KanColle Headquarter!

[MENTION=28026]KOS-MOS[/MENTION]; She's quite rare on my side. Until now, I've only encounter her twice (no kidding).
1 drop from my 2-4A grinding and 1 drop from recent event. NO luck in crafting.
250/30/200/30 only gave me my Yukikaze, Z-3 and subs. I gave up crafting for her after that.

It's all upon the goddess RNG.

How hard is it to get shimakaze just curious XD

I got my first on 2-4A. Got 2 while looking for Yukikaze.
She's currently collecting dust at lv 42, I have to K2 my elephant lady before leveling her.
Most old players got a shimakaze pretty easily just because we had to struggle for so long at 2-4 lol
You can check here. Scroll to the bottom for ranking equipments.
tldr other than the most recent reppuu kai for top 3 (or was it 20) everything else is at best a minor bonus and at worst completely useless early releases. Most mobage operators know that ranking giving good rewards isn't beneficial to run something long term, luckily dmm/kado didn't fall into that immediate returns trap.
I assume they were speed hacking, F5 refresh, and script sortie for ranking. I mean, everyone is HQ level over 100...even 120s.

My server's #3 is banned but not that freaking #1 ?
I mean.. that 1k++ points is legit?:o_O: As of now, Mr. #1 have 1.6k points.
They have no real way of telling F5 from any other reason of catting, the early bans for f5 were likely just a result of spamming it endlessly giving themselves away.

1k+ points in the first couple of cycle can be accomplished with just all of the EOs, carryover and endless 5-4 runs to back it up. Good thing Maizuru has mostly settled down so I have a pretty easy time with top 500 now.
I always say that to new teitoku: save your early precious resources to level up the girls you have. Don't waste resources, develop material just to have one girl and then blame RNG :D. It's long term strategy because most girls can be obtained via drop. Unlocking new map, leveling will give you enough girls to force you upgrade home port.
If Zekamashi then you should try the common recipe for rare DD 1 per day for daily quest and 2~3 per day when your resources grow fast by unlocking high hour rate expedition + 4th fleet. It can construct SS too - the most thing you should focus on early game.
1k+ points in the first couple of cycle can be accomplished with just all of the EOs, carryover and endless 5-4 runs to back it up. Good thing Maizuru has mostly settled down so I have a pretty easy time with top 500 now.

Full 5-4 runs cost quite a lot of resources for me with fBB, fBB, CA, CAV(4 drums), Akagi, Kaga. DO you have better suggestions? I'm trying to get at least AS in every node.

About rankings, I can easily get into top 500 if I ignore all my quest and spam 5-4 runs. Heck, I'll be top 500 now if I complete 3-5 but I'm not gonna bother :D as leveling my girls comes first.

5-4A spam for slow BB with CVLs, CL, DD
5-4 full for all Fast ships.
Full 5-4 runs cost quite a lot of resources for me with fBB, fBB, CA, CAV(4 drums), Akagi, Kaga. DO you have better suggestions? I'm trying to get at least AS in every node.

About rankings, I can easily get into top 500 if I ignore all my quest and spam 5-4 runs. Heck, I'll be top 500 now if I complete 3-5 but I'm not gonna bother :D as leveling my girls comes first.

5-4A spam for slow BB with CVLs, CL, DD
5-4 full for all Fast ships.
Are you actually looking to grind senka or just leveling? No way to cheap out if you want to level BBs.
Are you actually looking to grind senka or just leveling? No way to cheap out if you want to level BBs.

I should have been more clear. I'm looking for the cheapest fleet with AS to clear my weekly 24 boss quest. I don't do 5-4 full for ranking but for that quest.

I'm leveling using 5-4A only. Well, 5-4 full gives level as well but also burns my resources faster than my exp fleets can gather.
I suggest you kira at 1-1 and just run 541 for leveling if you aren't looking for senka or drops, the byproducts are the only things making 5-4 worth it really.

But if you really want a cheap A setup with no transports required, 1ca1cav1clt3cv as only. 2cv as can also work but you'll need to pack something considerable in the extra slot to ensure damage.
User @ himeuta posted this. How to be a top 10 ranker in your server.

Data from Teitoku #5 (not counting in points from EOs)
542 points = 769640 HQ exp in 12 hours
769640 HQ exp = 257 5-4 runs in 12 hours
257 5-4 runs in 12 hours = 2.8 minutes per run
but: one 5-4 sub run (final form) is around 4.2 minutes (no drops)

What I know is that you need to sacrifice your whole life to be a top 10 ranker.
257 runs of full 5-4 in 12 hours.. :eek:
User @ himeuta posted this. How to be a top 10 ranker in your server.

Data from Teitoku #5 (not counting in points from EOs)
542 points = 769640 HQ exp in 12 hours
769640 HQ exp = 257 5-4 runs in 12 hours
257 5-4 runs in 12 hours = 2.8 minutes per run
but: one 5-4 sub run (final form) is around 4.2 minutes (no drops)

What I know is that you need to sacrifice your whole life to be a top 10 ranker.
257 runs of full 5-4 in 12 hours.. :eek:
lol even top 100 was way too much effort for me to try to keep up at, and Maizuru has finally been getting yukkuri now that everyone seems to be stocking+upgrading/constructing. I hardly ever catch legit fleets from 100~300ish areas now.
Why? Is it too erotic? :rolleyes:

lol.. I don't really know why. Most of my purchases from japan got stuck at customs. They don't seem to be able to read/believe the invoice or something. I just go there, tell them the contents, pay the import fees and leave. They don't even ask me to open the package. =D Kongou and some clothes are about the only things that got sent to me directly.
[MENTION=23970]Shir0[/MENTION]; Mutsu is too sexy for them and their scanning machines.

[MENTION=28026]KOS-MOS[/MENTION]; And a Shimakaze figure may win you a trip to criminal paradise. My poop country recently got quite sensitive on this matter, especially on anime girls outfits. :8

[MENTION=29996]ecael[/MENTION]; I'm more interested in how the top 10 actually do it without cheating at all. I mean 2.8 minutes per 5-4 run. I'm pretty sure I took longer than that with no drops and with 2-3 seconds loading.

How long did it take you for a run?

I smell those rankers have to pay KDKW monthly to be in top 10 and not get caught with their speed-hacks and script. :rolleyes:
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Ohhhhhhhhh :happytears:
In Teitoku Lv100, I was able to finally meet Hiryuu and Nagato.

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