Last Exile - Fam, the Silver Wing


Mein 3D Waifu
Elite Member
Nov 29, 2010

Have anybody watched this anime yet?
I presume it was the sequel for the Last Exile (2003), but I read from Youtube(yeah, I know not to trust everything posted in there), it could also be an alternate universe of Last Exile.

Lemme hear what y'all gotta say about this anime.
yeah just watched, i heard LE-fam timeline is 2 years after previous one. from official site char list seem only few chars from 1st exile will appears here, i hope Claus will appear too in few last episodes (maybe 1% chance lol).

about story is good, but for me i still wonder what happened to all char in LE. oh well just watch as new series not sequel hehe.
Finally subs!

A solid first episode.

The first few minutes got me extremely worried - the series opened with a fanservicey and stupid scene followed by a shot of the three heroines naked in the op. That's not the Last Exile I'm used to. As much as I like Fam's undies, I wish they had chosen a better opener for this series.

Thankfully, the rest of the episode gradually alleviated my worries, and I had almost completely forgotten about them by the end of the episode. The gorgeous visuals and the music quickly brought me back to the world of LE... even if that's not the same world here, but you know what I mean. The CGs blend nicely with the art.

The plot is very similar to that of the first series so far, the main difference being the absence of the Guild (which was the most fascinating faction of the first series) and the addition of moe princesses. Oh, and pirates too. Seems interesting enough.

My main issue right now would be Fam. I usually love spunky main character like her, but I'm afraid having such a character as the lead will make the atmosphere of this sequel very different from its predecessor - which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but I loved the first series so much I would have liked this one to be as close to the first one's spirit as possible. It's still way too early to judge, time will tell which direction this sequel will take. At any rate, it's good enough to know this won't (only) be about cute girls doing cute piloting.

What I loved the most about this episode was seeing Dio again. He hasn't changed one bit, and I wouldn't have it any other way! I wonder how much he remembers about the events of the previous series. Last time we saw him, he thought he was still in the race that took place in episode 7. His mention of Sophia (who apparently has some influence in this world) leads me to think his memories came back.

The other character I'm dying to see is Alvis. I wonder what kind of role she'll play... since she was the key to the Exile, maybe she's now acting as its pilot or something along those lines? Oh, and the guy behind her in the OP is definitely Vincent, drinking a cup of coffee as usual. There isn't much else left for me to speculate on... that's what happens when you watch the episode late, I guess, eh. I agree the moons are most likely the colonies (called Presters, apparently?) even though they don't seem to be hourglass shaped.
Also we need a badass captain, just like Alex Rowe in the previous Last Exile.
Haven't watched the first Last Exile but I have to say I'm very impressed by what Gonzo did with this first episode of LE - Fam, the Silver Wing

Very nice art/animation, awesome BGM and good ED. The OP is not really that good ...

The production value of LE could rival GC this season, but not as good as F/Z though...
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War, the most sinister of human conflicts, is one of the main focus of the series and the sequel continues it. This may be the world from which humanity was exiled, but now that we it we also see that it isn’t much different from Claus’ and Lavie’s world. Perhaps we can attribute it to… well… human nature, but you’d think that after such a long time in their exile humanity would have learned that there is no winner or loser in war, just those that have died and those left behind to pick up the pieces. This world is, essentially, no different from the world the Claus, Lavie and their companions left behind in the original. Dio’s presence and apparent lack of aging suggests that their Exile is fairly new to this world, and also suggesting that this human war in this world has been raging (hot or cold) even before they came.

The idea that this home world is the paradise humanity was exiled from seems to be a rather gross exaggeration. Maybe at one point it was, but maybe humanity’s arrival back home once again sparked the flames of war. War is a human construct, and perhaps the planet was itself peaceful before the prodigal sons of the planet came back. A very sad idea when you think about it. Paradise is about to be spoiled for a second time. Humanity never learns.

Fam is a hax pilot and Giselle has a photographic memory. At the start of the series there was some criticism that the characters are archetypes of the usual stock, an argument that is understandable since we don’t get to see much development from the characters besides the basics, but also premature because this is still the first part of the show. To me however, when Fam looked at the ring the king gave her, expressed her doubts and her wish to sometimes just run away from it all, we managed to get a glimpse of sincerity and sensitivity from a character who initially gave the impression of straight up sassy tomboyish qualities. Truth is we don’t know much about her so far, but that sense of longing she shows when Milia says goodbye to her father and when she starts thinking of the task at hands seems to suggest that she doesn’t really know the feeling of having a nuclear family, or perhaps had lost hers long ago. Every character in the Last Exile universe had their own stories and pasts, and I believe that Fam would be no exception.
In the midst of it all Fam still manages to give a straight face to everyone and muster the courage to do something when opportunity and problems alike arise. Fam comes off as a very strong and determined individual even as the world descends into war. Whether it be dodging flak, infiltrating battleships, retrieving old trinkets or taking on the planets most infamous vessel, she does it with a gusto that puts people like Millia in awe. Even then, there is a difference between having the strength and courage to face life as it happens and simply being unable to grasp the gravity of the situation. Fam is clearly the former. She is both spontaneous but calculating, speaks her mind but is thoughtful, gung-ho when she wants and takes time to reflect when she can. Again, reminds me of the far fewer types of female leads who have such contradicting yet believably human qualities.

She seems to behave with more bravado than anything else, but that scene in her room of a few seconds of quiet contemplation proves that she is not simply one of those brash and thoughtless characters running on impulse, unmindful and unaffected of the world around them. She cares, she thinks, she takes her time when she must. That moment in her room is her time to think and to analyze. The dramatic events of the past episode demanded quick thinking and even quicker action, and now that she has time, she seems to posses the wisdom to know that she needs to think things through more throughly when time allows. That is something I rarely see in characters these days.

Next episode, the awesome airship is back!?!?
I was enjoying the episode but as soon as I saw the Silvius -- and then TATIANA in action I literally started shaking with excitement! Especially while wearing the uniform. At that moment, I just did this:

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

That...was just a great episode, as far as what actually happened. I am totally pumped to see the old crew of the Silvana back again, and Dio is only making me like him more and more (he's already one of my favorites since the previous series). I especially liked how I got vibes of episode 5 of the first series, where Claus and Lavie also tried to take on the Silvana (except I'd say they were a little more successful than Fam and Giselle). Either way, welcome aboard to the most awesome ship in your show!

Although, I do have some gripes about the animation in this episode. Some of the faces looked off, and I was especially bugged by the angle of the cup by the window at 10:41. I mean, I couldn't pay attention to a single word Fam or Millia were saying because the mouth of the cup was just...ugh...physics does not work that way.
I doubt that Silvius is the same ship in the 1st Last Exile.
I prefer Silvana more than Silvius. Coz it got that menacing look like it can trade shots, head own with other ships, and ask for more. But we had watched that it's defences are not that effective again fighters, but then again, it was the Guild's starfighters that attacked it.
As for Silvius, it's more like an aircraft carrier, thou it got some big guns as well to defend itself again other ships.
Millia’s sheltered lifestyle is probably partly to blame for her unconventional approach to convincing the male dominated crew to give her some ship space to set up her domain. She’s fully serious now, if only to make a symbolic declaration that Turan continues to exist. Her seriousness includes dressing in a manner that would be considered too embarrassing for more regular folk, so it probably doesn’t dawn on her that most girls wouldn’t be caught dead on a maid uniform, at least in our (the viewer’s) day and age. Probably acceptable behavior in their era.

This doesn’t diminish her intentions for her people and her nation though. Silliness aside, she didn’t do it with the excessive amounts of sugar coated moe that most attempts in such attire would have demanded. She had a very serious air and intent with her, just too bad that being in that get up makes it kind of difficult to take her seriously. In the end she succeeds in claiming a small section on the Sylvius as extended domain of the Kingdom of Turan. It’s pretty obvious that Tatiana and the crew gladly gave her the space, and even a good dinner with it to boot, but you can’t say she didn’t try to earn it. If you perhaps just imagine that she wasn’t wearing a damned maid outfit when she made the speech to the ship, you’d see a very determined princess behind the frills.

Just like the original crew, there’s a reason (albeit hidden) that the ship is just flying around seemingly doing nothing. And just like the original series, we don’t know it yet. This is a brave new world for the ship’s crew so it’d be strange and pointless for the crew to just be flying around on what amounts to be one of the most high tech and powerful ships in the known planet. Alex Rowe and much of the original crew had a purpose as they flew around in search of Exile. Now that they’re back in the land of their ancestors, I surmise that they fly around not only to survey the world around them, but to also get a first hand view of the conflicts in their ancestral planet and to find out where the newly returned prodigal children stand. The purpose of securing ships for the Sylvius and by extension Turan seems to serve more than a simple military one, but they are tools of war, so combat is inevitable.

There is the question of whether the newly returned exiles have their own land or nation to call their own, and I believe that they probably do, and the crew of the Sylvius have realized that this is a war torn planet like their old one, and one that necessitates that they defend themselves once again.
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Millia’s sheltered lifestyle is probably partly to blame for her unconventional approach to convincing the male dominated crew to give her some ship space to set up her domain. She’s fully serious now, if only to make a symbolic declaration that Turan continues to exist. Her seriousness includes dressing in a manner that would be considered too embarrassing for more regular folk, so it probably doesn’t dawn on her that most girls wouldn’t be caught dead on a maid uniform, at least in our (the viewer’s) day and age. Probably acceptable behavior in their era.

This doesn’t diminish her intentions for her people and her nation though. Silliness aside, she didn’t do it with the excessive amounts of sugar coated moe that most attempts in such attire would have demanded. She had a very serious air and intent with her, just too bad that being in that get up makes it kind of difficult to take her seriously. In the end she succeeds in claiming a small section on the Sylvius as extended domain of the Kingdom of Turan. It’s pretty obvious that Tatiana and the crew gladly gave her the space, and even a good dinner with it to boot, but you can’t say she didn’t try to earn it. If you perhaps just imagine that she wasn’t wearing a damned maid outfit when she made the speech to the ship, you’d see a very determined princess behind the frills.

Just like the original crew, there’s a reason (albeit hidden) that the ship is just flying around seemingly doing nothing. And just like the original series, we don’t know it yet. This is a brave new world for the ship’s crew so it’d be strange and pointless for the crew to just be flying around on what amounts to be one of the most high tech and powerful ships in the known planet. Alex Rowe and much of the original crew had a purpose as they flew around in search of Exile. Now that they’re back in the land of their ancestors, I surmise that they fly around not only to survey the world around them, but to also get a first hand view of the conflicts in their ancestral planet and to find out where the newly returned prodigal children stand. The purpose of securing ships for the Sylvius and by extension Turan seems to serve more than a simple military one, but they are tools of war, so combat is inevitable.

There is the question of whether the newly returned exiles have their own land or nation to call their own, and I believe that they probably do, and the crew of the Sylvius have realized that this is a war torn planet like their old one, and one that necessitates that they defend themselves once again.

Agree. We'll just have to wait a few more eps to find out more about everything. Still waiting to see relation between both series.
Great episode not only do we get to see a great race in which they pay homage to Lavie and Claus's victory from the 1st season but we also get to see potentially what is happening behind the scenes in Augusta's name.

