Latest Thought~

hi selva.....OOO new siggy^^...nyemm i should change this failure sig o' mine>.<
yeah:<....i have trouble to make the background=/.....mehh back to practice:cramming:
pre-made? mean we just make the pattern from already made image?
just google cool backgrounds and blend them in your sig

or just simply past renders on them and touch them up after :p

simple sig tips XD
should check background in google then:8

bakunyuu onee-san last night:nosebleed:
you don't need to create from scratch neko never does that :p

I seldom do it :p

I only do it when its neccessary and its nothing too fancy :p
me too, maybe I'll just relaxing for a while

night [MENTION=28026]Selvaria Bles[/MENTION]; :bye:

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