KanColle Headquarter!

Re: KanColle Headquarter! 西方再打通!欧州救援作戦

No you can't make your own page, its just an upload and forget type of thing :P And nice with those resource, you're gonna front line AB?

Thanks, it's the same as imgur without user registration.
I don't get much motivation for this event, may give up on the way... It seems that Unryuu will not drop...
I started E-1 for now. :alice_sigh:
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 西方再打通!欧州救援作戦

I don't get much motivation for this event, may give up on the way... It seems that Unryuu will not drop...
If you don't have much motivation, then you very likely will give up as this is a pretty rough event.

E-7 in particular looks to be nasty beyond belief with 3 unavoidable Hime fights en-route on top of an extremely tough boss...
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 西方再打通!欧州救援作戦

If you don't have much motivation, then you very likely will give up as this is a pretty rough event.
E-7 in particular looks to be nasty beyond belief with 3 unavoidable Hime fights en-route on top of an extremely tough boss...

Sure, It looks very tough, but the reward is not attractive...
E-1 Hard Cleared.
And there is little information. So I'm not able to choose a ship to use after E-2. For a while, I may be looking for Yamakaze.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 西方再打通!欧州救援作戦

Sure, It looks very tough, but the reward is not attractive...

So much this, the reward is really not attractive, Ark Royal is decent at best, meh at worse. The good equipment are at E7 and I still remember the time that early maps also give good equipment, now its all reserved for later maps :(
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 西方再打通!欧州救援作戦

Surprisingly, Yamakaze appeared at the first S(E-1). So I started E-2, but it took quite a while to decide the fleet. It seems better to make a second Abukuma...

I want to go to E-6 where Pora seems to be sleeping.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 西方再打通!欧州救援作戦

It seems better to make a second Abukuma...
Why settle for 2?
When you can have 4!

Currently chiseling Hard E6's TP Gauge (currently 1569/2000). Managed to get Luigi on my 5th or 6th boss fight, which completes the drops and leaves only beating E7 to get Ark Royal...

In the meantime I'm also looping E1's M node to help stem Bauxite use.
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Re: KanColle Headquarter! 西方再打通!欧州救援作戦

E-2 Hard
sortie:10, S-Victory:4, A-Victory:1, retreat:5
I changed from hard to medium...

E-2 Medium
sortie:7, S-Victory:7



Why settle for 2?
When you can have 4!

That 4 Abukuma :L I know she is good but I honestly cba to level her 4 times :L
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 西方再打通!欧州救援作戦

E6 Hard finished...and got a 3rd(?!) Roma and 2nd Pola in the process.
Pola Due when?

Probably going to do E7 on Normal. I don't think I have the patience etc. to do it on Hard.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 西方再打通!欧州救援作戦

I resumed the attack after a few days of rest.

E-3 Medium
Transport Phase
sortie:6, S-victory:4, retreat:2
Carrier Task Force
1st: Souryuu, Hiryuu, Mogami, Mikuma, Kasumi, Satsuki
2nd: Hiei, Choukai, Sendai, Kitakami, Fubuki, Murakumo

Boss Kill Phase
route: ACDEHNQ
sortie:4, S-victory:4
Carrier Task Force

Hayasui, Akagi, etc... Amagiri didn't show up.

E-4 Medium cleared.
Phase 1
sortie: 5, S-victory: 4, retreat: 1
Phase 2
sortie: 8, S-victory: 4, A-victory: 3, retreat: 1
Surface Task Force (Phase 2)
1st: Nagato 86, Mutsu 84, Junyou-Kaini 81, Hiyou 81, Zara 75, Ashigara-Kaini 81
2nd: Prinz Eugen 75, Bismarck drei 75, Jintsuu-Kaini 74, Kitakami-Kaini 88, Ayanami-Kaini 76, Yukikaze 81

In the beginning I was troubled with A-victory and retreat only. So after reviewing the sky, I got all S-victories.
Last dance was over with one, It was so easier than I expected:)

[EDIT 2]
E-5 Medium cleared.
sortie: 5, S-victory: 4, retreat: 1


Littorio(2nd), Libeccio(2nd), etc... and Matsuwa
Matsuwa island
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Re: KanColle Headquarter! 西方再打通!欧州救援作戦

A~nd finished farming, meaning event's over as far as I'm concerned other than looping E1 for Bauxite.

