KanColle Headquarter!

@AB Congrats! And about fighters, just craft, they aren't hard to get :D

Bm7 is so annoying, I had enough LoS but it's so hard to get to the boss :(
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Wow you guys have Zui kai 2. Me, i have too wait 22 hours more for the exp 26... and then finish Shou quests. There are many thing to do in next week: Zui quests, EO.... etc. The event will begin in Nov 18.

P/s: @Wind Your harem is big :D.
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Just when I thought the grind was about to be over the new quests take random shit that involves...grinding, orz, and FGO with additional content by next week too. Not to mention end of Oct releases. No rest for the gamers.
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Congrats to everyone with Zuikaku Kai Ni!
@wind_zero did you clear cache? Devs fked up with Zui's CG resolution but it has been solved.

[MENTION=29996]ecael[/MENTION]; Well, you can't really blame anything but yourself for picking up additional games.:whistle: Good Luck with your events.
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@Fire Thanks! Just clear cache and I think it's normal now, I don't see her face weird anymore.

Farming Type 21 fighter is taking too long... Hope I can get the new fighter before fall event come.
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With Yamato, Musashi and Kaga ringed for event, hopefully that will help out a bit for fuel/bullet if I ever need to sortie them out xD

[OT] [MENTION=29996]ecael[/MENTION] Dafuq did you just see the Avg level 70 requirement free quest today....Unless I decide to use all 3 Command spells, even with a friend who have a level 90 Casko I could only just barely got to the last stage and then got wiped by the boss Casko...This makes me think that the lack of offensive Caster disturbs me...then again I'm trying to level Medea and Lizzy as Caster at the moment since I find them to be best caster other than Casko.
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Two years after I start boats I find myself crafting Saiun again, what a life. At least I finished off most quests now, just need to finish up EOs and prepare for event.

Umm King you shouldn't try to caster the dragon, just nuke it with Kintoki or something after stalling on floor 1. After that you can just bring it into attrition against 良妻 when she has no one to support. It'll take a while maybe, but it isn't particularly hard once you realize only the dragon's damage wiping you is a problem. Lv80 free scared me when I saw the datamine, but it turned out to be easily zerged with Sabers.

Unless you can run some silly double caster + jeanne party, don't try to grind the dragon down. You take way too much damage in the process.
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Two years after I start boats I find myself crafting Saiun again, what a life. At least I finished off most quests now, just need to finish up EOs and prepare for event.

Umm King you shouldn't try to caster the dragon, just nuke it with Kintoki or something after stalling on floor 1. After that you can just bring it into attrition against 良妻 when she has no one to support. It'll take a while maybe, but it isn't particularly hard once you realize only the dragon's damage wiping you is a problem. Lv80 free scared me when I saw the datamine, but it turned out to be easily zerged with Sabers.

Unless you can run some silly double caster + jeanne party, don't try to grind the dragon down. You take way too much damage in the process.

That's the problem, I don't have a Berserker high enough level to nuke it down quick enough, trying to tank the Dragon's damage isn't viable for my Level 35 ish Casters either. Oh well, I've got pretty much all of what I wanted from the event anyway, so I'm happy~

Oh why are you making Saiun?
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We need to trash 2 saiuns at the end of one of the plane conversion quest chains, didn't have all that many left in my existing equips because I cleaned through them earlier.

Farming for lewd Iris CE now and trying to save some time via packet sniffing, for the most part I am all done here. Waiting on chapter 3 and daily quest changes now.

Also that's why high level kintoki/vlad friends are valued lol.
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We need to trash 2 saiuns at the end of one of the plane conversion quest chains, didn't have all that many left in my existing equips because I cleaned through them earlier.

Farming for lewd Iris CE now and trying to save some time via packet sniffing, for the most part I am all done here. Waiting on chapter 3 and daily quest changes now.

Also that's why high level kintoki/vlad friends are valued lol.

Oh I haven't got to that part yet, I need to get to the Shoukaku part first...I never bothered to clear the Bw1 since I've always saw it as a lost of overall resource than gain, that's why I never really done that quest, other than the spam W1-1 with a 50/50 chance to reach boss, is there a good way to get the "reach 24 boss" part done? That's usually the part that get me more than the other 3 part.

I myself was quite lucky, I got 2 Halloween Princess from quest and thus after getting all those from shops as well I've a fully upgraded Halloween Princess with one spare. In terms of CE I feel that this is probably the strongest CE out at the moment other than Halloween Petit Devil (I manage to get 1 copy myself when I tried to roll for Casko, no Casko though ;_;), not sure which one is better but I personally feel Halloween Princess is very strong due to that fact it comes with a 20% extra NP damage (or 15 as base), normally getting the NP gauge full isn't too much of a problem so I don't see it much weaker than Petit Devil.

I've Vlad myself but he's sitting at level 16 or so because I've been leveling my Tamacat (I still can't pass up that Final Ascension art, Naked Apron OP?) but at the moment my priority is Orion > Seiba > Lizzy > Tamacat > Vlad. Is it me or I find Lizzy to have a really high raw damage as a lancer, she consistently pump out really high number for 4 star and I wonder whether there is a Lancer that can equal to her damage of the same level. You looking forward to Franis Drake? I hope she will have a decent NP as Rider class itself is really lacking a good Rider, heck I think Rider, Assassin and Caster (only recently getting Casko saved Caster class a tiny bit, but personally I don't like her NP at all, but I've seen her raw damage being quite nice and NP is quite situation dependent.) really lack good cards to choose from unlike Saber, Archer and Lancer (actually Lancer I can only see Lizzy and Cu being decent at the moment, no 5 star yet, I'm waiting to see who will be the first 5 star Lancer).

One that remind me, in the friend list, there are half the list that have greyed out NP, when you use them you can't use their NP, why is that the case?
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A few options for Autumn event 15, one of which being Battle of Kolombangara due to the Jintsu icon from devs. We'll see I guess as more details come. Preparations for specific ships are probably mostly done already for me though lol~

Oh I haven't got to that part yet, I need to get to the Shoukaku part first...I never bothered to clear the Bw1 since I've always saw it as a lost of overall resource than gain, that's why I never really done that quest, other than the spam W1-1 with a 50/50 chance to reach boss, is there a good way to get the "reach 24 boss" part done? That's usually the part that get me more than the other 3 part.
1-1 is fastest for me. To be honest if you have the time to sit down and finish 1 day's worth of entire daily set you'd have most of that done, then you finish the rest up with 1-1. If not for kiraing expedition fleets I'd think it'd take long to do no matter what though.

I myself was quite lucky, I got 2 Halloween Princess from quest and thus after getting all those from shops as well I've a fully upgraded Halloween Princess with one spare. In terms of CE I feel that this is probably the strongest CE out at the moment other than Halloween Petit Devil (I manage to get 1 copy myself when I tried to roll for Casko, no Casko though ;_;), not sure which one is better but I personally feel Halloween Princess is very strong due to that fact it comes with a 20% extra NP damage (or 15 as base), normally getting the NP gauge full isn't too much of a problem so I don't see it much weaker than Petit Devil.
Kaleido/Petit Devil/Lewd can be used with distinction depending on the servants in question. If you don't have enough of them just treat them all as mini kaleido/kyosus? Either way, maxing a lewd can't hurt.

I've Vlad myself but he's sitting at level 16 or so because I've been leveling my Tamacat (I still can't pass up that Final Ascension art, Naked Apron OP?) but at the moment my priority is Orion > Seiba > Lizzy > Tamacat > Vlad. Is it me or I find Lizzy to have a really high raw damage as a lancer, she consistently pump out really high number for 4 star and I wonder whether there is a Lancer that can equal to her damage of the same level. You looking forward to Franis Drake? I hope she will have a decent NP as Rider class itself is really lacking a good Rider, heck I think Rider, Assassin and Caster (only recently getting Casko saved Caster class a tiny bit, but personally I don't like her NP at all, but I've seen her raw damage being quite nice and NP is quite situation dependent.) really lack good cards to choose from unlike Saber, Archer and Lancer (actually Lancer I can only see Lizzy and Cu being decent at the moment, no 5 star yet, I'm waiting to see who will be the first 5 star Lancer).

