KanColle Headquarter!

You're worried about me not having some high level of a class? :P I think I've at least 3+ of each class at 70+ Other than class like Submarine Tender (who is now a CVL) and Seaplane Tender (when they're just close to useless other than for a specific expedition that is 80 hrs long)

Ignoring how Taigei route is considered as potentially viable for 6-1 monthly after u-chan implementation, maybe. Tis tough being lvl 120 and getting shafted by recon requirements here.
Yes you should. With 3 SS max armor + torp, even lv below 20, you can easy get A rank in 1-4 boss node. Very resource friendly.

You're doing 2-5 too? I'm Waiting for your 3rd mochi xD.
So far it looks like rates do scale with worlds so as friendly as 1-4/1-5 spam can be it is probably not worth the effort.
Ignoring how Taigei route is considered as potentially viable for 6-1 monthly after u-chan implementation, maybe. Tis tough being lvl 120 and getting shafted by recon requirements here.

To be honest Taigei-chan might be cute but I much prefer Ryuuhou, hence why I remodeled her. I thought as far as it is concerned, level 100 and 120 have no difference in terms of difficulty? As maps only scales up to 100+? Unless they recently introduced a new Tier for TTK that reached over 120 already?

And Hi Mr Lurker, nice for you to decide to drop by.
The updated 2-5 los formula back during 14 Autumn included a negative modifier from admiral level. Which actually hurts a lot when it comes to annoying things like 6-1 monthly and 2-5 4dd monthly since you are forced to overcompensate equipment wise. The slow climb from 115 to 120 was like a monthly reminder that what setups you had working once upon a time might never work again. So yeah, if Taigei 5sub is a viable 6-1 monthly setup then I'd probably try to max my spare whale.

Never noticed a-s had a thread for kancolle so never dropped by, only noticed by chance today while struggling with my kcv freaking out on itself.
The updated 2-5 los formula back during 14 Autumn included a negative modifier from admiral level. Which actually hurts a lot when it comes to annoying things like 6-1 monthly and 2-5 4dd monthly since you are forced to overcompensate equipment wise. The slow climb from 115 to 120 was like a monthly reminder that what setups you had working once upon a time might never work again. So yeah, if Taigei 5sub is a viable 6-1 monthly setup then I'd probably try to max my spare whale.

Never noticed a-s had a thread for kancolle so never dropped by, only noticed by chance today while struggling with my kcv freaking out on itself.

Pretty far from 120 so I'm safe until then, since 4BB 2CV formula still works fine for me I'll use it until I can't anymore I guess xD As for 6-1, I somehow never bothered clearing 5-2 and therefore 5-2 onwards is still locked for me xD
What methods are people using here for connecting to dmm, incidentally? I am having troubles getting the region cookies to work properly on one computer but it is still functioning perfectly fine on another.
[MENTION=26]KingArturia[/MENTION]; do you use 4/6/6/2 1 for Yamato? Isn't there a better chance with 20 dev mats?

EDIT: I used the API link in the past. Now I use the region cookies. Works fine for me. I use firefox btw. But also works on my chrome browser.
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A shitaraba thread I read back in early/mid 2014 has shown no statistical significance for improvements with additional dev kit usage, for what it is worth. The sample size is on the low side but they had to weed out wiki reports due to contamination from false reports. So if you are pressed for kits it is definitely not a bad option.

That said, unless you have specific need for kits there is no reason to skimp. 20 is about a reasonable number for peace of mind when you consider the time it takes to save up for LSC resources anyway with the current late game having no way of digesting dev kits. I sat at cap for a few months and only managed to make a bit of a dent after mass rolling AP shells by the hundreds recently. LSC and Akashi upgrades are the only real ways to use them now, and the latter is capped much harder by screws.

I think I'll play around with cookie with other browsers later to see if I can narrow it down to an IE issue on this particular comp. IE has a way of breaking in mysterious manners.

EDIT - Got it to work again it seems, looks like just DMM's own platform being sketch and worked in a funky way with cookie method.
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@King Congrats on your Shioi ^^. I've just got Iku in 2-5 xD. Btw you did 4 LSC at one >.<.

Ignoring how Taigei route is considered as potentially viable for 6-1 monthly after u-chan implementation, maybe. Tis tough being lvl 120 and getting shafted by recon requirements here.

So far it looks like rates do scale with worlds so as friendly as 1-4/1-5 spam can be it is probably not worth the effort.

Ehhh but i only have 1-4, 1-5, 2-5 unlocked. >.<
1-4 is the cheapest. 1-5 may cost few buckets but 2-5... >.<

What methods are people using here for connecting to dmm, incidentally? I am having troubles getting the region cookies to work properly on one computer but it is still functioning perfectly fine on another.

I'm using private socks with chrome. :)
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I'm using the region cookie method now.

2-5 got me some more hishimochi :x

Just did 4x 4/6/6/2k 1 trying to hunt for Yamato, ended up with 2 Kongou class, 1 Fuso class and Shioi, not too bad of a hunt I guess, that means I've all the SS in the game xD

congrats! hmm...? Did you not get I-401 by Christmas 2013 Event (Arpeggio x Kancolle)? I got her there.
Though there are six SS/SSV and Taigei in my submarine squadron, only Maruyu doesn't come... :(

(This time is a storm of "502 Bad Gateway"... The recent ASF server is bad, so I can't access it frequently.)

I've finally got a first Hishimochi. (3-3 Boss)
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I'm using cookie method for Chrome at the work. And KCV with cookies at the home. As I have Mac workstation at the work.

