Latest Thought~

Being image detective and also starting collecting properly images, not just randomly.
If only I got the time for my own drawings too, bit bothering maybe.
Quote of the week: ''The God rays are coming out of the earth!''
''Hey it's not bad, just like indie death stranding right?''
- Australian guy.
It'll be a bit lonely just having only myself around. :fag:
Oh dear I need new phone, my last one dropped into beer pint, well hey at least the music was pretty fun. There was a pleasant turn out of Rhapsody fans.
The choir guy started to do Pavarotti impressions so what ever, all-good Turilli didn't disappoint, but where was his pianist guy?
Haven't been at concert in 5 years so this was pretty new to me, we were like Swedish fish in the tincan, so so. Arcanum (Da Vinci's Enigma) was best new song display there.
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Illustrator hunt going as normal, been non-active for last 8 months in that department.
Enjoying fancy dresses in baroque style and Japanese visual kei.
I want a guitar player plushie, that looks like Hisaki. Enough said.
Death was not the end of everything, perhaps you can start your life over somewhere else?

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