One that remind me, in the friend list, there are half the list that have greyed out NP, when you use them you can't use their NP, why is that the case?
Eh lancers damages are kinda weak, free 1.1x is nice but the stats and skills just aren't there. Lizard is more of a tank than a damage dealer with an awkward skillset. We'll probably have to see how strong they make Arthuria lancer and Karna. Drake was nice in Extra but didn't get enough time in that nor did she appear in CCC so I don't really care, skills looked good though. 良妻 isn't op (at least not without magically getting np levels) but fits in well with the grind art teams currently, the support strength is quite high.

The ones that you can't use nps for are just randoms that aren't actually friends because yorokobeworks decided it is cool to flood your friendlist with useless people. I can't tell if that's worse than the idea that they can't even code something so basic without fucking up.
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A few options for Autumn event 15, one of which being Battle of Kolombangara due to the Jintsu icon from devs. We'll see I guess as more details come. Preparations for specific ships are probably mostly done already for me though lol~

1-1 is fastest for me. To be honest if you have the time to sit down and finish 1 day's worth of entire daily set you'd have most of that done, then you finish the rest up with 1-1. If not for kiraing expedition fleets I'd think it'd take long to do no matter what though.

Is there a ship that isn't 99 on your side Ecael? xD What preparation do you need o.O !?!? I guess I'll just do a whole set of EO 1-5 and 2-5 today and finish the rest up in 1-1 I guess xD

Kaleido/Petit Devil/Lewd can be used with distinction depending on the servants in question. If you don't have enough of them just treat them all as mini kaleido/kyosus? Either way, maxing a lewd can't hurt.

Eh lancers damages are kinda weak, free 1.1x is nice but the stats and skills just aren't there. Lizard is more of a tank than a damage dealer with an awkward skillset. We'll probably have to see how strong they make Arthuria lancer and Karna. Drake was nice in Extra but didn't get enough time in that nor did she appear in CCC so I don't really care, skills looked good though. 良妻 isn't op (at least not without magically getting np levels) but fits in well with the grind art teams currently, the support strength is quite high.

The ones that you can't use nps for are just randoms that aren't actually friends because yorokobeworks decided it is cool to flood your friendlist with useless people. I can't tell if that's worse than the idea that they can't even code something so basic without fucking up.

Oh so I have a bunch of useless people that I can't use NP of because they aren't actually friends? I guess whenever I do easy quest/interlude I can just go use one of those people and add them to my friend list I guess...by the way, have you added me yet? xD If not then my number is 589989891.

Casko if you ask me is weak in terms of NP but because of her Divinity and her highest base stats she's probably the best Caster out at the moment in terms of just straight up damage to counter Assassin classes. The thing I really hate about Berserker class is they're so class canon and prone to get wiped before I can do anything about it because they take extra damage from all classes, which is frustrating when you need to tank it out in certain situations.

I personally rate Halloween Princess the best CE at the moment because maxed out gives you 20% damage to NP and starting at 50% gauge, most of the time getting that 100% or above gauge isn't much of a problem, Kaleido is nice if it have additional effect or ones that have problem getting NP bar, which then I might rather use petit devil because it comes with +15% NP gain.