When taking over a country the best way is from the inside out. Getting rid of the noble families is a very intelligent move. Not only have potential threats and ships been removed from Luscinia's path but using Augusta's name to justify the purge will keep it legitimate all the while that little girl knows nothing and all the same the chess pieces are being moved in around her to remove her from power. Im starting to see the bigger picture here and its a bloody and ugly one much bloodier than i had anticipated. Luscinia seems to hold a grudge against everyone and everything. However Milinia Gov in Exile posters and Fam stealing of Ades ships served as a perfect backdrop for his Purge little does she and Fam know they made his plans go even smoother. Perfect way to have an excuse to Purge troublesome Royals

Im starting to wonder if the reason Anatoray sent the Silvius into action is because they some how obtain information about this plot knowing they couldn't stop what was going to happen they decided to recon and plan for the the future. Sophia was not only a good 2nd in command but if i remember she was also a good tactician. Sending out Tatiania and the Silvius has her name written all over it. There is no way Ades can hold so much territory effectively. Its bound to suffer the same problem Rome had at its decline too much territory and not enough men to defend it. Ades has a lot of ships but once you spread them thin you can hit and run forcing them to have to redeploy over and over. Given that a group left the Silviuswith a bunch of the stolen ships gives me the impression that something very huge is being planned. I am sure those ships were taken to Anatoray and Sophia.

Love the talk Giselle had with my waifu Alister in her sexy new voice lol. Its very easy to see how Alister could offer such advice given she was in the same position not long ago. I think Sophia and Fam are more alike than they think similarly to how Alex Row and Claus were similar but it took time for both of them to see it. I love Giselle her attention to detail and the ability to retain information is an asset. She instantly looked up when she heard Tatiania say Anatoray. There is no way she is going to forget that name she looked very curious. Its only a matter of time before she asked about the name.

I am also on board with the Silvana+Urbanus=Silvius it may be the best of both platforms plus some extra goodies to make it the ship it is. I find it to be a very logical theory.

I get the feeling the shit is about the hit the fan and when the battle lines are drawn and we see who take whats side and Anatoray enters the mix i think we are going to have one hell of a war.
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I thought nothing will top guilty crown in animation, but this episode tops it by a lot with background p0rn.

This was an interesting episode.

I find it interesting that Tatiana have been mentoring Millia about warfar. Sort of. Also, I'm starting to wonder what happened when the Silvius defeated that Ades fleet, something seems fishy about it. And I was not expecting Tatiana to have a lots of Earth political knowledge either.

Fam really need character development, the last 4 episodes focused more on Gisey and Millia than her, she's starting to feel stale and too childish compared to the other two. I feel a bit sorry for her too, she so want to be acknowledged by others (well mostly Tatiana it seems). That's why she wanted to steal 8 ships and not just one. I don't think she's going to leave the Silvius when she "finish" her contract either. Millia isn't going to leave anyway, she got a teacher, free of charge, and a bit of "land" aboard.

Also, is it me or Gisey is the "Tatiana" of this season with the "trying too hard" aspect and the "soon" to happen breakdown?

Glacier, a nice cold country. Not too sure why Ades would want a frozen rock, if they displaced Giona over Turan because they had cold weather. Poor Vincent, he's going to need really hot coffee for this diplomatic mission too. I'm also pretty sure that the unnamed OP pilots come from that country now. The ship in the background is sitting on a ramp, fit with what we saw in this episode. Now considering the lack of Greek lettering, the isolationist stance, the guild like colors and the central character having silver hair. I'm gonna speculate they are the true left behind people and not those from the Ades Fed.

The Ades stuff was also interesting. White Legacy? Looks like the Guild in Ades doesn't exist anymore. It's just a cult now. A cult that is trying to control the world by invading others. I'm calling it, that Federation is going to fall apart from within. I'm also speculating that Vasant, as former ruler of a "refugee" country, is an Exile key. Sara probably is as well.

Next episode: 65 vs 1 ships...and our chance to see Tatiana as Captain in a combat situation. Yes!
Giselle’s cold feet and inability to act is reminiscent of Lavi’s own incapacities in the original series. Here I presume it is the shock of watching the people she grew up with nearly getting slaughtered by the Ades military. I won’t call it PTSD, but clearly she is unable to handle the stress of the real face of war, so much so that Fam had to look to Millia for her Navi. That is not to say that Giselle is weak or feeble, far from it, but she shows a very human reaction to the horrors of war. Her tears at the end, probably due to being (temporarily) replaced by Millia, is understandable but you have to consider the fact that she was to an extent out of action by the recent events, and Fam cannot simply wait it out for her to come around. Perhaps Fam’s decision to recruit Millia was brash and ultimately a disservice to Giselle, but again looking at the bigger picture here she did it because she had to and not necessarily because she wants to.

Thick Russian aside, it might not be surprising that the Russian Exiles have the more advanced technology in this battle, equal or probably even greater than that of Sylvius and Anatoray. Tatiana calls them a rather isolated country that is fiercely defensive of their territory regardless of the enemy or the enemy’s enemy. It would seem they have no real loyalties or supports for any other country as long as they can hold their own. A very… Iron Curtain-ish approach if I recall my history right (and I probably don’t). We can consider them the “third force” of the conflict, if Sylvius and Anatoray take the mantle for the nations being subjugated by the Ades federation. Gaining Glacies as an ally against Ades would be a major help against their war of (re)conquest.

Ades for their part is shown to be far from the ultrapowerful military they have been portrayed in the previous episodes. They aren’t almighty either and also have their limits. Getting their asses kicked by the Sylvius and the Glacies fighters show that this is not some dominant empire on the verge of world domination, but an empire that is still getting back on it’s feet and desperately trying to find a way to regain what was once theirs. They too are a nation looking for a way to reclaim what they believe to have lost with whatever resources they have. In a way many of the countries in this conflict are on similar footing in one massive power-play: no single country is clearly dominant.
Well, just wait until Anatoray government officially join in. Then we'll have 1 massive battle, I hope, on multiple fronts.
It's Monday 12th already, and still no Episode 9 yet?
Was there any special event going on on Sunday, at Japan?
At some point I was about to write off the resolution as too convenient and pretty contrived. Clearly none of them are outright thoughtless, though they all realize that they really aren't really that good in the art of communication even if Fam and Giselle have lived together all their lives.

Nearing the end I couldn't help but think that the two of them going behind each other's back (sort of) to try and make things better for the other reminded me of an old Hebrew story about two brothers.

After that I think I sort of understood that in the end this wasn't supposed to be some great development or change in the both of them, but rather something to bring them closer and to teach them that they still have a lot to learn about communication, and that they can't simply assume to understand what the other is thinking. I and Thou and all that.

Anyway whatever VINCENT. He's still the self-confident man he was, and it is awesome.
wow... The new episode is mostly recap. It's only 9 episodes so I don't really see why it's so important to have one. D=
Heh. Fucking cliffhanger. The twist that Lilliana would betray Turan was predictable and I knew it would happen as soon as they hinted she was alive, but there's still lots of interest going on here. One thing I like is that the Turanian soldiers didn't just all follow Lilliana blindly, they asked questions and tried to persuade her to change her mind, but alas it was no good and I really have to wonder what her game is here. I'd argue she may have been turned as early as when she was used to turn the Exile against Turan and I can see this developing along the lines of Millia having to wrest control of the Exile from her and using it the right way. What I mean is that somehow I can't really picture Millia using the Exile to destroy the Federation Fleet outright, but more to act as a stop gap against them or possibly Alvis can teach her how to use it like she did, for purification and creation instead of destruction.

As soon as that Guild guy showed up in front of the trio my sole remark was, "Oh they're so dead unless Dio shows up in like 5 seconds" and sure enough he did. I like that although our heroines are pretty capable when it comes to stealing airships and using Vespas that there's some things they clearly can't do and places where they are outmatched and this is when our supporting cast usually steps in to do something awesome, be it Dio with his vast experience in all forms of combat or Tatiana and her strategy. This is how you do casts right.

