Kore Wa Zombie Desuka? Of The Dead

Ω Imperator King XIVIX

Elite Member
Sep 13, 2011

Japanese Name (Title):これはゾンビですか? OF THE DEAD
English Name (Title):Kore wa Zombie Desuka? Of The Dead
Alternative Names(Titles):Is This A Zombie? Of The Dead
Alternative Names Japanese(Titles):これはゾンビですか? オブ・ザ・デッド
Review Website 1:http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/anime.php?id=13782
Review Website 2:http://anidb.net/perl-bin/animedb.pl?show=anime&aid=8476
Official Website:http://kadokawa-anime.jp/zombie/
Studio Company(Animation Work):Studio Deen
Director: Takaomi Kanasaki
Original Creator: Shinichi Kimura
Original Character Design(Illustration):Kobuichi,Muririn
Character Design: Shinobu Tagashira
Release Date:2012/04/04(April 4th 2012)
Genres:Action, Comedy, Ecchi,Magic, Novel
Description:2nd Season Of Kore Wa Zombie Desuka?
Kore Wa Zombie Desuka? Of The Dead 1st and 2nd Trailer(PV1,PV2):

I Supremely Love This Anime Because Of Seraphim Only,For Her I Love And Only For Her I Watch,No Other Reasons.
Anticipated this for a while now. But my only worry is it be a light heart sequel with too much focus on ecchi than being serious.
I read original light novel, there is not a lot progress going on. Until vol 6, it is mostly their daily life.
What Anime are they mimicing in Ep13 with Leotard Suits? I forgot the name sadly.

€dit it was Cat's Eye
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It was soo freaking funny!!! I had a good laugh at the first episode. And love the preview! Kikuko Inoue doing all sort of voices with Yuu-chan, just amazing!
My eyes bleed again when I saw Ayumu's transformation again after 1 year....

Oh my dear Seraphim, Saras, Tomonori and Eu~ :D
Wait, all the vampire ninjas are too lovely~
Just watched episode one. I have to admit, I did not expect to laugh as much as I initially thought. In addition, I had the impression that the pink-haired girl is a dignified and very serious character after watching the last episode of the first season, yet I did not expect her nature to be totally different. Not to mention, she throws up in pretty rainbow colors which is a big plus. Her flustered face was truly lethal to the heart in a good way of course.

Ayumu never failed to be an entertaining lead again. I find his delusions and reaction to his buttocks being grabbed truly priceless. I suspected that the memories of the students will be just erased so I thought Ayumu was safe, but the chainsaw broke... Oh dear lord, they'll remember all of it.
The new character that show up really got my attention, oh drunken loli~ loved it. well still full of mystery, and i don't have any knowledge from LN since i didn't read it~.

That transformation again really something can't be avoided. orz
Eu's seiyyu fight also made me laugh. hope got to hear Eu's voice again real soon~. :3

Aikawa goes naked on public epically~.
Watch it online. The 1st episoed was dead boring. 'Cept for parts like teh butt touching and the classic Mahou Shoujo transformation.
Episode 1.

Another deplorable & perv chapter.

Ayumu... when you thought he can't fall lower, he does!... the episode keep the tune of the first season, really funny, cute girls, acceptables OP&ED, decent animation but nothing worth of acclamation.
Damm!... is Chris, glad she appears in this season.
Had my biggest laughs this week from this episode. Completely cracked up my morning.

Here I was thinking the failure to erase memories from last week would a joke at the end, no! The memories were really never erased, and poor Ayumu has to deal with 'new popularity'. Instead of being a complete laughing stock after appearing online with a 'HENTAI' tag, he actually set a new cosplay craze around the world. Laughed so bad hard as his monolouges when people actually 'accepted' him and 'liked' him except for his BFF Orito. He's like probably a new Kyon now. The scenes where he ran away from the 'fans', the hiking and the eventual 'confession' was dead funny. Look at his face when he got released from the police station!

Comes along a beautifully-cute waifu in Tomonori Yuki who wants to cheer her husband up. It was cuteness overload for Yuki in this episode, although her plans got spoiled temporarily because the girls tagged along with Ayumu for the mountain climb. She was blushing from start to end, and definitely scored with Ayumu, if not, me too. So lovely! Her intentions for Ayumu are so endearing, I would give anything for her to be my waifu. That stargazing scene was very very well-done with the right amount of emotions and great visuals (FROM DEEN! WOW~). It overshadowed the earlier scenes of the bees and bear attack and Sera's sexy little scene.

And of course, the popularity continues, but this time with a mega twist for Ayumu. Dear Saras confesses in bizarre fashion to Ayumu. I am so looking forward to her interactions, especially with that rape-face for his ass and her abusive tongue calling Ayumu her darling. Ayumu is not mote-mote? MY ASS!

Dai-sensei returns with Kyoko. Shimizu Ai!

And Eu remains uber-cute, delusional and real ones alike. :D
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An again... What the hell is this!?.

Ayumu is now a celebrity on the net and even has a video with more than 10 millions visits... holy s..., definitely the series fulfill the expectations of many people whom look for pantsus, blushed girls, harem and strange ways of demonstrate love, a normal chapter that leave us the expectation that something more interesting will may come.
MY HEART!! Jesus Christ, Yuki was so freaking adorable this week (even more so than usual, I mean). Good to see her relationship with Ayumu progress a bit. They're finally on a first name basis.

