God's Power
Did you not listen?
"EVERYTHING in this universe are CREATED by ME"
All words, meanings, powers, emotions, intelligence, EVERYTHING
I will tell you a little secret
When I said "I can easily DESTROY a universe and CREATE a new one However doing that require me to rest for XXXXXXX"
That was not true...
In fact if I DESTROY a universe and CREATE one,
I myself would be DESTROYed
This is not the first time another being went against me
In fact, it's the 283472th time
If a universe is created,
You could say Another ME is created
I can remember because the old me's memories are transferred to me
My predecessor already told me that if this happened,
DON'T hesitate to use my power...
And that is what I am going to do...
I will DESTROY this universe and CREATE another one
I can set NEW rules in this NEW universe
I will tell the Next ME to erase this 'Downfall' word of yours
He will erase EVERYTHING that can go against him
Because that is our power...
If the word 'Downfall' is erased,
You will also not exist
You can say all that words
Because You know NOTHING about me
Even if you created/found a way to beat me in the next universe,
He would destroy that universe and make a new one
Which means that this is an endless repetition
I hope you have said your final words
Prepare yourself.........
Sarabada.... Orokamono....
*Universe DESTROYED, another universe is CREATED
Another God's god is created, the previous God's god's memories are transferred*
*Note: oops.. too late...seems i took a long time making this one so I didn't read Will's post <_<
Yeah let's make this the final one :p
We are truly sorry