E1~6 Hard, E7 on Normal

All new Kanmusu get
2nd Etorofu
3rd Roma
2nd Pola
2nd Teste
2nd Littorio
2nd Teruzuki

Apart from Littorio (~25k? Fuel and Ammo) and Teruzuki (~55k? Fuel and Ammo), everyone dropped while trying to clear maps.

Began with Buckets and resources maxed out.
Ended with:
2563 Buckets
157872 Fuel
176069 Ammo
210594 Steel
263896 Bauxite

Though, I also spend a decent amount trying to get into the 100 ranking; ended August with about 140 points over the 100th Place border when rankings were updated August 31st 3:00 PM, so "probably" got in.
September also looks to be easy due to event fatigue...
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 西方再打通!欧州救援作戦

E-6 Medium cleared

Transport phase
sortie: 13, S-victory: 9, A-victory: 2, retreat: 2
1st: Taiyou 76, Fusou 82, Asashio 80, Akatsuki 74, Yuudachi 77, Teruzuki 75
2nd: Tone 80, Yura 80, Abukuma 94, Fumizuki 77, Kawakaze 76, Bep 78
Luigi Torelli, Aquila

Boss phase
sortie: 7, S-victory: 5, retreat: 2
1st: Chikuma 80, Tone 80, Nachi 83, Akagi 84, Kaga 84, Katsuragi 80
2nd: Haguro 87, Abukuma 95, Kiso 90, Ooi 90, Asashio 80, Teruzuki 75

node O dig
sortie: 67, S-victory: 64, retreat: 3
Pola, Zara(2nd), Roma(2nd), Pola(2nd)....
Mizuho didn't appear...

E-7 Medium cleared

sortie: 10, S-victory: 6, A-victory: 1, retreat: 3
1st: Richelieu 37, Hiryuu 83, Souryuu 83, Shoukaku 85, Graf Zeppelin 80, Yura 81
2nd: Bismarck 77, Abukuma 95, Ooi 90, Kitakami 90, Asashimo 76, Libecchio 77
(In the last I changed Richelieu to Kirishima 82.)






start / clear

I got Yamakaze, Sagiri, Oyashio, Luigi Torelli, Aquila, Matsuwa and Pola for the first time.
I may go looking for Mizuho, Minazuki, Amagiri, Noshiro, Warspite and Commandant Teste that I don't have yet.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 西方再打通!欧州救援作戦

Debating whether or not I should try E7 Hard for the Swordfish
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 西方再打通!欧州救援作戦

E7 normal looks like a joke according to what I heard so you can probably try till the bitter end and still clear medium on 20~30k resources max.

Hard was probably the most rng since air strike nuke event last year though.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 西方再打通!欧州救援作戦

From what I've read, if you don't have a ton of time to sink until the 11th, it's best to just go with Easy or Normal (preferably the latter since you still get a Swordfish that may or may not be upgradable into the Mk.III that you get from Hard).

Pretty much the only way to clear things in a "relatively" short amount of time is to cheese things with Damage Control and Goddesses to ignore Taiha Retreats. Which there will be a lot of even with sparkle and Support sent out (mind, without Support, the very first node out becomes a major Taiha spot); I've read that people only reaching the boss 10~30% of the time.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 西方再打通!欧州救援作戦

Yea I manage to get the shortcut unlock but its draining bucket like crazy so I decided to switch to Normal, seems to be a lot more reasonable, did they fucked up the scaling of E7 Hard? :L
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 西方再打通!欧州救援作戦

did they fucked up the scaling of E7 Hard? :L

I'm guessing that it's revenge against all the people that complain that the events were too easy. Incidentally, reading from the message boards, the number of people complaining like that is almost non-existent, and anyone that does is chalked up as not even playing the game.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 西方再打通!欧州救援作戦

I'm guessing that it's revenge against all the people that complain that the events were too easy. Incidentally, reading from the message boards, the number of people complaining like that is almost non-existent, and anyone that does is chalked up as not even playing the game.