Somehow, I expected last week's events to be forgotten by everybody, and was pleasantly surprised to find out it wasn't the case. Ayumu (and his ass in particular thanks to his darling Saras) is now a world-famous pervert. It could have been worse, I guess. The twintails girl seems to have come to term with his cross-dressing and at least he's popular.

I can't wait to see the next episode! Kyoko and her magical jiggling breasts are finally back!
Awesome laughs again this week.

Shiri Ai?!?! WUT?!?! Sarasvati, you're one awesome girl. Great addition to the harem as her S nature will shine. Look at poor Sera's face when she heard 'ass' and 'hip' as the reason this top vampire ninja has her eyes for Ayumu.

Memory still remains un-fixed as Mysteltainn broke again after Haruna's efforts to fix it. Sera's moment of Ayumu was plain weird, after Sera kept staring at his ass and cant arrive at any conclusion. While it was weird, its always nice to see her have her own time and moments in the story and interaction.

Voodoo dancing, what the heck got into the 2 girls. While Yuki failed to maintain her awesome cute-ness from last week, this back-up dancer thing was being abused wrongly. Everyone got 'killed' by the dance, except Eu. I would say the best moment from the dancing part was NEW ORITO. Laughed hard when I heard his voice and his resulting conclusion and later the concert otaku.

Musou Eu-s still rule~
Finally. I've been throwing around the pun 尻愛 in my head for a long time, but this is the first time I've seen it in an anime. The gags this episode were carried off really well. The "fixing Mystelltain" segment, with Eu's "tools" was my favorite part of the episode, though the Cursed Dance carried itself fairly well, too. Yukinori's really not that good of a vampire ninja compared to her contemporaries, it looks like. The Kyoko and Orito subplots are both clipping along at a nice pace.

I wonder how long the Imaginary Eus are going to keep building up. By the end of the show, all 10 may very well be occupying Ayumu's mindspace.
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I have to say, even at its weakest, Zombie is never a chore to watch. Lackluster little filler episode, but it was cute how the model tied the story together. I got the feeling Haruna was working there just to get the money to replace what she broke of his, which was a nice touch. Hell, maybe they all were.

Sera's cooking reminded me of an old Warner Bros. cartoon where the fizz from a particularly strong drink burned right through the table in a similar fashion. I wish I could remember the actual cartoon.

Did... did Eu just execute all but one of the imaginary Eus? Because as mortified as I am to lose them, that's a very clever way to keep the bonus segment from turning into a 20 Eu pileup. I also like to imagine that it infuses Eu with their powers, Highlander-style.
DEEN is seriously setting the bars high this season with their 2 shows. Zombie remains the top of my to-watch list weekly after yet another wonderfully entertaining episode.

Coming off the episode when Yuki cheered Ayumu up, leading moments of extreme cuteness, this week's was no slouch. In fact, I think Eu alone stole more spotlights than Yuki for that episode. Falling sick is a very bad thing, Ayumu and co experiences it first hand in hard fashion. With Sera not around, the entire house is a major mess without the reliable onee-san. Eu's reason for being sick was hilarious, but watching her suffer SERIOUSLY suffocated me. Poor girl to endure such a crazy illness. Thankfully she has Ayumu and Haruna to back her up. Haruna had some tsun-moments as well, after being inspired by Sera. Watching Eu wanting to sleep with Ayumu in the night and Haruna's efforts in the porridge and the M-weed and the eventual next morning was darn sweet. I wished Ayumu would have man up and undress Eu's for her sake. Man up BRO!

Trouble's brewing, with the Vampire Ninja clan preparing for battle, which Saras stated would revolve around Ayumu.

MOUSO EU(S) LIVE! But the seiyuus are different already, DOES THAT MEAN THEY WERE REALLY KIA'ed last week? But they still remain so damn lovely. :D
Eu was way too adorable in this episode. She was the one with the illness and yet I'm the one who came close to dying. Being so cute is criminal!

Vampire ninjas got some nice service too, it's just a shame this show is censored.

Fanservice aside (Dyson-chan ;_; ), that was a very funny episode once again. Ayumu's dance never fails to crack me up.

A moment of silence please.

Looks like Yuki stole the spot again with extremely cute waifu antics. That confession was extremely sweet. 'I wont look at other guys except for you.' How you wish someone said that to you.

Mysteltainn-sensei's english is all wrong. 'I'll be back.' doesnt make sense when you are already back. Poor Ayumu still gets trolled by Gai, even after the super-kimoi memory wipe. I liked that interaction with Tae after school hours. And Orito gets his moments as he continues to score with Mihara.

We get a megalo action finally, with yet another kimoi and oddball couple in a raccoon and gorilla. Thats sexual harassment. The vampire ninjas know something is up, hinted with Yousei-san back to her senses. I expect to see Kyoko and Dai-sensei soon too.

More bunny suits please! More mosou Eu(s) please too!

Quote of the week : "OPPAI WA SEIGI YO"
Although I love the slice of life comedy episodes, I enjoyed the plot heavy episodes of the first season as well, so I welcome the return of a serious plot in the second season. I want Kyoko to make her return already. That blood puking guy is as funny as he is mysterious. I have no clue whatsoever regarding who he might be. Not even sure whether he's an ally or an enemy.

On the lighter side of things, Yuki was once again beyond adorable in this episode. Her scenes with Ayumu are always so heart attack inducing. I'm pleased Takeo got a bit more screentime in this ep. She's also pretty cute. I doubt she's ever going to be relevant though.

PS: not enough bunny girl Sera and Eu...

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