The way I see it they're going to need to ally with Glacies now in order to match the Turan/Ades alliance as it's really the only way to even the playing field. Anatoray/Glacies vs. Ades/Turan sounds much more fair than Anatoray vs. Ades/Turan doesn't it? It's probably going to be up to Millia to negotiate this treaty and given how the episode ends with that reasonable seeming pilot that they encountered in episode 09 chasing them down I think it might be possible to do this as early as next episode. I have a hunch that she's the ace of Glacies and her word would probably go a long way in convincing their leaders to give this ragtag bunch a chance. They have mutual foes after all.....
Heh. Fucking cliffhanger. The twist that Lilliana would betray Turan was predictable and I knew it would happen as soon as they hinted she was alive, but there's still lots of interest going on here. One thing I like is that the Turanian soldiers didn't just all follow Lilliana blindly, they asked questions and tried to persuade her to change her mind, but alas it was no good and I really have to wonder what her game is here. I'd argue she may have been turned as early as when she was used to turn the Exile against Turan and I can see this developing along the lines of Millia having to wrest control of the Exile from her and using it the right way. What I mean is that somehow I can't really picture Millia using the Exile to destroy the Federation Fleet outright, but more to act as a stop gap against them or possibly Alvis can teach her how to use it like she did, for purification and creation instead of destruction.

As soon as that Guild guy showed up in front of the trio my sole remark was, "Oh they're so dead unless Dio shows up in like 5 seconds" and sure enough he did. I like that although our heroines are pretty capable when it comes to stealing airships and using Vespas that there's some things they clearly can't do and places where they are outmatched and this is when our supporting cast usually steps in to do something awesome, be it Dio with his vast experience in all forms of combat or Tatiana and her strategy. This is how you do casts right.

The way I see it they're going to need to ally with Glacies now in order to match the Turan/Ades alliance as it's really the only way to even the playing field. Anatoray/Glacies vs. Ades/Turan sounds much more fair than Anatoray vs. Ades/Turan doesn't it? It's probably going to be up to Millia to negotiate this treaty and given how the episode ends with that reasonable seeming pilot that they encountered in episode 09 chasing them down I think it might be possible to do this as early as next episode. I have a hunch that she's the ace of Glacies and her word would probably go a long way in convincing their leaders to give this ragtag bunch a chance. They have mutual foes after all.....
I really enjoyed this episode it was great to see the first and last grand race was suppose to be a symbol of lasting peace only to turn in a tragedy. It appears that even in the past Ades was not very well liked by some nations. Its easy to see how the Faranhaz message was taken to the extreme after her assassination and its to see why her each and everyone of generals are fanatically loyal. Even a message of hope can be taken to the extreme and turn into bloodshed similar to radical religious belief, its not the message its how one interprets that message.

I also find it interesting that all the major players were present and seem to have met before only to end allies or in direct conflict with one another in the present. Fam sure has not changed much neither has Giselle lol. I think we also are getting a look at why Liliana has chosen the path she is currently on and why she might have chosen of her own free will to go with Luschinia they had a connection from the very start. Its seem Faranhaz was the only person capable of restraining Luschinia and when she died he snapped and well here we are.

There were so many hints thrown into this one episode my head was spinning especially the picture Sadri was looking at. Genealogy is going to get very interesting in this series and peoples roles become more clear. Also, the identity of the assassins would also shed some light on that time period. Faranhaz stated that she was counted her sins on prayer beads after she was shot the assassin stated the dictator (at least that's what i got from translation) is dead. Obviously every country has enemies but im suspecting given the talk of annexation the assassins were from the country previously mentioned during the discussion in the hallway.

Crazy excited about the next episode as the story has finally moved within Glacies's boarders with Fam and gang covered in blankets being taken somewhere. Im very anxious to see the fate of the Dio and the crew of the Silivus and the exactly how much damage Ades dealt to the Sky Pirates and Giselle's family the last scene was not a good one.

I also find it funny that Glacies is known also as having some of the worlds hottest girls lol.
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I've only had the chance to watch the first two episodes.... I loved Last Exile and Fam is really good so far.... Just wonder Dio has to do with it... They led you to believe he dies in the first series. I really like Range Murata's work too!
I missed Claus and Lavi. I hope they got some airtime for this anime soon.
Glad to see Alvis again. Didn't recognize her with that new hairstyle of hers.

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