Latest Thought~

Midnight comes and it's almost time to wind down... :sleepmoon:
Just do it; you know you want to. :evillaugh:

Me, I really wanted Yan Fei but I hit 76 on Childe's pulling for Rosaria. Just waiting for the 18th to try my luck with Eula. :gambler:
Lol, Im on guarantee so next 5 star will be on banner... it just depends if I want zhongli's utility or a waifu :akazukin_tsk:
Wonder what was the result? :goodtea:

Free's nice, too bad Genshin's too new for them to be generous.
I ended up with a diona instead of zhongli :goodtea: And yeah... mihoyo is super stingy with rewards atm... You will get like 2-4 guaranteed 5 stars if you do all the dailies and spiral abyss for a year... events give a pittance to go with that... I feel like the later you join, the more fun the game will be :akazukin_dead:

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