completely different:
It's possible to raise the experience of your Base-only aircraft in E-5 by allocating all of them onto the first node (which only has subs) and retreating after fighting there. No enemy Air Raids will occur on the first node so this is pretty safe method, though upkeep costs of using the Base Aircraft means it's better a better idea to raise dive bombers and whatnot in some place like 1-1 instead.

Current data shows that Oyashio drops from node L in E-6 and node D in E-7. E-7 looks to be the best place to farm for her since it's only 2 nodes away from the start, and there's confirmation that she drops on Easy.
OTOH current data shows that Harukaze only drops from the boss of bloody E-7, though she apparently drops on Easy as well.

EDIT: holy shit wall of text batman
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I give up E-2 for now.

E-2 not like this......not like this......I give up for now
さようなら buckets

The sad fact is that I never got anything from E-2.
My ships hit hard just not at the main target.
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Re: KanColle Headquarter! 開設!基地航空隊

30k Fuel, 20k Ammo, 10k Steel, and 20k Bauxite later, finally managed to fish out Harukaze on Easy.

It seems like Base Squadrons dish out bonus damage against the boss of E-7 since they had a tendency of dishing out 100s of damage against the boss enemies, which is probably key to breaking through the map. Additionally, since most of the enemies are in water, torpedo bombers may be a better choice for carriers instead of dive bombers. At least, there doesn't seem to be any gimmick or damage exploit from dive bombers in E-7 from what I've been reading.

Next up is Oyashio from E-7 node D.
But I'm currently down to 68k Fuel, 90k Ammo, 135k Steel, and 55k Bauxite...depending on where Oyashio leaves me off, I may just beat E-7 on Easy instead. Beating things on Normal or Hard only gives an extra medel and a Veteran Crew Member (+ First Class Medal on Hard), none of which I don't really "need" short of bragging rights but sure as hell ain't worth missing out Iowa for.
It may be more productive to try farming more U-511 and I-401's from E-3 instead. I might also try farming for Maruyu's in E-5 node L as well...
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Re: KanColle Headquarter! 開設!基地航空隊

E7 easy Cleared 9 runs in total 3 chip the boss 6 clean kills(including last dance)

Main Fleet

Yamashiro Kai NiLevel 83
Zuiun (634)

Fusou Kai NiLevel 85
Zuiun (model 12)

Kaga KaiLevel 86
Ryuusei Kai
Reppu (601)

Katsuragi KaiLevel 67
Zero Fighter (601)

Hiryuu Kai NiLevel 82
Ryuusei (640)
Ryuusei (640)

Shoukaku Kai Ni ALevel 90
Tenzan (Murata)
Tenzan (601)
Shiden Kai2
Type 2

Escort Fleet

Ooyodo KaiLevel 69

Prinz Eugen KaiLevel 91
Type 22 Radar

Ashigara Kai NiLevel 78
Type 0 scout
Type 3

Teruzuki KaiLevel 79
10cm + FD
10cm + FD
Type 13 Air radar Kai

Haruna Kai NiLevel 105
Night Scout
Type 3

VerniyLevel 88

No support used.

Land base support 1 n 2 on boss 3 kept behind for defense.

Constant AS+ with 4 CV in CTF
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Re: KanColle Headquarter! 開設!基地航空隊

If I log out of the game before DJ Hime reaches below 481, will the depleted map gauge still be intact?

UPDATE: I learned it the hard way. The answer as a resounding NO.
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Re: KanColle Headquarter! 開設!基地航空隊

Starting the event tomorrow. I need a walkthrough. Problem is that I only have one high lvl CAV and my Akitsu Maru is only around lvl 30.

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