The following are the summary of the 33rd KISS Livestream with Mini Live Event. Note that this summary is not final, so, I will update this summary as soon as I get new information.
COM3D2 News:
1. Childhood Friend Personality: A Childhood Friend Who Treats The Master Sweetly and Believes In Him
- CV:
Yomogi Katsumi
- Will be released on February 28th, 2020
*Note: KISS decided to add "妹系" to "甘々デレデレでご主人様を信仰している幼馴染" to better explain why she call the protagonist "onisama". Though I feel like this wouldn't change anyways.
2. Preview of the upcoming COM3D2 Costume Pack Vol. 3 to be released on Valentine's Day. Other than that costume, you will get Valentine Mini Event.
3. COM3D2's third expansion, GP03
(Image by Parupo)
- Site: (Dedicated post will be released once I have enough information)
- Mainly cosmetic improvement that includes improvement on Maid Edit. (basically another Visual Pack)
- Added new background, My Room parts and dance
- A questionnaire on GP03 dance's genre was posted during the Livestream. Result are as follow:
Cool and danceful 32.1%
Cyber Techno Pop 26%
Cute and Moe 27.9%
Ballad that make you listen carefully 14%
4. Misc
- Yotogi & H-event pack for Oujousama (has been released)
- Relationship Status Add-on & H-event Pack for Yandere (this Friday)
- Rindere Personality will get her personal song, "Tears of Regulus", on February 21st, 2020.
- 2nd COM3D2 Anniversary Event, feat Emma Kisaragi!
- New items for CR shop:
- God Maid set
- Queen Devil Maid set
- Expensive bad-tasted jewelry box
- Expensive Air gun set
- Expensive Air gun set (real-like version)

- Personality Mini Event set, from A to C
- NPC Daily Short Event act.1
- Mai;lish Collab on January 20th, 2020.
Custom Reido News
A new installment of Custom Raid series, CRC3D, will be released this year, to commemorate the 20th anniversary of Custom Reido Series.
(Image by Parupo)
*Note: Reido => Slave.
- Theme: Infinite Love of An Auberge
- New personalities will be "Innocent (天真爛漫, the gullible type)" and "Tsuyodere (つよデレ, strong outside but soft inside)
- Visual similar to COM3D2 (since it will use COM3D2's asset), using the same Custom Maid Online's (CMO) model. (people are quite confused thanks to this lol)
- Lore that related this game to COM3D2 is unknown. (though I doubt the games has any relation at this point.)
- Has two new songs (and possibly their respective dance)
- It is not known that it is mod-able, if you can mod it like COM3D2, or it require a new way to mod.
- It is also not know if it use the same Modding ToS as CM3D2/COM3D2.
- The CRC part means both "Casual Romance Club" and "Custom Reido Club"
1. Erra's blog:
2. Parupo's twitter:
3. YUKKY's twitter:
4. KISS's official blog: