Latest Thought~

lol I am trying to, they're just hard headed since they don't really know much about "online" stuff.
All they know is it's dangerous, I even explained that this isn't some random seller, but a famous website so no need to worry, but still :\

the problem is the item that I wanted to buy, it's a game & if I say it they would just tell me to buy it somewhere else not online, though I could tell them that this game is going to be released only in jap... we'll see...
all this due to my god damn debit
Convinced them until they approve.... That what I did to get my Limited Edition FF: Crisis Core PSP only in Japan....
UPDATE : WOW, they're convinced already O_O
though not much XD
now I have to wait for them to relax & say it once again "borrow your credit card please" XD
Well... Convinced them some more until they fully accept it.... Promise them things that you could do for them.... It always help in the long run....
Lol I don't need to promise her (my mother), since her problem with me buying online is only phishing & other stuff like that, I had to carefully explain everything to her

well everything's done, now just wait till june & get the invoice and stuff ^^
Same here, I am planning to buy kurumi figs & other things.. need to convince her again a few months after this D:
Surprise Compile Hearts is making the game and it an ADV type..... Thought they would add some figurine like for Neptunia games....
Well... I would love to import some of their games but the cost is ouch..... I probably will import for the 3 Neptunia games that come out for the Vita.... Not sure if it gonna hit western market....
hmm....strongest party....i need that mushroom though..-10 level!!:lmao:
Hmm.... So everything if I pick the fastest shipping for this game I want will be close to $120....

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