Latest Thought~

アギトになりたい。。。いや ファイズ。。。 待て。。 ヂケイド!
I didn't watch OOO onwards... the last one was decade. Man it's nice if you can transform to any kamen rider you want at any time
hmm....i guess black is still the best though, man the opening is cool
hmm.. for me the best story is kuuga & agito, probably faiz too.

Almost all of the heisei eras have good ops
sigh....i missed the kuuga's series when it's aired on tv=/....they should re-run it

did he changed to ultimate form in the tv series?
Yup he did, too bad only in the last episode though when he fought daguva.
One thing I have to say about kuuga, It's pretty violent for a child-based series XD
sigh....maybe i should download the series...oh wait maybe youtube has it:gotidea:.....'s dark theme story....even saint seiya has stopped airing here=/
I download them :\

I found myself looping the henshin compilation video XD

there's even blood.. awesome
maybe because the scenes are awesome?

blood?...that's dangerous:o_O:

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