Latest Thought~

I want takoyaki at midnight

and you feed shogun takoyaki in the Cherry Blossoms Garden Arylin. :goodtea:
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It's often said that to attack is easier than to defense, because to defense requires more time and energy for the setup making sure no any weakness to be shown to enemies, but enemies just need to find defense weakness somewhere always.
Yep for fortresses maybe they are under more stress that
means collapse of order in organization they manage once failed. It depends on situation of battlefield especially for attack side sure. :sleepmoon:
The DVD of the Hollywood movie in which a popular American actor played the main character has sold eight million copies in Japan alone.
Sunset, sunrise... just a point of view and a matter if time.
Please, say it ain't so!

Just when I thought movie ideas had hit the bottom if the barrel, look what got scraped up.


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