Really? Lizzy is a tank? I find her one of the hardest hitting Lancer at the moment (probably the lack of other lancer to surpass her at the moment might be the problem?)
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[MENTION=26]KingArturia[/MENTION]; Quest A44. If I have seen correctly, I need this quest for all the new quests (for the planes and the catapult).
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[MENTION=26]KingArturia[/MENTION]; You are right. Thought it would be further down the line, but it actually just ends at B33. Didn't notice that I can already work on the quests with what I have. :>

EDIT: I still need Michishio for B20, which is required for A46, which unlocks Bm7. Bm6 and 7 are needed for the plane quests. :(
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[MENTION=26]KingArturia[/MENTION]; You are right. Thought it would be further down the line, but it actually just ends at B33. Didn't notice that I can already work on the quests with what I have. :>

EDIT: I still need Michishio for B20, which is required for A46, which unlocks Bm7. Bm6 and 7 are needed for the plane quests. :(

Ah OK, fair enough! I was just a bit confused why you needed it for the A44 quest which terminates after B33. As for Michishio, she appears in plenty in 1-5 so if you haven't done this month's EO then feel free to hunt her there, otherwise your daily construction quests (30/30/30/30) should get your her soon enough~
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[MENTION=26]KingArturia[/MENTION]; Mmh. Thanks for the advice. I will try to get her on 1-5, while getting the medal for my BP. I have too many ships that need a BP now anyways.
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@Shir0 I think your best choice is spam 1-1: sparkle your exp team. You will get a lots DD and resources. 1-5 isn't good for farming DD because there are chance for other type as well. Beside if you're above 80, there are chance for getting heavy damage at 1st node. Last thing, 1-5 is not resources friendly.

I finish this month 3-5 and 4-5. Luck on my side this month :D. 5 runs for 3-5 and 6 runs for 4-5 ^^. 2-5 left with 2 more kills and 1 more run for 1-6. Time to focus on leveling type 21 fighter. I want to get new fighters before event. :)
[MENTION=33830]moemoe-kyun[/MENTION]; Congrats on clearing 3-5 & 4-5.

4-5 has turn into a laughing joke now with aircraft ranks and being able to sortie 3 Armored CVs at best. Shoukaku and Zuikaku are quite strong even when chuuha. I can't see myself ever changing them back when their chuuha state with 3 torp planes can take out a green hp Ru-class in a single critical hit. Sorry for those still sticking to normal CV for them.

BB isn't even needed for the map anymore. Just 3CA(V) 3CV for all runs. Never forgive, Ta-class.
[MENTION=33830]moemoe-kyun[/MENTION]; Congrats on clearing 3-5 & 4-5.

4-5 has turn into a laughing joke now with aircraft ranks and being able to sortie 3 Armored CVs at best. Shoukaku and Zuikaku are quite strong even when chuuha. I can't see myself ever changing them back when their chuuha state with 3 torp planes can take out a green hp Ru-class in a single critical hit. Sorry for those still sticking to normal CV for them.

BB isn't even needed for the map anymore. Just 3CA(V) 3CV for all runs. Never forgive, Ta-class.
To be honest I think that for the final run that setup is really inconsistent. Only having 3 yasen hitters can easily turn into endless fails because you can't get in 2 solid hits on boss. For chipping though it is fairly faceroll.

Is there a ship that isn't 99 on your side Ecael? xD What preparation do you need o.O !?!? I guess I'll just do a whole set of EO 1-5 and 2-5 today and finish the rest up in 1-1 I guess xD
I don't have that many 99s, though I do have a fairly diverse array of random things like mutsukis in the 90s due to expeditions.

Oh so I have a bunch of useless people that I can't use NP of because they aren't actually friends? I guess whenever I do easy quest/interlude I can just go use one of those people and add them to my friend list I guess...by the way, have you added me yet? xD If not then my number is 589989891.
Hmm I've been deleting inactive and low level people too...I'll make some space on one of the accs I am running I guess.

