Latest Thought~

Updating my wallpaper collection, been too lazy in that front for years.
Mainly realistic space themes, classical statues and random music video shots.
Ugh, just want to stay out of the limelight for a bit. :scared:
I was almost wishing that was the canonical ending...but then the story would've been too short to end at 6 chapters if the protagonist died. :laughpanda:
Parody music seems to do well with Stairway to Valhalla.
Now I know why Fabio left his vacancy, just to sing about cheese and explicit barbies.
To buy RE2 in 8 hours for the preorder bonuses...or save some cash? :sigh:
Coffee doesn't fit me, or is it just the Monday... at least crickets wont keep me down.
Still playing the board game for as much loot as possible. :cramming:
Nothing is more comforting than a massive cleansing ball of flame.

(Playing RE2 Remake and (over)killing everything with unlimited flame round grenades made me realize that brightly lighted halls, even when caused by uncontrollable fires, is much preferable to darkness.)
The bridge of Togetsu, isn't exactly leading into moon, it's way too technical. :stress:
Repelling electromagnetism, with infinitive apples.

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