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i wanna get a 3rd monitor. i consider my TV as my 2nd monitor, and i don't want to spam on a TV lol
Really slow today.

[MENTION=40801]infamous[/MENTION]; I got a second monitor recently, which allows me to be much more spammy. :P Now working on two 24 inch monitors. :D
Resolution should be the same, and then everything will just look bigger/more blocky
Your one monitor is like 10.5 inches?!?!? Wow that is pretty small, even for a small laptop. That is the size of my tablet screen.

I can understand why going from that to an almost 50 inch screen would be jarring XD
Oh so it is on a lappy already. I thought you meant like a desktop mounted monitor. So like a netbook then I guess? I was thinking about getting a shitty one of those so I can work on programming while I'm at university, or maybe actually take some notes next semester if things start getting tougher at all.
Hehe I don't like doing stuff on a TV with my computer much either. It seems to always have some mapping errors too for some reason, maybe because it is an older TV?

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