Sad, the game got more and more RNG over the years its getting to the level of "What extra gimmick can we introduce this time to fuck them over", I feel like Hard reward and scaling is really out of whack this event, normally you can get some nice gear on Hard in earlier stages, this time its all in later stages and pretty much Hard mode only, I kinda felt left this event just feel really weird but I just can't put my finger to it.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 西方再打通!欧州救援作戦

Sad, the game got more and more RNG over the years its getting to the level of "What extra gimmick can we introduce this time to fuck them over", I feel like Hard reward and scaling is really out of whack this event, normally you can get some nice gear on Hard in earlier stages, this time its all in later stages and pretty much Hard mode only, I kinda felt left this event just feel really weird but I just can't put my finger to it.
They're really skimping on clear rewards. Double Gauge maps or ones with Gimmicks are essentially 2 areas worth of fights but only 1 area worth in rewards.
And the stuff that's handed out is really meh. I mean, E1H's Swordfish and Type 95 Depth Charge? How about putting the Experience Mk.II there and Experienced Mk.III in E3. The Spitfire Mk.IX is admittedly a suitable Hard reward, but almost everything else are dust collectors.
For all the effort (frustration) you have to go through, the amount of stuff you get in return doesn't feel worth it.

And the fact that the enemies are undergoing some stupid unfair power creep doesn't help. A single Nu Kai is more threatening than a Battleship or Aircraft Carrier Hime if only because they can appear anywhere, PT Imps require a specific setup to get decent hit rates again (but that gimps your ability to handle other nodes), the new Na class is really a Heavy Cruiser with a Torpedo Cruiser's torpedos, etc. And the only way to deal with most of them is to simply pray the RNG is kind to you like either dodging the Nu Kai's attack or hope the initial attack is a Battleship Cut In on it.

The Devs (or maybe just Tanaka) don't seem to fully grasp "fun" difficult like that one event where the last map allowed you to use any ship available, only needed to cross 2 nodes to get to the boss (no Ammo penalty) so the boss fight becames a massive slugfest with everything you got (or) having all the systems and slots available to you to counter everything en-route to the boss but you needing to figure out the right setup (but, once you do, allows you to clear things almost stress free), vs a pure RNG-based "tedious" difficult where, even if you prepare everything mentioned, things still boil down to sortieing over and over again until you hit that 1% Gacha, so to speak.

That's how I felt about things, anyways.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 西方再打通!欧州救援作戦

Eh the last event we had that was remotely challenging was 2016 Spring, it was about time for something and they gave warnings well in advance.

They're really skimping on clear rewards. Double Gauge maps or ones with Gimmicks are essentially 2 areas worth of fights but only 1 area worth in rewards.
And the stuff that's handed out is really meh. I mean, E1H's Swordfish and Type 95 Depth Charge? How about putting the Experience Mk.II there and Experienced Mk.III in E3. The Spitfire Mk.IX is admittedly a suitable Hard reward, but almost everything else are dust collectors.
For all the effort (frustration) you have to go through, the amount of stuff you get in return doesn't feel worth it.
Giving high end equips via only hard event clears is not a good idea and only makes it harder for newer and less dedicated players in the long run, E6 hard was on the reasonable side for relatively new players, but E7 hard without the Hayabusa 64 from 2016 events can get fairly rough. It is imo far better to treat hard as a status symbol without too giving too much utility to players with it because that's when you really inflate and start filtering out players. They know that with rankings and have been fairly consistent about it with events.

For someone who likes Brit stuff though they did feel a bit underwhelming, but I'll take it as long as they add quests and upgrades like they did with American stuff over time.

The Devs (or maybe just Tanaka) don't seem to fully grasp "fun" difficult like that one event where the last map allowed you to use any ship available, only needed to cross 2 nodes to get to the boss (no Ammo penalty) so the boss fight becames a massive slugfest with everything you got (or) having all the systems and slots available to you to counter everything en-route to the boss but you needing to figure out the right setup (but, once you do, allows you to clear things almost stress free), vs a pure RNG-based "tedious" difficult where, even if you prepare everything mentioned, things still boil down to sortieing over and over again until you hit that 1% Gacha, so to speak.

That's how I felt about things, anyways.
I'd like to see a slugfest for a final map at some point myself if just because it saves time and feels more satisfactory, somewhat. What happened this time imo is that they were drawing on their experiences with the previous tokkou ship events, with crossroad being too easy with high number of ships & multiplier while Ruskies+historical was kind of a joke because of limited amount of ships. So we had relevant node w/ free damage multiplier on all ships, but increased enroute difficulty. This made medium a joke (and easy like a <10k resource clear) when it shouldn't be with that preboss node and hard potentially too hard and risk-prone to unfavorable rng swamping out players. Even then though, assuming we swap out the sub hime node, bbakaga node or dyson node with a threat that is the same as one of the other two, it would have been possible to deal with for clear purposes. It is simply unreasonable to expect preempt asw, aaci, a strong surface preempt on top of yasen cutins all in a single combined fleet for this hard and those who cleared ended up having to punt one to maximize on the others. While I think that Kancolle the browser game is definitely about risk management and proper weighting of your options to optimize your chances, this amount of threats ended up being too much to handle. That said, clears had people running a full base on dysons while running 2asw ships by having the carrier count for boss to go with refuel to win during day, so the gimmick numbers were definitely balanced in some way at least if only considering boss and preboss node.

