I'm fine thank you, just slightly tired since I woke up quite early and didn't get as much sleep as I needed. It's currently 17:23 in London at the moment.
No reason in particular, my body naturally wakes up around 10AM, so I only got 5 hours sleep. No nightmares whatsoever. I forgot the dreams I got today. ^^
Mmm, yes. But I try to come online as much as possible to cater for those outside of my time zone =]
Hmm hmm.. Sometimes dreams are hard to remember..
Only 5 hours, u must be feels so tired..
And i think this night i will only got 5 hours of sleep too..
Its around twelve right now in my place.. And i think i will sleep now.. Feels so sleepy..
Then i will woke up at 5 cuz have to go to school, so it's only 5 hours..
Anyway, will sleep now..
Good nite Gwee^^