Casko if you ask me is weak in terms of NP but because of her Divinity and her highest base stats she's probably the best Caster out at the moment in terms of just straight up damage to counter Assassin classes. The thing I really hate about Berserker class is they're so class canon and prone to get wiped before I can do anything about it because they take extra damage from all classes, which is frustrating when you need to tank it out in certain situations.
Barring random stuff like assassin dragon from halloween it is rare that we even need to consider running casters to dps things, better just to look at their utility overall. Zhuge is finally closer after buffs and in terms of needing to tank that dragon, Zhuge/Zhuge or Zhuge/Jeanne was more effective because of def buff. Either way, beyond the really rare weird situations you might as well as ignore damage on casters. Unless they make a pure dps caster with stats anyway. But if we are looking at synergy and teams then the whole 'best' char thing changes completely based on what you have at your disposal anyway. So eh.

As for zerkers...eh only kintoki among the mainly used ones atm is particularly squish. Herc and Vlad both have a bit of survival potential due to skills after all. In general we haven't really had to worry about survivability except against trash or extreme situations like Nerofest boss rush. How exactly we utilize zerkers will depend on what they throw at us, but again, as long as you are utilizing some level of common sense, you can avoid most of these drawn out scenarios as long as you know what's coming. Even if you don't, unless it is a death trap of a mission like lvl90 free quest Halloween or Nerofest finale, you can still wing it. The hardest counters in the game frankly are the damage triangles, zerkers who exist out of that spectrum are super convenient to use.

I personally rate Halloween Princess the best CE at the moment because maxed out gives you 20% damage to NP and starting at 50% gauge, most of the time getting that 100% or above gauge isn't much of a problem, Kaleido is nice if it have additional effect or ones that have problem getting NP bar, which then I might rather use petit devil because it comes with +15% NP gain.

Really? Lizzy is a tank? I find her one of the hardest hitting Lancer at the moment (probably the lack of other lancer to surpass her at the moment might be the problem?)
It depends on what you are doing and with whom? Lewd was great on Kintoki, 50% np if max ascend, 50% from animal speaking if lvl10, 1st turn NP. Even when we needed to work from 30np to 100 within one floor like with Halloween's assassin dragon floor 2, animal speaking and stalling a little gets the job done. But you can't necessary same the same of Heracles. For that, you might run zeroover or Kaleido in hope that the greater damage/less np to accumulate will do the job for you in time. There are very few servants where the 30% difference can be a nonfactor in a large amount of scenarios. The same logic applies to petit devil, Extra np gain will likely work out in time for say Vlad, but probably won't for Heracles or Lancelot. If you consider how often we are reduced to farming trash mobs in FGO, then the potential of having multiple kaleidos to minimize effort as you spam down entire floors quickly is pretty alluring. So all in all, these things do similar enough things that you can consider them to be loose equivalents while offering a little room for specialization. No real point to argue about what the 'best' is.

Lancers don't really hit all that hard? Besides, her np is trash except for armor penetration.
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The success rate is quite good on my side. So yeah, I'm gonna be sticking with 3 CA(V) 3 CV on my side. Torp clearing 2-3 enemy at start then Wanko missing her first shot is a sign of victory. The CV shelling can actually hurt Wanko. If anyone of them critical on her, she's good as gone.

Previous month with Kaga, Shoukaku K2A and Taihou I still manage to clear it with no sweat. Even with Kaga dead on chuuha.
This month rofl stomp with Zuikaku, Shoukaku and Taihou. All in all, its whether Tsu-class wipe or not for my setup.

Ru death by Shoukaku.

Best to put it, every setups have inconsistent success rate. I've already experience quite a number of fail runs with 5 BB 1 CV.
My 2 BB 1 CV 3 CA(V) setup did a lot worse than my current setup. CA is better at yasen than BB, no?
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4bb1cv1sub 3fight has been 100% for me as long as I make it to boss, even if boss lands a hit there is still enough left. 3CA is if Rukai/boss lands a single hit on CAs you are probably packing for home. That armor is pretty hard to break even with Choukai unless you luck a crit. 2 hits with one chuuha'd CA is still potentially unable to penetrate. I wasn't paying attention this month and ran it for final clear without much problem, but it was also luck that boss and rukai all aimed at carriers instead of yasen warriors.

All in all I find yasen chances better than Boss+Rukai chances on boss node.

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