We should also note that while PTs suck and the initial outlook of E7 in the first 2 weeks or so was wtfimpossible, after the Yura composition was found and people work out paths, clear reports shot up dramatically even with players that don't throw goddesses and silly comp clears also started showing up. 4carrier mass torp setups worked just fine while we were able to retain enough AA for summerbba and could even throw in aaci if we don't mind not S on boss node for chipping.

In terms of hitting the gacha though, nothing felt worse than the time limited debuff for 2015 summer that required yasen crit for the debuff. Never got a crit because luck is bad, never could clear on hard. At least they realized how stupid that was and never made a tokkou based on shit critting again since.

Sad, the game got more and more RNG over the years its getting to the level of "What extra gimmick can we introduce this time to fuck them over", I feel like Hard reward and scaling is really out of whack this event, normally you can get some nice gear on Hard in earlier stages, this time its all in later stages and pretty much Hard mode only, I kinda felt left this event just feel really weird but I just can't put my finger to it.
Other than E4 rng fucking me (partly due to me being cocky and not bringing out my lucked Kita) and E6 not dropping stupid Italian, the only thing I felt was eh for RNG was E7. If anything, I wonder why people would want power creep via event items rather than matched to Akashi upgrades and Kai2/mission equips like we had with jets. The latter is much easier to control and accessible to players at all times and require less time invested, at least in blocks as events tend to have them. Events should really be more a thing for celebrating a bunch of new ships rather than cockblocking people who can't get time-limited items and then further screwing them in future events. As someone who plays FGO, think of the people who missed out on freebie Shiki, Kuro or BB and had to struggle through part 1.5 trying to play f2p, would you rather have that haunting your gameplay experience just because you were busy one summer?

At that, we have an example still applicable today. Think of the 2014~5 events that looked so much easier for people that started at the very start and had shinden, I certainly wouldn't want that persisting in game.
Yea I manage to get the shortcut unlock but its draining bucket like crazy so I decided to switch to Normal, seems to be a lot more reasonable, did they fucked up the scaling of E7 Hard? :L
I got through in about 50k for the whole thing with about a day's worth of preparation and like 2 goddesses used from the dozens that's killing my equipment space and I was on the unlucky side, know a few more people that got through hard relatively unharmed and the ones that did medium and easy hardly spent any resources and straightup steamrolled through even without enroute supports. One even went without boss support on medium lol. That said, it is still pretty RNG and time consuming, particularly if you aren't well upgraded equips wise (jets, seaplane fighters and some LBA planes) and have a number of key hard-only rewards from the past.

Although prior to Yura buying us 80~100aa and guaranteeing path while letting us run 4 carriers with jets further buying another 80~100 aa there was plenty of bitching about how they want us to spend money, pretty much all complaining stopped immediately after though far as what I saw at matomes and shitaraba.
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Re: KanColle Headquarter! 西方再打通!欧州救援作戦

The event is over.
I sorted out 53 times for Mizuho and Commandant Teste on E-4, node L. But I had no connection with them, only Teruzuki(2nd) and I-401(2nd) appeared. I sorted out 67 times on E-6, so I could not meet Mizuho even if I sorted 120 times.

:angrypunch: :punch::starpunch::punchout::objection:

I might have lost my motivation to continue... :(

How was it? > [MENTION=26]KingArturia[/MENTION];
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 西方再打通!欧州救援作戦

How was it? > [MENTION=26]KingArturia[/MENTION];

I manage to finish E7 normal and went to hunt for Sakawa and Luigi, manage to get myself a Luigi but didn't get Sakawa :(
This event might be the worst in quite a long time for people trying to zerg down last map with waifu ship fleet, although I still saw Akayodo/Kisaragi/some mutsuki teitoku clears. I guess in the end as long as you have goddesses, Hayasui, 5 good CVs and Yura you had a pretty decent gacha game at boss.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 捷号決戦!邀撃、レイテ沖海戦(前篇)

Time to event again guys, what's your goal this time round? :)

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