Keep One, Drop One

Yea, when people bring me their computers and say "Well, we took it to BestBuy to them Geek Squad guys before we came here and they could not figure it out", I immediately put a extra 70$ charge on the bill. That is because I know I am going to have so much crap to fix in the registry ect, that they hosed up. It totally pisses me off, and they claim their tech training is on-par with CompTIA A+ training MY ASS!

Geeks Rule!~
Golden Showers........hehe From: Janet (She was reading over my shoulder and said that!)
Jan is a pervert <3 :D ( just the kind of person I like chatting with :P )

Hot Showers........
Hot Bath............. To bad she would never say that to you, only to you through me. lol

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