Btw, seems like I need to donate some money on Kancolle. Have only 3 free slots for new kanmusus. :gokiko_meh:
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Cookie is working again for me albeit somewhat weirdly, DMM is a mess.

congrats! hmm...? Did you not get I-401 by Christmas 2013 Event (Arpeggio x Kancolle)? I got her there.
Though there are six SS/SSV and Taigei in my submarine squadron, only Maruyu doesn't come... :(

(This time is a storm of "502 Bad Gateway"... The recent ASF server is bad, so I can't access it frequently.)

I've finally got a first Hishimochi. (3-3 Boss)

I feel like most players here joined during like 2014?
@King Congrats on your Shioi ^^. I've just got Iku in 2-5 xD. Btw you did 4 LSC at one >.<.

Ehhh but i only have 1-4, 1-5, 2-5 unlocked. >.<
1-4 is the cheapest. 1-5 may cost few buckets but 2-5... >.<

I'm using private socks with chrome. :)
1-4 1-5 probably has similar rates so I guess that's the only thing that can be spammed reasonably.
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What methods are people using here for connecting to dmm, incidentally? I am having troubles getting the region cookies to work properly on one computer but it is still functioning perfectly fine on another.

I use Region cookies on IE and it seems to work perfectly so far. Haven't tried it on FF or Chrome though.

[MENTION=26]KingArturia[/MENTION]; do you use 4/6/6/2 1 for Yamato? Isn't there a better chance with 20 dev mats?

Seems like from what I read that the chances of seeing Yamato with 1 is slightly higher than seeing her at 20, apparently you see Musashi a bit more using the 20 Dev Mat, plus the fact I can get Shioi as well so why not. I'm not really pressed for Dev Mat since I've 587 at the moment...

@King Congrats on your Shioi ^^. I've just got Iku in 2-5 xD. Btw you did 4 LSC at one >.<.

Thanks! Yea I seems to have the tendency to do all 4 LSC at once since I've 4 construction slots, so I just do them instead the 30/30/30/30 I normally use for daily quest.

congrats! hmm...? Did you not get I-401 by Christmas 2013 Event (Arpeggio x Kancolle)? I got her there.

(This time is a storm of "502 Bad Gateway"... The recent ASF server is bad, so I can't access it frequently.)

Thanks! And I didn't start KanColle until early 2014, I think I got in during mid January, hence I couldn't participate during the Arpeggio event, which I really wanted to since it was Arpeggio that got me into Kancolle, I wasn't really previously that interested in it. As for server problem, I think Checku-sama recently did some fiddling with servers, and its upgraded now so it should run smoother now!
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/me supports randomly with an siggy [MENTION=26]KingArturia[/MENTION];...

Edit: Yamato was by Carnelian doujin-illustrated.
/me supports randomly with an siggy [MENTION=26]KingArturia[/MENTION];...

Edit: Yamato was by Carnelian doujin-illustrated.

Thanks man, I'll replace it tomorrow, I'm just gonna grab some sleep first.
You guys have super awesome kanmusu and here I am kilometers behind and happy I just got kongou...:sowwy:
Urg the race for top 100 at Maizuru is killing me, I give up. This month is already going at a higher pace than end of the year last year, and early 2014 is like heaven in comparison. People gaining 180~200 senka/day in desperation crunch mode is too insane to keep up with.
Hi Shinseph :)

Thanks! And I didn't start KanColle until early 2014, I think I got in during mid January, hence I couldn't participate during the Arpeggio event, which I really wanted to since it was Arpeggio that got me into Kancolle, I wasn't really previously that interested in it. As for server problem, I think Checku-sama recently did some fiddling with servers, and its upgraded now so it should run smoother now!

Ah~, I see. I thought that you began KanColle earlier than me because it was the same server. (I began KanColle in December 2013, and 90% of this server were used at that point.)
That means, are experienced persons of the Christmas 2013 event only me and pichu?

I got 3 Hishimochi yesterday. (3-3: 2, 1-4: 1)
Hi Shinseph :)

Ah~, I see. I thought that you began KanColle earlier than me because it was the same server. (I began KanColle in December 2013, and 90% of this server were used at that point.)
That means, are experienced persons of the Christmas 2013 event only me and pichu?

I got 3 Hishimochi yesterday. (3-3: 2, 1-4: 1)

Been playing since late July/early August 13, even got Yamato without LSC. Maizuru is hell.
Been playing since late July/early August 13, even got Yamato without LSC. Maizuru is hell.

I'm so jealous. It's a Summer 2013 Event, isn't it?
People belonging to server 1-8 would be tough guys :8 I'm playing at my own pace because not interested in a ranking.
Thanks man, I'll replace it tomorrow, I'm just gonna grab some sleep first.

Lol, not to thanking - Did' at Carnelian-sensei's artworks seen, and then are you suddenly in my head jumped, what then did' decided an for you to make (I did a cherry-wood theme BG for Yamato decided, because in next month starts the Spring and the sakura-event)...:goodtea:
You guys have super awesome kanmusu and here I am kilometers behind and happy I just got kongou...:sowwy:

Everyone starts somewhere, no need to be bothered that you're behind, you'll join us in the front line soon enough in the near future.

I'm so jealous. It's a Summer 2013 Event, isn't it?
People belonging to server 1-8 would be tough guys :8 I'm playing at my own pace because not interested in a ranking.

Something that never seems to have bothered me in KanColle is the ranking. Like I don't mind trying my hardest on event, but I just cannot sit in front of computer and grind maps for points.

Lol, not to thanking - Did' at Carnelian-sensei's artworks seen, and then are you suddenly in my head jumped, what then did' decided an for you to make (I did a cherry-wood theme BG for Yamato decided, because in next month starts the Spring and the sakura-event)...:goodtea:

Fair enough, thanks anyway XD

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