Latest Thought~

lol no prob~ im used to getting the "violent retribution for accidental infringement" treatment >.>
Don't worry, I won't ever hurt someone. So you can call me what you like.
But not tsundere, since I'm not. >~<
Hmm... there was another choice for being quiet and stuff wasnt there?... Though i do believe that one fits you even less...
I'm sure of it.. well, if you want to call me a tsundere then sure I guess..
Can't help it if you consider me one...~
i shall keep it in the back of my mind and let it be at rest for now that way everyone will be happy kay~?
My avi is from Dangan Ronpa, the character being Kyouko Kirigiri.
And my sig is from Touhou, the character being Momiji Inubashiri.
Lol xD The odd types of deres... Though theres a surprisingly little amount when i look at the charts...
ahh i thought i recognized the avi from somewhere it was the anime i watched last night~
now that u mention it it has been a while since the trollking has been active hasnt it...

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