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nanashi-san ! guten r u ? :korokke_hiya:

Well, a bit bored again: Because it's again a empty situtaion how every year in this time at the anime world (And am' because of this a bit melancholic as well...)>_> - But, this situation will soon - or better said: In this weekend a end find...!!!:runhappy:

Otherwise am' fine I think...

And you?:goodtea:
Well, a bit bored again: Because it's again a empty situtaion how every year in this time at the anime world (And am' because of this a bit melancholic as well...)>_> - But, this situation will soon - or better said: In this weekend a end find...!!!:runhappy:

Otherwise am' fine I think...

And you?:goodtea:

me too buddy....bored because i finished every scheduled anime.
Can´t wait to let this year finally come to an end...bad one,really bad....anyway looking forward to 2015 (trying to make myself more optimistic.....) feeling sad and melancholic these days so i know whatya lets hope for a good year and a good anime season !
Wow how sexistic of you Infa...~:bored:
me too buddy....bored because i finished every scheduled anime.
Can´t wait to let this year finally come to an end...bad one,really bad....anyway looking forward to 2015 (trying to make myself more optimistic.....) feeling sad and melancholic these days so i know whatya lets hope for a good year and a good anime season !

Yep. But some animes had really, still further go - E.g. Amagi or Trinity Seven...>_>

And well... I try optimistic to be for the next year, but let's us see...^_^
Ah really? Maybe was my neighbor: This devil...~:bored:

her name was Gizela,she was from szeged and studying art in berlin.she should be back home these days i think.

edit: and she was evil ! in so many ways.....
her name was Gizela,she was from szeged and studying art in berlin.she should be back home these days i think.

Oh Szeged...? Is on another side of Balaton, about 200 km. (In sky-line) far away from me...~:bored:
Oh Szeged...? Is on another side of Balaton, about 200 km. far away from me...~:bored:

but man i tell you...that food from hungary is so fu..... awesome ! im a cook so i know what im talking about....that szegedin goulash she made was one of the best things i ever ate ! why she is gone....
but man i tell you...that food from hungary is so fu..... awesome ! im a cook so i know what im talking about....that szegedin goulash she made was one of the best things i ever ate ! why she is gone....

Oh, we're then colleague, because i'm also a cook... And yeah, Hungary is famous with his gulyas - especially if it with hot chili made is, then can you to next hospital go...~:bored:
Oh, we're then colleague, because i'm also a cook... And yeah, Hungary is famous with his gulyas - especially if it with hot chili made is, then can you next hospital go...~:bored:

you really made my day nanashi-san after telling me your a cook too....wish you could see me grin now :D

some day we have to talk about paprikas and törkölt....:puniko_thumbsup:

edit: i meant pörkölt !
wish you could see me grin now :D

some day we have to talk about paprikas and törkölt....:puniko_thumbsup:

edit: i meant pörkölt !

...And, do you mean: Outside of ASF (Well, RL) or inside should we talk sometime...?:bored:

Edit: Yep. This is as well awesome dish!

...And, do you mean: Outside of ASF (Well, RL) or inside should we talk sometime...?:bored:

Edit: Yep. This is as well awesome dish!

RL well maybe some day in the future....who knows ? always nice to meet colleagues from all over the world :)
RL well maybe some day in the future....who knows ? always nice to meet colleagues from all over the world :)

I see... Well, how looks in summer out?

And on the forum are some cooks - e.g. like: AntiClimax (For me just Anti...)...:bored:
I see... Well, how looks in summer out?

And on the forum are some cooks - e.g. like: AntiClimax (For me just Anti...)...:bored:

nice to hear that ! my grandma spent her holidays in hungary every year since the 70`s and she´s the one who gave me some really nice recipes she brought from over there (awesome traditional paprikas f.e)
nice to hear that ! my grandma spent her holidays in hungary every year since the 70`s and she´s the one who gave me some really nice recipes she brought from over there (awesome traditional paprikas f.e)

I see... Well, paprika is a really high-valued-traditional spice at us here - Even the hot version - What really often in daily dishes goes...~:bored:

Edit: Am' not really bored just playing then bored one.

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